Secondary Education (BSED) (Citizenship) The following course sequence sheet is for illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as formal academic advisement. Course selections and sequence may vary depending on course availability and counsel from your academic adviser. You should consult an academic adviser before developing an actual academic plan. Cr. First Semester Cr. Second Semester 3 HISTORY.121 U.S. History Col Period 1877 3 HISTORY.125 Western Civilization to 1650 3 HISTORY.122 U.S. History 1877 to present 3 HISTORY.126 Western Civilization since 1650 3 ENGLISH.101 Found of College Writing 3 PSYCH.101 General Psychology or PSYCH.101 General Psychology or ENGLISH.101 Found of College Writing 3 EDFOUND.204 Educational Technology 3 SPECED.101 Introduction to Indiv. w/Exceptional or 1 EDFOUND.206 Teachers, Schools, & Society 3 MATH.101 Mathematical Thinking 13 Total Semester Credits 15 Total Semester Credits Cr. Cr. Fourth Semester (1) INTSTUDY.100 Optional University Seminar Third Semester 3 HISTORY.298 Historiography and Historical Methods 3 English Lit Course (151, 152, 156, 226, 227, 236, 237, 246, 247, or 257) 3 COMMSTUD.103 Public Speaking or COMMSTUD.104 Interpersonal 3 100/200 Regional or Non-Western History Course 3 ECONOMIC.121 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 ECONOMIC.122 Principles of Microeconomics 3 MATH.141 Intro to Statistics 3 HISTORY.398 Research & Writing Skills 3 EDFOUND.291 Principles of Teaching MUSIC.101 Music Listening or 3 THEATRE.102/103 or Intro to Theatre or Theatre Appreciation 3 EGGS.104 World Regional Geography 18 Total Semester Credits 18 Total Semester Credits Cr. Cr. 3 EDFOUND.251 Psychological Foundations of Education Fifth Semester Sixth Semester 3 100/200 Regional or Non-Western History Course 3 Any 300/400 course in U.S. History 3 ASLTERP.155 American Sign Language 1 or Competency test or any second lang 102 level 3 Any 300/400 course in Non-Western or Regional History 3 Any 300/400 course in European History 3 PSYCH.212 Adolescence 3 EGGS.101 Intro to Physical Geography 3 POLISCI.120 U S Government 3 Any 300/400 course in History 3 EDFOUND.427 Classroom Man & Eff Disc 1 Gen Ed Course 3 CHEM.100 Chemistry and the Citizen 16 Total Semester Credits 18 Total Semester Credits Cr. Seventh Semester Cr. Eighth Semester 3 PROFSTUD.494 ELL Strategies 6 EDFOUND.497 Student Teaching (First Assignment) 3 SECED.355 Teaching Social Studies 6 EDFOUND.498 Student Teaching (Second Assignment) 12 Total Semester Credits 3 Any 300/400 course in History 3 EDFOUND.311 Classroom Measures & Assessment 3 EDFOUND.406 Multicultural Education or SPECED.275 Linking Assessment or 3 SPECED.358 Methods of Instr for Students with Disabilities 18 Total Semester Credits TOTAL CREDITS: 126129