Reclaim Your Holidays

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Reclaim Your Holidays
August 2013
In This Issue
Helping educators use RYH resources
Alternative gift
Alternative gift articles ready for fall newsletters
Eight Steps
These short articles on gifts of experience and
farmer's market gifts are perfect for your fall
newsletter and local media. Just add your
audience and logo. Webinar series
Increase holiday
Our Mission
Reclaim Your Holidays
helps Iowans create
meaningful and
friendly holidays by
providing practical and
inspiring information,
as well as opportunities
for dialogue and idea
Quick Links
Eight Steps presentation easily adaptable
for many audiences
If you've been asked to do a fall/winter
program for a service organization,
church, or library, we have an answer.
The learner­centered presentation,
Eight Steps for Creating Richer, More
Meaningful Celebrations,
A Pocket Guide ­ actions can be adapted for many audiences to for a richer future
help them take small steps for more
rewarding celebrations. FREE webinar series on green celebrations ‐
sign up now !
Join Our List
This free 3­part series starts Sept. 10 (T),
1:30­3 p.m. Register now to get new
information to help you inspire your
audiences to make their celebrations more
joyful and environmentally friendly. For
more information, contact Register online here Help audiences increase holiday pleasure, meaning
Help your audiences increase holiday
pleasure and meaning by looking at their
past activities. Find the presentation here
with instructions and materials online
ready to use. Thank you for your interest in helping Iowans create more
meaningful, more environmentally friendly holidays.
Susan Salterberg
Carole Yates
UNI Center for Energy & Environmental Education
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