Welcome to Part II, Registration Information:

Welcome to Part II,
Registration Information:
This information is specific to the
following Plans of Study:
Early Childhood Education
Elementary Education
Middle Level Education
Note: The following information is an organizational tool. It does NOT replace
official documents such as the UNI catalog, Schedule of Classes, advisement
report, UNITED system or Student Information System. Students are responsible
for learning and understanding their program requirements based on official
Preparing for Registration: Get Organized
and Informed Early in the Term
Declare a Plan of Study
Learn admission requirements to Teacher Education
 See www.uni.edu/teachered
Learn program requirements
 See www.uni.edu/catalog/
 1.) Select Undergraduate Program Requirements, 2.) select Curriculum and
Instruction, and, 3.) select Major or Endorsement/Minor of choice
Know your advisement report; use it for planning
 Tutorial: http://www.uni.edu/sis/content/academic-advisement-report-student-online-self-help
Obtain paper copies of Plans/Endorsements from Schindler #189; these worksheets
clarify course sequencing
Attend orientations and training sessions; ask questions
A 2.5 or higher grade point average (GPA), for both the UNI & cumulative totals, is
required; the Literacy Endorsement requires a 3.0 UNI/cumulative
Be pro-active in the learning process; contact The Academic Learning Center
(ITTC #007) for reading, writing, math or Liberal Arts Core tutoring
Full Admission to Teacher Education
Requires Advance Planning
Level II (EDPSYCH 3148, TEACHING 3128 and MEASRES 3150) requires full
admission to Teacher Education, and successful completion of Level I. Take
Level I (EDPSYCH 2030 & TEACHING 2017), and become fully admitted,
during the first year at UNI. Transfer students should accomplish this
before or during their first term at UNI.
Tips for making progress toward full admission:
Complete a Declaration of Curriculum
Submit the application to Teacher Ed. before taking Praxis Core
Schedule a time for Praxis; visit Examination Services (ITTC #007) for
scheduling information
Prepare for Praxis; tutoring is available through Examination Services
Maintain the minimum 2.5 GPA requirement
Schedule Level I early
More on Full Admission
Requirements to Teacher Education
A grade of C- or higher is required for the following
courses (or equivalencies) in the Liberal Arts Core
category 1:
 (1A) Reading and Writing
 (1B) Speaking and Listening
 (1C) Quantitative Techniques and Understanding
 Math Reasoning for Elementary Teachers I—MATH 1204
is required for Elementary, Early Childhood and
Elementary/Middle Level Plans; this course satisfies the LAC
1C requirement AND is a pre-requisite to upper division math
Note: Use UNITED to monitor individual progress in
Teacher Education
FAQ’s About Registration Policies
(Q=Question and A=Answer)
Q: How can I raise my GPA?
Q: If I do not have a 2.5 GPA, and I am not fully admitted to Teacher
Education, can I still register for Level II and upper division courses or can
a seat be reserved while I am working on these requirements?
A: Repeat courses with F, D or C- grades; this is the most efficient strategy for
raising GPA.
A: No. Students must satisfy pre-requisite requirements prior to registering.
Seats are not reserved. This policy includes classification requirements.
Q: What are the classification requirements and how are enrollment times
assigned to students?
A: 30 hours = Sophomore
Enrollment times are assigned to students through the Registrar’s Office and
posted on MyUNIverse—Student Center.
Note: Credit hours in progress, at UNI, are figured into a given registration cycle;
thus, if a student has 50 graded hours, and is currently enrolled in 15 hours, s/he
would be eligible for junior standing classes (50+15=65). Courses in progress
outside of UNI require an official transcript showing successful completion of
hours earned.
60 hours = Junior
90 hours = Senior
Understanding Course Sequencing &
Level I—EDPSYCH 2030 & TEACHING 2017(or direct equivalencies)—
are key pre-requisite requirements and should be taken early in the
program; Level I does NOT require full admission to Teacher Education
 Students must reserve ½ day (same day/time), weekly, for the Exploring
Teaching Field Experience (see online Schedule of Classes for details)
 Specifics regarding this field experience (where/when/how/who, etc.) are covered
during regular class time at the beginning of the term
Other courses that do NOT require full admission to Teacher Education
and should be taken early in the program follow—pre-requisites are in ( ):
 Math Reasoning for Elementary Teachers I—MATH 1204
 Children’s Literature—LITED 1044 (2.5 UNI/cum GPA)
 Educational Technology & Design—INSTTECH 1031
 Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learner—SPED 3150 (EDPSYCH 2030)
 Health & Physical Education for Elementary Teachers—HPELS 2045
(EDPSYCH 2030)
More on Course Sequencing and
Courses that do NOT require full admission to Teacher Education, but are
upper division and have pre-requisite requirements:
 Math Reasoning for Elem. Teachers II—MATH 2204 (Math I grade of
C- or higher)
 Math Reasoning for Elem. Teachers III—MATH 3204 (Math II grade of
C- or higher; 2.5 UNI/cum GPA; junior standing)
 Methods of Teaching Visual & Performing Arts Integration in the
Elem. Classroom—ELEMECML 4123 (2.5 UNI/cum GPA; junior
 Dev. & Assessment of Young Child—EDPSYCH 4109 (Declared Early
Childhood Plan; EDPSYCH 2030; junior standing)
 Nutrition (Early Childhood Plan; all sections are online)
 Dev. Middle School Aged Child—EDPSYCH 4152 (Declared Middle
Level Plan; EDPSYCH 2030; junior standing)
Level II, Level III and the Professional
Education Sequence
Level II requires full admission to Teacher Ed., a 2.5 GPA, successful
completion of Level I and involves three courses taken as co-requisites:
 Learning & Instruction in Classroom Contexts—EDPSYCH 3148 (3 hrs.)
 Field Experience—Teacher as Change Agent—TEACHING 3128 (1 hr.—see
online Schedule of Classes for field experience details)
 Classroom Assessment—MEASRES 3150 (2 hrs.)
Level III (Level II, 2.5 UNI/cum GPA; Curriculum; junior standing) is an
advanced field experience that occurs within Elementary Classroom
Management—ELEMECML 3120; ideally, it is scheduled in the term prior
to Student Teaching:
 Level III is often referred to as Participation Week and occurs around mid-term
(details are covered during regular class time)
Other upper division Professional Education courses include:
 Schools in American Society—SOCFOUND 3119 (successful completion of
Level II; 2.5 GPA; junior standing)
 Human Relations: Awareness & Application—TEACHING 4170 (full
admission to Teacher Ed.; 2.5 GPA; junior standing)
FAQ’s About Level II and the
Profession Education Sequence
(Q=Question and A=Answer)
Q: How do I register for Level II?
 A: Students must register for Learning & Instruction in Classroom
Contexts, Teacher as a Change Agent, and Classroom Assessment as corequisites. Place all co-requisites in the enrollment shopping cart and register
for them at the same time. Students who have a transferred equivalency to
Learning & Instruction should register for Teacher as a Change Agent and
Classroom Assessment only.
Q: Can I skip over a designated pre-requisite in order to take one of the
Professional Education courses that fit better into my schedule; or, can I
take pre-requisites as co-requisites with advanced courses to shorten the
 A: No. Courses are sequenced because content is sequenced. It is intentional
in order to help students grow professionally. Course sequencing is governed
by curriculum policy which faculty, staff and students must follow. Additionally,
it is a demonstration of acceptable Professional Dispositions.
Methods Courses
Methods are the highest upper division courses (2.5 GPA; full admission
to Teacher Ed.; successful completion of Level II and Curriculum course(s);
junior standing). Methods include:
 Elementary Classroom Management—ELEMECML 3120 (K-8)
 Guidance & Instruction in Early Child. Ed./Experience—ELEMECML
4130/4192 (Early Childhood)
 Teaching Elementary School Science—ELEMECML 3161
 Teaching Elementary School Social Studies—ELEMECML 3164
 Methods of Teaching Content Literacy—LITED 3116 (Elementary)
 Teaching Math in the Elementary School—MATH 3203 (grade of C- or higher
required in the pre-requisite math course)
Ideally, Methods are taken as co-requisites in the term prior to student
teaching; however, students often need to divide them in order to
complete Endorsement/Minor requirements simultaneously.
 Factors that impact scheduling: offerings, availability, rigor, personal
circumstances, etc.
Student Teaching Round-up,
Graduation Check &
Registration for Student Teaching
Student Teaching Round-up (S. T. Round-up)
 Occurs exactly one year prior to the Student Teaching term
 Usually scheduled in the afternoon of the first two days of a new term
(Fall/Spring)—attendance is required
 Organized by the Office of Student Field Experiences (OSFE) located in
Schindler #509—to contact the Department Secretary, call (319) 273-2806
 Students are assigned to a faculty advisor who coordinates the application and
interview process; faculty authorize and sign necessary forms
Graduation Check
 Occurs in the same term as S. T. Round-up prior to registration
 An official check that all program requirements are satisfied
 Contact a Record Analyst for Elem., Early Child. and Mid. Lev. Education to
request a graduation check: (319) 273-2245
 Registration for Student Teaching
 OSFE registers students who have met all pre-requisite requirements
Complete First Year
ENGLISH 1005 College Writing & Research—grade of C- or higher is required
COMM 1000 Oral Communications—grade of C- or higher is required
MATH 1204 Math Reasoning for Elementary Teachers I—grade of C- or higher is required to progress in math sequence
Level I—EDPSYCH 2030 Dynamics & TEACHING 2017 Exploring Teaching (2.5 gpa; background check)
INSTTECH 1031 Educational Technology & Design
Key Junior Standing Courses for Early Childhood or Middle Level Majors:
These courses do NOT require a 2.5 GPA or full admission to Teacher Education, but MUST be taken early in program
EDPSYCH 4109 Development of the Young Child (Early Childhood)
EDPSYCH 4152 Development of the Middle School-Aged Child (Middle Level)
Requires Full Admission to Teacher Education and a 2.5 GPA:
Level II—EDPSYCH 3148 Learning & Instruction, TEACHING 3128 Teacher as a Change Agent, and MEASRES 3150 Classroom
Assessment (transfer students who have EDPSYCH 3148 in transfer work only take TEACHING 3128 and MEASRES 3150)
Curriculum Courses (also require junior standing)
ELEMECML 4150 Elementary Curriculum (Elementary Majors)
ELEMECML 4151 Early Childhood Curriculum (Early Childhood Majors only)
ELEMECML 4152 Middle Level Curriculum (Middle Level Majors only)
Note: The curriculum course is a pre-requisite to Methods courses numbered ELEMECML 3120, 3161, 3164 and LITED 3116
(Elementary Majors). Curriculum must be taken as soon as a student is eligible or their program will be delayed. Curriculum may
NOT be taken as a co-requisite with Methods.
Know the Math Sequence (a grade of C- or higher is required in each course):
MATH 1204 Math Reasoning for Elem. Teachers I
MATH 2204 Math Reasoning for Elem. Teachers II (MATH 1204)
MATH 3204 Math Reasoning for Elem. Teachers III (junior standing, 2.5 GPA; MATH 2204)
MATH 3203 Teaching Math in the Elementary School (full admission to Teacher Education; junior standing; 2.5 GPA; MATH 3204)
Grade Requirements for Professional Education & Methods Courses:
Professional Education courses require a grade of C- or higher
Methods courses require a grade of C or higher
This concludes Part II. Thank you and please revisit
this powerpoint prior to each registration period
(registration occurs in November and March).
Part I has important orientation information for
Elementary, Early Childhood, and Middle Level
Education Plans. Students are invited to review this
information as a refresher while working through their
Parts I & II are located on the COE Advising website:
 www.uni.edu/coe/current-students/collegeeducation-professional-advisors