Student Senate Meeting Minutes  Monday, November 3, 2014  3:00 pm  Building 200(Board Room) 

Student Senate Meeting Minutes Monday, November 3, 2014 3:00 pm Building 200(Board Room) 1.0 Organizational Items 1.1 Call to Order at 3:15 1.2 Roll Call Executive Officers President Jesse Esquire (Present) Vice President Noeli Paz Soldan (Present) Finance Director Luis Flores (Present) Inter Club Council Chair Derek Hull­Jenkins [Interim] (Present) Events Coordinator Theresa Pedrosa (Absent) Communications Director Hye Shin [Interim] (Present) Secretary Valeria Cazares­Lopez [Interim] (Present) Legislative Director [Vacant] Representative­at­Large Bianca Bullock (Present) Student Trustee Kate Dolorito (Present) Representatives Valeria Cazares(Present) Hye Shin(Present) Michael Robinson(Present) Alfredo Figueroa(Present) Bobby John (Present) AJ Assef (Present) Derek Hull­Jenkins(Present) 1.3 Recognition of Quorum Quorum was met with twelve members present. 2.0 Adoption of the Agenda Motion to adopt the agenda. Moved by: Noeli Paz Soldan Seconded By: Valeria Cazares­Lopez 3.0 Approval of the Minutes Motion to adopt SSCC meeting 10/20/14 and 9/15/14 Minutes. Moved by: Kate Dolorito Seconded by: Noeli Paz Soldan 4.0 Public Comments New bookstore manager J.Gendron introduced herself to the Senate and informed Senate to submit a donation letter when requesting donations. 5.0 Oral Reports 5.1 Finance Director “The Appropriations Committee met today, Monday Nov. 3rd. We have decided to require students who will be applying for funding from Student Senate to be in some way affiliated with a student club, CC program or department, faculty person, or other Chabot entity at the time of application rather than at a later point after his or her funding request application has been considered. The associated person would need to co­sign with the student applicant for the application to be considered by the committee. As a recap, even though we are opening the pot of discretionary funding this year directly to our constituency and are prioritizing their funding requests; a student request which is of lower priority per the criteria grid in comparison to one by a Faculty person which meets say "First Priority" status would not be of higher priority. Furthermore, for a student request to "skip the line" so to speak, the request would need to meet "First Priority" criterion. At that point it, the student request would be considered absolute first priority and would in effect be considered ahead of a Faculty person's request which meets the same­First Priority­ status per the criteria grid. A Zonemail e­mail was not forwarded to students to inform them of our funding process due to some internal hurdles. For this reason, notice to the full student body will not be issued for this month. The deadlines for Faculty and students to submit funding applications is Nov. 5th and Nov. 12th respectively. The budget will be updated as I forward Disbursement Requests up the chain (final confirmation comes to me afterwards from administration). The funding criteria grid as well as the funding process and application will also be accessible through Google Docs. From a fiscal policy perspective, interims do not receive a stipend. However, at least a partial Executive stipend is in order for time served as interim­Executives. Academic/Faculty Senate discussed faculty prioritization at their last meeting. This isn’t a conversation we should weigh in on at the moment. Citizen’s Oversight Committee met since our last Regular Meeting. The independent auditor found no significant discrepancies in bond expenditures. In other words, bond monies are being handled responsibly.” 5.2 Student Trustee Raised student concerns over access to cafeteria hours and suggested hour be 7am to 7pm. The next Board Meeting will take place November 18th at the district office. 5.3 Office of Student Life The Health Center will be offering free flu shots to students. The Shared Governance retreats have been very successful thus far. A Public Relations position for OSL is open. Anyone interested should speak with Arnold Paguio. 5.4 Faculty Advisor Welcomed incoming Senators. Author Nell Bernstein will be on campus November 6th, 2:30pm ­4:00 pm in the Event Center. Reminded Senators to check GroupWise and e­mail daily and keep lines of communication open. Also, she asked new Senators to get in touch with Alfredo Figueroa regarding the UC Berkeley field trip. Also, urged Senators to submit Shared Governance reports to Bianca Bullock. 6.0 Consent Agenda Motion to move consent agenda item 6.1 to New Business. Moved by: Luis Flores Seconded by: Michael Robinson Disposition: Passed 7.0 New Business 7.1 SSCC UC Berkeley Lunch Funding Motion to approve a $300 cap that would cover lunch for the UC Berkeley trip happening on November 14th. Moved By: Noeli Paz Soldan Seconded by: Alfredo Figueroa Disposition: Passed 7.2 Student Senate Library /Archive [ITEM PULLED] 7.3 SSCC Table Cloths/Banners Motion to approve funding for SSCC table cloths and banners. Moved by: Luis Flores Seconded by: Noeli Paz Soldan Disposition: Passed 7.4 Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) [ITEM PULLED] 7.5 De­Stress Week Motion to approve to approve a $3000 cap for De­Stress week. Moved by: Luis Flores Seconded by: Alfredo Figueroa Disposition: Passed 7.6 Follow Up to the 10/6 Town Hall Motion to create a Town Hall Follow Up Ad Hoc Committee: Michael, Noeli, Kate, Francisco, AJ, Daniel, Yohanna. Moved by: Michael Robinson Seconded by: Alfredo Figueroa Disposition: Passed 7.7 Food for SSCC Meetings Motion to appoint Valeria Cazares as the point person for ordering food for SSCC meetings, with a $400 cap for special meetings. Moved by: Luis Flores Seconded by: Kate Dolorito Disposition: Passed 7.8 Appointment of New Senators Motion to confirm new Senators as reflected in the agenda packet, and their position, as SSCC Senators. Moved by: Noeli Paz Soldan Seconded by: Kate Dolorito Disposition: Passed 7.9 Swearing in of New Senators New Senators were sworn in officially. 8.0 Written Reports To: Jesse Esquire, SSCC President From: Kate Dolorito Subject: Student Trustee Written Report for October 29, 2014 Date: October 29, 2014 On October 21, 2014, the Board of Trustees held their fourth meeting at Chabot College. During this meeting, Chabot College, Las Positas Colleges, and District Office are presenting and discussing about the different grants received by their respective institutions. For Chabot College, it was presented by Dr. Susan Sperling with Dr. Matt Kristcher. One of the grants that Chabot has is the Trio Talent Search Grant; this will help the Hayward Schools in expanding their programs for their students and show them the value of college education. Dr. Sperling is telling the board of Trustees the new project Chabot has with the Rockfeller Philanthropy Advisors to acquire more grants to help the students of Chabot College to be successful in their lives Subject: Reports from Shared Governance Committees Kate Dolorito 10/14/14 Basic Skills Committee The Basic Skills committee held their third meeting of the new school year. The topic was about the priorities of the committee. During the meeting, Jennifer Lange shared her intake from the Student Success Conference last week. She said that the most important thing for student success is coordination. She pointed out that there is money available to help students to be successful with different programs, but the problem is staffing. There are not a lot of counselors or staff compare to the ratio of the students. It is a priority to make sure the students get a strong start on their academic career. With that said, the committee decided that their logic model needs some changes to scale the student success. That is the assignment of the members of the committee; make the changes each member find necessary on the model. Kate Dolorito 10/28/14 Basic Skills Committee The Basic Skills Committee met for the fourth time of the year. For this meeting, the committee are discussing student’s concerns on why they are not succeeding and getting their degree or transferring. Some of the concerns that was brought up were lack of availability to access by students, lack of needed classes, and lack of communication between students and college. Many students are not getting the proper guidance they need to be successful at Chabot College. The Basic Skills Committee is asking the Student Senate if they can handle all publication and announcement about this important dates for all students. Also, the committee was editing the strategic, logic model to make sure students are getting the things they need to be successful. Kate Dolorito 10/29/14 Board of Trustee The Board of Trustees held their fourth meeting at Chabot College. During this meeting, Chabot College, Las Positas Colleges, and District Office are presenting and discussing about the different grants received by their respective institutions. For Chabot College, it was presented by Dr. Susan Sperling with Dr. Matt Kristcher. One of the grants that Chabot has is the Trio Talent Search Grant; this will help the Hayward Schools in expanding their programs for their students and show them the value of college education. Dr. Sperling is telling the board of Trustees the new project Chabot has with the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors to acquire more grants to help the students of Chabot College to be successful in their lives. Michael Robinson 10/14/14 Basic Skills Committee Meeting The Basic Skills meeting this past week was A bit of an overview of their logic model for the past six years. Since 2008, they have had a set of goals or a (logic model) that they designed and have been striving to accomplish goals in different areas of basic skills and learning for our students here at Chabot. This model also helps them to best prioritize monies for the students benefit in these areas of concern. During this meeting they discussed things they had made progress on such as higher pct. of new students in orientation, assessment, and counseling. As well as serving more students with new counseling models. One of the negatives was still struggling with establishing funding to maintain tutors and other learning support activities. Their focus was to update and improve on their logic model as well as take out was has been accomplished. I am going to be vocal in the next upcoming meeting about what we as Senate can and would like to do to be a vessel for bridging the gap in Basic Skills needs for students of Chabot. This could range from anything to helping get the word out to students on the efforts of B.S’s as well as doing our part to create a more cohesive environment between the students and faculty goals and priorities. Michael Robinson 10/28/14 Basic Skills Committee Meeting I asked the members of the committee what the SSCC could do to help facilitate basic skills needs for students on campus. The following was their collective response. In the middle of October right now and annually is the message to students needs to be communicated that now is the time to start planning for the enrollment process. 1. Check if there are holds on their record. 2. Enrollment date (Class Web) ­(Students must dig/calendar not up yet, Need to lobby Student Services to get the calendar information up by mid­October) 3. Classes you need: do you need to assess? ­ (Students should be assessed before they register). 4. Math and English are highest priority 5. Make app’s with counselors now­ (they are 2 weeks out already) Here are some things we can do as Senate to make changes: ∙ Push Student Services to have registration information up by mid­October ∙ Get the message out to students “What is Important for You to Know”? ∙ Find a solution to communication to students on campus­Is Zone­mail really effective? Do you have forwarding and does it forward your mail without fail? ∙ Create a survey: ­What would preferred method of contact be? ­Do you know what Zone­mail is? ­Do you use it? ∙ Check if we can get access to the hall monitors to facilitate unity on campus regarding information. Derek Hull­Jenkins 10/14/14 Technology Committee The District Tech Committee will be making the switch from Groupwise to Outlook on January 5th and 6th. There will be web tutorials or use They are looking for a member from the Student Senate to attend these meetings. The meetings will be held every 2nd Friday, at the district office on the 3rd floor from 9:00am­10:30am. Contact Norm Buchwald for any questions at (510) 723­6800 ext. 6993. Aj Assef 10/14/14 Curriculum Committee The Curriculum Committee here at Chabot College and they’re currently discussing making a change of name towards the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math and making it one on naming it a brand new name that will be called STEM 101. The Committee is still discussing further more units and college terms. One Committee member mention that why we shouldn’t have classes PSCN 10 and PSCN 50 work together if that’s only possible. Ms. Laura Alarcon, is a counselor here at Chabot College, she mentioned that all Psychology classes can work under STEM 101. In addition, Dr. Pritcher, is the Chair of the Curriculum Committee, and will look more into and let us know what can be done. AJ Assef 10/28/14 Curriculum Committee The Curriculum Committee was cancelled. Theresa Pedrosa 10/15/14 Facilities Committee I WENT 2 FACILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING THEY TALK ABOUT THE UPDATE ON THE 5 BUILDING THEY ARE WORKING 1. BUILDING 100 LIBRARY 2. THE ELEVATOR IN BUILDING 100 3. 1600 4. 3100 5. ATHLETIC FIELD THE 2ND MEETING WAS FINDING A PLACE FOR THE PASSION AND PURPOSE CLASS INTO A DIFFERENT ROOM BECAUSE WE HAVE A LOT OF PROJECT AND WE MORE ROOM BECAUSE THE ROOM WE HAVE IS WAY TOO SMALL PUT OUT FLYER FOR THE TOWN HALL MEETING WORKED ON THE TOWN HALL MEETING GETTING THE FOOD FROM FRESH AND NATURAL GETTING THE BALCONY FOR THE MEETING I ALSO HELPED SET UP AND CLEAN UP AFTER THE TOWN HALL MEETING I DID MY OFFICE HOURS EVERY DAY I HELP BIANCA DECORATED THE GLASS DISPLAY OUTSIDE THE SSCC OFFICE I WAS ON THE DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE HEARING I HAVE BEEN WORKING ON THE EASY PASS FOR THE STUDENT AND I TALKED TO OUR PRESIDENT SPERLING FROM CHABOT COLLEGE AND SHE IS HELPING US TO MAKE SURE IT WILL HAPPEN AND I ALSO HAVE BEEN GOING TO THE AC TRANSIT MEETING AT CITY HALL WORKING ON GETTING THE BUS TO RUN EVERY 15 MINUTES AT THE CHABOT INSTEAD OF EVERY HALF HOURS THAT IS THE 22 AND THE 97 BUS Staff Development Committee Valeria Cazares­Lopez 09/30/14 At this meeting, the committee set out to finalize a schedule for the upcoming 10/16 Flex Day. We Primarily worked to schedule the Fire Drill for the 10/16 Flex Day. The committee thought it was best to make sure faculty reported to the buildings they teach/work in for the drill, so that they can be better acquainted with the emergency exit route for those buildings. 10/07/14 This meeting was mainly regarding the Flex Day evaluation sheets. In order to receive more meaningful feedback from Flex Day, the committee spent time reworking an evaluation sheet, by taking from student evaluation sheets and restructuring questions. 10/21/14 This meeting was a debrief of the 10/16 Flex Day. The committee heard feedback from the fire drill and emergency safety debriefs. The feedback for the fire drill was mainly positive, with many faculty members expressing a need for more training in this area. Finally, the committee reviewed the Flex Day evaluation sheets. While feedback was more meaningful this time around, the committee felt there was room for improving the questions to allow for responses that reflected the entire day and not just the workshops specifically. Bianca Bullock 10/21/14 Committee on Online Learning The Committee on Online Learning met this week to discuss a list of items. These items include: 1. PRBC: 3­Day Retreat ● Oct 24, 2014 ● Oct 31, 2014 ● TBA Members of COOL were invited to participate in a 3­Day retreat. These retreats will be sponsored by the Planning, Review, and Budget Committee. Furthermore in order for the retreats to be successful, members were urged to participate in all three retreats. As a result, members will be able to gain a full understanding of Shared Governance on campus. 2. HTML (Embedding) on Blackboard Site ● Graphs ● Pictures Members of COOL discussed how to embed visual aids on Blackboard. 3. Feedback/ Response on online/Hybrid proposal forms. ● Online/Hybrid Proposals ● Approval(s) Members of COOL discussed the approval process for Online/Hybrid courses. At this particular moment, proposals are submitted to the Dean of their division. However some have suggested that these proposals be reviewed and approved by colleagues of the same division as well. Noeli Paz­Soldan 10/17/2014 Classified Senate The classified senate meeting continues on with their minutes from last meeting or more so reviewed. The discussion items for this month we're discussing, is the classified prioritization update (prioritization committee), the landscaping Marquis, and the Classified senate charter in shared governance. On the classified prioritization they have decided that PRBC should not be the one to make the final decisions. Bobby John 10/23/2014 Student Equity Coordinating Council 1. ECD Proposal Presentation – Barbara Ogman 1. Had funding through 1st 5 with the County 2. Want to continue successful Spanish cohort Learning Communities/Advising – core ECD classes 12 units 3. Succeed at higher rate than other non­hispanic ECD students 4. Many are single mothers with complicated lives 5. PCD’s write comprehensive pro. Dev. Plans with students 6. Provide textbook lending 7. Helps with CD matrix and to get jobs 8. Asking for Pro. Dev. Coordinator, Tutors, Supplies – funding runs out 6/30/14; Duties will fall on Counseling or program will end 9. # students 40 in cohort; 125 have met with PDC over year 1. SBBC – Art Barboza (EOPS) 1. Brother to Brother for African American male students 2. More African American males in college than prison 3. What are we doing for these students? 4. Asking for activities and academic support 5. Whitehouse has been here twice on campus recognizing the SBBC 6. Some are EOPS, Daraja, CIN 7. 24 in program; want to add 5 more per year; needs staff support 8. Need in­kind, after 5 PM services 9. All 24 students returned this year from last year 10. Asking for tutoring, office assistance help, activities that reflect themselves 11. Working with Policy Link program; looking to join this effort nationwide 12. Opportunity to institutionalize what has been club into a college program Student Equity Coordinating Council Notes (10­23­14) ●
Page 2 1. Daraja – Tom deWit 1. Two parts: 1. Enhance and build infrastructure of Daraja learning community (Director and FT counselor) 2. Other 1750 students on campus – works with SBBC 2. Very grounded with a lot of history 3. Positioned to show leadership with other 1750 students 4. Wants to double its size and train other students – 100 black leaders/men – each one, touch five including greater AC community 5. Leverage African American community’s strengths for our students 6. Build more association and linkages with CC’s/Chabot 7. Want to create leadership strand focusing on other African American students’ success to bring resources and support 8. 1200 need more support in outcomes 9. Asking for Director to do specific outreach and mentoring structure 10. Tutors, leaders, research, conferences, retreats/workshops, field trips 1. FYE – Deonne Kunkel 1. Pathway and FYE program to coordinate and align programs 2. 40% are Latino; 8% African American; 5% Pacific Islander; 70% male in initial pilot 3. Increase student participants from 150 to 2000 4. Students need: to complete math and English sequences 5. Asking for math lab coordinator*, equity coordinator, Admin. Assist.*, faculty stipends, H.S. outreach coordinator, professional dev., supplies 1. Library – Pedro Reynoso 1. Working with Kim Morrison 2. Library research academy – MacNair type program 3. Library skills class typically 9­20 students 4. Support motto of “create knowledge” 5. Home grown project engaging students from learning communities 6. Envision having a Director (re­assigned time); research assistant in residence – collaborate with CSUEB 7. Help students with culminating research projects ­ Lib skills I/II 8. Also ask for keynote speaker and print of journal 9. Will include initiative in program review 10. Roughly $25k 1. Puente Proposal – Kristin Land 1. Outreach through 1st year okay, but need more assistance with 2nd year/phase 3 2. Help with adjunct counselor to recruit for phase 3 for transfer completion 3. Training on undocumented students (E4FC) for AB540 students 4. Bilingual student counseling assistant I 5. Supporting Latino males 1.
Statistics support/pedagogy – Anita Wah 1. Math + English = Statistics 2. Getting students engaged; classroom as sociological entity 3. Create a course that has equity in the classroom 4. Stats is barrier course; many taken 3 times 5. Course is terrifying for students and you need to create warm and active classroom Student Equity Coordinating Council Notes (10­23­14) Page 3 Need instructor time/compensation to develop methods to address Collect data that is not just gambling and drowning rats Asking for teaching assistant and research assistance Address formative and summative assessments and related research STEM Center – Tim Dave 1. STEM is more than math; a lot of factors to be looked at 2. Asking for staff to staff the STEM center + training 1. Director, outreach coordinator, .5 grants coordinator, MESA an NIH Coordinator, Diversity/Retention Specialist 3. Umbrella for areas to provide services for African American, American Indian, Hispanics and Pacific Islanders 4. Science and Math Division serves 1/3 of student body 5. Goals: course, degree and transfer completion 6. CC’s started with job training, now also transfer and more equity 7. STEM Center where people can get help; longitudinal tracking 8. Building 3906 ESL Proposal – Kent Uchiyama 1. Who proposes to serve, need and plans to address needs, plus benefits and costs 2. Request is for one­time cost to pilot 3. English as a Second Language students; face extra challenges 4. About 500 in the ESL program, expect it to increase 5. Most are Fin. Aid challenged and first gen. and ethnic minorities 6. About 80% success rates of students who enroll in Eng. 1A complete it; higher rate of basic skills completion 7. Of the number that graduate from ESL program – only 22% make it TO English 1A; losing about 4/5ths of students along the way 8. Would like to try what LPC is doing 9. Pilot top two classes: 110D and then new to Chabot class to move more ESL students into Eng. 1A 10. LPC has bigger and more supported ESL program than Chabot 11. Pilot proposed to work with LPC English colleagues; how applied to Chabot 12. Success rates of students who complete LPC ESL series are high for Eng. 1A as well (high 80’s/90’s%) 13. Professional development experience for both ESL departments 14. Pilot pre­1A joined with Eng. 102 instructors/assignments; more native speaker interaction 9.0 Good of the Order 10.0 Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 5:00pm. 