Student Senate Special Meeting Agenda Friday, July 10, 2015 10:00 AM ­ 11:30 AM SSCC Office (Rm. 2311)

Student Senate Special Meeting Agenda
Friday, July 10, 2015
10:00 AM ­ 11:30 AM
SSCC Office (Rm. 2311)
1.0 Organizational Items 1.1​
Call to Order
Roll Call
Executive Officers
President Hye Yoon Shin
Vice President AJ Assef
Finance Director Corey Lowe Legislative Director Bianca Nuñez
Events Coordinator Theresa Pedrosa
Communications Director Noel Ramirez
[Interim]Secretary Charisma Morgan Inter Club Council Chair Vacant Representative­at­Large Vacant
Student Trustee Quincy Maria Taylor
Sheila Mayorga
Charisma Morgan
Parfait Mwamba
Jennifer Pierre­louis
Juan Carlos Silva
Luis Soto
Rose Uche
Recognition of Quorum
2.0 Adoption of the Agenda
3.0 Approval of the Minutes (6/19/15) 4.0 Public Comments The Senate requests that the public speak at this time. Any person wishing to address the Senate on any matter of concern not stated on the agenda is requested to make their request known to the Communications Director prior to the start of the meeting. The law does not permit any action to be taken, nor ​
discussion of any items not on the agenda, except under special circumstances as deemed by the presiding officer. The Senate may ​
respond to statements made or questions posed, however. For further information, please contact the SSCC President for the item of discussion to be placed on a future agenda.
5.0 Oral Reports
SSCC President SSCC Vice President SSCC Finance Director SSCC Legislative Director SSCC Communications Director
SSCC Events Coordinator SSCC Student Trustee Faculty Advisor
Student Life Director
6.0 New Business ​
6.1 Appointment of Representative­at­Large 6.2 (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes)
H. Shin
Approval of the Judicial Review Committee H. Shin & A. Assef
Discussion/Action 6.3 Approval of the Elections Committee Discussion/Action 6.4 Appeals of Co­Curricular Funding C. Lowe for Theater Arts Plays and Women’s History Month Discussion/Action Filling in Vacancies of Executive officers: ICC Chair and SSCC Secretary H. Shin Discussion/Action 6.5 A. Assef 7.0 Good of the Order 8.0 Adjournment FOR SSCC USE ONLY
Moved by: ___________________ Second by:____________________
Disposition: PASS FAIL POSTPONED Other: _____________
Item: 6.1 From: Hye Yoon Shin, SSCC President Subject: Appointment of Representative­at­Large BACKGROUND: The Representative­at­Large of the Student Senate is appointed by the President of the Student Senate. I, Hye Yoon Shin, the Student Senate President, appoint Charisma Morgan to serve as the Representative­at­Large of the 2015­16 Student Senate. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None FOR SSCC USE ONLY
Moved by: ___________________ Second by:____________________
Disposition: PASS FAIL POSTPONED Other: _____________
Item: 6.2 From: Hye Yoon Shin, SSCC President & AJ Assef, SSCC Vice­President Subject: Approval of the Judicial Review Committee
BACKGROUND: Per the bylaws, the SSCC President and Vice­President co­chair this committee, and the SSCC Representative­at­Large serves on the Judicial Review Committee. In addition, Hye Yoon Shin, the SSCC President, and the AJ Assef, the SSCC Vice President, recommend Bianca Nunez to be one of the members of JRC. RECOMMENDED ACTION: We recommend the Senate to approve the formation of the SSCC Judicial Review Committee with the following members of the Committee: Co­Chairs: Hye Yoon Shin (President) & AJ Assef (Vice­President) Members: Charisma Morgan (Pending Representative­at­Large) Bianca Nunez (Legislative Director) FOR SSCC USE ONLY
Moved by: ___________________ Second by:____________________
Disposition: PASS FAIL POSTPONED Other: _____________
Item: 6.3 From: AJ Assef, SSCC Vice­President Subject: Approval of the Elections Committee BACKGROUND: Per the bylaws, the Vice President shall chair the Elections Committee and the Legislative Director shall serve on the Interview Committee, which is part of the Elections Committee. RECOMMENDED ACTION: I recommend that the SSCC approve the following senators to be members of the 2015­2016 SSCC Election Committee: 1.Legislative Director­Bianca Nunez 2. Events Coordinator­ Theresa Pedrosa 3. Juan Carlos Silva 4. Sheila Mayorga 5. Charisma Morgan FOR SSCC USE ONLY
Moved by: ___________________ Second by:____________________
Disposition: PASS FAIL POSTPONED Other: _____________
Item: 6.4 From: Corey Lowe, SSCC Finance Director Subject: Appeals of Co­Curricular Funding for Theater Arts Plays and Women’s History Month BACKGROUND: The last time the SSCC met, the annual co­curricular funding applications for 2015 ­ 2016 were processed. Two applicants are seeking an appeal for their application. Dov Hassan ­ Theater Art Plays​
($9,700) Disputes​
: (1) Applicant did not provide details about the various “Designer” expenses. (2) Ticket revenue from hosted events were not mentioned in the packet. Resolution​
: Dov Hassan and I met to discuss the disputes. (1) Designer expenses are a flat fee and were a part of an informal agreement among the two parties, Dov and the designer. Dov emailed the designers to ask that they agree to their expenses listed on the budget. Emails were forwarded to me. (2) Dov stated the ticket revenue is used to cover the materials expenses of the plays. They were not included in the application because he believed the SSCC is being asked to cover only designers but not any other materials of the plays. Tickets are discounted towards Chabot students. Jane Wolford ­ Women’s History Month​
($9,350) Disputes​
: (1) Committee felt it was necessary to have proof of speaker fees, especially because the speaker was already booked. (2) WHM has a history of being funded but a previous budget was not found in the application. FOR SSCC USE ONLY
Moved by: ___________________ Second by:____________________
Disposition: PASS FAIL POSTPONED Other: _____________
: Jane Wolford and I have been emailing to discuss the disputes (1) Speaker fees were never required to have in an application but it is up to the discretion of the SSCC to determine what is necessary to make recommendations. In the future, the Finance Codes will have to be updated to be more specific. Proof of speaker fees were provided in an email. (2) The previous budget was originally attached to the physical application but was somehow misplaced. The previous budget was sent via email. RECOMMENDED ACTION: I recommend that the full Senate look at these applicants, with the resolutions in mind, to make a new decision. I expect the Co­Curricular Committee members to be active in this discussion. FOR SSCC USE ONLY
Moved by: ___________________ Second by:____________________
Disposition: PASS FAIL POSTPONED Other: _____________
Item: 6.5 From: Hye Yoon Shin, SSCC President Subject: Filling in Vacancies of Executive officers: ICC Chair and SSCC Secretary
BACKGROUND: The Student Senate currently has vacancies of ICC Chair and Secretary, and it is expected to take 4­5 weeks for the Senate to recruit appropriate students for these positions, which will hinder the operation of the Student Senate and Inter­Club Council at the beginning of the Fall semester. To prevent this delay and to minimize unnecessary bureaucratic process, the previous Senate established an appointment system to fill in vacancies of the Executive officers in the Fall, which is through presidential appointment. This policy was passed by the previous Senate and was added to the SSCC Bylaws, but since the most updated Bylaws was not approved by the College, this policy is not currently effective. This is the policy adopted by the previous Senate. IV. Succession of Office
A. The position of President, if vacated, shall be filled by the succession of the
Vice President, followed by the Finance Director. If both of these positions are vacant, a special
election will be held within ​
(3) weeks of the vacancy.
B. The position of Student Trustee, if vacated, shall be filled in pursuance of Board of Trustees'
C. Positions of Representatives, if vacated, shall be filled through the presidential appointment
of Senate Interns and/or by Special Election within four (4) weeks of notification of the opening
or the positions are to remain vacant for the remainder of the academic semester.
D. The Student Senate of Chabot College (SSCC) may opt to fill vacancies of the Executive
Council in the fall semester through presidential appointment, confirmed by a two-thirds (2/3)
majority vote of its voting members.
E. In the event of vacancies in the Executive council in the fall semester, the Election
Committee shall be tasked with establishing and enforcing the logistical and/or procedural
aspect of filling those vacancies, which shall consists of written application and panel interview
process. (Upon vetting interested SSCC members and students, the committee shall forward a
list of recommendations of qualified applicants to the full Student Senate for ratification and
Moved by: ___________________ Second by:____________________
Disposition: PASS FAIL POSTPONED Other: _____________
I propose that the Senate adopts a similar policy to accelerate the process of filling in vacancies of Executive officers, and the policy I am proposing is A. In the event of less than or equal to 3 vacancies in each Council in the Fall semester, the SSCC President may opt to fill these vacancies through presidential appointment of a person who is eligible to run for the office, confirmed by a two­thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Senate’s voting members. Otherwise, the Elections Committee shall be tasked to fill vacancies as described in item B.,Section 4. B. In the event of more than 3 vacancies in the Executive Council in the Fall semester, the Student Senate shall fill in vacancies in accordance with the following procedure: a. SSCC Elections Committee shall be tasked with establishing and enforcing the logistical and/or procedural aspect of filling these vacancies, which shall consists of written application and panel interview process. b. Upon vetting interested SSCC members and Chabot students, the Elections Committee shall forward a list of recommendations of qualified applicants to the full Student Senate for ratification and appointment. c. Qualified applicants may be approved as a corresponding Executive Officer by a two­thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Senate’s voting members. RECOMMENDED ACTION: I recommend the Senate to adopt this new policy ​
to accelerate the process of filling in vacancies of Executive officers​
Moved by: ___________________ Second by:____________________
Disposition: PASS FAIL POSTPONED Other: _____________