October 27, 2009 Giving everyone a chance to grow

October 27, 2009
Giving everyone a chance to grow
(this document is both a newsletter and summary minutes)
Members present: Lisa Carlsen, Clayton Thiel, Gloria Meads, Angie Magallon, Carmen
Johnston, Barbara Worthington
I. Flex Day Review (Staff Development Committee)
The committee reviewed Flex Day evaluation forms. Most feedback from participants was
positive but also included valuable ways to improve future Flex Days.
Workshop participants appreciated the variety of workshop options, especially those related to
technology, safety, global awareness, and “any workshops that provide an opportunity to meet
other faculty and staff.”
The day would have been better if the opening session had been held in the PAC to avoid
audio/visual problems. Participants also requested more workshops for staff (less faculty
centered), more sessions to reduce conflicts, follow-up sessions related to technology and safety,
more “fun” sessions, and no overlap sessions.
The SD committee will carefully consider all recommendations when planning future Flex Days.
II. February Flex Day – SEMS/NIMS training update (Barbara Worthington)
According to Catherine Powell (Classified Senate), SEMS/NIMS trainings will be offered during
the February Flex Day. The committee will contact Catherine Powell, Frank Ramos, and George
Railey regarding the following questions:
1) How many faculty and staff have completed the Friday trainings?
2) What Flex activities will be offered on the February Flex Day for those who have
completed the requirement?
3) What Flex requirement does the training satisfy?
4) What is Staff Development’s role?
Staff Development
Newsletter & Minutes – pg. 2
October 27, 2009
III. Status of Staff Development Funds (Rosie Mogle)
The Staff Development Commitment received a total of $595 from the president’s office. This
amount does not include printing costs from Flex Day. The committee received $20,000 in
previous years. The members brainstormed ideas for generating funds for future events but
agreed the lack of funds for conferences affects our role as a governing body.
IV. Staff Development’s Role/Future Projects
The discussion around funding led to several questions regarding the role of the Staff
Development Committee and our relationship to the campus at large: How can we establish
stronger connections with other governing committees? How might we support existing projects
and groups, such as CTL, the Basic Skills Committee, The Big Read, Title III, and other groups
across the campus? The members will consider sponsoring College Hour events led by faculty
and staff.
The group will review Staff Development unit plans, minutes and agendas from previous years,
and documents from the Staff Development website in an effort to better identify our purpose
and establish possible funding streams. The discussion will continue in future meetings.
V. The Big Read (Angie)
The Staff Development Committee will support The Big Read next spring by attending campus
and community events and by helping to advertise related activities.
VI. Report – Visit from Accreditation Team (Barbara and Carmen)
Barbara and Carmen met with a member of the Accreditation team. The representative, Jack
Daniels, suggested ways to generate funds, but stressed the need for a unit plan. Mr. Daniels
posed questions regarding the committee’s role on campus and our relationship with other
governing bodies. We will consider his suggestions and concerns as we redefine our role as a
governing body.
VII. New Meeting Date and Location:
Future meetings will be held on the third Thursday of each month in Room 314. Special
planning meetings for Flex Day will be added as needed.
The meeting concluded at 12:55 p.m.
Core members: Lisa Carlsen, Arlene DeLeon, Dawn Girardelli, Ben Hollander,
Carmen Johnston (Co-Chair), Kathryn Linzmeyer, Angie Magallon, Gloria
Meads, Rosie Mogle, TJ Puckett, George Railey, Clayton Thiel, Stephen
Woodhams, Barbara Worthington (Co-Chair), and Rachel LePell