Volume 1, Issue 2 Chabot College, Business Department April 6, 2016 Chabot Means Business: Part-Timers’ Newsletter Business Awards Ceremony INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Business Advisory Meeting 2 Equity Initiative 3 Shark Tank @ Chabot 3 Meet Noureddine Lalami 4 Chabot College Business Department 25555 Hesperian Blvd Hayward, CA 94545 Phone 510.723.6974 Fax 510.723.6658 E-mail dkalyagin@chabtocollege.edu We’re on the Web! www.chabotcollege.edu/BUS by Dmitriy Kalyagin & Lynn Klein It’s celebration time once again for the Business Subdivision! Lynn Klein is leading the organization of the fourth annual Outstanding Student Awards and Outreach Ceremony for the 20152016 academic year. The photo on the right is from the last year’s ceremony. This year, the crème de la crème of our students will be awarded in nine general categories (best tutor, business student, transfer student, public service, etc.), five areas of specialization, and 11 specific classes. We will also award two Business scholarships provided by the district’s foundation. Business FT faculty will pick the award recipients from the nominations provided. You will be contacted if your nominee is chosen with the instructions on how to invite them to the event. Hopefully, many of you submitted the nominations to Lynn Klein by March 27th. In early April, the We are also extending an invitation to all of our parttime faculty to join us at the celebration, which is scheduled in the Event Center (Room 722) on Tuesday, May 10, from 35. We have a live band, great food, and lots of happy people on the agenda. Please RSVP via email, lklein@chabotcollege.edu, not later than April 15, to let us know if you will be attending the festivities. Campus Safety Information by Catherine Pinkas Wonder what to do an emergency? Our Campus Safety Department has put together a very helpful website. How does our notification system work? Where are our evacuation routes? Where do I find the Emergency Preparedness Handbook? These questions and many more can be answered on the Chabot website: http://www.chabot college.edu/safety/ Need more information? Contact our Safety Officer, Steve Lowery, Campus Safety 7237417. He's also a great speaker for classes! Chabot Means Business Page 2 Business Advisory Meeting by Jan Novak “In the era of LinkedIn, resumes are becoming less important and cover letters almost of no importance.” The annual Business • Degree of interest Adivsory meeting took from candidate in place on March 26, 2016. the company, Business leaders from passion for the various industries, as well work, preparation as Business faculty, the for the interview dean, and DECA students participated in a lively It was emphasized that discussion. the faculty need to build The members pointed out awareness with the that a two-year degree or students of the types of certificate in Business soft skills employers want gives students a great and how those are foundation, great life skills assessed. An example is that might enable them to the ability to “tell a story” further their skills and when answering an education. interview question. The discussion focused on the importance personality, or soft skills in hiring decisions. Several members commented that they hire for personality or “fit” based on the belief that they can teach great candidates the competencies they need to perform in job. Many participants mentioned that in the era of LinkedIn, resumes are becoming less important and cover letters almost of no importance. The Business faculty asked the advisory board which skills can be taught. The consensus was that problem solving, conflict Key soft skills identified by management, teamwork members included: skills can be developed based on HOW the • Fit with company classes are taught. It culture doesn’t have to be the • Creativity content of the class, but • Problem-solving just assigning team • Risk-taking projects and case analysis • “Likability” and written work. • Resourcefulness • “Life experience” At the end of the meeting, the members were asked • Work ethic to identify one “soft skill” • Oral and written that they would communication skills recommend Chabot equips students with. The input included: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Communication and customer service Work ethic Discipline Willingness to contribute to the success of the organization Ethics Interviewing, by conducting industry or occupationspecific mock interviews with members of the community Reputation management/lea ving a good digital footprint Resume skills Conflict resolution Accountability Problem-solving Networking How to tell your story One member summarized all of the above as “giving your students poise and selfconfidence”. Page 3 Chabot Means Business Equity Initiative by Jan Novak This semester, The Business department is beginning an effort to better understand the causes and potential solutions to a troubling gap in African-American student success in Business courses vs. the overall student success. For the college overall, that gap is about 10 points. appreciate any theories you might have to help guide this work. The gap is almost equally split between nonsuccess (students earn a D or F in the class) and withdrawal. Jan Novak and Miguel Colon lead the initiative. Please contact them at jnovak@chabotcollege.edu and mcolon@chabotcollege.edu with any ideas and/or resources. The department explored many theories, but That success gap is over haven’t yet found a clear 20 points, with Africanexplanation. The American success rates in department welcomes Business courses at your participation in this 40.6% vs. the overall work, and would success rate of 61.1%. Shark Tank @ Chabot College by Miguel Colon Chabot’s Elevator Pitch Competition is often compared to the Shark Tank, which makes sense because the formats are similar. Chabot’s competition features the ten best students from the Entrepreneurship program, who all pitch their ideas to a panel of 5 “Sharks”. And just like with the popular TV show, our students are pitching for real money! But, that is where the similarities end. The big difference is that Chabot’s event is a competition where only the top three receive prizes. Chabot’s competition is designed to do two things: First, to showcase the best of the best. As many as 50 students compete in a pre-pitch class for one of ten spots in the full competition. The prepitch competition takes place during Entrepreneurship-16, Making the Pitch, a class designed specifically to help students prepare for the competition. Second, the Elevator Pitch Competition helps prepare our aspiring Entrepreneurship students for the real world where the “Sharks” are more likely to bite than help. While the “Sharks” in Chabot’s competition are heavyweights in their own right, (investment bankers, lawyers, angel investors, college presidents), they are there to help and guide our students as much as judge them. Chabot College’s 5th Annual Elevator Pitch Competition will be held on Monday, May 16th in room 722, 6:008:30 pm. Both you and your students are invited! Attending the pitch could also be a great extra credit opportunity for many Business classes. For more information, contact Miguel Colon at mcolon@chabotcollege.edu . Also, guide your students to the Entrepreneurship program’s website at http://www.chabotcollege.ed u/entr/. “As many as 50 students compete in a pre-pitch class for of the top ten spots in the full Elevator Pitch Competition.” Page 4 Chabot Means Business The Chabot Business department serves over 3,000 students per year. We offer classes in Accounting, General Business, Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Healthcare Management, and other areas of Business Administration. Our innovative programs, flexible schedules (classes are offered online, on campus at different times, and in hybrid format), and dedicated faculty serve students’ needs of Chabot community. Our programs prepare students for transfer to four-year universities. We also constantly update our curriculum and work with the industry professionals to meet the growing employers' demands for workers with two-year degrees and certificates. We host the 2nd most popular transfer degree, AS-Transfer in Business Administration, most popular AS degrees (Accounting, Business-General, Business-Marketing, Business-Management), as well as degrees in Retail Management, Entrepreneurship, nine certificates in Entrepreneurship, and 13 certificates in various areas of Business. Meet Faculty: Noureddine Lalami Prior to working in education, Professor Lalami worked as a marketing manager for a start-up Internet company where he was in charge of developing marketing strategies to promote the company's overall operations. Chabot College Business Department 25555 Hesperian Blvd Hayward, CA 94545 Phone 510.723.6974 Fax 510.723.6658 E-mail dkalyagin@chabtocollege.edu We’re on the Web! Noureddine Lalami has been teaching at Chabot since the fall of 2006. He teaches a full range of business courses mostly online. Noureddine also occasionally teaches on campus classes, which he really enjoys because of the in-person interaction and discussions with students. www.chabotcollege.edu/BUS Long before joining Chabot as an instructor, Noureddine took a couple of classes here. His educational credits also include an MS in Educational Technology Leadership from CSU, East Bay (2005), a Single Subject Teaching Credential from National University (2005), an MBA from SFSU (2001), and a BS in International Business from SFSU (1999). Noureddine is married; his wife, Hind, is a nurse. Interestingly, she graduated from Chabot College with an AA degree and a Medical Assistant Certificate. The couple has an 18-monthold toddler who is very active and takes up a lot of their time. When not teaching, Professor Lalami enjoys traveling, reading business and technology publications, baking, and learning new technology skills.