Curriculum Committee November 25, 2014 DRAFT Members Present: A.J. Assef (SSCC rep), Debbie Buti, Mireille Giovanola, Lynn Klein, Larry Leach (2:12), Wayne Pitcher, Patricia Wu Ex-Officio: Edna Danaher, Dara Greene, Kaaren Krueg, Stacy Thompson Guests: Tom Clark, Dmitriy Kalyagin (3:15) 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:08 by the chair, Wayne Pitcher. 2. Minutes of November 18, 2014 Corrections: Wayne noticed that the bottom of the first page (Section 4. KINE PAD 1) is a holdover from the November 7 minutes, and should be removed. MSC (Klein/Wu) to approve the minutes of November 18, 2014, as corrected. [Vote: unanimous by those present at 2:11] 3. Sprinkler Fitters Apprenticeship Proposal Presentation (Tom Clark) Tom Clark spoke about apprenticeship programs in general, how they are set up, and that they must be affiliated with a Local Educational Agency (LEA). Local 483, Sprinkler Fitters San Francisco Bay Area, located in Hayward, has about 200 apprentices. Apprentices’ starting salary is $22.86 per hour plus retirement and benefits. They work during the day and take classes in the evening. Ending salary is about $56 per hour. This program has been approved at the state level by the California State Division of Apprenticeship Standards. It was affiliated with the College of San Mateo, but now has made progress to have Chabot College become the LEA. Stacy interjected that CSM has already written the Course Outlines, which have been approved by the CSM Curriculum Committee. All we would have to do is fit their outlines into our course outline template (their #4 would be put into our SLO file; #5 corresponds to Expected Outcomes) and renumber the classes to fit within our numbering conventions. MSC (Klein/Giovanola) to approve the Sprinkler Fitters Apprenticeship Program, with the course outlines included in the proposal, which will be modified as summarized above. Vote: unanimous by those present at 2:32. 4. Curriculum Approval Vote: Clean up from last meeting Wayne reported that Art 9 hasn’t been resubmitted. He will remind Clayton Thiel. Kaaren noted that we did not vote on the Art History 50 and 51 courses at the last meeting. ART HISTORY ARTH 50A, Introduction to Museum and Gallery Techniques, 3 units (Modified) Needed: Add “May not receive credit if ARTH 50 has been completed.” Curriculum Committee 11/25/14, Page 2 ARTH 50B, Museum and Gallery Techniques, 3 units (New) Needed: Change prerequisite to “ARTH 50 or ARTH 50A. . .” ARTH 51A, Introduction to Museum Studies, 4.5 units (Modified) Needed: Add “May not receive credit if ARTH 51 has been completed.” ARTH 51B, Museum Studies, 4.5 units (New) Needed: Change prerequisite to “ARTH 51 or ARTH 51A. . .” MSC (Buti/Leach) to approve the Art History courses listed above with changes as noted. Vote: unanimous be all present at 3:00. KINESIOLOGY Dara noted that KINE PAD1, rewritten as KINE DMP, Prevention of Type II Diabetes Through Nutrition and Exercise, 2 units, cannot be offered as a Kinesiology course, which are lecture only courses. It needs to be changed to a PEAC course and offered for .5 to 2 units. Patricia noted that while PEAC FUN1 states “course is moderate to hard in intensity,” PEAC FUN4 does not provide similar information. Wayne will follow up on these issues with Ken Grace. DENTAL HYGIENE DHYG 50A, Dental Hygiene Orientation 1, ½ unit (Modified) DHYG 51, General and Oral Pathology, 4 units (Modified) DHYG 52A, Periodontics, 2 units (Modified) DHYG 58, Dental Office Practice, 1 unit (Modified) DHYG 60, Dental Anatomy and Morphology, 1½ units (Modified) DHYG 60S, Dental Anatomy and Morphology Independent Study, ½ unit (Modified) DHYG 61, Head and Neck Anatomy, 2 units (Modified) DHYG 61S, Head and Neck Anatomy Independent Study, ½ unit (Modified) DHYG 75, Medical Emergencies, 1 unit (Modified) DHYG 82A, Clinical Experience Seminar, 1 unit (Modified) NURSING NURS 51, Nursing of the Childbearing Family (Obstetrical Nursing), 4 units (Modified) NURS 52, Pediatric Nursing, 4 units (Modified; title changed from Nursing of the Childrearing Family (Pediatric Nursing)) NURS 53, Mental Health Nursing, 4 units (Modified) NURS 54, Clinical Topics, ½ unit (Course removed from list. It is not being modified or deleted.) NURS 56, Essentials of Nursing Care Related to Human Growth and Development, ½ unit (Deactivate; the material is covered in other courses.) NURS 58, Nursing Care for Patients with Infectious Disease, 1 unit (Modified) NURS 59, Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family, 8 ½ units (Deactivate; course is being split into two 4 unit classes: NURS 51 and NURS 52) NURS 60A, Adult Health I, 4 units (Modified; separating MedSurg and Mental Health Nursing to focus on one specialty area at a time; reduces units from 8 ½ to 4) NURS 60B, Adult Health II, 6 units (Modified; prerequisites changed) Curriculum Committee 11/25/14, Page 3 NURS 60C, Adult Heatlh III, 3 units (Modified; units changed from 3 ½ ) NURS 73, Intravenous Therapy, 1 unit (Modified; prereq changed) NURS 80, Test Taking Skills for Nursing Students, ½ unit (Modified; title changed from Critical Thinking and Test Taking for Nursing) NURS 84, Prescriptive Clinical Nursing Skills Practice, ½ unit (Modified) MSC (Klein/Leach) to approve the Dental Hygiene and Nursing courses listed above and to allow the chair to make edits to punctuation and grammar. Vote: unanimous be all present at 3:25. It was noted that DHYG 72S needs to be resubmitted as a new course, and 71C needs to be deactivated. 5. Curriculum Approval Presentation: Applied Technology and Business BUSINESS CPA Exam Preparation: Business Environment and Regulation, Certificate of Proficiency A new course developed for this certificate was proposed as BUS 18, Taxation of Business Entities, 3 units. It was discovered that this number has already been used in BANNER and cannot be reused. Wayne did a search of possible numbers and discovered that the next usable number is BUS 25. Dmitriy agreed to that change, and it was made during the meeting. CPA Exam Preparation: Financial Accounting and Auditing, Certificate of Proficiency Dmitriy Kalyagin explained that these programs are for people who already have an undergraduate or foreign degree and need more information on taking the CPA exams. Edna commented that these are “feel good” certificates which will not appear on transcripts. Dara added that due to lack of staffing, Admissions and Records is already taking 12 weeks to approve degree applications. Processing these certificates places a burden on the division. Business 13, Advanced Topics in Accounting, 4 units (New) Business 28, Human Relations in the Workplace, 3 units (Deactivate) Business 31, Professional Selling, 3 units (Deactivate) Business 34, Introduction to Advertising, 3 units (Modified) Business 43, Personal Financial Planning, 3 units (Modified) Business 50E, Business Email and Instant Messaging, 1 unit (Deactivate) Business 50H, Practical Business Ethics, 1 unit (Deactivate) Business 50M, Workplace Diversity, 1 unit (Modified) Business 200, Computers in the Modern World, non-credit (Deactivate) Accounting, A.S. Degree (Modified) Business, A.S. Degree (Modified) Human Resources Assistant, Certificate of Achievement (Modified) Management, Certificate of Achievement (Modified) Marketing, Certificate of Achievement (Modified) Retail Management, Certificate of Achievement (Modified) Retail Management, A.S. Degree (Modified) Small Business Management, Certificate of Achievement (Modified) Curriculum Committee 11/25/14, Page 4 ENTREPRENEURSHIP Entrepreneurship 20, Marketing for Entrepreneurs, 3 units (Modified; request to add to GE area D) Entrepreneurship, A.S. Degree (Modified) 6. Placing Courses in Disciplines Wayne called attention to the last page of the agenda packet, and said he was hoping to assign disciplines for the courses that have “NONE” in the last column of the table. Larry asked whether this exercise might create problems for instructors’ minimum quals. In a discussion of the STEM proposal, Patricia noted that Laurie Doctor wants the rubric (STEM) not the number (101). Further discussion was tabled. 7. Good of the Order None 8. The meeting was adjourned at 3:59 PM. Next meeting: December 2, 2014, Room 2256. kk 12/1/14 c:\documents\word\curric\2014-15\11-25-14.min.docx