Curriculum Committee September 30, 2014 DRAFT Members Present: Laura Alarcon, Debbie Buti, Mireille Giovanola, Lynn Klein, Larry Leach, Arturo Lopez Yanez [3:15], Wayne Pitcher, Patricia Wu Ex-Officio: Edna Danaher, Dara Greene, Kaaren Krueg Guests: Marcia Corcoran, Cristina Moon, Angela Villasana 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:10 by the chair, Wayne Pitcher. 2. Minutes of September 23, 2014 MSC (Buti/Alarcon) to approve the minutes of September 23, 2014, as presented. [Vote: unanimous by those present] 3. Chair’s Report Wayne reported that CurricUNET has a few issues, and the user interface is not always intuitive. He is trying to make sure that proposers and co-contributors can make changes. If you need to make changes and are unable to do them in the CurricUNET program, get them to the Curriculum Committee in some readable form and we can make the changes at the meeting, or Wayne or Kaaren can make them for you. Wayne diagramed the flow of proposals on the board, including the “hold” boxes. He said some things are getting “stuck” in various places, and it is hard to tell where. Wayne is responsible for Accreditation Standard 2A2, …ensure that the content and methods of instruction meet generally accepted academic and professional standards and expectations. … act to continuously improve instructional courses, programs and directly related services through systematic evaluation to assure currency, improve teaching and learning strategies, and promote student success. [from the ACCJC Accreditation Reference Handbook] 4. He is working with Cindy Stubblebine and Gene Groppetti. There are a lot of comments noted on the 2009 report. Jam Matthews added some questions that the visiting team might ask, such as “How do you evaluate the effectiveness of CurricUNET?” o Mireille: We evaluate the process by doing and then adjust based on feedback. o Lynn: Communication among parties is positive. We can see everybody’s comments. o Wayne: He might put together some kind of survey for both current and pas members and proposers. Future thoughts How do we (the college, not the committee) evaluate changes in curriculum? This is something that we might talk about in the spring. Course Proposals Architecture 2A, Architectural Drawing and Graphics I, 3 units Prerequisite removed. Needed: Change date to Spring 2015. Update textbooks. Curriculum Committee 9/30/14, Page 2 FT 51W, Fire Equipment Operations, ½ unit New course to meet Fire Academy Program requirements. MSC (Klein/Alarcon) to approve FT 51W as presented. WORLD LANGUAGES Marcia Corcoran reported that World Languages has been working very hard on these courses. We had to cancel conversational courses. Students can’t take the 5-unit language courses if the rest of their load is heavy. We are going ahead without LPC because they haven’t updated their language courses in so long, and with a new VP of Academic Services, it will probably be a while longer. Cristina Moon explained the reasoning behind creation of the new, 3-unit courses. They give students more time. In the 5-unit courses, there is a Chapter Exam every 2 weeks; in the 3unit courses, there is one Chapter Exam a month. Marcia added that re: scheduling, one section of each French or Spanish course would be converted to a 3-unit course. Heritage speakers, who speak the language at home but don’t have the literary skills, might want to start with FRNC or SPA 1A2. They would have to do a prerequisite challenge. French 1A, Beginning French, 5 units Needed: Change the advisory to “Strongly Recommended: eligibility for ENGL1A.” Methods of Presentation: delete Exams/Tests, Quizzes, Homework. [Note: According to Cristina, the French outlines should mirror the Spanish outlines.] On the question of division reps being able to make corrections, Wayne suggested that he might make the division representatives co-contributors. Cristina added that he could ask faculty who haven’t written their courses yet to make the division representative a cocontributor. French 1A1, Beginning French 1, 3 units (New) French 1A2, Beginning French 2, 3 units (New) French 1B, Elementary French, 5 units (Modified) French 1B1, Elementary French 1, 3 units (New) French 1B2, Elementary French 2, 3 units (New) French 2A, Intermediate French, 5 units (Modified) French 2B, Advanced French, 5 units (Modified) Spanish 1A, Beginning Spanish, 5 units (Modified) Spanish 1A1, Beginning Spanish 1, 3 units (New) Spanish 1A2, Beginning Spanish 2, 3 units (New) Spanish 1B1, Elementary Spanish 1, 3 units (New) Spanish 1B2, Elementary Spanish 2, 3 units (New) Spanish 2A, Intermediate Spanish, 5 units (Modified) Spanish 2B, Advanced Spanish, 5 units (Modified) Wayne sent the World Language courses (except French 1A) back to Cristina so she could edit. We will vote on these at the next meeting. 5. Good of the Order Lynn asked whether Wayne was able to find out if CurricUNET is able to generate a list of courses needing updating. Wayne will ask Governet. Curriculum Committee 9/30/14, Page 3 Mireille asked when students can apply for the upcoming AS-T in Economics. Dara replied that after being submitted to C-ID it then must be approved by the state. It must be in the catalog. Edna added that the degree can’t be awarded until the end of the fall semester. 6. kk 10/2/14 The meeting was adjourned at 4:02 PM. Next meeting: October 7, 2014, in Room 2256. c:\documents\word\curric\2014-15\9-30-14.min.docx