Document 11493953

Curriculum vitae - Stéphane Santucci -
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Curriculum vitae
Personal details
Professional experience
Research activity
Publications & communications list
Curriculum vitae - Stéphane Santucci -
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Stéphane Santucci
1. Personal details
Date and place of birth:
14/09/1977, Nice (France)
Personal address:
Kirkeveien 57, 0368 Oslo, Norway.
Personal phone:
+47 22 60 35 88
+46 703 58 39 52
Present position:
Professional address:
Fysisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo
P.O. Box 1048 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo Norge
Professional phone:
+47 22 85 50 34
+47 22 85 64 22
2. Education
November 2004 :
Post-doc at the Physics Dept of Oslo University,
“Complex Systems and Soft Materials” group with K.J. Måloy.
2-15 February 2003 :
International winter school , Les Houches (France),
“From elasticity to plastic flow in condensed media”.
Sept 2001 - Sept 2004 :
Ph-D. in Physics at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon,
“Slow crack growth and crack pinning in heterogeneous media :
Experiments and models”, defended the 29th September 2004.
Supervisors Prof. Loïc Vanel and Prof. Sergio Ciliberto.
2000 – 2001 :
2nd year Master of Physics
(DEA “Statistical Physics and Non-Linear Phenomena”)
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon.
1999 – 2000 :
1st year Master’s degree in Physics,
Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis.
1998 – 1999 :
Bachelor’s degree in Maths & Physics,
Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis.
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3. Professional experience
Research activity
November 2004 :
Post-doc at the Physics Dept of Oslo University,
“Complex Systems and Soft Materials” group with K.J. Måloy.
Sept 2001 - Sept 2004 :
Ph-D. in Physics at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon,
“Slow crack growth and crack pinning in heterogeneous media :
Experiments and models”, defended the 29th September 2004.
Supervisors Prof. Loïc Vanel and Prof. Sergio Ciliberto.
April-August 2001
2 nd year Master’s thesis, advisor Prof. J.F. Pinton
“Tracking Algorithms for Lagrangian velocity measurements in
turbulent flows using an ultrasonic Doppler technique”,
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
April - June 2000 :
1 st year Master’s thesis, advisors J-S. Tanzilli et P. Baldi,
“Quantum Cryptography ”.
LPMC, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis
2001 - 2004 :
Teaching assistant (64 hours/ year),
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon.
Supervising experiments:
Development of a data base:
Taking part in the development of a data base of experiments for
teaching physics at secondary school. Project in collaboration with
experimental projects, bachelor‘s degree.
preparation for a national competitive examination for secondary
school and early undergraduate teachers
(“agrégation de physique”),
Experimental work: electronics, mechanics, hydrodynamics,
and thermodynamics.
Administrative and collective responsibility
2005 :
Organizing “Complex group” seminars
Oslo University, Physics Dpt.
2003 - 2004 :
Representative of the Physics laboratory PhD students
Taking part in the Physics laboratory council,
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon.
Taking part in « Sciences en fête ».
2001 - 2003 :
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4. Research activity:
o PhD Thesis : Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon,
Collaborations L.Vanel, S.Ciliberto, R.Scorretti, A.Guarino
During my thesis, I have been working at the Physics Laboratory of the “Ecole Normale
Supérieure de Lyon” in the team “Non-Linear Physics, Hydrodynamics, Turbulence” with
Professors Loïc Vanel and Sergio Ciliberto. We study the fracture of heterogeneous materials.
The idea is to compare simple numerical models such as fuse or spring networks, with real
experiments on fracture of heterogeneous materials. The issue is to understand how thermal
fluctuations can trigger damaging processes. In particular, we focus on the physical aspects of
the sub-critical damaging processes leading to time delayed fracture. The phenomenon of slow
crack growth until complete macroscopic failure is observed when a heterogeneous material is
submitted to a load below its breaking threshold. The delay in time depends exponentially on the
amplitude of the stress applied. The underlying physical mechanisms of this slow dynamics are
not yet well understood. Therefore, the purpose of my thesis was precisely to study the
mechanisms of slow crack growth under stress.
First of all, I have developed a theoretical approach based on a numerical model (a 2d spring
network describing a bi-dimensional elastic “discrete” system), where a crack grows due to
thermally activated stress fluctuations. The model has revealed characteristic properties of the
slow damaging processes, whose physical meaning can be tested experimentally. The
discreteness of our numerical samples changes the activation barrier, allowing us to obtain
metastable states, (where the crack can be trapped), until a critical crack length LC which is
longer than the Griffith length LG.
Secondly, I have carried out an experimental study in traction experiments (mode 1) of
heterogeneous fibrous materials using paper samples. In order to test the analytical and
numerical predictions, I have first developed and improved the experimental set-up, allowing us
to follow the entire damaging process. In these experiments, we observe that slow crack growth
is actually progressing by steps. The study of the average dynamics of the crack growth from an
initial length Li to a critical length LC, where the fracture is rapid, shows an exponential law for
the crack growth. A statistical study of the step size during the damaging process reveals that the
step size distribution follows a power law truncated by an exponential, which is typical of a
critical point approach in a sub-critical process. Moreover, our experiments show the crucial role
of heterogeneities and especially the size of fibers in paper, in dynamics of slow fracture. These
experimental results are in excellent agreement with our semi-analytical approach, which
describes the slow crack growth in terms of an activation process, where the statistical stress
fluctuations allow to overcome a breaking threshold through a series of irreversible steps.
Finally, I performed traction experiments on paper at very low and high temperature, in
collaboration with an engineering school, INSA Lyon, and on other kind of materials such as
textiles and polymer films.
o Post-Doc : Oslo University (“Complex group”)
Collaborations K.J Måløy, A. Hansen, J. Schmittbuhl, R. Toussaint
I am currently performing an experimental study of the slow crack front propagation through a
weak plane of a transparent Plexiglas block using a high speed and high resolution camera.
In particular, we focus our study on the dynamics and the structure of the local bursts which lead
to the rough fracture front line. We observe that the dynamics of the fracture front is controlled
by local and irregular avalanches with very large velocity fluctuations. In particular, both the
local front velocity and the burst size follow power law distribution.
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5. Publications & communications list
• Publications
Refereed reviews:
[1] Slow crack growth in polycarbonate films
P-P. Cortet, S. Santucci, L. Vanel, and S. Ciliberto, Europhys. Lett. 71 (2), pp1-7 (2005).
[2] Sub-critical statistics in rupture of fibrous materials: model and experiments.
S. Santucci, L. Vanel, and S. Ciliberto, Phys Rev Lett 93, 095055 (2004).
[3] Thermal activation of rupture and slow crack growth in a model of brittle materials.
S. Santucci, L. Vanel, A. Guarino, R. Scorretti, and S. Ciliberto, Europhys. Lett. 62 (3),
p.320-326 (2003).
[4] Thermally activated rupture in homogeneous brittle materials.
S. Santucci, L. Vanel, A. Guarino, R. Scorretti, and S. Ciliberto, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. 77,
suppl. 1, p.176 (2003).
[5] Failure time of elastic materials submitted to a constant load.
R. Scorretti, S. Santucci, A. Guarino, L. Vanel, and S. Ciliberto, Mater. Phys. Mech. 6, p6770 (2003).
Book Chapters / Proceedings:
[6] "Self-Affine scaling during interfacial crack front propagation".
S. Santucci, K.J. Måløy, R. Toussaint and J. Schmittbuhl.
to appear in NATO ASI Geilo (2006). Invited paper
[7] Physics of sub-critical crack growth in a fibrous material: Experiments and model.
S. Santucci, P-P. Cortet, L. Vanel, and S. Ciliberto,
11th International Conference on fracture (2005).
[8] Failure time, critical behaviour and activation processes in crack formation.
S. Ciliberto, S. Deschanel, A. Guarino, S. Santucci, R. Scorretti, L.Vanel,
11th International Conference on fracture (2005).
[9] Croissance lente d’une fissure par activation thermique.
S. Santucci, L.Vanel, and S. Ciliberto, Compte-rendus de la 6ème Rencontre du Non-Linéaire,
éditeurs Y. Pomeau et R. Ribotta, p. 271 (2003).
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Submitted or in preparation:
E. Bouchbinder, I. Procaccia, S. Santucci and L. Vanel,
"Fracture Surfaces as Multiscaling Graphs",
Phys. Rev. Lett., submitted (2005). (cond-mat/0508183 )
K.J. Måløy, S. Santucci, J. Schmittbuhl, and R. Toussaint.
"Local waiting time fluctuations along a randomly pinned crack front".
Phys. Rev. Lett., submitted. (2005).
S. Santucci, P-P. Cortet, S. Deschanel, L. Vanel, S. Ciliberto,
"Experimental test of thermally activated subcritical growth of crack in fibrous materials",
Europhys. Lett., submitted. (2005).
S. Santucci, K.J. Måløy, R. Toussaint and J. Schmittbuhl.
"Dynamics and structure of bursts during slow interfacial crack front propagation".
In preparation for Phys. Rev (E).
S. Santucci, L.Vanel, and S. Ciliberto,
" Slow crack growth and crack pinning in fibrous materials experiments and models".
In preparation for International Journal of Fracture.
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• Communications:
Invited seminar:
NATO Advanced Institute (ASI) on “Dynamics of complex interconnected systems”, Geilo,
Norway, 11-21 April 2005.
PPMD, ESPCI, Paris, January 2005.
GMCM, Université de Rennes1, January 2005.
LPMMH, ESPCI, Paris, January 2005.
LCVN, Université Montpellier II, January 2005.
LPMC, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, January 2005.
“Physics of Geological Processes”, Oslo University (Norway), September 2004.
LGIT | Maison des Géosciences, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, September 2004.
International Workshop "Geological evidence of earthquake source dynamics",
August 2004, Firenze (Italy)
Conferences & seminars:
“Complex System and Soft Material” group, Oslo University (Norway), September 2004.
Journées des Thésards, Laboratoire de Physique, ENS Lyon, April 2004.
7 ème Rencontre du Non-Linéaire, Institut Henri Poincaré, 10-13 Mars 2004, Paris.
GDR "Systèmes élastiques: du désordre à la plasticité", 19-22 Octobre 2003, Asnelles.
SFP 03, Congrès Général de la Société Française de Physique, 7-10 juillet 2003, Lyon.
Journées des Thésards, Laboratoire de Physique, ENS Lyon, Juin 2003.
6 ème Rencontre du Non-Linéaire, Institut Henri Poincaré, 13-14 Mars 2003, Paris.
Journées des Thésards, Laboratoire de Physique, ENS Lyon, Mars 2002.
International Workshop “Depinning transitions in disordered media: theory and
applications” NORDITA, April 22th to 24th 2004, Copenhagen, DK
6 ème Rencontre du Non-Linéaire, Institut Henri Poincaré, 13-14 Mars 2003, Paris.
GDR "Systèmes élastiques: du désordre à la plasticité", 23-26 septembre 2002, Carcassonne.
8 ème Journées de la Matière Condensée, 27-30 Août 2002, Marseille.
2 nd International Workshop on “Nucleation and Non-Linear Problems in First-Order Phase
Transitions”, St Petersburg (Russia), July 2002