Learning Assistant Instructor Survey - Spring 2015 SurveyMonkey Q1 Instructor Name: Answered: 5 Skipped: 0 # Responses Date 1 William Robert (Bob) Buell, Jr. 4/17/2015 4:21 PM 2 Robert Yest 4/14/2015 5:57 PM 3 Allison Golde 3/24/2015 4:06 PM 4 William Sauerland 3/24/2015 3:34 PM 5 Susan Stanton 3/24/2015 2:53 PM 1/7 Learning Assistant Instructor Survey - Spring 2015 SurveyMonkey Q2 Discipline: Answered: 5 Skipped: 0 # Responses Date 1 Fire Technology 4/17/2015 4:21 PM 2 Math 4/14/2015 5:57 PM 3 CAS 100 Adaptive Keyboarding/CAS 101 Adaptive Word Processing Disabled Adults 3/24/2015 4:06 PM 4 Music--Director of Choral and Vocal Activities 3/24/2015 3:34 PM 5 Chemsitry 3/24/2015 2:53 PM 2/7 Learning Assistant Instructor Survey - Spring 2015 SurveyMonkey Q3 How did you hear about this type of learning support or, more specifically, the Learning Assistant program? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0 # Responses Date 1 Email back in 2009. 4/17/2015 4:21 PM 2 From other faculty. 4/14/2015 5:57 PM 3 I had the pleasure of inheriting a wonderful student assistant when I took over my position. 3/24/2015 4:06 PM 4 Student 3/24/2015 3:34 PM 5 Colleague (Dhruv Joshi) 3/24/2015 2:53 PM 3/7 Learning Assistant Instructor Survey - Spring 2015 SurveyMonkey Q4 What can the Learning Connection do to better inform faculty of this learning support opportunity? Answered: 4 Skipped: 1 # Responses Date 1 Create videos showing the diverse ways that LA's are currently being used outside the traditional Tutoring model. 4/17/2015 4:21 PM 2 None 4/14/2015 5:57 PM 3 The Learning Connection has done a wonderful job of informing me, I am not sure how or what other members of 3/24/2015 4:06 PM faculty. 4 Unknown 3/24/2015 3:34 PM 4/7 Learning Assistant Instructor Survey - Spring 2015 SurveyMonkey Q5 How are you using your Learning Assistants? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0 # Responses Date 1 Skill development assistants, coaching students one-on-one in Fire Academy and pre-Academy classes 4/17/2015 4:21 PM 2 Assist in homework questions. He leads study groups. 4/14/2015 5:57 PM 3 I use my Learning Assistants to assist students who continue to struggle, the reassurance of a Learning Assistant who 3/24/2015 4:06 PM has gone through my class is the best source of inspiration to those who struggle. 4 In a myriad of ways: she is able to provide one-to-one feedback during class, collaborate with small groups, teach 3/24/2015 3:34 PM sections of lectures, help with class preparation, and overall serve as a conduit for better learning for students in the class 5 Chem 1A--helped in lab on busy days when students were learning new techniques, etc. Proctoring exams. Office hours for students. 5/7 3/24/2015 2:53 PM Learning Assistant Instructor Survey - Spring 2015 SurveyMonkey Q6 Do you have any further suggestions for improving and growing the Learning Assistant program? Answered: 4 Skipped: 1 # Responses Date 1 Online tracking system for LA participation that is accessible for Coordinators to confirm LA participation and hours are 4/17/2015 4:21 PM submitted in a timely manner. 2 None 4/14/2015 5:57 PM 3 At the moment, not that I can think of. 3/24/2015 4:06 PM 4 None 3/24/2015 3:34 PM 6/7 Learning Assistant Instructor Survey - Spring 2015 SurveyMonkey Q7 Do you have any feedback on the current Learning Assistant request and application process? Answered: 5 Skipped: 0 # Responses Date 1 Yes. The new language under "Supervising Students," Item #4, "...student assistants cannot work on any days when 4/17/2015 4:21 PM the campus is closed due to holidays or other campus closures," is problematic for off campus Fire Academy. Fire academy students and instructors still have class on the Saturday before Labor Day and the Saturday of President's Day Weekends. Fire LA's have always met on those days with the Academy, but according to this statement, they no longer can. That is a negative impact on a critical training session. Also, the Fire Program uses several LA's across 19 courses. You may regret getting 57 forms so that an individual CRN can appear on each form. 2 None 4/14/2015 5:57 PM 3 The feedback on the current Learning Assistant request and application process, perhaps, a few questions that apply 3/24/2015 4:06 PM to the job in particular, coupled with how students handle students who are older than they are, have learning challenges or behavioral problems. 4 None 3/24/2015 3:34 PM 5 Biggest problem I have faced--not enough overlap between LA availability and when I need help. 3/24/2015 2:53 PM 7/7