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This is one variation of a perspective held by THU`PUKPNLUV\ZSLHKLYZPU[OL7LY\]PHU(THaVUPU YLNHYKZ[VVPSL_WSVYH[PVUHUKL_WSVP[H[PVUJVUJLZZPVUZ ¶UHTLS`[OH[JVTT\UP[PLZZOV\SKOH]LNYLH[LYZH` HUKHJJVYKPUN[VTHU`HKLÄUP[P]LZH`PU^OL[OLY and how oil exploration activities proceed in their communities. In this article, I intend to illuminate [OPZ WLYZWLJ[P]L HSVUN ^P[O ZL]LYHS V[OLY JVTTVU [OYLHKZVMJVUJLYUOLSKI`THU`PUKPNLUV\ZWLVWSLZ YLNHYKPUNYLJLU[VPSL_WSVYH[PVUJVUJLZZPVUZ[OH[OH]L ILLU LZ[HISPZOLK [OYV\NOV\[ [OL 7LY\]PHU (THaVU Concerns about oil concessions in the 7LY\]PHU (THaVU HYL UV[ UL^ I\[ OH]L NHPULK PUJYLHZPUNWYVTPULUJLPUYLJLU[`LHYZNP]LU[OLYHWPK and recent increase in oil exploration concessions. 6]LY[OLWHZ[Ä]L`LHYZ[OL7LY\]PHUNV]LYUTLU[OHZ rapidly increased oil exploration concessions in the 7LY\]PHU (THaVU ^P[O JVUJLZZPVUZ UV^ JV]LYPUN HYV\UK VM [OL 7LY\]PHU (THaVU -PULY L[ HS \WMYVTHYV\UKPU:LY]PUKP -PN The promotion of oil has been linked to a ]PZPVU VM KL]LSVWTLU[ H[ [OL UH[PVUHS HUK YLNPVUHS SL]LS IHZLK \WVU [OL WYP]H[PaH[PVU HUK L_WVY[H[PVU of natural resources. This vision was made clear, for example, in the article “El Síndrome del Perro del Hortelano” written by the Peruvian President, Alan Lauren Baker is a 2nd year doctoral student at F&ES focusing on indigenous rights and extractive industries. Lauren, a southern California native, also completed a Masters of Environmental Management at F&ES (2005) and worked for three years at the Center for International Environmental Law in Washington D.C. on indigenous and human rights issues. 38 Volume 29, 2010 .HYJPH0U[OPZHY[PJSL7YLZPKLU[.HYJPHZ[H[LZ[OH[¸HU` Peruvian can look around and see all the riches that L_PZ[HUK[OH[HYLUV[ILPUNW\[[V]HS\L¯;OLYLHSP[` is that we should put to use the resources that we are UV[\[PSPaPUN¯;OPZPZ[OLILZ[IL[MVY[OLM\[\YLHUK [OLVUS`^H`[OH[^L^PSSHJOPL]LWYVNYLZZ¹.HYJPH 0U[OPZZHTLHY[PJSL.HYJPHHSZVL_WYLZZLKHU attitude that those that oppose concessions are also HNHPUZ[UH[PVUHSWYVNYLZZ![OH[[OVZL[OH[ILSPL]L[OH[ “Peruvian petroleum should remain beneath the earth ^OPSL[OL^VYSKWH`Z WLYIHYYLS¯WYLMLY[OH[7LY\ JVU[PU\LZ [V PTWVY[ HUK JVU[PU\LZ NL[[PUN WVVYLY¹ +LZWP[L WYVTPZLZ VM WYVNYLZZ HUK ^LSS ILPUNTHU`WLVWSLSP]PUNPUHYLHZUL^S`V]LYSHPKI` concessions have expressed concerns or opposition [V [OL JVUJLZZPVUZ ( WHY[PJ\SHYS` PTWVY[HU[ NYV\W VM Z[HRLOVSKLYZ NP]LU [OLPY OPNO WYLZLUJL HUK [OLPY JSHPTZ VM HUJLZ[YHS YPNO[Z [V SHYNL HYLHZ [OYV\NOV\[ [OL 7LY\]PHU (THaVU HYL [OL THU` PUKPNLUV\Z communities and federations. AIDESEP (Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana), the WYPTHY` PUKPNLUV\Z MLKLYH[PVU MVY [OL 7LY\]PHU (THaVUOHZYLWLH[LKS`KLUV\UJLK[OLZ\WLYWVZP[PVU VM O`KYVJHYIVU ISVJRZ V]LY PUKPNLUV\Z [LYYP[VYPLZ especially in territorial reserves for the protection of PZVSH[LK \UJVU[HJ[LK PUKPNLUV\Z WLVWSLZ :LY]PUKP "(0+,:,7UK6[OLYYLNPVUHSMLKLYH[PVUZOH]L ZPTPSHYS` VIQLJ[LK [V VPS JVUJLZZPVUZ -VY L_HTWSL ARPI (Asociación Regional de Pueblos Indígenas de la Selva Central KLJYPLK [OL Z[H[L»Z ¸HNNYLZZP]L WVSPJPLZ [V HWWYV]LVPS HUK NHZ JVUJLZZPVUZ PU [OL (THaVU¹PU¸]PVSH[PVUVM[OLYPNO[[VWYPVYPUMVYTLK consultation and consent of the ancestral owners of natural resources and territories” and declared [OH[ [OL` ¸QVPU [OL UH[PVUHS (THaVUPHU WVZP[PVU VM AIDESEP to not permit the entrance of petroleum JVTWHUPLZPU[OL[LYYP[VYPLZVM(THaVUPHUPUKPNLUV\Z JVTT\UP[PLZ¹ (970 ;OL :O\HY 6YNHUPaH[PVU VM 4VYVUH 6:/+,4 [OL :OHWYH -LKLYH[PVU VM 4VYVUH-,:/(4HUK[OL0UKPNLUV\Z(ZZVJPH[PVUVM Morona (AIM) have similarly warned that “we will not WLYTP[HU`TVYLVPSHJ[P]P[PLZPU[OLaVUL¹(0+,:,7 ;OPZPZUV[TLHU[[VPTWS`[OH[HSSJVTT\UP[PLZ or federations have opposed the concessions. Indeed, Indigenous Perspectives on oil exploration concessions in the Peruvian Amazon Figure 1. A map of oil concessions in Peru. [Source: PerúPetro] some communities have been allured by the ample WYVTPZLZTHKLI`[OLNV]LYUTLU[HUKJVTWHUPLZ VMILULÄ[ZMVYSVJHSJVTT\UP[PLZ^OPJONLULYHSS` HYL ULNV[PH[LK IL[^LLU SVJHS JVTT\UP[PLZ HUK companies in an ad hoc fashion, with the possibility VM PUJS\KPUN ZOVY[[LYT LTWSV`TLU[ HUKVY TH[LYPHS ILULÄ[Z 9H[OLY [OL HIV]L YLMLYLUJLZ [V denouncements are meant to illustrate that many communities and federations have raised concerns or opposed oil concessions in their communities. H^LSSRUV^U7LY\]PHUHU[OYVWVSVNPZ[^OV^VYRZPU[OL (THaVU HUK H SH^`LY PU [OL 7LY\]PHU 6TI\KZTHU»Z VMÄJL ^OV MVJ\ZLZ VU JVTWSHPU[Z OH]PUN [V KV ^P[O PUKPNLUV\Z WLVWSLZ HUK VPS L_WSVYH[PVU JVUJLZZPVUZ 0 also conducted supplemental or shorter interviews with Z[HMMPUHUHKKP[PVUHSMV\Y5.6ZVYYLZLHYJOPUZ[P[\[LZZLL ;HISLMVYSPZ[VMPUZ[P[\[PVUHSJVU[HJ[Z-PUHSS`K\YPUN [OPZ [PTL 0 WHY[PJPWH[LK PU ZL]LYHS ZP[L ]PZP[Z PUJS\KPUN H ZL]LYHS KH` TLL[PUN VM Ä]L *VJHTH PUKPNLUV\Z communities that had been affected by oil exploitation. 6]LY 1\UL HUK 1\S` 0 ^LU[ [V 7LY\ ^P[O[^VVIQLJ[P]LZPUTPUK![VNHPUHJSLHYPKLH HIV\[ PUKPNLUV\Z WLYZWLJ[P]LZ VU VPS L_WSVYH[PVU JVUJLZZPVUZ PUJS\KPUN JVUZPKLYH[PVUZ HIV\[ WVZZPISLPTWHJ[ZVYILULÄ[Z"HUK[VTHRLJVU[HJ[Z HUKSH`[OLNYV\UK^VYRMVYT`KVJ[VYHSKPZZLY[H[PVU YLZLHYJO ;OPZ I\PS[ \WVU YV\NOS` [OYLL `LHYZ VM MVSSV^PUNVYV[OLY^PZLLUNHNPUN^P[O[OPZPZZ\LHZH KVJ[VYHSZ[\KLU[HUKK\YPUNT`^VYRH[[OL*LU[LY MVY0U[LYUH[PVUHS,U]PYVUTLU[HS3H^PU>HZOPUN[VU +*+\YPUN[OL[^VTVU[OZVMWYLSPTPUHY`YLZLHYJO in 2009, I conducted extended semi-structured PU[LY]PL^Z^P[OPUKPNLUV\ZSLHKLYZPU[^VYLNPVUHS MLKLYH[PVUZ PU [OL UVY[OLHZ[ (THaVUPHU WYV]PUJL VM 3VYL[V HU[OYVWVSVNPZ[Z VY SH^`LYZ ^OV OHK ^VYRLK L_[LUZP]LS` ^P[O PUKPNLUV\Z WLVWSLZ PU Ä]LUVUNV]LYUTLU[HSVYNHUPaH[PVUZHSSVM^OVT HYL RL` WSH`LYZ H[ [OL UH[PVUHS VY YLNPVUHS SL]LS ^VYRPUNVUPUKPNLUV\ZHUKLU]PYVUTLU[HSPZZ\LZ Based upon this preliminary research, as well HZSP[LYH[\YLYL]PL^Z0^HZHISL[VPKLU[PM`MV\YYLJ\YYPUN [OLTLZ UHTLS` PUKPNLUV\Z JVUJLYUZ YLNHYKPUN! [OL JVUJLZZPVUPUN WYVJLZZ" WVZZPISL PTWHJ[Z MYVT oil exploration and extraction (and failure to account MVY [OL YHUNL VM PUKPNLUV\Z ]HS\LZ [V^HYK [OL SHUK" [OL SLNP[PTHJ` VM [OL JVUJLZZPVUZ TVYL NLULYHSS` NP]LU PUKPNLUV\Z WYPVY JSHPTZ [V [LYYP[VYPLZ" HUK possible violence or repression. In the sections that follow, I will touch upon each of these themes in turn, KYH^PUN \WVU PU[LY]PL^ KH[H HSS PUMVYTHU[Z HYL RLW[ HUVU`TV\Z [V LUZ\YL [OLPY ZHML[` HUK JVUÄKLU[PHSP[` ( ÄYZ[ THQVY KYP]LY VM PUKPNLUV\Z JVUJLYUZ ^HZ YLSH[LK [V [OL JVUJLZZPVUPUN WYVJLZZ 0U HSS VM T` ZLTPZ[Y\J[\YLKPU[LY]PL^ZPUMVYTHU[ZKLZJYPILKHOPNO MYLX\LUJ` VM KPZZH[PZMHJ[PVU ^P[O [OL JVUJLZZPVUPUN process – both the lack of consultation when the concessions were made to oil companies and what Tropical Resources Bulletin 39 Lauren Baker ^HZ MYLX\LU[S` KLZJYPILK HZ H ^LHR VY PUHKLX\H[L consultation at later points in the process, such as K\YPUN LU]PYVUTLU[HS PTWHJ[ HZZLZZTLU[Z ,0(Z `V\0^PSS[LSS`V\[OH[0HTNVPUN[VI\PSK a road, take the petroleum, [etc.] – there, 0»]L JVUZ\S[LK `V\¹ ¯;OL PTWSLTLU[PUN SLNPZSH[PVU MVY [OL SH^ VU JVUZ\S[H[PVU YLX\PYLZ[OH[[OL`JHYY`V\[W\ISPJOLHYPUNZ PU]P[L JVTT\UP[PLZ HUK VYNHUPaH[PVUZ explain the project, and receive their JVTTLU[Z,UKVMZ[VY`"UV[OPUNTVYL;OPZ is how the state understands consultation. In JVU[YHZ[^OH[KV[OLJVTT\UP[PLZZH`&;OL` say that for them, consultation is when you ask us what we think and we try to reach HU HNYLLTLU[ VU ^OH[ [V KV 0M ^L HYL PU HNYLLTLU[ [OLU ^L NV MVY^HYK 0M ^L ZH` UV[OLUP[»ZUV¹ 6UL PZZ\L [OH[ PZ PU[LYLZ[PUN PU YLNHYK [V JVUJLYUZ HIV\[ PUHKLX\H[L WYVJLZZ ^HZ [OH[ JHSSZ MVY IL[[LY JVUZ\S[H[PVU I` THU` PUKPNLUV\Z SLHKLYZ HUK MLKLYH[PVUZ VM[LU PU]VS]LK PU]VRPUN [OL Z[H[L»Z VISPNH[PVUZ [V YLZWLJ[ PUKPNLUV\Z YPNO[ [V JVUZ\S[H[PVU KL[HPSLK PU *VU]LU[PVU [OL ¸0UKPNLUV\Z HUK ;YPIHS 7LVWSLZ *VU]LU[PVU¹ VM [OL 0U[LYUH[PVUHS 3HIVY 6YNHUPaH[PVU ¸036 ¹ ^OPJO OHZ [OL ¸VIQLJ[P]L VM HJOPL]PUN HNYLLTLU[ VY JVUZLU[¹"(Y[PJSL HUK PU ZVTL JHZLZ [OL YPNO[ to prior informed consent, as has been endorsed, MVYL_HTWSLPU[OL<5+LJSHYH[PVUVU[OL9PNO[ZVM 0UKPNLUV\Z7LVWSLZ;OPZPUKPJH[LK[OH[H[SLHZ[ZVTL ( ÄUHS [`WL VM MY\Z[YH[PVU V]LY PUHKLX\H[L discontent about consultation processes was related consultation included instances when companies either [V VY Z\WWVY[LK I` PKLHZ HIV\[ PUKPNLUV\Z YPNO[Z ¸KP]PKLHUKJVUX\LY¹VY¸I\`VMM¹ZVTLJVTT\UP[PLZ VYJVTT\UP[`SLHKLYZ^P[OV\[JVUZ\S[PUN[OL^PKLY 0U HKKP[PVU [OL JVUJLZZPVUPUN WYVJLZZ HSZV community. This type of situation was described seemed to violate expectations about respect and I` PUMVYTHU[Z PU ZL]LYHS PU[LY]PL^Z -VY L_HTWSL MHPYULZZ 6UL WYVISLT HWWLHYLK [V IL NYV\UKLK PU HU PUKPNLUV\Z SLHKLY PU [OL -LKLYH[PVU VM 5H[P]L differently held expectations and interpretations *VTT\UP[PLZ VM [OL *VYYPLU[LZ 9P]LY -,*65(*6 I` [OL Z[H[L HUK PUKPNLUV\Z JVTT\UP[PLZ HIV\[ KLZJYPILK [OL WVZP[PVU VM [OL MLKLYH[PVU [OH[! ^OH[ HKLX\H[L JVUZ\S[H[PVU JVUZPZ[Z VM VY SLHKZ [V HZ ^HZ KLZJYPILK I` [OL MVSSV^PUN RL` PUMVYTHU[! “There needs to be prior consultation before JVUJLZZPVUZ HYL THKL PU [OLPY [LYYP[VYPLZ¯ “Here in Peru, consultation has two ;OL [LUKLUJ` VM [OL NV]LYUTLU[ PZ [V SVVR interpretations – the interpretation of the MVY HUK JVU]PUJL VY JVTT\UP[PLZ NV]LYUTLU[ HUK [OL PU[LYWYL[H[PVU VM those that are easiest or closest, but the [OL JVTT\UP[PLZ¯;OL NV]LYUTLU[ ZH`Z PUKPNLUV\Z WLYZWLJ[P]L YLJVNUPaLZ [OH[ JVUZ\S[H[PVU VJJ\YZ ^OLU! ¸0»]L KLJPKLK V\Y YPNO[Z HYL JVSSLJ[P]L" HSS VM \Z ULLK [V [V KV ZVTL[OPUN ZV 0 ^PSS NV HUK PUMVYT Table 1. Institutional Contacts for Interviews 0UKPNLUV\Z-LKLYH[PVUZ Institutional Contacts for Extend- Institutional Contacts for Suppleed Semi-Structured Interviews mental or Shorter Interviews - Asociación Cocama de Desarrollo y Conservación San Pablo de Tipishca (*6+,*6:7(; -LKLYHJP}UKL*VT\UPKHKLZ 5H[P]HZKLS9xV*VYYPLU[LZ -,*65(*6 *LU[YV(THa}UPJVKL (U[YVWVSVNxH`(WSPJHJP}U 7YmJ[PJH*(((7 - Centro para el Desarrollo del 0UKxNLUH(THa}UPJV*,+0( - Derechos Ambiente y Recursos 5H[\YHSLZ+(9 0X\P[VZYLNPVUHSVMÄJLVM +LMLUZVYxHKLS7\LISV[OL 7LY\]PHU6TI\KZTHU»ZVMÄJL - Red Ambiental Loretana - Shinai (U[OYVWVSVNPZ[(SILY[V*OPYPM 40 Volume 29, 2010 - Instituto del Bien Común 9HJPTVZKL<UN\YHO\P 0UZ[P[\[VKL0U]LZ[PNHJPVULZKL SH(THaVUxH7LY\HUH00(7 - Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA) Indigenous perspectives on oil exploration concessions in the Peruvian Amazon participate. In the Corrientes river there HYL TVYL [OHU JVTT\UP[PLZ @V\ ULLK [V JVUZ\S[ HSS I\[ [OPZ KVLZU»[ OHWWLU¹ In another example, an informant described [OL HUNLY HUK MY\Z[YH[PVU VM PUKPNLUV\Z WLVWSL PU [OL -LKLYH[PVU VM (N\HY\UHZ *VTT\UP[PLZ VM [OL +VTPUN\aH 9P]LY -(+ HUK [OL -LKLYH[PVU VM 5H[P]L (N\HY\UHZ *VTT\UP[PLZ VM [OL 5PL]H 9P]LY -,*65(905VUJL[OLVPSJVTWHU`/VJVSZOV^LK \WPU[OLPYJVTT\UP[PLZ^P[OHJVU[YHJ[ZPNULKI`H ML^PUKPNLUV\ZSLHKLYZV]LYH`LHYLHYSPLY>OLU[OL rest of the federation and the communities “found V\[[OH[HUHNYLLTLU[OHKILLUZPNULK^P[OV\[HU` [`WL VM JVUZ\S[H[PVU¯[OL WLVWSL ILJHTL M\YPV\Z HUK PUZ\S[LK [OLT B[OL JVTWHU` NV]LYUTLU[ VMÄJPHSZ HUK [OL SLHKLYZ [OH[ OHK ZPNULK [OL HNYLLTLU[D¯HUK ÄUHSS` [OL` [OYL^ [OLT HSS V\[¹ A second major theme raised in many of my interviews was related to concerns about impacts from oil exploration and extraction. By way of JVU[L_[P[PZ^VY[OTLU[PVUPUN[OH[[OLYLOHZILLUHU LMMVY[I`[OL7LY\]PHUNV]LYUTLU[HUK[OLJVTWHUPLZ themselves to create a “conceptual break” between new and old oil exploration and extraction, by KPZ[PUN\PZOPUN J\YYLU[ VPS L_WSVYH[PVU MYVT WYL]PV\Z VPSL_[YHJ[PVUPU[OLJV\U[Y`-VYL_HTWSLPUYLNHYKZ [V TPULYHS YLZV\YJLZ NLULYHSS` 7LY\]PHU 7YLZPKLU[ (SHU .HYJPH OHZ Z[H[LK [OH[ ¸VUS` H [LU[O VM [OLZL YLZV\YJLZHYLJ\YYLU[S`ILPUNL_WSVP[LKILJH\ZL^L HYLZ[PSSKPZJ\ZZPUNPMTPULYHSKL]LSVWTLU[KLZ[YV`Z[OL environment, which is a theme from the last century¯ LU]PYVUTLU[HS WYVISLTZ [VKH` HYL IHZPJHSS` MYVT¯ `LZ[LYKH`¹.HYJPH"LTWOHZPZHKKLK*VTWHUPLZ OH]LHSZVOPNOSPNO[LK[OLPYWSHUZ[V\ZLSV^LYPTWHJ[ L_WSVYH[PVU HUK L_[YHJ[PVU [LJOUPX\LZ JVTWHYLK [V those used in the past in Peru, such as reinjection of formation waters and the use of a new type of seismic [LZ[PUN[OH[OHZZTHSSLYL_WSVZPVUZHZH^H`[VZPNUHS that current operations will have minimal impacts. Despite assurances of minimal impacts from “new” oil exploration and extraction, informants in T` PU[LY]PL^Z JVUZPZ[LU[S` JP[LK [OH[ PUKPNLUV\Z WLVWSLZ ^LYL IV[O RUV^SLKNLHISL HIV\[ [OL WYL]PV\Z JVU[HTPUH[PVU HUK SHJR VM ILULÄ[ ZOHYPUN and were concerned that they would similarly be OHYTLK PU [OPZ THUULY -PN +\YPUN T` ZP[L visit to this area I heard many accounts of past and J\YYLU[ JVU[HTPUH[PVU HUK TPUPTHS ILULÄ[ ZOHYPUN Concerns about impacts were not only limited to direct impacts from contamination or lack VM ILULÄ[ ZOHYPUN I\[ HSZV L_[LUKLK [V JVUJLYUZ YLSH[LK[VPUKPNLUV\Z]HS\LZ[V^HYK[OLSHUK[OH[HYL UV[JHW[\YLKI`[OLZ[H[LVYJVTWHUPLZ-VYL_HTWSL VULPUKPNLUV\ZSLHKLYHUKRL`PUMVYTHU[Z[YLZZLK[OH[! ¸-VY \Z [OL Z\IZVPS¯PZ UV[ VUS` HIV\[ WL[YVSL\T NVSK ZPS]LY¯I\[ P[ HSZV PZ ^OLYL [OLYL PZ [OL TV[OLY VM [OL SHUK 6\Y TV[OLY is also there, and the spirits are there in [OL Z\IZVPS¯[OL IVULZ VM V\Y HUJLZ[VYZ¯ Figure 2. Oil tanker outside of San José de Saramuro, Marañon River, Peruvian Amazon. [Photograph by Lauren Baker.] Tropical Resources Bulletin 41 Lauren Baker [OL \TIPSPJHS JVYKZ VM V\Y JOPSKYLU¯[OL WSHJL MVY M\[\YL NLULYH[PVUZ ;OPZ ZWPYP[\HS relationship that unites us with our territory, ^P[O V\Y Z\IZVPS ¶ [OL` KVU»[ JVUZPKLY¹ ;OL MYLX\LUJ` ^P[O ^OPJO T` PUMVYTHU[Z OPNOSPNO[LK[OLZL[`WLZVMJVUJLYUZPUKPJH[L[OH[THU` PUKPNLUV\Z SLHKLYZ HUK JVTT\UP[PLZ HYL \U^PSSPUN [V HJJLW[ [OL ¸JVUJLW[\HS IYLHR¹ ILPUN WYVTV[LK by the state and companies and are concerned about the myriad possible environmental and social impacts, and at least some are skeptical that the state VY JVTWHUPLZ \UKLYZ[HUK HUK YLZWLJ[ PUKPNLUV\Z values toward and connection to their lands and territories (values that are not captured in EIAs). A third, notable trend was that for many PUKPNLUV\ZWLVWSLZ[OLSLNP[PTHJ`VM[OLJVUJLZZPVUZ ^HZ X\LZ[PVULK H[ H M\UKHTLU[HS SL]LS NP]LU [OL JSHPTZ VM WYPVY HUK WYPVYP[` JVU[YVS I` PUKPNLUV\Z WLVWSLZ [V [OLPY [LYYP[VYPLZ -VY L_HTWSL PU VUL of my interviews with a well-respected Peruvian HU[OYVWVSVNPZ[ OL Z[YLZZLK [OH[ H JLU[YHS WVPU[ [V \UKLYZ[HUK HIV\[ PUKPNLUV\Z JVTT\UP[PLZ PU 7LY\ PZ [OH[ [OLZL WLVWSLZ ¸OH]L YPNO[Z [OH[ HYL WYPVY [V [OVZLVM[OL:[H[L¹NP]LU[OH[[OL`HYLVYPNPUHS[V[OL area (“por el hecho de ser originarios”). The same PKLH^HZYLWLH[LKPUV[OLYPU[LY]PL^Z-VYL_HTWSL PU VUL PU[LY]PL^ ^P[O HU PUKPNLUV\Z SLHKLY ZOL UV[LK[OH[¸[OLZ[H[LPZYLJLU[S`JYLH[LKHZHZ[H[L¯ we have lived here much before the state was created,” HZQ\Z[PÄJH[PVUMVYYPNO[ZIHZLK\WVUHUJLZ[YHSJSHPTZ 0UHUV[OLYPU[LY]PL^^P[OHU5.6IHZLK(THaVUPHU PUKPNLUV\Z L_WLY[ 0 ^HZ [VSK HIV\[ [OL Z[Y\NNSLZ VM [OL4H[ZtZWLVWSLZ[VKLMLUK[OLPY[LYYP[VY`MYVTVPS HUK MVYLZ[Y` JVUJLZZPVUZ ;OLZL JVTT\UP[PLZ YLWYLZLU[LKI`[OLPYPUKPNLUV\ZMLKLYH[PVUKLJSHYLK in 2000 that they would close their territory to any JVUJLZZPVUZ MYVT [OL NV]LYUTLU[ H WVZP[PVU [V ^OPJO [OL` OH]L OLSK ÄYT KLZWP[L [OL JVU[PU\PUN Z[H[L JSHPTZ [V [OLPY [LYYP[VY` PUJS\KPUN MVY VPS exploration. My informant also noted that while [OL4H[ZtZHYLRUV^SLKNLHISLHIV\[Z[H[LJSHPTZ[V YLZV\YJLZ[OH[[OL`KVUV[HJJLW[Z\JOJSHPTZNP]LU [OH[ [OL` HYL ÄYT [OH[ [OPZ PZ 4H[ZtZ» [LYYP[VY` ¸los Matsés tienen bien grabado en sus cabezas que todo Figure 3. Post-Bagua conflict banner, indicating solidarity with national indigenous federation, AIDESEP, and former president of that federation Alberto Pizango, who fled the country and was granted political asylum in Nicaragua after being targeted for arrest under charges that included sedition and inciting rebellion. Banner text (excerpt): “Alberto Pizango: The people are with you. Long live peaceful struggles! For the defense of the rights of indigenous peoples and their territories.” [Photograph by Lauren Baker.] 42 Volume 29, 2010 Indigenous perspectives on oil exploration concessions in the Peruvian Amazon esto es territorio Matsés”) that they continue to defend [OYV\NOTVUP[VYPUNJYL^Z¸rondas de vigilancia”) and proclamations to close their territories to extraction. [OH[ HYL IV[O WYLZZPUN HUK YPWL MVY M\Y[OLY Z[\K` ( MV\Y[O HUK ÄUHS PZZ\L [OH[ HYVZL PU THU` interviews related to concerns about violence and repression. This was particularly evident with the )HN\HJVUÅPJ[MYVT[OPZZ\TTLY>P[OPU[^VKH`ZVM my arrival in Peru there was a major confrontation IL[^LLUWVSPJLHUKPUKPNLUV\ZWYV[LZ[LYZPU[OLUVY[O VM[OLJV\U[Y`YLZ\S[PUNPU[OLKLH[OZVMV]LYWVSPJL VMÄJLYZ HUK PUKPNLUV\Z WLVWSL ;OPZ ^HZ MVSSV^LK by a rapid crackdown on leaders in the national PUKPNLUV\ZMLKLYH[PVUTHU`VM^OVT^LYL[HYNL[LK MVY HYYLZ[ \UKLY JOHYNLZ VM PUJP[PUN YPV[ZYLILSSPVU JVUZWPYHJ`ZLKP[PVUHUKJYPTLZHNHPUZ[W\ISPJWLHJL HUK[YHUX\PSP[`;OL)HN\HJVUÅPJ[HSZVYLZVUH[LK^P[O V[OLYZP[\H[PVUZPU[OLUVY[OLYU7LY\]PHU(THaVU[OH[ I was told about in interviews, such as an incident in (UKVHZMVSSV^PUNHUPUKPNLUV\ZWYV[LZ[[OH[YLZ\S[LKPU [OLKLH[OVMHWVSPJLVMÄJLYHUKJVTT\UP[`TLTILY ;OLZL[`WLZVMJVUÅPJ[ZHUK[OLPYHM[LYTH[OJLY[HPUS` YHPZLK H^HYLULZZ HIV\[ [OL ]VSH[PSP[` Z\YYV\UKPUN PUKPNLUV\ZWYV[LZ[PU7LY\HUKTHU`VMT`PUMVYTHU[Z KLZJYPILK MLHYZ VM HKKP[PVUHS TPSP[HYPaH[PVU VY M\[\YL YLWYLZZPVU VM PUKPNLUV\Z JVTT\UP[PLZ VY SLHKLYZ 0^V\SKSPRL[V[OHUR[OLNLULYV\ZZ\WWVY[VM[OL ;YVWPJHS 9LZV\YJLZ 0UZ[P[\[L *VJH *VSH >VYSK -\UK HUK (NYHYPHU:[\KPLZ7YVNYHT[VM\UK[OPZYLZLHYJO;OHURZHSZV [VJVSSLHN\LZHUKMYPLUKZPU7LY\HUK>HZOPUN[VU+*[OH[ OH]LPUVUL^H`VYHUV[OLYOLSWLKT`[OPURPUNHUKYLZLHYJO VU [OPZ [VWPJ PUJS\KPUN(UKYL^ 4PSSLY 4H[[ -PULY *HYSVZ Soria, Percy Summers, Hernan Coronado, Alberto Chirif HUK(SMVUZV 3VWLa([@HSL 0 ^V\SK SPRL [V HJRUV^SLKNL the academic support of my co-advisors, Michael Dove and Robert Bailis, as well as additional faculty support MYVT+V\N9VNLYZ3PII`>VVKHUK(TP[`+VVSP[[SLHUK additional thanks for comments on previous versions of this WHWLYMYVTWLLYZPU4PJOHLS+V]L»Z-HSS :VJPL[`HUK ,U]PYVUTLU[JSHZZHUK[OL:VJPHS,JVSVN`KVJ[VYHSSHI 4`ÄUKPUNZOH]LJVUÄYTLK[OH[PUKPNLUV\Z WLVWSLZPU[OL7LY\]PHU(THaVUOH]LTHU`JVUJLYUZ about the recent oil exploration concessions in their [LYYP[VYPLZ YHUNPUN MYVT JVUJLYUZ YLNHYKPUN [OL JVUJLZZPVUPUN WYVJLZZ WVZZPISL KPYLJ[ HUK PUKPYLJ[ impacts, the possibility of violence and repression, HUKMVYTHU`HX\LZ[PVUPUNVM[OLSLNP[PTHJ`VM[OL JVUJLZZPVUZ[OLTZLS]LZ9H[OLY[OHUILPUNHJJLW[LK HZHULJLZZP[`MVYUH[PVUHSWYVNYLZZ[OLJVUJLZZPVUZ have both revealed and provoked tensions between [OL Z[H[L HUK THU` PUKPNLUV\Z JVTT\UP[PLZ There are also early indications that oil exploration JVUJLZZPVUZ PU [OL 7LY\]PHU (THaVU HYL MLLKPUN PU[V^OH[NLVNYHWOLY4PJOHLS>H[[ZOHZ[LYTLK[OL “double-movement,” in which concessions for natural YLZV\YJLZWYV]PKLIV[OH¸JLU[YHSPaPUNMVYJL[OH[THRLZ the state more visible” but simultaneously “discredit [OLZ[H[LHUKP[ZMVYTZVMNV]LYUHUJL¹>H[[Z ;OL [`WLZ VM JVUJLYUZ PKLU[PÄLK HIV]L LZWLJPHSS` [OVZL [OH[ JHSS PU[V X\LZ[PVU [OL Z[H[L»Z JSHPTZ H[ H fundamental level, indicate that this is not a situation [OH[^PSSILLHZPS`YLZVS]LK[OYV\NO[LJOUPJHSÄ_LZVY UVTPUHSULNV[PH[PVU>OH[YLTHPUZ[VILKL[LYTPULK PZOV^[OLZL[LUZPVUZIL[^LLUZ[H[LHUKPUKPNLUV\Z claims to resources in the same territories can or will IL HKKYLZZLK HUK [OL YVSL VM UH[PVUHS HUK YLNPVUHS PUKPNLUV\ZTV]LTLU[ZPUHZZLY[PUNJSHPTZ¶X\LZ[PVUZ Acknowledgements 9LMLYLUJLZ AIDESEP (Inter-Ethnic Association for the Development of [OL7LY\]PHU(THaVU6J[VILY ¸0UKPNLUV\ZVYNHUPaH[PVUZHUUV\UJLTLHZ\YLZPM Talisman oil company does not abandon Block ¹O[[W!^^^HTHaVU^H[JOVYNUL^ZYVVT ]PL^FUL^ZWOW&PK$PU,UNSPZO"O[[W!^^^ HPKLZLWVYNWLPUKL_WOW&JVKUV[H$ PU:WHU ish). AIDESEP (Inter-Ethnic Association for the Development VM[OL7LY\]PHU(THaVU5K¸7YVNYHTHKL;LYYP [VYPV9LJ\YZVZ5H[\YHSLZ`+LYLJOVZ/\THUVZ¹ O[[W!^^^HPKLZLWVYNWLPUKL_WOW&JVKUV[H$ (THaVU>H[JO 5V]LTILY7YLZZ9LSLHZL! ¸0UKPNLUV\ZWLVWSLZLUK\S[PTH[\T[V9H`/\U[!º.L[ `V\YVPSJVTWHU`V\[VMV\YWYV[LJ[LKHYLHZ»¹ O[[W!HTHaVU^H[JOVYNUL^ZYVVT]PL^F UL^ZWOW&PK$ (970(ZVJPHJP}U9LNPVUHSKL7\LISVZ0UKxNLUHZKLSH :LS]H*LU[YHS1\UL¸9H[PÄJHJP}UKL posición frente a las concesiones y actividades de Empresas Multinacionales en territorio de pueblos PUKxNLUH(9(>(2:LS]H*LU[YHS7LY¹O[[W! ^^^HPKLZLWVYNWLPUKL_WOW&JVKUV[H$ -PULY4*51LURPUZ:37PTT)2LHULHUK*9VZZ 6PSHUKNHZWYVQLJ[ZPU[OL^LZ[LYU(THaVU! [OYLH[Z[V^PSKLYULZZIPVKP]LYZP[`HUK0UKPNLUV\Z 7LVWSLZ73V:65,!L KVP!QV\YUHS WVUL .HYJxH7tYLa(6J[VILY¸,S:xUKYVTLKLS7LYYV del Hortelano.” El Comercio, Perú. Tropical Resources Bulletin 43 Lauren Baker :LY]PUKP(WYPS¸65<!+LU\UJPHUZ\WLYWVZPJP}U KLSV[LZKLOPKYVJHYI\YVZZVIYLmYLHZWYV[LNPKHZ `[LYYP[VYPVZPUKxNLUHZ¹O[[W!^^^ZLY]PUKPVYN HJ[\HSPKHK :LY]PUKP 1\S`¸7LY!º,ZMHSZVX\LSVZW\LISVZ HTHa}UPJVZ[PLULUºKLTHZPHKVZ»[LYYP[VYPVZ»HÄYTH LZWLJPHSPZ[H¹O[[W!^^^ZLY]PUKPVYNHJ[\HSP KHK <UP[LK5H[PVUZ+LJSHYH[PVUVU[OL9PNO[ZVM0UKPNLUV\Z 7LVWSLZ(9,: (KVW[LKI`[OL.LULYHS (ZZLTIS`:LW[LTILY >H[[Z4=PVSLU[LU]PYVUTLU[Z!WL[YVSL\TJVUÅPJ[ HUK[OLWVSP[PJHSLJVSVN`VMY\SLPU[OL5PNLY+LS[H 5PNLYPH0U3PILYH[PVU,JVSVNPLZ!,U]PYVUTLU[ Development, Social Movements, edited by R. Peet HUK4>H[[Z5L^@VYR!9V\[SLKNL 44 Volume 29, 2010