President’s Office Dr. Susan Sperling President’s Report to the Board of Trustees

President’s Office
Dr. Susan Sperling
President’s Report to the Board of Trustees
November 17, 2015
Chabot Hosts East Bay High School Students for Manufacturing Day
Chabot College and 14 Bay Area manufacturers opened their doors on Thursday, November 5th
to over 400 high school students to help build a pipeline for future workers. Students visited
two manufacturing sites each in the morning, and then explored avenues to pursue those fields
at Chabot College.
Student participants were selected from East Bay high schools in Castro Valley, Hayward, San
Leandro, San Lorenzo, and Eden Area ROP who demonstrated an interest in science,
technology, engineering and math related (STEM) fields or applied technology. The San
Leandro Chamber of Commerce partnered with Chabot College and the school districts to bring
the event to the East Bay by encouraging its membership in the manufacturing sector to
participate. Local workforce investment boards also lent their support.
The event was one of more than
2,500 held across the nation to
focus on modern manufacturing in
the United States. California is the
nation’s number one state for
manufacturing in terms of total
firms, jobs and output, with twice
the number of manufacturing
companies as the next closest state
in this category. (California Competes
by Juli Anne Patty, Trade & Industry
“It’s critical to introduce high school students to the opportunities available in the
manufacturing sector so that they can better understand its value to the overall economy and
how it might be a good fit for them. This event goes one step further and provides students
with a pathway from high school to community college towards a manufacturing job,”
according to Dr. Kristin Lima, Chabot’s Dean of Applied Technology and Business.
The school districts, manufacturers
and Chabot College will continue this
relationship as part of the California
Career Pathways Trust grant. The
next Manufacturing Day is set for
November 4, 2016.
(Photo: Machine Tool Technology Professor
Michael Absher with a Castro Valley student)
Chabot College
Susan Sperling, Ph.D., President
President’s Report – November 17, 2015
Page 2 of 4
Chabot College Applied Technology Job Fair
Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College Career Training (TAACCCT) grant, under
Career Pathways and Education at Chabot College sponsored its first ever Applied Technology
Job Fair on November 12th. Areas of study were Automotive, BMW, Machining, Welding,
Electronics, and Project Management with a variety of positions within manufacturing and
business. There were a total of 27 businesses represented all with full-time and part-time
positions available. Just a few of the business attending were: S.F. Municipal Transportation
Authority (S.F. MTA), Meyer Sound, Tradesmen International, United Airlines, Lawrence
Livermore Labs, BART, Continental hiring for TESLA.
Most of the businesses
were local or within the
region, however Rapid
Displays brought
representatives who
were both local and
from Chicago to meet
our students. Each of
these businesses had a
variety of openings,
ranging from
technicians, machinists,
welders, project
managers, CNC
electricians and several
apprentice and trainee positions. Rich Products will be developing apprenticeships and have
expressed an interest in working with us and our students.
Lap-top computers were available
for students to apply on site as well
as human resource representatives
from a staffing agency to assist
students with their resumes.
Approximately 200 Chabot
students studying Applied Tech
and Business participated in the
event, faculty and administrators
came by to visit and meet the
employers as well. TAACCCT,
Career Pathways & Education
program plans on hosting another
job fair in March, this one will be
open to a greater variety of
(Photos by: Eric Webb, Chabot Student)
employers and students in all area
of study. More information on this
event will come out early 2016.
Chabot College
Susan Sperling, Ph.D., President
President’s Report – November 17, 2015
Page 3 of 4
Chabot STEM Student Leaders Connect with Silicon Valley Industry
A select group of two Chabot College students honed their leadership skills at a special
invitation-only conference for math-based majors in the country’s science, technology,
engineering and math (STEM) innovation hub.
The 12th Annual Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Student Leadership
Conference was fully sponsored by industry donations. Edison International is the lead sponsor
with additional funding from AT&T, Pacific Gas and Electric, San Diego Gas and Electric and
Southern California Gas.
The conference, themed “Celebrating 45 Years of STEM Success,” was held October 2-3 at the
Santa Clara Marriott in Santa Clara. It offered students extensive professional and leadership
development through direct interaction with industry mentors and speakers. The hand-picked
MESA students, all science, engineering, or math majors, represent 38 universities and
community colleges from across the state.
The Chabot conference attendees, sponsored by PG&E, were Michael Choi, electrical
engineering major, and Victor Zendejas Lopez, mechanical engineering major. Maggie
Schumacher, Chemistry Faculty Member, volunteered her time to chaperone the students.
Students participated in mock interviews, connected with industry representatives, heard guest
speakers and attended workshops. This focus on so-called “soft skills” is a key to shaping wellrounded STEM professionals. Actor and scientist Christina Ochoa and Pixar also gave
(Photo: Chabot Students- Victor Zendejas Lopez (back row middle); Michael Choi (back row right);
Maggie Schumacher, Chemistry Instructor (front row right))
Chabot College
Susan Sperling, Ph.D., President
President’s Report – November 17, 2015
Page 4 of 4
Student Veterans Organization - Veterans Week 2015 & Toys for Tots – Toy Drive
The Student Veterans Organization (SVO) hosted the first Veterans Appreciation week on campus
from November 2nd to 6th. During this week, the SVO provided Thank You meal vouchers to all
veterans (students, administrators, faculty, and classified professionals alike) redeemed at Fresh
& Natural cafeteria. The SVO also hosted two competitions, Gladiator Challenge and Veteran’s
Day 5K, both designed to test physical abilities as well as promote health and wellness.
The Gladiator Challenge is a two person team event where they go through series of physical
obstacle challenges to be the ultimate Gladiator. This event was held on Tuesday, November 3rd
and took place in the Confidence Course. Participants of this event were given a Gladiator t-shirt
and gift card courtesy of the President’ Office. Also this week was the Veteran’s Day 5K. This is a
self-paced run/walk meant to enjoy the weather, offer some exercise and spend time with friend
or even make some new ones. This event took place at the Track & Field.
(Group Photo Back Row L to R: Alexander Prasadi, Blake
Freydenfeldt, Travis Williams, Charles Vallero, Josiah Dinatale,
Rozen Bondoc, Antonio Puente, John Hales.
Front Row: Patrick Mwamba, Rosanna Narajinru, Gary Fields)
Photos by: Michael Prasadi
Currently, the Student Veterans Organization is
presenting the Third Annual Toys for Tots Toy Drive helping bring toys to underprivileged
children in Alameda County for the holidays. Collection boxes have been set up throughout
areas on campus with a final Day of Collection hosted on December 10th in the Event Center.