Message from Chabot College’s President I want to alert you to the fact that for the first time in 50 years, we are printing a spring semester schedule that is really two schedules. Why must we do so? The State of California has been cutting funds to California Community Colleges; since 2008-2009, they have been cut $809 million. This year the budget was cut $300 million and it could be cut by another $338 million in January 2013. If the Governor’s budget does not hold, Chabot College will not be able to offer our full schedule of classes. We will need to reduce our spring schedule of transfer, vocational, and basic skills classes by almost 100 courses. When you look at the Chabot College Spring 2013 class schedule, which will be available on the Chabot College website during the week of October 15 (, you will see those classes we will be able to offer if the Governor’s Tax Measure (Proposition 30) and the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Measure I pass. Here are the facts: IF PROPOSITION 30 DOES NOT PASS • Chabot College would need to reduce roughly 100 course sections starting with this Spring’s 2013 schedule. (See reverse side of this postcard for courses subject to cancellation.) • It would trigger cuts in January 2013 totaling $5.2 million for the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District. IF PROPOSITION 30 PASSES • Chabot College will be able to offer this Spring’s 2013 full schedule of course offerings. • $550 million would be generated for California Community Colleges for 2012-2013 and $3 billion over a 7-year timeframe. • There would be an increase in sales tax of 1/4 of a cent for 4 years. • There would be an increase in personal income tax for people who earn $250,000 and above per year. IF MEASURE I DOES NOT PASS • Chabot-Las Positas Community College District would not receive roughly $5.6 million per year for six years to provide classes and services to students. • Voters would not pay $28 parcel tax per year for six years. IF MEASURE I PASSES • Chabot-Las Positas Community College District would receive roughly $5.6 million per year for six years effective July 1, 2013. • Chabot College would be able to maintain its current course offerings and services to students. • Voters would pay $28 parcel tax per year for six years. EDUCATE YOURSELVES TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE Now more than ever, we need to educate ourselves about the different ballot measures before us on November 6. Learn how these measures will affect our futures and those of our families and neighborhoods. Sincerely, Susan Sperling, Ph.D. President For a complete listing of the Spring 2013 class schedule, visit Chabot College’s website: The following Career Technical Education (CTE), Basic Skills, Personal Development, and Transfer courses are subject to cancellation depending on the outcome of the Governor’s budget. ADMJ 54 ADMJ 74 ANTH 5 ANTH 7 ASTR 30 ATEC 63A ANAT 1 BIOL 31 BUS 1A BUS 1B BUS 12 BUS 26 BUS 32 BUS 50A BUS 50C BUS 50J BUS 50N BUS 88 BUS 93 CHEM 30A COMM 2A COMM 10 COMM 46 CAS 72C CAS 72G CAS 72J CAS 72P CAS 72Q CAS 100 CAS 103 CSCI 6 ECD 59 ECD 68 ECD 89 ECD 91 ECON 2 ENGL 12 Investigative Reporting Gangs and Drugs Cultures of the U.S. in Global Perspective Introduction To Globalization Introduction to Astronomy Lab Introduction to Engines and Machining Process General Human Anatomy Introduction to College Biology (2 Sections) Financial Accounting Managerial Accounting Introduction to Business Small Business Management Retail Store Management Skills for Supervisors Interviewing for Success Time Management Skills Dealing with Difficult People Introduction to Project Management Quickbooks Introductory and Applied Chemistry I (2 Sections) Oral Interpretation of Literature I Interpersonal Communication Argumentation and Debate Computer Keyboarding III Introduction to Microsoft Access Ten-Key Introduction to Windows Microsoft Outlook Adapted Computer Keyboarding Assistive Technology Lab Computer Programming for Visual Thinkers Literacy in Early Childhood Program Supervision Issues in Early Childhood Education Adaptive Curr. for Children w/ Exceptional Needs Principles of Macroeconomics Craft of Writing - Fiction ENGL 26 ENGL 31 ENGL 101A ENGL 102 ENGL 107 ENGL 115 ESL 108 ESL 111A ESL 114 FILM 50 GEOG 1L GEOG 12 GNST 31 HLTH 8 HLTH 51A HIS 8 HIS 22 MICR 1 MTH 103 MTH 104 MUSA 22A MUSA 23B NURS 60C PHOT 50 PHED 2CW PHED 1HHD PHED 1JD PHED 2FSC PHED 2YOG PHED 2BKT PHED 2VB PHED 23 POSC 1 PSY 6 SL 64 SOCI 4 THTR 11 Literature of Immigration and Migration Introduction to Gay and Lesbian Literature Reading, Reasoning and Writing I Read, Reason, and Write-Accelerated (2 Sections) Introduction to English Grammar Faculty-Student Tutorial Basic Spelling for ESL Pronunciation Editing for the Advanced ESL Writer Beginning Film Production Introduction to Physical Geography Laboratory Geography of California Women’s Spirituality Human Sexuality Basic Medical Terminology U.S. History Since Reconstruction Mexican American History Microbiology Basic Mathematics (2 Sections) Prealgebra (3 Sections) Jazz Piano I Voice II Adult Health III Introduction to Photography Competitive Swimming Hip Hop Dance Jazz Dance Fire Science Conditioning Yoga Tournament Basketball 2 Volleyball Sports Officiating Introduction to American Government Abnormal Psychology ASL Beginning Sign Language Marriage and Family Relations Stage to Film For a complete listing of the Spring 2013 class schedule, visit Chabot College’s website: CHABOT COLLEGE 25555 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94545 Non Profit Org. 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