Planning, Review and Budget Council M I N U T E S

Planning, Review and
Budget Council
Regular Meeting
September 11, 2013
Building 400, Room 405
3:00 – 4:00 PM
Present: Yvonne Wu Craig, Becky Plaza, Kristin Land, Jim Matthews, Andrew Pierson,
Sara Parker, Mireille Giovanola, Marcia Corcoran, Christine Warda, Carolyn Arnold,
Jennifer Lange, Patricia Shannon, Tom deWit, Tram Vo-Kumamoto, Donna Gibson,
Gerald Shimada, Jan Novak, Sandra Genera, Ken Grace, Christine (Christy) Warda,
Marcia Corcoran
Meeting called to order at 3:10.
Jan has volunteered to take the minutes.
Minutes from September 4th meeting will be reviewed and approved at next week’s
meeting. Sandra will send minutes in advance.
Discussing PRBC meeting dates, and whether to meet weekly or every other week. Jim:
Accreditation work will intensify in Spring. This committee will need to review the work
next year. Sandra: Should we look at initiatives again in the Spring? Jan: May need to
start with the goals for the committee to determine needed meeting frequency. Trish: One
of the reasons we met so frequently last Fall was that we had a huge amount on our plates
last year. Jan/Jim: Perhaps we should start meeting weekly, and then go to every other
week when we can. There’s some significant start-up work for Program Review and goalsetting.
Sandra: So, we’ll start by meeting every week, looking at goals, accomplishments, etc.,
and continue to meet from 3-5.
Sandra: Moving to the PRBC Charter. Let’s start with the charge, as that might determine
who the representatives should be and how formally we should operate. Jim: Our
governance document says meetings are open but there are core representatives who vote
on the chair. Beyond that, the committees operate by consensus. One issue we should
consider is the risk of “packing the group” if everyone gets to vote. Deonne: One other
issue that was raised last year is that the committee may be weighted toward one discipline
or more toward administrators because the membership is based on leadership positions.
There is a shortage of representation from Student Services. Becky: There is also a
shortage of classified staff on the committee. Deonne: Also an issue of FTEF allocation.
If this committee votes on budget and FTEF allocation, then the representation matters.
PRBC Minutes
September 11, 2013
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Jan: This group historically has made recommendations, not made decisions. Examples
are Prop 30 Cuts and Budget. That makes the official membership less important. Perhaps
we should reserve the option to call votes based on membership only if that becomes
critical. Jim: It’s also important to emphasize that the committee members can be reps
from committees; it doesn’t have to be the chairs.
Sandra: So, it seems like we’ll continue with the current process.
Trish: Is there a vehicle to get broader classified representation? Yvonne: Perhaps
committees could send reps from the classified ranks. Perhaps Technology, Facilities,
Budget could appoint a classified rep. Or, we could add another at-large position?
Mireille: If I come as a committee rep, should I state that? Sandra: That’s why we added
designation of your position to the sign-in sheet.
Jim: Would like to see Accreditation as an official member of the committee. That’s more
important now that we have to write a report every year. The committee agreed by
consensus to include this position as a member of the PRBC.
Deonne: Need to update the website to include the new Student Success Committee that
we approved last year.
Sara: Should we clarify if the member has to be the committee chair, or if it can be a rep
of the committee, or if that person could rotate?
Yvonne: We could add another at-large position from classified to get to parity with
Faculty Senate. This was adopted by consensus.
Jim: Need to update the website to eliminate the IBPC and Program Review webpages, or
to merge them with PRBC. Also, we need to review the Shared Governance document.
Tram and Jim will review the document and make a recommendation back to the PRBC.
Tom d: It seems as if the District will be starting a District-wide planning group, which
will probably require the PRBC chairs to participate on that committee. Perhaps another
member or two should join them to represent the college.
Ken: Program Review addendum. Needs to include budget and position requests, and any
updates to SLO’s, PLO’s.
Jan: We should request the spreadsheet, which makes it much easier to compile, both for
the faculty and for those that have to review the documents.
Trish: Perhaps we need:
Plan A: Just submit the spreadsheet if there are no significant changes.
Plan B: If there are new requests or changes, attach a justification.
Plan C: If you didn’t complete Program Review last year, complete the entire package.
PRBC Minutes
September 11, 2013
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Sandra: We’ll be bringing more on this to future PRBC meetings.
Christy: What guides our planning? Is it CWLG, the Strategic Plan, the Master Plan,
SLO’s? Trish: It’s primarily the strategic plan. Christy: We need to have this discussion,
and then provide the outcome of that discussion to those preparing Program Review so we
have some consistency in the program reviews, and to provide more clarity to everyone in
the college.
Sara: So, if I have no new requests, I can just copy over last year’s Program Review,
right? Group answer: Yes. And, it will be treated equally vs. other submissions that have
new proposals? Yes.
Marcia: It would be helpful to send the Strategic Plan initiatives to everyone, as there are
new people on the committee. It’s our guiding document for 2012-15.
NEXT MEETINGS: September 18 & 23, 2013
PRBC Membership 2013-14
Co-Chairs: Ken Grace and Sandra Genera
Administration: Dr. Susan Sperling, Gerald Shimada, Dale Wagoner, Connie Willis and Tram
Committee Representatives: Tim Dave, Tom deWit, Mirelle Giovanola, Scott Hildreth, Matthew
Kritscher, Jim Matthews, Wayne Pitcher, Patricia Shannon, Christine Warda
Faculty Association: Jan Novak
Academic Senate: Kathy Kelley, Andrew Pierson, Becky Plaza
Classified Senate: Yvonne Wu Craig
Classified Union: Catherine Powell
Student Senate of Chabot College: Luis Flores