Planning, Review and Budget Council M I N U T E S

Planning, Review and
Budget Council
Regular Meeting
October 2, 2013
Building 400, Room 405
3:00 – 5:00 PM
Present: Dale Wagoner, Wayne Pitcher, Jan Novak, Christine Warda, Marcia Corcoran, Vanessa
Sadsad, Sara Parker, ValJean Dale, Jim Matthews, Luis Flores, Becky Plaza, Andrew Pierson,
Carolyn Arnold, Patricia Shannon, Jennifer Lange, Catherine Powell, Kristin Land, Eric Schultz,
Mireille Giovanola, Matt Kritscher, Donna Gibson, Tram Vo-Kumamoto, Kathy Kelley, Ken
Grace, Sandra Genera
Meeting called to order at 3:10 p.m.
Review of minutes from September 25th:
Correction to spelling of Kristin Land’s name
In last paragraph, note that we HAVE to do a College Master Plan. A district-wide Ed
Master Plan is optional.
Minutes approved as amended.
Action items:
Sandra is working to update the PRBC website: fixing broken links, will update
membership to add Sara Parker as the second FA rep and Andrew Pierson a second person
as Faculty Senate representatives. Question about whether that second representative is
Becky Plaza or Donna Gibson. Will confirm with Senate who that second representative
will be.
Mission Statement task force. ValJean Dale and Jim Matthews will be added to the task
force membership. Committee met this week to develop a meeting schedule and timeline.
Sandra had asked for a new Program Review email address to receive all program reviews.
The initial response from IT was no, but we will follow up on the request, as this seems a
doable request and would help us to stay organized with program review submissions.
Next topic: Program Review. Sandra asked for representatives of each division to present the
Program Review PowerPoint. Sandra recorded the names of PRBC attendees who volunteered to
present. The PowerPoint will be directly sent to those volunteers. On Flex Day, divisions will
meet from 10 a.m. to noon. Christy suggests that part of that time be spent on the overview of this
year’s process, with the bulk of the time devoted to letting the disciplines actually do work on their
program reviews.
Sandra distributed copies of the draft PowerPoint. The initial idea of a cover checklist indicating if
changes had been made no longer works, as there are changes to the SLO forms, etc. Marcia
suggested that we develop a standard naming protocol for the electronic documents so they’re easy
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to identify and organize. Marcia also asked if we wanted one complete PDF document, or separate
files in Word. We probably need Word files so we can pull apart the pieces to provide to the
relevant shared governance committees.
Ken reviewed the Program Review forms. First part of the document is identical to last year’s
form. The changes begin in the SLO section, Appendix B1 and B2. People only need to submit
B2 if courses “closed the loop” last Spring. Appendix B1 has a checklist to guide submitters on
whether they need to complete B2. Everyone will need to complete/update Appendix B1. After
page 15, the Program Review forms now have embedded Excel spreadsheets, as suggested at last
week’s PRBC meeting. Marcia questioned how we are reporting/recording progress on College
Wide Learning Goals. This discussion will be led by the SLOAC Committee and a proposal will
be presented to PRBC. Ken clarified that people will be asked to complete both the embedded
spreadsheets and the summary spreadsheet. Ken also asked for any minor updates (typos, etc.) to
be sent to him via email. Matt asked if requests should be only for items requiring general funds,
or should also be submitted for categorical funds. The answer was requests should be for made for
any type of funds.
Sandra reviewed the PowerPoint. On slide 2, change “moved from a fall cycle to a spring cycle” to
“moved from a spring cycle to a fall cycle”. Additional formatting/order suggestions made and
the PowerPoint was updated in real time. Jan noted that there is an updated version of the strategic
plan initiatives document for slide 6 that she will send to Sandra to update that slide. If anyone has
additional recommended changes, they should be submitted to Sandra by Friday so she can finalize
and post the PowerPoint on the PRBC website.
Jennifer suggested changes to the Program Review forms to clarify some of the requests. These
changes were recorded by Sandra and Ken.
Next topic: Strategic Plan Priority Initiatives. The PRBC needs reports on these initiatives.
Sandra is asking for presentations at our next meeting on October 16th. (There is no meeting next
week, as many PRBC members will be attending the Student Success Conference.) Volunteers
were Carolyn for the Overall Strategic Plan Measurement Team. Matt suggested that we have
Career Ladders Project presented at the October 30th meeting, as it’s a model that already exists.
Jim shared that a new accreditation standard is under development that asks us about our pathways.
Trish also asked if we should present the model that was suggested by Catherine Pinkas at the last
Flex Day. Sara asked what the connection is between the new learning communities’ task force
and the pathways/houses discussion. There was clarification that there is an existing “Houses”
initiative team separate from this task force. Tram explained that there is work to do to clarify how
these groups connect, but for now they are working on parallel paths. Kathy suggested that we
need some type of flow chart to see how all of these groups connect in terms of decision-making.
For 10/16, agenda items include presentations on initiatives:
Carolyn will update on the Strategic Plan Measurement Team.
Dr. Sperling & Yvonne regarding classified prioritization
The Mission, Values & Goals Team will provide an update.
Jennifer Lange will provide an update on bottlenecks.
For 10/23, agenda items will include:
Opportunity & Freedom
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For 10/30, the meeting will focus on two existing pathway models.
Career Ladders
Catherine Pinkas
Meeting adjourned at 4:32 p.m.