PRBC Minutes April 23, 2014 Building 400, Room 405 – 5:00PM


PRBC Minutes

April 23, 2014

Building 400, Room 405

3:00 – 5:00PM

Attendees : Jeremy Wilson, Catherine Powell, Carolyn Arnold, Becky Plaza, Trish Shannon,

Tram Vo-Kumamoto, Jim Matthews, Tom Clark, Mireille Giovanola, Matt Kritscher, Donna

Gibson, Marcia Corcoran, Yvonne Wu-Craig, Deonne Kunkel, Stacey Thompson, Sandra


Meeting Started at 3:15


Approval of the Minutes of March 26, 2014 and April 9, 20014 Postponed


Action Item: - vote on electronic module SLO & Program Review

The PRBC approved the proposal to support the purchase and implementation of the

GoverNet ( ), AKA CurricuNet, software modules for Student

Learning Outcomes and Program Review with the following conditions:

That the PRBC receive an implementation plan based on the following criteria: a.

That user groups be established to both guide the design of the new software databases, for the implementation of the software college-wide and to be the overseers of the continuing use of the programs. PRBC has identified the

SLOAC committee as the appropriate user group for the SLO user group and the PRBC Program Review Subcommittee as the appropriate user group for

Program Review. b.

That a budget be created to fund staff time, necessary supplies and any software costs necessary to implement the use of these new programs. That faculty be given reassigned time and classified are given time from their regular duties to perform tasks as the user group members. c.

That a training budget be created both for college wide implementation and for ongoing training of the software (for updates and to train new employees). d.

That a timeline be created with an college-wide implementation date of

August 2015 at the latest.

The PRBC decided that the college would continue to use the current Program Review forms without any revisions for new cycle of planning in Fall of 2014. Programs may

use the existing eLumen software if it is useful to them or the programs may use other systems to assess their outcomes. Documentation of the assessments must to available using the Program Review “Closing the Loop” form. Background documentation must be readily available for use by the college accreditation committees and the accreditation visiting team from the ACCJC. SLOAC will continue to guide programs in their ongoing assessments.

The PRBC will ask the Faculty Senate to take the leadership in creating an interdisciplinary Program Taskforce to create a Program Review for the General

Education Programs of the College. A Program Review will be created during the Fall

2014 planning cycle.


Classified Prioritization by Catherine Powell

Catherine Powell presented a report on the progress in creating a new Classified

Prioritization Position Process. There are currently 5 open and funded classified positions. A pilot process will be used to allocate those positions. PRBC members asked that the following ideas be considered: a.

Develop an emergency prioritization process for vital positions. b.

Eliminate the confusion in the current Program Review Forms as it relates to classified position requests as opposed to student assistant and outside of the program requests (ie. M/O, etc.). c.

Develop a method to prioritize college wide goals for use in determining needed positions. d.

Create an easy to understand flowchart of the process that includes both college and district processes. e.

Propose a way to address college-wide classified needs that may not be part of an individual program.


Hispanic Serving Institute (HSI) Title V Grant Update by Yvonne Wu-Craig

Yvonne Wu-Craig provided a written report on the HSI grant proposal that is due on 5/9/2014. An HSI group has worked for most of 18 months on this grant proposal. PRBC Members shared ideas to strengthen the proposal and to ensure that whatever is successful from the grant, if approved, can be institutionalized.
