Planning, Review and Budget Council A G E N D A Regular Meeting

Planning, Review and
Budget Council
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Building 400, Room 405
3:00 – 5:00 PM
1. Review & Approval of September25th minutes
2. Action Items Update
3. Program Review Presentation
5. Chabot College 2012-2013 Strategic Plan Initiatives Report
- See attached form, if you are the committee head, please prepare to report to
PRBC today or next meeting.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------HOW WE WORK TOGETHER
1. We begin on time and arrive prepared.
2. We develop a focused agenda, with well-defined questions, and clear goals
(discussion vs. decision).
3. We adhere to the time allotted to a topic. We focus on the topic, on advancing our
agenda, and use our “idea bucket” for off-topic great ideas. If we don’t have
enough time, we consider subgroups to work through issues, or clarify the questions
for a future meeting.
4. We respect complexity.
5. Anyone can call for a speaker’s list.
6. We clarify/solidify our consensus decisions.
7. We trust each other’s good intentions; we don’t take comments personally (QTIP).
8. We bring our individual expertise, but wear our Chabot hats.
9. We all take responsibility for working together this way.
10. We consent to be led.
Strategic Plan
Priority Initiative "Owners"
Overall Strategic Plan Measurement Team: Carolyn, Andrea, Tram, Eric,
Tom, Kathy, Kristen. Plan completed.
Clarify and communicate the pathways: Carolyn, Tram, Marcia, Yvonne,
Kathy, Skye or Andrea and/or other/more students.
Identify and communicate the broad keys to student success: Possibly
the Habits of Mind FIG. Jane will get back to us.
Make matriculation mandatory: Trish and Matt.
Determine the capacity of each pathway: Will occur after we have
clarified the pathways.
Identify bottlenecks to completion: Jan and Jennifer.
Pilot faculty/staff mentoring program for students in various majors:
Kathy, Academic Senate.
Modify Class-Web registration process to gather updated information on
student goals and progress: Tom and Carolyn.Plan completed.
Build/assemble/publicize web tools to help students make career choices:
Matt, Tram and Nancy.
Fully implement DegreeWorks, to include automatic awarding of degrees
and certificates:Matt, Tom and Tram, in conjunction with Student
Services and IT. Note: will try to pilot small pieces of this in Spring.
Explore ways to make our schedule more "productive" so we can offer
more seats for bottleneck courses: Tom and Deonne. (Two "owners", as
they are working on separate aspects of this initiative.)
Develop grants funding plan to support our overall strategic goal:
Yvonne.Plan completed.
NEW: Communicate availability of certificates to all eligible students: Jan
NEW: Explore development of additional certificates/stackable
credentials: Jan