Planning, Review and Budget Council Nov 5th, 2014

Planning, Review and Budget Council
Nov 5th, 2014
Attendees: Donna Gibson, Kathy Kelley, Carolyn Arnold, Jeremy Wilson, Mireille Giovanola, Mark
Stephens, Jim Matthews, Heather Hernandez, Catherine Powell, Rachael Tupper-Eoff, Christine Warda,
Wanda Wong, Carla Walter, Tim Dave, Val Jean Dale, Jeanne Wilson, Kathleen Allen, Deonne Kunkel
Called to order at 3:10
Welcome and Approval of Minutes
Minutes from Oct 22nd weren’t presented.
Educational Master Plan Schedule for the 12th
The facilitators for drafting the educational Master Plan will be on campus from 1:005:00 next Wednesday the 12th and Thursday the 13th. Deans met to draft a potential
schedule for the 12th as follows:
1:00-2:00 Faculty and Staff input
2:00-3:00 Student Services
3:00-4:00 Dean’s input, presentations using template
4:00-5:00 Faculty and Staff in put
PRBC discussed what the focus for the first and last hours should be. Facilities
requested the last hour when Mark is available. The schedule was revised to the
1:00-2:00 Educational Programs input, open to all
2:00-3:00 Student Services focus, open to all
3:00-4:00 Dean’s input, presentations based on template
4:00-5:00 Facilities Focus, open to all
It was noted that concerns related to district processes should be raised on the 12th and
One February 20th from 9:00-4:00, MIG will facilitate a planning charrette. Community
members, LPC and Chabot representative to total approximately 150 will be invited.
MIG will facilitate, first presenting preliminary data and issues that need resolution,
then organizing people into rotating focus groups to address issues.
Reading Program Review
Deonne presented three questionnaires/rubrics for reading program review. The first
was used during Jan’s tenure and solicits feedback on the quality of the program’s
Review in addition to addressing big picture planning. It was noted that question #4,
“Does this Program Review show evidence of continuous improvements of student
learning, persistence, and success?” should be addressed for accreditation purposes.
Question #3, “Is this Program review consistent with our Strategic Plan goal” as well as
section C, “Of the New Initiatives you read, which most directly impart and/or support
students towards completion, for the largest number of students?” relate to
Prioritization and Budget.
Draft version two asks readers to consider what college wide needs surface to the top
and identify needs that most significantly impact a student’s ability to complete their
Draft version three presents a rubric for ranking proposals as they relate to the Strategic
Goal Plan, with Low, Medium, or High
The purpose of reading PR’s was discussed in relation to the three versions.
Bob asked where or at what level do we address institutional barriers and question #5,
“Are there clear decisions being called for or made in their Program Review? Example
may include narrowing or broadening or shifting the direction of a program, reducing or
expanding program unit requirements, or anything else you see as a significant change
in direction.”
Who provides feedback to faculty on their program reviews?
Where and at what level are solutions to multiple staffing and faculty requests problems
solved? For instance, three areas could be requesting staffing, and might be able to
combine requests.
When and where do we address questions related to accreditation.
Jim noted that many of these questions are being considered at the Shared Governance
Planning Retreats.
PRBC discussed all three options and determined to read Program Reviews with one
central question in mind, “How does this fulfill or move towards fulfilling the strategic
goal plan?” Readers will come prepared to discuss what they saw after having read an
interdisciplinary set of Program Reviews. The central focus would be to develop an
understanding of the college-wide big picture to inform Prioritization, Budget, and
Progress on our Strategic Goal Plan
Carolyn presented data on our progress towards meeting our Strtigic Goal Plan. Equity for
African Americans and Latinos has improved with the gap narrowing considerably in English
course completion. Data shows that the success of White student has dropped.
While the number of students successful in completing English has increased, the number who
complete Math has dropped.
For the good of the order.
Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm.