Planning Review Budget Council Minutes Attendees: September 2, 2015

Planning Review Budget Council
September 2, 2015
Room 405
3:00 – 5:00
Attendees: Deonne Kunkel, Noell Adams, Jeremy Wilson, Christina Davis, Carolyn Arnold, VP Connie
Willis, Jennifer Peirre-Louis, Karen Metcalf, Rachael Tupper-Eoff, Kirti Reddy, Chasity Whiteside, Dean
Dale Wagner, Dean ValJean Dale, Kathleen Allen, Mireille Giovanola, Laurie Dockter, Dean Jeanne
Wilson, Dean Kristin Lima, Dean Marcia Corcoran, VP Matt Kritscher, Christine Herrera, President Susan
Sperling and VP Stacy Thompson
Call to Order: 3:11
Introductions of all in attendance
Committee and Senate Reports:
Facilities – Dean Wagner reported on the meeting that took place last Thursday first meeting of
the year. They discussed the status of building 100 Greg Horner reported and where we are with
building 1600 and 2100. The Committee discussed plans as to where they are going this year.
Dr. Sperling added that we are receiving a Foundation Grant in the amount of $100,000 for 3
years to be used to equip a full service Veteran Center and possibly matching funds from a
private source equaling more like $200,000 for the next few years. Deonne has asked Dean
Wagner to report to Facilities on the Program Review section for Facilities.
Budget – VP Willis reported that the budget news is good and continues to be good. There is
$400,000 at the district in general fund still needing to be disbursed. We have received to date
95% towards salaries and benefits. New classified positions approved in the spring have been
funded into the total. Department budgets are the same as last year and the increase in the
budgets is one time monies. Deonne asked if senates have representatives prepared to be at the
next PBC meeting at the district. The allocation process is currently under revision to clarify.
Student Senate – Jennifer Pierre-Louis, Student Senate Representative reported that the
Literacy drive was held yesterday September 1st and was well attended. On September 22nd will
be the first Town Hall Meeting. Student Senate meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Monday's
from 4:15p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Student Senate currently has open positions and applications are
being accepted. Student Senate will take any agenda item requests. They will need to be
submitted the Tuesday before the next meeting by 9:00 p.m. Laurie Dockter asked if a member
of Student Senate had been chosen to be a representative at the Academic Faculty Senate
meetings. Student Senate's office is located 2300 building.
Academic Faculty Senate - Laurie Dockter reported that the Master Plan was reviewed at their
first senate meeting, including the Master plan for both colleges and the District Strategic Plan.
Researchers are reviewing the plans and concerns have been shared from both colleges about
the Strategic Plan from the district. The agreement from those who read the District Strategic
was that is needs revision. Dr. Sperling shared that she was very grateful to Senate for reviewing
the plan and thanked senate for their feedback and the statement they submitted to the
district. District says they will be looking at the plan and revising. Carolyn Arnold read the
statement that the Academic Faculty Senate submitted to the district in dispute of their plan. Dr.
Sperling stated that the statement was beautifully articulated. There needs to be clarity as to
the boundaries of authority between colleges and district (statement attached).
Classified Senate – Noell Adams reported committee appointments have been assigned. The
classified prioritization process worked but they want to revise the timeline to be more realistic.
They plan to submit the revisions to President Sperling and College Council for review in
September or October. Classified Senate would like to have more classified professionals
involved in the program review process and asks for faculty and administrators to encourage
their classified professionals to get involved. Classified professional prioritization has been
added to the Program Review process.
Staff Development - Rachael Tupper-Eoff reported they have met this semester. Evaluations
from College day have been reviewed and planning and details are being finalized for September
8th Flex Day. Dr. Sperling added there is staff development funds that have been allocated for
the first time in many years for staff development. The funding comes from the college, not the
state. Ken Grace is the new Faculty Chair for Staff Development.
CEMC: No report
Technology - No report
SLOAC – Mireille Giovanola reported we have done as much as we can do to complete
documentation prior to our accreditation visit. The college needs to understand that we must
continue forward as assessing courses is an ongoing process. The Curricunet modules need to
have the bugs worked out before we can train others. We need a strong staff member to step
up and be chair.
Shared Governance – Dr. Sperling hopes shortly to have a draft to go out to the Shared
Governance bodies. The Shared Governance bodies will need to assess the changes. Revisions
will go through two readings for feedback and then to College Council. Laurie Dockter stated
that Academic Faculty Senate would like to move forward on the draft and wants to be involved.
Dr. Sperling would like as many involved as possible. Institutional Effectiveness team from the
state may visit the campus in spring due to the list of tasks needing to be completed before they
arrive. Due to Accreditation in October, Dr. Sperling wonders if it might be best to have the
Institutional Effectiveness team come to the college in the spring. Dr. Sperling will share the list
of tasks needed to be done prior to the visit with Academic Faculty Senate per Laurie's request.
BSC – Carolyn Arnold reported they are still planning the year.
Equity - Meetings are held at 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month.
Report-outs will be given at the next meeting from those who received monies last year. There
will also be an opportunity to submit new requests for 2015-16 monies that align with the
Institutional Research - Carolyn Arnold shared Institutional Research timeline for the year. The
timeline will be uploaded to the website so everyone knows what Institutional Research is
working on. Grants have been the priority for this week. As everyone is aware every other Fall
we have the Student Satisfaction Survey which will be happening this Fall, 2015. Classes and
sessions will be picked randomly and surveys will be done in classes during the week of October
12 - 17.
Academic Services - VP Thompson mentioned that prompted by the Accreditation process the
Mission Statement will be posted around the college. Jennifer Pierre-Louis, Student Senate
representative, asked if the Mission Statement is for everyone or just staff. The answer to that
questions is the statement is for everyone at Chabot College. The Mission Statement reminds us
why we are here and what we are doing. VP Thompson read the Mission Statement.
Program Review:
1. Faculty to Deans on October 26th
2. Deans summaries to VP Thompson, VP Kristscher & VP Willis on Nov 6th
3. Administrators final report is sent to Deonne w/cc to Christine for posting
4. Once posted, reports goes to each committee
5. The due dates for this year will be introduced to faculty on September 8th - Flex Day
 Faculty will prioritize items for their area then deans will review and prioritize in
conversation with the division.
 It should be clarified that Program Review is for the following year 2016-17
 Additional, or augmented budget requests should be included under “requests”
not current continual funding.
 Deans will work to clarify for faculty what constitutes “additional funding
 On October 16th Flex Day additional training for Program Review will be
 The Program Review form was reviewed and some revisions made
 The revised forms will be available on the 21st
Meeting adjourned at 5:02 p.m.