page 1 of 5 2016-17 Dean’s Program Review Summary – [GENERAL COUNSELING DIVISION] Submitted by: ValJeán Dale, LPCC, LMFT -- Dean of Counseling Date: November 3, 2015 Find below goals, progress, accomplishments, and new initiatives in each category, aligned with the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC)i Standards indicated, as documented in the Program Reviews. Please refer to the Excel spreadsheets for specific resource requests in these areas. Progress/Needs on Instructional Programs Library/Learning & Human Resources Physical & Technology Financial Resources Student Student Support (FT fac, reassigned, Resources (Services, Contracts, Learning/Service classified, student assts) Conferences) Area Outcomes Standards IIA and IIB Standard IIA Standards IIB and IIC Standard IIIA Standards IIIB and IIIC Standard IIID CAREER & TRANSFER CENTER SAO #1 Increase the number s students who use CTC and its relative services Up to 8000 students indicate transfer as their educational objective. Nearly 1,000 students attended transfer day and 100 students attended and received transfer recognition. N/A N/A N/A Hired F/T Counselor/Instructor Transfer Paid 100% from General Fund N/A Hired F/T Counselor Assistant II Hired & Paid 100% from SSSP 1 FTE Request to hire Career Transfer Specialist position Goal to create a "transfer" culture amongst the student community. N/A N/A page 2 of 5 STUDENT SUPPORT AND SUCCESS PROGRAM -- SSSP SAO #1 Increase the number of Chabot students completing Assessment, Orientation, Student Education Plans, per the Student Success Act mandates. SSSP targeted students have completed the three core services mandated by Student Success & Support Program (SSSP) as of Fall 2015 -Increased students completing orientation by 325% above 2013 figures, completing assessment by 12.2% from prior year. ESL student program plan increased by 47% over previous year. Counselors are teaching faculty. We are unable N/A to increase PSCN course offerings because we do not have Counselors to teach additional classes. Psychology Counseling discipline includes several "support" classes such as Career and Academic Planning and College Study Skills. 1FTE Counselor-Instructor to be hired (Emergency) M. D'Aloisio resigned 1st day of Fall Semester. Chancellor's Office Equity Grant/SSSP Workshops/Conferences SSSP 3 FTE Requested --2 FTE Counselor-Instructors General Counselors SSSP Funded --1 FTE Counselor-Instructor Probation/Success Followup SSSP Funded N/A Chancellor's Office SSSP Director and Budget Workshops/Conferences N/A ( Presently the ratio of students to Counselors is approximately 1175 to 1. (National is 470 to 1) N/A Fall CSU and UC Counselor Conferences 1 FTE SSSP Director SSSP Funded 1-FTE Assessment Coordinator SSSP-Funded N/A INNOVATIVE EDUCATORS GoToOrientation Software License (New upgrade for required Orientatation for all students $45,000) N/A (New Probation program will be chabot customized as a companion product with the above software-$20,000 to30,000) page 3 of 5 N/A MENTAL HEALTH ^ WELLNESS PROGRAM SAO #1 Students receive clinical assessment and support for life issues that impact their ability to pursue and achieve goals; safety issues are assessed and students are provided priority assistance. N/A N/A --1FTE Counselor-Coordinator needed for Mental Health paid by Student Health Fees. .50 FTE MH Intern -- paid hourly/stipend paid by student health fees. N/A See above CounselorInstructor Requests Video/Audio equipment to be installed in the MH Counseling office to allow clinical supervision (observations) for nonlicensed Counselors as required. One-way Mirror installed to further enhance the ability to provide in the supervision for MH Interns while sessions with students are in progress. The one way mirror allows the supervisor to observe the full session and provide feedback with an "ear piece" that the Intern wears throughout the session. The Student Health Center is presently located in a borrowed CAMFT Association Conference Specialized MH Workshops for specializations such as PTSD, Veterans support, Crisis Assessments, etc. page 4 of 5 PSYCHOLOGY CONSELING (PSCN) INSTRUCTION SAO #1 (SLOs 100% assessed) --2 FTE Counselor-Instructors General Counselors (Faculty prioritization-General Fund) -Learn more about our students -improve curriculum and resources through increased access and collaboration. N/A N/A (See above F/T and Counselor and Classified requests) -Increase offerings to allow students to complete education goal in reasonable time period. -Identify where hybrid/online courses can assist completing swiftly. N/A HEALTH & WELLNESS SAO #1 Student who participate with the student health center's monthly wellness event will be able to identify Health Center is contracted with Stanford Hospital whereas an annual budget is set up for core clinic staff. Wellness Coordinator NP - funded through space in building 200 (the old President's Office location) Numerous requests made ; continued work to find a location by Summer 2016. page 5 of 5 two ways to stay healthy as demonstrated by pre- and post surveys conducted at events. i contract with Stanford for Wellness Coord. -Medical Assistant -Student Assistants (FWS) See Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (Adopted June 2014). Accreditation standards. Available: