Classified Professionals Staffing Request Form

Classified Professionals
Staffing Request Form
Office Use Only
Rec. Date: ___________
Fiscal Year: __________
Program Review: _____
Please fill out one form for each classified staff position that you are requesting for your division/unit. This form
is to be submitted as an appendix in your program review each fiscal year and a copy should be forwarded to
the classified prioritization chair. For positions requested outside the program review cycle (e.g., retirements,
resignations, grant/categorical funded positions), this form should be submitted to the classified prioritization
chair and will be used for information/tracking purposes. (Please see the program review website for more
Division/Unit: Language Arts/English (for Counseling)
Position Title Requested: Assessment Coordinator
Request Number (i.e., 1 + # of times position requested, but not granted, in past five program reviews):
Please indicate if this is a request for/to:
☐ Fill a currently vacant position (Must attach District job description; see Classified Prioritization Chair for assistance.)
hours per week
months per year
☐ Increase of an existing position (Must attach District job description; see Classified Prioritization Chair for assistance.)
from: ☐ 9, ☐ 10, ☐ 11 month
to: ☐ 10, ☐ 11, ☐ 12 month
☐ New position (Must attach proposed job description; see Classified Prioritization Chair for assistance.)
hours per week
months per year
Estimate Increase / Proposed Annual Salary Cost:
(assume step 1 for vacant position)
Note: total cost of position will include salary + benefits.
Funding Source:
☐ General
☐ Categorical
☐ Grant
Grant name:
Why is this position necessary?
English, along with ESL, is requesting this position for the Counseling department as we have been
repeatedly told that any changes to our current, very out-dated ESL assessment test cannot be made
without the currently vacant College Assessment Coordinator position being filled. At present, ESL
uses a pencil-and-paper test and we have been working with Katrin Field, Carolyn Arnold and various
members of the ESL and English faculty toward making updates to this test. In the fall of 2014, we
came to the decision to adopt Accuplacer as an assessment tool since this is the test that the English
department currently uses and it could be fairly seamlessly adopted for ESL as well. However, after
numerous meetings with administration, it was concluded that this change could not be made without
What educational programs or institutional purposes does this position support? How does the request
an Assessment Coordinator to handle it.
relate specifically to your Program Review, the College’s Strategic Plan, and/or Accreditation Recommendations?
In the ESLProgram Review for the last 2 years, they have been wanting to update their out-of-date
ESL assessment test, which because it is pencil-and-paper and NOT computerized, can only be
offered 1 day per week and cannot be offered at off-site locations like adult schools. It also is a
grammar test only and in our experience has not been accurately placing our students in the proper
classes. In addition, our English colleagues report that many ESL speakers in basic skills English don't
even know that there are two tests: the English Assessment Test and the ESL Assessment test. They
therefore often end up taking the English Assessment, thinking that this is the test they should take.
As a result, many students who should be placed in ESL courses are placed in basic skills English and
often fail or do not persist. Therefore, this position will help us to do the following:
1. Create a common start page for the ESL and English assessment tests. This start page will direct
students to either the English or ESL test based on their responses to several initial questions.
2. Convert to the computer-based reading, grammar, and writing assessment rather than the
Where will the individual work? To whom will the person report? Are there any special equipment/facilities needs
to be considered?
This position would reside within the Counseling Department.
What is the consequence of not funding this position?
College-wide, we imagine there are many consequences.
In terms of our ESL department, to only be able to offer an assessment test for entrance to the college
once a week is not only an access issue, but it is an issue of providing equitable opportunities for ESL
students as we do for the rest of the student population. We are finding many ESL students improperly
placed into their courses as a result of using this very outdated test and only making it available one
day per week.
What alternative approaches have been considered in meeting the programmatic demands of this request?
How will the campus community (students, staff, faculty, and community) be positively impacted by filling this
See above.
What other personnel currently provide support to this program and these students?
Katrin Field, the current Assessment Specialist, provides incomparable support to both ESL students
and ESL faculty in helping direct ESL students to the correct placement test and interpreting results.
She has also been very open and willing to help us make the switch to a computerized assessment;
however, we've been told by administration that this is outside the scope of her duties and the types of
changes we want to make require an Assessment Coordinator.
Requested by:
English faculty
Area Manager Notes/Response:
Area Manager:
Marcia Corcoran