Chabot College Administrative Services Program

Chabot College
Administrative Services Program
Reprographics Center
Business Office
Campus Safety
Facilities Use (to follow)
Reed L. Buffington Visual & Performing Arts Center
Chabot College Television
Computer Support/AV
Review Report
Year One of
Program Review Cycle
Submitted by Connie Willis
Chabot College
Administrative Services Program
Review Report
Year One of
Program Review Cycle
Reprographics Center
Submitted on 7 November 2013
Prepared by Craig Shira
Table of Contents
Section 1: Who We Are ............................................................ 1
Section 2: Where We Are Now ................................................. 2
Section 3: The Difference We Hope to Make ............................. 3
Required Appendices:
A: Budget History .........................................................................................4
E: New Initiatives ........................................................................................5
F2: Classified Staffing Requests ....................................................................6
F5: Supplies and Services Requests ..............................................................7
F6: Conference/Travel Requests ..................................................................8
F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests ..........................................9
F8: Facilities Requests ...............................................................................10
1. Who We Are
The Reprographics Center supports Chabot College by providing professional print
media services ranging from design to layout to printing to finishing and binding
quickly, economically, and with quality.
We produce and reproduce printed
instructional materials, institutional materials and paper work, marketing media
ranging from posters to brochures, and ease of use materials for the campus such
as signs and maps.
A college print shop is the steward of the college's printed identity, ensuring that
everything is uniform, polished, and represents the college in the best way possible.
We strive to ensure the professional appearance of Chabot College.
We support student learning by providing a service for faculty to easily produce
printed educational materials and by offering an economic solution to producing
print media for student projects (flyers for club events, posters for presentations,
books for student compendiums). We support staff by being on-site to quickly and
economically handle their printing needs.
Currently, the workload is divided amongst two full-time employees (Reprographics
System Technician II and Graphic Arts Technician III) and one part-time employee.
2. Where We Are Now
We are maintaining our primary responsibility: providing print services to the
campus and the Bookstore while still being able to complete jobs related to our
specialty (machine maintenance, bindery, and graphics design/page layout). Our
large format printing and lamination jobs have increased steadily over the past
three years, our demand for color paper has reduced, and our demand for color
printing has increased. We are working in a considerably smaller workspace than
before, which brings advantages and disadvantages.
During the Spring 2013 trimester, the Administrative Services User Satisfaction
Survey reflected positively for the Reprographics Center. Of those polled, 83%
used our services and 99% were satisfied or very satisfied with our services (35%
satisfied and 64% very satisfied).
While we meet our primary goals, non-production related responsibilities including
clerical work (billing, filing) and administrative work (ordering supplies, writing
proposals) are slow to be completed. Ultimately, the emphasis on production
demand prevents these tasks from being completed in a timely manner. One goal
is to adjust our workflow to better handle these tasks.
We have instances where we are unable to provide our standard express copy
service due to staffing. Converting the part-time employee to a full time position or
having another part-time staff member will allow the department to offer better
coverage during peak hours and provide necessary coverage during vacations and
other personal leaves.
Of the four items requested at the end of the previous fiscal year (listed by priority:
cutting machine, tape binding machine, booklet maker, and e-submission system),
we are in the process of acquiring the job submission system (currently being
developed by Chabot I.T.), a new cutting machine, and the tape binding machine.
Our large format laminator is now showing signs of a problem and is being
diagnosed to see if it needs repairs, new parts, or total replacement.
In addition to replacing malfunctioning equipment, having new equipment will make
work more quick and efficient when staffing is reduced. An in-line booklet maker
for the Ricoh C651 EX would improve workflow and ergonomics. Currently, all color
booklets (pamphlets, newsletters, and programs) are printed, moved to a separate
machine, and then fed by hand one at a time. This process is time consuming and
repetitive. When purchasing the Ricoh C651 EX, a booklet maker was quoted, but
we did not have the funds to purchase it. We are also looking into other off-line
automated booklet makers to solve this issue but do not have any cost estimates.
Our current goals are to continue the high level of service that we provide, address
the imminent staffing change its impact on the workload, improve the printed
identity of Chabot, and adapt the capabilities of the Reprographics Center to meet
the changing demands of the college.
3. The Difference We Hope to Make
As support to the Chabot College, the difference we hope to make is to provide the
resources for faculty to teach a varied community of people and to produce printed
materials for the college quickly, economically, and with quality. In order to meet
the demand of services upon which faculty and staff rely, we need to address our
staffing and equipment issues. Once these basics are taken care of, we can focus
on our other goals and new ideas.
In addition to simple copy services, we make a difference by meeting the demand
for specialty printed materials (we can produce large format printing, binding,
stickers, cards, postcards, posters). By handling these requests in-house, we can
handle the requests faster, usually cheaper, and, as part of the Chabot team, we
work to ensure the materials reflects positively on Chabot.
We often flag
design/layout issues submitted to us. Having a staff specialized in printing,
bindery, and graphic design means that we can handle these tasks so that others
don’t have to, saving them time, effort, resources, and ensuring a better quality
The resources to meet this goal are the current staff levels, the equipment we
currently own to be working properly, and the supply budget we currently have.
We can see this goal being met by being able to produce these printed items. This
goal would be more efficient to achieve, with higher quality, with the addition of an
automated booklet maker.
We can help make a difference in student learning by seeing if we could incorporate
hands-on student learning in the Reprographics Center by collaborating with the
School of the Arts. This would not require any new equipment or resources but
would require us to budget time.
One final goal we have is to analyze what printing materials are being produced
outside of the college (the Chabot Spectator, student planners, tickets, security
paper for transcripts, diplomas) and work toward bringing them in-house. With the
correct equipment, in-house print shops produce materials at a lower cost than
outsourcing them. This might involve purchasing new equipment if the cost saved
is greater than the investment in the equipment and installation.
Appendix A: Budget History and Impact
Audience: Budget Committee, PRBC, and Administrators
Purpose: This analysis describes your history of budget requests from the previous two years and
the impacts of funds received and needs that were not met. This history of documented need
can both support your narrative in Section A and provide additional information for Budget
Committee recommendations.
Instructions: Please provide the requested information, and fully explain the impact of the budget
Classified Staffing (# of positions)
Supplies & Services
1. How has your investment of the budget monies you did receive improved your Service Area
Outcomes? When you requested the funding, you provided a rationale. In this section, assess if the
anticipated positive impacts you projected have, in fact, been realized.
2. What has been the impact of not receiving some of your requested funding? How has your ability to
serve the college and our students been impacted, or safety compromised?
We face needing to repair or replace our large format laminator, and its demand has increased over the
past three years. We have budgeted for certain repairs, but have not budgeted for its replacement.
Appendix E: Proposal for New Initiatives (Complete for each new initiative)
Audience: Deans/Unit Administrators, PRBC, Foundation, Grants Committee, College Budget Committee
Purpose: A “New Initiative” is a new project or expansion of a current project that supports our Strategic
Plan. The project will require the support of additional and/or outside funding. The information you
provide will facilitate and focus the research and development process for finding both internal and
external funding.
How does your initiative address the college's Strategic Plan goal, or significantly improve student
What is your specific goal and measurable outcome?
What is your action plan to achieve your goal?
Required Budget (Split out
Completion personnel, supplies, other
Activity (brief description)
How will you manage the personnel needs?
New Hires:
Faculty # of positions
Classified staff # of positions
Reassigning existing employee(s) to the project; employee(s) current workload will be:
Covered by overload or part-time employee(s)
Covered by hiring temporary replacement(s)
Other, explain
At the end of the project period, the proposed project will:
Be completed (onetime only effort)
Require additional funding to continue and/or institutionalize the project
(obtained by/from):
Will the proposed project require facility modifications, additional space, or program relocation?
Yes, explain:
Will the proposed project involve subcontractors, collaborative partners, or cooperative agreements?
Yes, explain:
Do you know of any grant funding sources that would meet the needs of the proposed project?
Yes, list potential funding sources:
Appendix F2: Classified Staffing Request(s) including Student Assistants [Acct.
Category 2000]
Audience: Administrators, PRBC
Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time and
part-time regular (permanent) classified professional positions (new, augmented and replacement
positions). Remember, student assistants are not to replace Classified Professional staff.
Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student
learning and contribution to the Strategic Plan goal, safety, mandates, accreditation issues. Please cite
any evidence or data to support your request. If this position is categorically funded, include and
designate the funding source of new categorically-funded position where continuation is contingent
upon available funding.
1. Number of positions requested: 2
2. If you are requesting more than one position, please rank order the positions.
1. Reprographics System Technician II Operate and maintain print shop
3. Rationale for your proposal.
Currently, we have two full-time employees and one part-time employee. Converting the part-time
employee to a full time position or having a second part-time employee will allow the department
better coverage during peak hours and provide necessary coverage during vacations and other personal
4. Statements about the alignment with the strategic plan and program review are required. Indicate
here any information from advisory committees or outside accreditation reviews that is pertinent to
the proposal.
In order to provide the materials necessary for student learning and staff use, we need the staff to produce it.
Appendix F5: Supplies & Services Requests [Acct. Category 4000 and 5000]
Audience: Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC
Purpose: To request funding for supplies and service, and to guide the Budget Committee in allocation of
Instructions: In the area below, please list both your current and requested budgets for categories 4000
and 5000 in priority order. Do NOT include conferences and travel, which are submitted on Appendix
M6. Justify your request and explain in detail any requested funds beyond those you received this year.
Please also look for opportunities to reduce spending, as funds are very limited.
Project or Items
Kelly Paper
Everclear Presentation
J. Snell
Stock images
2012-13 Budget
Requested Received
Service for all copiers on campus
For all paper on campus
Alternate paper supply for campus
For all binding/lamination supplies
For repairs and services on equipment
To have quality images we are allowed
by copyright law to use when
designing for print media and to speed
up the design process so that all
content doesn’t have to be generated
from scratch
Appendix F6: Conference and Travel Requests [ Acct. Category 5000]
Audience: Staff Development Committee, Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC
Purpose: To request funding for conference attendance, and to guide the Budget and Staff Development
Committees in allocation of funds.
Instructions: Please list specific conferences/training programs, including specific information on the
name of the conference and location. Note that the Staff Development Committee currently has no
budget, so this data is primarily intended to identify areas of need that could perhaps be fulfilled on
campus, and to establish a historical record of need. Your rationale should discuss student learning goals
and/or connection to the Strategic Plan goal.
2013-14 Request
Appendix F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000]
Audience: Budget Committee, Technology Committee, Administrators
Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee and to inform priorities of the Technology
Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests. If you're requesting classroom
technology, see for the
brands/model numbers that are our current standards. If requesting multiple pieces of equipment,
please rank order those requests. Include shipping cost and taxes in your request.
Project or Items
2012-13 Budget
Requested Received
Large Format Laminator
Booklet Maker
A frequently used piece of equipment, it is not
functioning properly and we are diagnosing
the problem. We are budgeting for the event
we cannot repair it and we have to replace it.
This would improve workflow and ergonomics.
Currently, all color booklets are printed,
moved to a separate machine, and then fed
by hand one at a time to be folded and
stapled. This process is time consuming and
repetitive. Our current booklet maker was
intended for an operator to feed large
quantities of booklets by hand and the
repetition can lead to soreness. For a print
run of 500, it would take an operator 40
uninterrupted minutes without paper jams to
process the job. The new booklet maker also
has a "square-back" fold option that we do
not have. It makes the books produced in the
shop look more professional by giving the
book a flat spine, as opposed to a fold much
like one would get if folded by hand. We are
also looking into other automated booklet
maker options that will solve this problem.
* Rationale should include discussion of impact on student learning, connection to our strategic plan
goal, impact on student enrollment, safety improvements, whether the equipment is new or
replacement, potential ongoing cost savings that the equipment may provide, ongoing costs of
equipment maintenance, associated training costs, and any other relevant information that you believe
the Budget Committee should consider.
Appendix F8: Facilities Requests
Audience: Facilities Committee, Administrators
Purpose: To be read and responded to by Facilities Committee.
Background: Following the completion of the 2012 Chabot College Facility Master Plan, the Facilities
Committee (FC) has begun the task of re-prioritizing Measure B Bond budgets to better align with current
needs. The FC has identified approximately $18M in budgets to be used to meet capital improvement
needs on the Chabot College campus. Discussion in the FC includes holding some funds for a year or two
to be used as match if and when the State again funds capital projects, and to fund smaller projects that
will directly assist our strategic goal. The FC has determined that although some of the college's greatest
needs involving new facilities cannot be met with this limited amount of funding, there are many smaller
pressing needs that could be addressed. The kinds of projects that can be legally funded with bond
dollars include the "repairing, constructing, acquiring, equipping of classrooms, labs, sites and facilities."
Do NOT use this form for equipment or supply requests.
Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests. If requesting more than one
facilities project, please rank order your requests.
Brief Title of Request (Project Name):
Description of the facility project. Please be as specific as possible.
What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support?
Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Strategic Plan Goal and to
enhancing student learning?
Chabot College
Administrative Services Program
Review Report
Year One of
Program Review Cycle
Business Office
Submitted on [11/13/13]
Billy delos Santos
Table of Contents
Section 1: Who We Are ............................................................ 1
Section 2: Where We Are Now ................................................. 2
Section 3: The Difference We Hope to Make ............................. 3
Required Appendices:
A: Budget History .........................................................................................4
E: New Initiatives ........................................................................................5
F2: Classified Staffing Requests ....................................................................6
F5: Supplies and Services Requests ..............................................................7
F6: Conference/Travel Requests ..................................................................8
F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests ..........................................9
F8: Facilities Requests ...............................................................................10
1. Who We Are
Limit your narrative to no more than one page.
Describe your unit--your mission, vision, responsibilities and the goals of your office. How does your
unit support other administrative, student services and academic units? What impact do you have on
student learning? Describe the number and types of staff in your office, both now and historically.
Business Services is dedicated to providing services which assist Academic Services and
Student Services in delivering quality educational programs and services to students
and members of our local community. This will be achieved by working with faculty and
staff to promote efficiency and control operating costs. Business Service is committed to
provide prompt and courteous response to all requests for help or information. The
Business Service Office is under the umbrella of Administrative Services Office. Business
Service Office is functionally organized into the areas of Accounting/Business Office,
Facilities rentals, Switchboard and Mailroom. Services provided by this office impact
virtually the entire campus population and can have a significant bearing on the general
public’s first impression of the College community, Major services provided by the
Accounting/Business Office include management of trust and agency funds, including
Co-curricular and ASCC; deposit of payments and cash receipt; and processing of all
requisitions and disbursement. Services provided by the Switchboard and Mailroom
include operation of the College’s main switchboard; informational services to faculty,
staff, students and campus visitors; and processing of incoming and outgoing campus,
inter-campus and U.S. mail
Business Service Department mainly focuses on the business function of the college. It
involves almost all of the accounting, budget, and business services related to overall
college functions. These areas have overall budget and business responsibilities for the
As of Now, we have 5.5(FTE) employees in the Business Office.
1. College Administrative Services Officer (1FTE) full time employee and the supervisor
in the Business office. under the general direction of the Vice President of
Administrative Services responsible for the day-to-day operations of the College
financial, business and related services; supervise, assign, review, and participate in the
work of staff responsible for the fiscal and business activities of the department
including but not limited to mailroom, reception/communication desk, cash
management, and financial reconciliations; oversee college general fund budget,
accounts receivable, accounts payable, grant accounting, auxiliaries, co-curricular and
associated students’ trust fund management; establish procedures to ensure internal
control, budgetary control and the accurate classification of revenue and expenditure
reporting; and ensure work quality and adherence to established policies and
2. Fiscal and Administrative Services Technician (1.5 FTE) full time and half time
position. These positions provide essential technical accounting functions and
administrative services in support of the college operations. This includes maintaining a
wide variety of general and specialized financial records and documents. Work is
performed under general supervision. Originality and independent reasoning are a
necessity. Incumbents are required to perform a variety of duties in connection with the
college fiscal and administrative operations office. Fiscal and Administrative Services
Technician collect and receive monies, write receipts and deposit funds. Maintain
revolving cash fund, prepare bills for payment, prepare and disburse warrants. Create
and maintain financial files and computer spreadsheets and enter financial data into
computerized District Finance system, including requisitions, registers, journals, budget
transfers, bank reconciliations, and reconciliations. Close and re-open books of account.
Prepare, review and disburse financial and statistical reports, using computer
spreadsheets and computerized District Finance system including monthly balance
sheets, statement of operations, and fund analysis. Make regular contact with students,
staff and public to resolve and discuss financial issues and to coordinate use of college
facilities and equipment. Act as liaison between contract vendors and students and
staff. Answer staff questions regarding area budgets. Assist staff with various business
and fiscal forms. Input annual college budget into computerized District Finance system.
3. Mailroom Clerk (1FTE) a full time employee under supervision of the College
Administrative Services Officer. Perform a variety of clerical duties associated with the
operation of the mailroom; receive, sort, and distribute District mail; oversee and
operate production copier and other assigned office equipment and machines for
assigned area; and act as relief for the College Telephone Operator/ Receptionist.
Receive, sort, distribute, and deliver outgoing, incoming, and interoffice mail. Process
outgoing mail; weigh, meter, and affix correct postage for various out-going mail.
Accept all postal deliveries including special delivery, insured mail, registered mail, and
all mail requiring special handling including flats, parcels, books, and films. Assist and
advise staff with mail regulations, preparation, and costs. Maintain various records
including those related to postage meter, bulk permit, postage due, business reply, first
class pre-sort, and bulk accounts. Set-up and assign mail boxes to faculty and staff as
needed. Distribute communication materials to faculty and staff. Oversee and operate
assigned office equipment and machines including a production copier, fax machine,
and other assigned office equipment and machines. Order and maintain paper stock for
copy and fax machines. Clean and perform minor adjustments on copy and fax
machines. Type a simple material including staff listings and memoranda. Act as relief
for Telephone Operator/Receptionist. Maintain necessary files, records and statistics for
the mailroom and related equipment.
4. Telephone Operator Clerk is (1FTE) a full time employee under supervision of the
College Administrative Services Officer. This is clerical work of average difficulty, which
requires operation of a one-person switchboard. Under general supervision, the
employee performs routine tasks and works within well-defined procedures. There is
heavy contact with the public on the telephone and at the counter for exchange of
information. Answers all calls and provides prompt, courteous and accurate service;
makes station connections; screens calls to determine proper destination; takes
message (for example, calls from instructors who will be missing class) and relays
information promptly; tests all extensions to ensure that they are operational;
places long distance calls and calls from restricted phones; logs long distance calls;
screens collect calls to determine acceptability; handles emergency calls and
procedures in accordance with established policies and procedures; greets general
public at the counter and provides direction such as location of offices, telephone
numbers, schedules of activities, etc.; ensures that the counter is equipped with
informational brochures; maintains related calendar of activities and schedules;
maintains staff directory; files and keeps instructor office cards; orders telephone books
and maintains a count for all areas as to type and quantity of books needed; assists in
the auditing of telephone bills as directed; types simple materials including staff listings
and memoranda; monitors the emergency radio as necessary; works as relief in the
mailroom which involves taking meter reading, weighing, sealing and stamping
outgoing mail, preparing certified letters; sorting and distributing incoming mail, etc.
4. Facility Rentals is to coordinate the college's facility use and rental program with the
college community, external agencies and the public; process Facility Use Applications
in accordance with the provisions of District Board Policies and the California Education
Code; arrange for college staffing in support of facility rentals and events; collect and
deposit of payments for facility rentals
2. Where We Are Now
Complete Appendix A (Budget History) prior to writing your narrative. Limit your narrative to no more
than one page.
As you enter a new Program Review cycle, reflect on your achievements over the last few years. What
did you want to accomplish? What were your Service Area Outcomes (SAOs)? Those can include trends
in any measurable outcomes tracked by your office, satisfaction survey results of your primary
users/clients, and student learning outcomes, if any. Describe how changes in resources provided to
your office have impacted your achievements. What are you most proud of, and what do you want to
continue to improve?
Discuss important trends that will have a significant impact on your unit over the next three
years. Those could include technology, facilities, equipment and customer/client demand. What
opportunities and challenges do your foresee in the next three years?
The achievements over the last few years of Business Office/Accounting, we have
a good internal and budgetary control to protect the finances and the assets of the
College. We maintain good financial records and an accurate reporting of revenue and
expenditure. We ensure in compliance in Budget and Accounting Manual, Board
Policies, CA Education Code and Generally Accepted Accounting Procedure.
Business Office/Accounting wants to accomplish to have fast and accurate
services. We already establish the accuracy but not speed of the services. Having 5.5
FTE in the Business Office is not enough to accomplish the ideal services. We are
shorthanded and if we can increase our FTE to 6, it will definitely can make significant
changes and meet our goal. To be precise, if 1.5 (FTE) Fiscal and Administrative
Services Technician increase to 2 FTE is really a good idea. Our process in all
documents will be faster than before that will benefit the Staff, Students and specifically
under Associated Student Chabot College (ASCC). Business Office is short-handed due
to recent employee was released and we have limited days for on-call employee. Online processing of Requisitions was the solution to speed up the process. A
Disbursement Request takes too long process due to require too many signatures.
Department Deans and Supervisors should strictly monitor their budgets due to major
deficit of the campus wide budget. All Faculty and Staff should be familiar the proper
procedures for business processes. We still do not have software or module to balance
the cash taken in at campus copiers. We need a strong internal control for sending
large amount of checks to District Office for deposit. Spending too much time
distributing payroll checks in the Business Office window. Financials statement and
Bank Reconciliation for ASCC and Co-Curricular is still created thru Excel.
Mailroom Clerk job description is to provide coverage for the switchboard, which
is the hub of the college and the information desk. In order to provide accurate
information, Mailroom Clerk strive to remain current on general information, class
schedule, important dates to remember, process to fill out application for admissions
and registration process, request transcripts, office hours, instructor’s contact
information and to help student get around our website to find information. Additional
services the communication center and mailroom can continue providing an outstanding
service would be to have access to reset pin numbers for students when they are
unable to reach Admissions and Records due to the high volume of calls. Cross-training
between around department would be also ideal to help each other out in those days
short in stuff.
Telephone Operator Clerk strives to accomplish keeping our students and general
pubic satisfied. It continually gather information on various departments and keep the
information updated so It can serve as a resource and provide customer service and be
as helpful as possible to the students, general public, and the communities we serve.
The most important trend to continue over the next three years is to continue providing
exemplary customer service to our students and public. In times of a weak economy,
excellent service is one thing we can keep constant, and remain a hallmark of Chabot
College. Customer service has an opportunity to help keep Chabot's positive image in
our community. Our students and general public are happy to hear a warm, friendly
voice that cares versus a cold and indirect automated answering machine, as it is
always reassuring to be able to speak to a live person and get the information in real
time. Also, callers have an opportunity to confirm information they are receiving.
3. The Difference We Hope to Make
Review the Strategic Plan goal and key strategies at prior to completing your
narrative. Please complete Appendices E (New Initiatives) and F2 and 5-8 (Resource Requests)
to further detail your narrative. Limit your narrative to no more than three pages, and be very
specific about what you hope to achieve, why, and how.
What initiatives would you like to undertake to improve or strengthen your unit or to address
demand for your services? What initiatives are underway in your area, or could you begin, that
would support the achievement of our new Strategic Plan goal and strategies and/or improve
student learning? Identify specific, measurable goals and the resources needed to achieve
Business Office/Accounting mission is to make sure that the college remains
Financially stable. The goal of our office is to provide accurate, comprehensive, and
useable financial information to all of Chabot College. The information we provide
would allow all departments and groups to fully understand how, where, and for what
purpose funds are expended at Chabot College. We should be as transparent as
possible. We want to train all Admin Assistants to process Requisition using the Banner
system. Create a new procedure to limit the signing- off of all the documents submitted
to the District. Activate check-writing machine. Develop and schedule trainings on
budget monitoring and printing reports (Revenues & expenses, operating cost, and
salaries). Research software needed to balance copy machine cash. Not being able to
balance the cash taken in copiers causes a vulnerability to our internal control. Install
the device in Business Office copier to have faxing capabilities. We need software to do
Bank Reconciliations and Financial Statements for ASCC and Co-curricular to save time
doing in Microsoft excel. On-line processing of disbursements request will definitely
expedite our process, help increase efficiency and productivity. We need a good
procedure sending check to the District. It might be misplaced or lost in transit. Several
employees have their payroll check sent to the Business Department, but never pick up
their check. The checks end up being mailed every month which takes time and cost
Mailroom Clerk mission is to continue providing an excellent service not only to
staff, administrators and instructors but students as well by delivering the mail its final
destination, to help out with questions regarding mail processing, rates, regulations,
overnight packages, placing final projects, exams, homework in instructors’ mailboxes,
efficient and prompt exchange of books and materials between the campuses’ libraries,
just to name few examples. As the person responsible for the mailroom I am
continuously striving to provide an adequate, fast and precise mail processing. My goal
from day one has been to make communication via mail as accurate, accessible and
easy as possible.
Telephone Operator Clerk would like to get back the access in resetting the
phone displays; this service was provided by Telephone Operator Clerk for many years
but when the software was updated and installed last two years ago the Telephone
Operator Clerk lost the access. Telephone Operator Clerk would like the access to
provide service of resetting pin numbers from Class Web for students which would help
our students a great deal when they are unable to reach Admissions & Records.
Telephone Operator Clerk would like the access to make changes to our address book
on GroupWise versus emailing the phone number information to Katherine Tollefson to
make the changes. This is an opportunity to provide one additional service in the
Communication Center, and would reduce the time for changes to be made.
Appendix A: Budget History and Impact
Audience: Budget Committee, PRBC, and Administrators
Purpose: This analysis describes your history of budget requests from the previous two years and
the impacts of funds received and needs that were not met. This history of documented need
can both support your narrative in Section A and provide additional information for Budget
Committee recommendations.
Instructions: Please provide the requested information, and fully explain the impact of the budget
Classified Staffing (# of positions)
Supplies & Services
3. How has your investment of the budget monies you did receive improved your Service Area
Outcomes? When you requested the funding, you provided a rationale. In this section, assess if the
anticipated positive impacts you projected have, in fact, been realized.
4. What has been the impact of not receiving some of your requested funding? How has your ability to
serve the college and our students been impacted, or safety compromised?
Appendix E: Proposal for New Initiatives (Complete for each new initiative)
Audience: Deans/Unit Administrators, PRBC, Foundation, Grants Committee, College Budget Committee
Purpose: A “New Initiative” is a new project or expansion of a current project that supports our Strategic
Plan. The project will require the support of additional and/or outside funding. The information you
provide will facilitate and focus the research and development process for finding both internal and
external funding.
How does your initiative address the college's Strategic Plan goal, or significantly improve student
What is your specific goal and measurable outcome?
Associated Student Chabot College is one of the demanding departments of the
student we need to serve. Having enough staff can make sure we can accomplish to
have fast and accurate services.
What is your action plan to achieve your goal?
Activity (brief description)
We need to increase 0.5 FTE for Fiscal and
Administrative Services Technician
Create a new procedure to limit the signing- off of
all the documents submitted to the District
Upgrading check-writing machine
Develop as many electronic forms as possible.
(Expense Forms and Time Sheets and Deposit Receipts).
Required Budget (Split out
personnel, supplies, other
24K - personnel
2013-2014 N/A
2013-2014 N/A
2014-2015 N/A
How will you manage the personnel needs?
New Hires:
Faculty # of positions
Classified staff # of positions 0.5
Reassigning existing employee(s) to the project; employee(s) current workload will be:
Covered by overload or part-time employee(s)
Covered by hiring temporary replacement(s)
Other, explain – Coming from Parking funds
At the end of the project period, the proposed project will:
Be completed (onetime only effort)
Require additional funding to continue and/or institutionalize the project
(obtained by/from): Parking fund
Will the proposed project require facility modifications, additional space, or program relocation?
Yes, explain:
Will the proposed project involve subcontractors, collaborative partners, or cooperative agreements?
Yes, explain:
Do you know of any grant funding sources that would meet the needs of the proposed project?
Yes, list potential funding sources: Parking Fund
Appendix F2: Classified Staffing Request(s) including Student Assistants [Acct.
Category 2000]
Audience: Administrators, PRBC
Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time and
part-time regular (permanent) classified professional positions (new, augmented and replacement
positions). Remember, student assistants are not to replace Classified Professional staff.
Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student
learning and contribution to the Strategic Plan goal, safety, mandates, accreditation issues. Please cite
any evidence or data to support your request. If this position is categorically funded, include and
designate the funding source of new categorically-funded position where continuation is contingent
upon available funding.
5. Number of positions requested: __1.5____
6. If you are requesting more than one position, please rank order the positions.
These positions provide essential technical
3. Fiscal and Administrative Services
accounting functions and administrative
Technician (.05)
services in support of the college
Back-up if the Regular employee was on
4. Student Assistant (1)
7. Rationale for your proposal.
We want to accomplish to have fast and accurate services to staff and students.
8. Statements about the alignment with the strategic plan and program review are required. Indicate
here any information from advisory committees or outside accreditation reviews that is pertinent to
the proposal.
Our Chabot College Business Office/Accounting is shorthanded. We don’t have enough
employees to run the Business office. We only have 2.5 FTE that’s included College
Administrative Services Officer (1FTE) and Fiscal and Administrative Services Technician
(1.5 FTE). If you compared to Las Positas College Business Office/Accounting. LPC have
4 fulltime employees which include College Administrative Services Officer (1FTE), Fiscal
and Administrative Services Technician (2 FTE) and College Administrative Assistance
Appendix F5: Supplies & Services Requests [Acct. Category 4000 and 5000]
Audience: Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC
Purpose: To request funding for supplies and service, and to guide the Budget Committee in allocation of
Instructions: In the area below, please list both your current and requested budgets for categories 4000
and 5000 in priority order. Do NOT include conferences and travel, which are submitted on Appendix
M6. Justify your request and explain in detail any requested funds beyond those you received this year.
Please also look for opportunities to reduce spending, as funds are very limited.
Project or Items
2012-13 Budget
Requested Received
Appendix F6: Conference and Travel Requests [ Acct. Category 5000]
Audience: Staff Development Committee, Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC
Purpose: To request funding for conference attendance, and to guide the Budget and Staff Development
Committees in allocation of funds.
Instructions: Please list specific conferences/training programs, including specific information on the
name of the conference and location. Note that the Staff Development Committee currently has no
budget, so this data is primarily intended to identify areas of need that could perhaps be fulfilled on
campus, and to establish a historical record of need. Your rationale should discuss student learning goals
and/or connection to the Strategic Plan goal.
2013-14 Request
Appendix F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000]
Audience: Budget Committee, Technology Committee, Administrators
Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee and to inform priorities of the Technology
Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests. If you're requesting classroom
technology, see for the
brands/model numbers that are our current standards. If requesting multiple pieces of equipment,
please rank order those requests. Include shipping cost and taxes in your request.
Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost exceeds $200. Items which are
less expensive should be requested as supplies. Software licenses should also be requested as
Project or Items
2012-13 Budget
Requested Received
* Rationale should include discussion of impact on student learning, connection to our strategic plan
goal, impact on student enrollment, safety improvements, whether the equipment is new or
replacement, potential ongoing cost savings that the equipment may provide, ongoing costs of
equipment maintenance, associated training costs, and any other relevant information that you believe
the Budget Committee should consider.
Appendix F8: Facilities Requests
Audience: Facilities Committee, Administrators
Purpose: To be read and responded to by Facilities Committee.
Background: Following the completion of the 2012 Chabot College Facility Master Plan, the Facilities
Committee (FC) has begun the task of re-prioritizing Measure B Bond budgets to better align with current
needs. The FC has identified approximately $18M in budgets to be used to meet capital improvement
needs on the Chabot College campus. Discussion in the FC includes holding some funds for a year or two
to be used as match if and when the State again funds capital projects, and to fund smaller projects that
will directly assist our strategic goal. The FC has determined that although some of the college's greatest
needs involving new facilities cannot be met with this limited amount of funding, there are many smaller
pressing needs that could be addressed. The kinds of projects that can be legally funded with bond
dollars include the "repairing, constructing, acquiring, equipping of classrooms, labs, sites and facilities."
Do NOT use this form for equipment or supply requests.
Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests. If requesting more than one
facilities project, please rank order your requests.
Brief Title of Request (Project Name):
Description of the facility project. Please be as specific as possible.
What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support?
Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Strategic Plan Goal and to
enhancing student learning?
Chabot College
Administrative Services Program
Review Report
Year One of
Program Review Cycle
Campus Safety
Submitted on November 12, 2013
Director Bobbie Koller
Table of Contents
Section 1: Who We Are ............................................................ 1
Section 2: Where We Are Now ................................................. 2
Section 3: The Difference We Hope to Make ............................. 3
Required Appendices:
A: Budget History .........................................................................................4
E: New Initiatives ........................................................................................5
F2: Classified Staffing Requests ....................................................................6
F5: Supplies and Services Requests ..............................................................7
F6: Conference/Travel Requests ..................................................................8
F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests ..........................................9
F8: Facilities Requests ...............................................................................10
1. Who We Are
Limit your narrative to no more than one page.
Describe your unit--your mission, vision, responsibilities and the goals of your office. How does your
unit support other administrative, student services and academic units? What impact do you have on
student learning? Describe the number and types of staff in your office, both now and historically.
Chabot College Department of Campus Safety and Security provides a number of services for the college
community. Among those are: crime prevention, emergency assistance, general information and
assistance, safety escort services, as well as the general responsibility for the safety and well being of
the college community and its guests. In addition, the department is responsible for fire and life safety
management, access control / intrusion control / key control, administering the Hazardous Materials
Business Plan, and developing and updating the Disaster / Emergency Preparedness Plan.
The Department of Campus Safety is currently budgeted for (6) full time Campus Safety Officers and (2)
permanent part- time Campus Safety Officers. Together with (1) full time and (1) permanent part-time
dispatcher, Campus Safety provides year-round coverage, 24 hours a day. Additionally, there are a
number of at-will, temporary on-call employees for both Dispatcher and Campus Safety Officer, who
help provide coverage for staffing shortages and at the large number of planned events that take place
where the Campus Safety Department is expected to provide safety and security coverage.
The Campus Safety Department touches every work group within the college. The Department’s
responsibility to control key distribution and building access requires every employee needing such
access to contact Campus Safety. In addition, there are many different academic and sporting events
that draw large numbers of people from outside of the college. Traditionally, these events have required
assistance in providing a safe and secure environment and Campus Safety personnel are the ones called
upon to provide that level of safety and security at these events. Campus Safety personnel participate in
the planning and execution of these events and are often called upon to lend their years of experience
where safety matters are concerned.
More importantly, Campus Safety works hand-in-hand with the Dean of Student Services to both
identify and in some cases escort problem and disruptive students for conferences. Campus Safety
Officers are also in charge of making daily cash pickups of parking permit vending machines and
coordinating the drop off of these monies with Business services personnel.
It is the goal of Campus Safety to support the college's mission as a ‘learning centered' institution. We
provide a forum through shared governance, the collegial process, meetings, conferences and
publications for the exchange of information and ideas on safety & security related matters. We
endeavor to explore and implement new procedures and techniques that will improve campus safety &
security. We also maintain a channel of communications with other community colleges In order to
remain current with effective safety & security practices. Most importantly, we provide safety
awareness training to college faculty, staff & students.
2. Where We Are Now
Complete Appendix A (Budget History) prior to writing your narrative. Limit your narrative to no more
than one page.
As you enter a new Program Review cycle, reflect on your achievements over the last few years. What
did you want to accomplish? What were your Service Area Outcomes (SAOs)? Those can include trends
in any measurable outcomes tracked by your office, satisfaction survey results of your primary
users/clients, and student learning outcomes, if any. Describe how changes in resources provided to
your office have impacted your achievements. What are you most proud of, and what do you want to
continue to improve?
Discuss important trends that will have a significant impact on your unit over the next three years.
Those could include technology, facilities, equipment, customer/client demand. What opportunities and
challenges do your foresee in the next three years?
In January of 2011 the Director of Campus Safety identified several problem areas within the Campus
Safety department that severely impacted services to the students and campus community.
In response, the Campus Safety Director identified seven areas for improvement of services to support
student needs. Those areas were:
Improvement of the access control and security system (AMAG) and resolution of problems
interfering with the system functionality.
Replacement of the vehicle fleet.
Provide better customer service to students, staff and the community and improve Campus
Safety morale and teamwork through a focus on coaching and mentoring.
Modernization of the incident response and reporting process to a digital records management
Improvement and modernization of the campus emergency communications system with an
emphasis on interoperability with local emergency service jurisdictions.
Hiring of Campus Safety Personnel to support the 24 hour department schedule and
accommodate the attrition losses.
Improvement of the organization’s ability to respond to emergencies or disasters with
appropriate emergency preparedness supplies and necessary equipment.
In the period between that assessment and the current program review the five of the seven areas have
seen significant improvement.
The AMAG system has been installed in all campus buildings, except for several rooms in
Building 100, which are controlled by District IT. This has allowed the elimination of redundant
alarm monitoring and a redirection of the funds dedicated to those redundant systems. Two
officers received specialized AMAG training and staff continues to work with AMAG
programmers to refine and troubleshoot installation/program deficiencies resulting in system
Relocation of the staff to a unified and centralized set of offices which has improved service
delivery, team work, morale and injected an increased sense of service and duty to staff
Replacement of the campus radio system with a modern digital radio system that includes
interoperability with the Hayward Police and Fire Departments and easily allows for
interoperability with CSUEB Police if necessary.
Filling of positions vacated through attrition and the hiring of student assistants as evening
safety escort drivers to supplement the campus safety staff and provide for added safety. In
addition, the Campus Safety Department was integral in the creation of a daytime mobility
driver to assist with the mobility needs of the disabled student community on campus.
We have successfully initiated relationships with the appropriate emergency management
community, created interoperable communications ability, updated campus hazardous
materials management, identified preferred Hazardous Materials Business Plan upgrades and
initiated a Chemical Hygiene plan.
It is notable that the recent Administrative Services survey results show that 96% of those surveyed use
Campus Safety services and of those, 97% were either satisfied or very satisfied with the results. This
satisfaction score was second only to “My Own Division” which listed those that used their own services
as 97% and the satisfaction rate as 97%. Perhaps more telling is that a scant 3% of respondents were
“not satisfied” which is among the lowest in the survey.
Trends that are likely to affect the Campus Safety Department largely involve the continued
improvement and reliance on technologies for communication and records management. With that in
mind, it is advisable for the Campus Safety Department to work toward two goals: 1) To develop new
social networking pathways in addition to those currently in use, to improve interdepartmental and
campus wide communications with various campus users. 2) To identify and acquire technologies that
aid in service delivery, efficiency and transparency.
3. The Difference We Hope to Make
Review the Strategic Plan goal and key strategies at prior to completing your
narrative. Please complete Appendices E (New Initiatives) and F2 and 5-8 (Resource Requests)
to further detail your narrative. Limit your narrative to no more than three pages, and be very
specific about what you hope to achieve, why, and how.
What initiatives would you like to undertake to improve or strengthen your unit or to address
demand for your services? What initiatives are underway in your area, or could you begin, that
would support the achievement of our new Strategic Plan goal and strategies and/or improve
student learning? Identify specific, measurable goals and the resources needed to achieve
Although great strides were made, allowing the Campus Safety Department to attain many previously
identified Service Area Outcomes (SAO), many of the SAOs remain a work in progress, or require
consistent updates to maintain industry wide recognized “Best Practices” standards. The following
initiatives support Chabot College’s Strategic Plan Goal of encouraging greater campus wide cooperation
and unanimity between various departments, as opposed to acting as individual parts and bringing
information and services to the students. These initiative also directly support Measure B, as they will
each markedly “improve safety” and “campus security”.
Strengthen and expand campus emergency preparedness through Campus Safety employees’
departmental training, scheduled annual assessment of college maintained resources and equipment
necessary to respond to various emergencies, and campus wide annual drills. Specifically the following
steps would help us achieve this goal:
Emergency Preparedness:
1. Maintain annual campus wide Earthquake/Evacuation Drill on the third
Thursday, every October.
2. All campus instructors with classes on campus must show an Emergency
Preparedness Powerpoint Presentation on the first day of class every semester.
3. Update Administrators/Building Monitors Lists three weeks after the beginning
of the Fall Term.
4. Building Monitor training by the fourth week of September.
5. Replenish Building Monitor kits annually the week after Spring Break. Kits
include Building Monitor Vest, hand crank flashlights, and small portable first aid
kits contained in a black backpack. Initially it would cost more, as current vests
are inadequate and all must be replaced. Approx $1000 first year, varying
6. Purchase thirteen Evacuation Chairs (one for each 2 story building). Mandatory
to transport any disabled/injured people to safety. Costs vary depending on
quality of equipment purchased. For minimally compliant equipment $28,000
to $52,000 a real Evacuation Chair.
7. Mark (signage/paint asphalt) Evacuation Zones in parking lots. Costs for
paint/signage minimal-approx $200.
Active Shooter Training:
1. At least one 8 hour training course for all campus safety employees to be by
12/31/14. Varying costs, possibly $1500. 2 officers have already attended and
there is periodic free training.
2. Training for Faculty/Classified to be completed by end of Spring Term 2015 (can
be done by Campus Safety Dept during Flex Day Training).
3. Campus wide Active Shooter Drill subsequent to completion of training, with the
goal of completing an annual drill during Spring Term.
4. Supporting resources/materials posted on Campus Safety website.
Computerized Assisted Dispatching (CAD)/Records’ Management System (RMS):
1. Searchable database for calls for service, officers’ activities.
2. Replaces need for dispatcher or officer generated shift logs, contributing to
quantity and quality of information.
3. Provides data to be used to increase officer efficiency and departmental
1. Searchable database for reports. There are many different programs available
and most costs include both the CAD/RMS program. A suitable one can be
purchased for about $27,000.
2. We cannot accommodate requests for reports more than a year old, without a
report number .
3. Cannot search our database by name.
4. Current antiquated system does not meet industry “best practices”.
5. Necessary to meet California Public Records Act (CPRA), which requires a
community college Campus Safety & Security Department to provide copies of
some public records (reports).
6. Necessary to meet federal Clery Reporting mandates. Clery compliance is
monitored by the United States Department of Education (USDOE), which can
impose civil penalties, up to $35,000 per violation, against institutions for each
infraction and can suspend institutions from participating in federal student
financial aid programs.
Appendix A: Budget History and Impact
Audience: Budget Committee, PRBC, and Administrators
Purpose: This analysis describes your history of budget requests from the previous two years and
the impacts of funds received and needs that were not met. This history of documented need
can both support your narrative in Section A and provide additional information for Budget
Committee recommendations.
Instructions: Please provide the requested information, and fully explain the impact of the budget
Classified Staffing (# of positions)
Supplies & Services
5. How has your investment of the budget monies you did receive improved your Service Area
Outcomes? When you requested the funding, you provided a rationale. In this section, assess if the
anticipated positive impacts you projected have, in fact, been realized.
6. What has been the impact of not receiving some of your requested funding? How has your ability to
serve the college and our students been impacted, or safety compromised?
Appendix E: Proposal for New Initiatives (Complete for each new initiative)
Audience: Deans/Unit Administrators, PRBC, Foundation, Grants Committee, College Budget Committee
Purpose: A “New Initiative” is a new project or expansion of a current project that supports our Strategic
Plan. The project will require the support of additional and/or outside funding. The information you
provide will facilitate and focus the research and development process for finding both internal and
external funding.
How does your initiative address the college's Strategic Plan goal, or significantly improve student
1. Strengthening Emergency Preparedness clearly supports the college’s Strategic Plan goal by
encouraging greater campus wide cooperation and unanimity between various departments, as
opposed to acting as individual parts during emergencies/disasters and bringing necessary
information and services to the students to keep them safe during such incidents. This initiative
also directly support Measure B, as it will markedly “improve safety” and “campus security”.
2. Obtaining a CAD/RMS will allow Campus Safety to more quickly identify emerging campus crime
trends, provide a greater depth and quality of information to all campus users, contributing to
greater departmental transparency and accountability. All of this supports the college’s
Strategic Plan goal by markedly increasing the quality and quantity of information and services
provided to the students. A searchable computer database of calls for service and reports is
instrumental for insuring compliance with the federally mandated Jeanne Clery Act. Compliance
is monitored by the USDOE, which can impose civil penalties, up to $35,000 per violation,
against institutions for each infraction and can suspend institutions from participating in
federal student financial aid programs. A CAD/RMS would allow Campus Safety to better meet
California Public Records Act (CPRA), which requires a community college Campus Safety &
Security Department to provide copies of some public records (reports). This initiative directly
support Measure B, as it will demonstrably “improve safety” and “campus security”.
What is your specific goal and measurable outcome?
Emergency Preparedness:
1. Maintain annual campus wide Earthquake/Evacuation Drill on the third
Thursday, every October.
2. All campus instructors with classes on campus must show an Emergency
Preparedness Powerpoint Presentation on the first day of class every semester.
3. Update Administrators/Building Monitors Lists three weeks after the beginning
of the Fall Term.
4. Building Monitor training by the fourth week of September.
5. Replenish Building Monitor kits annually the week after Spring Break. Kits
include Building Monitor Vest, hand crank flashlights, and small portable first aid
kits contained in a black backpack. Initially it would cost more, as current vests
are inadequate and all must be replaced. Approx $1000 first year, varying
6. Purchase thirteen Evacuation Chairs (one for each 2 story building). Mandatory
to transport any disabled/injured people to safety. Costs vary depending on
quality of equipment purchased. For minimally compliant equipment $28,000
to $52,000 a real Evacuation Chair.
7. Mark (signage/paint asphalt) Evacuation Zones in parking lots. Costs for
paint/signage minimal-approx $200.
8. Measurable goal: increase total evacuation time from 15 minutes, to 14
minutes by 10/15.
Active Shooter Training:
1. At least one 8 hour training course for all campus safety employees to be by
12/31/14. Varying costs, possibly $1500. 2 officers have already attended and
there is periodic free training.
2. Training for Faculty/Classified to be completed by end of Spring Term 2015 (can
be done by Campus Safety Dept during Flex Day Training).
3. Campus wide Active Shooter Drill subsequent to completion of training, with the
goal of completing an annual drill during Spring Term.
4. Supporting resources/materials posted on Campus Safety website.
Obtain CAD/RMS:
1. Complete federally mandated Clery Report by 10/1/14.
2. Provide quarterly report on crime trends and calls for service by type by 6/15.
What is your action plan to achieve your goal?
Emergency Preparedness-see above
Active Shooter-see above
Purchase CAD/RMS program-see above
Activity (brief description)
Required Budget (Split out
personnel, supplies, other
depending on quality of
Evacuation chair. No other
costs should be necessary.
Training costs-approx
$1000. Personnel (to
cover staff away at
training)- approx $2000.
No other costs should be
Computer Program-approx
$27,000. Personnel (to
train staff/shortages to
cover during training)$1000.
How will you manage the personnel needs?
New Hires:
Faculty # of positions
Classified staff # of positions
Reassigning existing employee(s) to the project; employee(s) current workload will be:
Covered by overload or part-time employee(s)
Covered by hiring temporary replacement(s)
Other, explain Hire On Call/Temporary employees for staffing shortages as
necessary caused by any vacancies during training.
At the end of the project period, the proposed project will:
Be completed (onetime only effort)
Require additional funding to continue and/or institutionalize the process
(obtained by/from): Only the Emergency Preparedness initiative will require some minimal annual
costs to insure Building Monitor kits are appropriately outfitted. Estimated annual costs about $200.
Will the proposed project require facility modifications, additional space, or program relocation?
Yes, explain: Only to mark Evacuation Zones on the parking lot asphalt for the
Emergency Preparedness initiative.
Will the proposed project involve subcontractors, collaborative partners, or cooperative agreements?
Yes, explain:
Do you know of any grant funding sources that would meet the needs of the proposed project?
Yes, list potential funding sources:Possible grant funding available for the Active
Shooter training from Homeland Security Grant Program.
Appendix F2: Classified Staffing Request(s) including Student Assistants [Acct.
Category 2000]
Audience: Administrators, PRBC
Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time and
part-time regular (permanent) classified professional positions (new, augmented and replacement
positions). Remember, student assistants are not to replace Classified Professional staff.
Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student
learning and contribution to the Strategic Plan goal, safety, mandates, accreditation issues. Please cite
any evidence or data to support your request. If this position is categorically funded, include and
designate the funding source of new categorically-funded position where continuation is contingent
upon available funding.
9. Number of positions requested: ______
10. If you are requesting more than one position, please rank order the positions.
11. Rationale for your proposal.
12. Statements about the alignment with the strategic plan and program review are required. Indicate
here any information from advisory committees or outside accreditation reviews that is pertinent to
the proposal.
Appendix F5: Supplies & Services Requests [Acct. Category 4000 and 5000]
Audience: Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC
Purpose: To request funding for supplies and service, and to guide the Budget Committee in allocation of
Instructions: In the area below, please list both your current and requested budgets for categories 4000
and 5000 in priority order. Do NOT include conferences and travel, which are submitted on Appendix
M6. Justify your request and explain in detail any requested funds beyond those you received this year.
Please also look for opportunities to reduce spending, as funds are very limited.
Project or Items
2012-13 Budget
Requested Received
Appendix F6: Conference and Travel Requests [ Acct. Category 5000]
Audience: Staff Development Committee, Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC
Purpose: To request funding for conference attendance, and to guide the Budget and Staff Development
Committees in allocation of funds.
Instructions: Please list specific conferences/training programs, including specific information on the
name of the conference and location. Note that the Staff Development Committee currently has no
budget, so this data is primarily intended to identify areas of need that could perhaps be fulfilled on
campus, and to establish a historical record of need. Your rationale should discuss student learning goals
and/or connection to the Strategic Plan goal.
2013-14 Request
Appendix F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000]
Audience: Budget Committee, Technology Committee, Administrators
Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee and to inform priorities of the Technology
Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests. If you're requesting classroom
technology, see for the
brands/model numbers that are our current standards. If requesting multiple pieces of equipment,
please rank order those requests. Include shipping cost and taxes in your request.
Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost exceeds $200. Items which are
less expensive should be requested as supplies. Software licenses should also be requested as
Project or Items
2012-13 Budget
Requested Received
* Rationale should include discussion of impact on student learning, connection to our strategic plan
goal, impact on student enrollment, safety improvements, whether the equipment is new or
replacement, potential ongoing cost savings that the equipment may provide, ongoing costs of
equipment maintenance, associated training costs, and any other relevant information that you believe
the Budget Committee should consider.
Appendix F8: Facilities Requests
Audience: Facilities Committee, Administrators
Purpose: To be read and responded to by Facilities Committee.
Background: Following the completion of the 2012 Chabot College Facility Master Plan, the Facilities
Committee (FC) has begun the task of re-prioritizing Measure B Bond budgets to better align with current
needs. The FC has identified approximately $18M in budgets to be used to meet capital improvement
needs on the Chabot College campus. Discussion in the FC includes holding some funds for a year or two
to be used as match if and when the State again funds capital projects, and to fund smaller projects that
will directly assist our strategic goal. The FC has determined that although some of the college's greatest
needs involving new facilities cannot be met with this limited amount of funding, there are many smaller
pressing needs that could be addressed. The kinds of projects that can be legally funded with bond
dollars include the "repairing, constructing, acquiring, equipping of classrooms, labs, sites and facilities."
Do NOT use this form for equipment or supply requests.
Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests. If requesting more than one
facilities project, please rank order your requests.
Brief Title of Request (Project Name):
Description of the facility project. Please be as specific as possible.
What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support?
Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Strategic Plan Goal and to
enhancing student learning?
Chabot College
Administrative Services Program
Review Report
Year One of
Program Review Cycle
Reed L. Buffington Visual & Performing
Arts Center
Submitted on 11/12/2013
Prepared by Kari McAllister/Theater
Final Forms, 1/19/13
Table of Contents
Section 1: Who We Are ............................................................ 1
Section 2: Where We Are Now ................................................. 2
Section 3: The Difference We Hope to Make ............................. 3
Required Appendices:
A: Budget History .........................................................................................4
E: New Initiatives .........................................................................................5
F2: Classified Staffing Requests ....................................................................6
F5: Supplies and Services Requests ..............................................................7
F6: Conference/Travel Requests ..................................................................8
F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests ..........................................9
F8: Facilities Requests ................................................................................10
1. Who We Are
Limit your narrative to no more than one page.
Describe your unit--your mission, vision, responsibilities and the goals of your office. How does your
unit support other administrative, student services and academic units? What impact do you have on
student learning? Describe the number and types of staff in your office, both now and historically.
The mission of the PAC is to support the college mission and strategic plan, as well as remain a viable
revenue center (Self-Supporting Enterprise) for the College. The PAC does this now by efficiently
operating a state of the art theater complex supporting a wide variety of college programs.
90% of the PAC usage is by the outside community, mostly rentals, or “fee for service” events.
Therefore the majority of the PAC’s activities are community (local, regional, national, international)
based. As such, it not only creates enough revenue to support itself, it also is a significant tool in
community outreach. The usage of the facility mirrors the diverse socio-economic make-up of our
surrounding community.
Virtually everything the PAC does supports the college’s mission, strategic plan, marketing, and
outreach goals.
Ongoing activities: We have become the venue of choice for a growing number of annual users, some
of whom have been coming here for 30 plus years. Besides those clients, we are sought out by
regional, national, and inter-national groups as well. We also provide event consulting for various
activities on campus.
(1) Full time theater manager
(2) Full time stage technician.
(9) Active on-call stage technicians (as available)
(5) Active Professional Specialists (Audience services and Assistant Stage Managers (as available)
(1) Active Student assistants through Dec 2013
2. Where We Are Now
Complete Appendix A (Budget History) prior to writing your narrative. Limit your narrative to no more
than one page.
As you enter a new Program Review cycle, reflect on your achievements over the last few years. What
did you want to accomplish? What were your Service Area Outcomes (SAOs)? Those can include trends
in any measurable outcomes tracked by your office, satisfaction survey results of your primary
users/clients, and student learning outcomes, if any. Describe how changes in resources provided to
your office have impacted your achievements. What are you most proud of, and what do you want to
continue to improve?
Discuss important trends that will have a significant impact on your unit over the next three years.
Those could include technology, facilities, equipment, and customer/client demand. What opportunities
and challenges do your foresee in the next three years?
At this point in time the PAC (Performing Arts Center) has grown its days of activity from a little over
one-hundred prior to January 2010, to now having close to two-hundred days of annual activity. It is
notable that this is done with only two full-time Stage Technicians and one full-time Manager.
Revenues have grown from approximately $350k/yr to now in the area of $500k/yr and growing.
It is a great challenge to meet challenges of the artistic presentation, and also meet the needs of the
client technically in this fast paced, and ever changing industry.
We have endeavored to rise to meet these needs by purchasing and keeping as current as we can on
audio mixers, lighting consoles, microphones, staging, lighting instruments, etc.. That said, we are
now in need of upgrading our decade old Lighting Console, as well as a digital mixer that will allow for
the 48 channels of access now be required by most touring groups.
The changing over of our lighting instruments from standard to LED will save money in power usage,
colored gels (no longer needed), and man hours in light color changeovers.
We have added video recording and projection services that just about half of our current clientele
are taking advantage of, and are driving new revenues.
It is also important to note that the college’s course offerings in “Live Sound” technology, as well as
Theater Arts, would all benefit greatly to have the students working with current technologies they
will find in today’s job market as opposed to the decades old equipment we work with now.
As far as general activity, the PAC has maximized booking dates for all but two months of the year.
The scheduling of On-call Technicians, as well as Professional Experts as House Staff comes with a
dicey amount of uncertainty as their availability is never certain, and a “deep pool” must be
maintained to insure adequate staffing. There are days where two major shows are going back to
back, as well as the day prior, and maybe the day after. There are days when clients are in for a four
to seven day run. The challenges of staffing these events, as well as college and district events, and
never knowing who you can get, is a cause of great stress during peak times.
If we are to continue to offer our services and venue(s) as we have, it would behoove the institution
to have a conversation about the mechanics of the long-term.
3. The Difference We Hope to Make
Review the Strategic Plan goal and key strategiesat to completing your
narrative. Please complete Appendices E (New Initiatives) and F2 and 5-8 (Resource Requests)
to further detail your narrative. Limit your narrative to no more than three pages, and be very
specific about what you hope to achieve, why, and how.
What initiatives would you like to undertake to improve or strengthen your unit or to address
demand for your services? What initiatives are underway in your area, or could you begin, that
would support the achievement of our new Strategic Plan goal and strategies and/or improve
student learning? Identify specific, measurable goals and the resources needed to achieve
To staff our events in ways that will enable a sustainable revenue stream. To handle the number of
increased bookings, and to avoid worker burn-out, and to avoid related safety issues, we will be
adding more hourly on-calls to the stage technician roster.
It is our goal to continue on our path of accountability, transparency, client satisfaction, and positive
growth. To continue building on our strategic plan to increase use days and grow our net profitability
in our goal to remain an SSE (Self-Supporting Enterprise).
To purchase and install equipment that benefits not only the users but also students who may train in
our facility and then go out to seek employment.
Appendix A: Budget History and Impact
Audience: Budget Committee, PRBC,and Administrators
Purpose: This analysis describes your history of budget requests from the previous two years and
the impacts of funds received and needs that were not met. This history of documented need
can both support your narrative in Section A and provide additional information for Budget
Committee recommendations.
Instructions: Please provide the requested information, and fully explain the impact of the budget
Classified Staffing (# of positions)
Supplies & Services
7. How has your investment of the budget monies you did receive improved your Service Area
Outcomes? When you requested the funding, you provided a rationale. In this section, assess if the
anticipated positive impacts you projected have, in fact, been realized.
Our past purchases have either enhanced revenue generation while allowing staff to work with newer
technologies, or have allowed for easing of others workload as in the purchasing of our own
tables/chairs to free up M&O in the delivery and removal of such. The adding of video equipment has
allowed for documenting of college events as well as a source of added service and revenue.
8. What has been the impact of not receiving some of your requested funding? How has your ability to
serve the college and our students been impacted, or safety compromised?
Appendix E: Proposal for New Initiatives (Complete for each new initiative)
Audience: Deans/Unit Administrators, PRBC, Foundation, Grants Committee, College Budget Committee
Purpose: A “New Initiative” is a new project or expansion of a current project that supports our Strategic
Plan. The project will require the support of additional and/or outside funding. The information you
provide will facilitate and focus the research and development process for finding both internal and
external funding.
How does your initiative address the college's Strategic Plan goal, or significantly improve student
By leveraging Prop 39 Energy Project funds we hope to do a full LED conversion of House Lights
and backstage areas as well as explore changing out stage lighting instruments.
** require the purchase of a 48 channel digital audio mixer to better meet the needs of clients.
** New digital lighting mixing console. Our current one is ten years old and almost obsolete.
Students who tain on the above will be better positioned for employment.
What is your specific goal and measurable outcome?
To reduce power consumption by as much as 70%
For both mixers – To better meet the needs of outside clients as well as internal productions and
bolster student success.
What is your action plan to achieve your goal?
Activity (brief description)
Our project is currently being evaluated by the District
New Lighting and Audio mixers
Required Budget (Split out
personnel, supplies, other
Prop 39/ Measure B
How will you manage the personnel needs?
New Hires:
Faculty # of positions
Classified staff # of positions 1
Reassigning existing employee(s) to the project; employee(s) current workload will be:
Covered by overload or part-time employee(s)
Covered by hiring temporary replacement(s)
Other, explain
At the end of the project period, the proposed project will:
Be completed (onetime only effort)
Require additional funding to continue and/or institutionalize the project
(obtained by/from):
Will the proposed project require facility modifications, additional space, or program relocation?
Yes, explain:
Will the proposed project involve subcontractors, collaborative partners, or cooperative agreements?
Yes, explain:
Do you know of any grant funding sources that would meet the needs of the proposed project?
Yes, list potential funding sources:
Appendix F2: Classified Staffing Request(s) including Student Assistants [Acct.
Category 2000]
Audience: Administrators, PRBC
Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time and
part-time regular (permanent) classified professional positions(new, augmented and replacement
positions).Remember, student assistants are not to replace Classified Professional staff.
Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student
learning and contribution to the Strategic Plan goal, safety, mandates, accreditation issues. Please cite
any evidence or data to support your request. If this position is categorically funded, include and
designate the funding source of new categorically-funded position where continuation is contingent
upon available funding.
13. Number of positions requested: ___1___
14. If you are requesting more than one position, please rank order the positions.
.50 or FT to assist with events and day to day
7. Stage Technician
15. Rationale for your proposal.
The PAC has increased its annual bookings from approximately 100 days to 200 days since January
2010. The very demanding work load, production schedule, event coordinating, and administrative
assistance, as well as working the events has pushed our two current full timers to their maximum
production. One full time hire would allow for better scheduling, efficiency, and some administrative
assisting in order to better input and utilize our data.
16. Statements about the alignment with the strategic plan and program review are required. Indicate
here any information from advisory committees or outside accreditation reviews that is pertinent to
the proposal.
Appendix F5: Supplies & Services Requests [Acct. Category 4000 and 5000]
Audience: Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC
Purpose: To request funding for supplies and service, and to guide the Budget Committee in allocation of
Instructions: In the area below, please list both your current and requested budgets for categories 4000
and 5000 in priority order. Do NOT include conferences and travel, which are submitted on Appendix
M6. Justify your request and explain in detail any requested funds beyond those you received this year.
Please also look for opportunities to reduce spending, as funds are very limited.
Project or Items
2012-13 Budget
Requested Received
Appendix F6: Conference and Travel Requests [ Acct. Category 5000]
Audience: Staff Development Committee,Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC
Purpose: To request funding for conference attendance, and to guide the Budget and Staff Development
Committees in allocation of funds.
Instructions:Please list specific conferences/training programs, including specific information on the
name of the conference and location. Note that the Staff Development Committee currently has no
budget, so this data is primarily intended to identify areas of need that could perhaps be fulfilled on
campus, and to establish a historical record of need. Your rationale should discuss student learning goals
and/or connection to the Strategic Plan goal.
2013-14 Request
Appendix F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000]
Audience: Budget Committee, Technology Committee, Administrators
Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee and to inform priorities of the Technology
Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests.If you're requesting classroom
technology, see for the
brands/model numbers that are our current standards. If requesting multiple pieces of equipment,
please rank order those requests. Include shipping cost and taxes in your request.
Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost exceeds $200. Items which are
less expensive should be requested as supplies. Software licenses should also be requested as
Project or Items
LED stage CYC
Digital Light
2012-13 Budget
Requested Received
Digital Sound
Board-48 channels
In Ear Monitor
10k lumen
Laser Lights
Power savings, better color, current
instruments are more than 30yrs old
Our current board is 10yrs old and does
not support moving/intelligent lighting
or LED color changes.
Our current board is 32 channels and
we have many clients who require
beyond that number. Old board would
be moved to stage as monitor mixer.
Six channels – many artists are now
requesting these. It eliminates the
need for speakers on stage and gives
more control for mixes for artists. In
some cases would eliminate the need
for one technician. This is specialty
rental item.
We use our projectors for almost every
event. The one we currently use for
CYC projection is 5000 lumen and is
underpowered for that need. This is
specialty rental item.
Special lighting effects. This is specialty
rental item.
* Rationale should include discussion of impact on student learning, connection to our strategic plan
goal, impact on student enrollment, safety improvements, whether the equipment is new or
replacement, potential ongoing cost savings that the equipment may provide, ongoing costs of
equipment maintenance, associated training costs, and any other relevant information that you believe
the Budget Committee should consider.
Appendix F8: Facilities Requests
Audience: Facilities Committee, Administrators
Purpose: To be read and responded to by Facilities Committee.
Background: Following the completion of the 2012 Chabot College Facility Master Plan, the Facilities
Committee (FC) has begun the task of re-prioritizing Measure B Bond budgets to better align with current
needs. The FC has identified approximately $18M in budgets to be used to meet capital improvement
needs on the Chabot College campus. Discussion in the FC includes holding some funds for a year or two
to be used as match if and when the State again funds capital projects, and to fund smaller projects that
will directly assist our strategic goal. The FC has determined that although some of the college's greatest
needs involving new facilities cannot be met with this limited amount of funding, there are many smaller
pressing needs that could be addressed. The kinds of projects that can be legally funded with bond
dollars include the "repairing, constructing, acquiring, equipping of classrooms, labs, sites and facilities."
Do NOT use this form for equipment or supply requests.
Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests.If requesting more than one
facilities project, please rank order your requests.
Brief Title of Request (Project Name): 1300 and NEW 700 seat Theater
Building/Location: 1300/ NEW= current Butler Building footprint
Description of the facility project. Please be as specific as possible.
The PAC hopes to be a priority in any future bond project. Elevator to balcony level is
paramount as our population ages. Expanded lobby area and bathrooms. To the rear, new
and expanded dressing rooms, classrooms, costume and regular storage, and restrooms.
A new 700 seat Theater with a FLY LOFT would provide the college a better sized venue for
their events without impacting annual users of the PAC. It would also allow for a shift of
current clients who average 700 or less in attendance to that new venue. This would open
those dates in the PAC to new bookings and revenue generation. We should easily
recognize a target of $1,000,000.00 in annual receipts.
What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support?
We support college and district events: Convocation, Flex Days, Business Seminars, Puente,
Law and Democracy, etc..
Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Strategic Plan Goal and to
enhancing student learning?
It is our goal to engage more of the students in the Electronic Technology, Live Sound, and Theater Arts areas
to better empower, train, and give growth opportunities to.
Chabot College
Administrative Services Program
Review Report
Year One of
Program Review Cycle
Chabot College Television
Submitted on 10/31/13
Final Forms, 1/19/13
Table of Contents
Section 1: Who We Are ............................................................ 1
Section 2: Where We Are Now ................................................. 2
Section 3: The Difference We Hope to Make ............................. 3
Required Appendices:
A: Budget History .........................................................................................4
E: New Initiatives .........................................................................................5
F2: Classified Staffing Requests ....................................................................6
F5: Supplies and Services Requests ..............................................................7
F6: Conference/Travel Requests ..................................................................8
F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests ..........................................9
F8: Facilities Requests ................................................................................10
1. Who We Are
The TV Studio is here to support the college mission and its strategic plan is to be a viable revenue
center for the College. We also serve the entire community via our 3 Comcast Television Channels to the
entire EAST BAY and also the State of California and the world via AT&T U-Verse and LIVE streaming on
U-Stream for worldwide viewership. We also receive funds form the City of Hayward for the D.I.V.C.A.
(Digital Infrastructure Video Communications Act) and P.E.G. (Public Education and Government) that
makes us fully self supporting. The TV Studio does this now by having only one staff member. Part of
the P.E.G. and FCC rules also require us to serve the community by covering outside events and helping
business(s) by creating Public Service Announcements and obtain “Underwriting” for existing
programming through “PBS” type messages for a nominal charge.
2. Where We Are Now
Complete Appendix A (Budget History) prior to writing your narrative. Limit your narrative to no more
than one page.
Over the past 5 years we have managed to upgrade our studio equipment and remote video equipment
to the latest state of the art systems . Our goal was to make our studio the most modern TV studio in
the area. So far we about 50% of the way there. We would have been further along in our goals but
the major obstacle has been the lack of personnel. Only one person is fully employed there. Due to our
current upgrades and the ability of an experienced staff member, we have been able to run 3 24/7
channels, provide an full state of the art TV studio, cover events for the College and the City of Hayward
depending on the workload. But, it’s taking a toll on the health of the full time employee due to the
extra hours that must be spent to keep the station running. I am most proud of the fact that I was able
to take the TV station was at the brink of being completely shut down permanently and turn it around
to a profit making entity for the college by using my own clients from my Company and then working
with Comcast and the City of Hayward to get the P.E.G. /DIVCA funding.
Discuss important trends that will have a significant impact on your unit over the next three years.
Those could include technology, facilities, equipment, customer/client demand. What opportunities
and challenges do your foresee in the next three years?
The trends that will impact us? Well, since we are technology based, we have to change with the
technology. We will be updating our equipment to allow producers from our public access channels to
process their own videos via the cloud using a system from Tightrope. We will also have a video on
demand area as well. We have to begin our transition to a web based as well as keep the traditional
Television broadcast through Comcast. Automation software will need to be installed in out studio so
that students can get the proper training for careers in the field of Television. Most of the teaching that
is going on in all community collegesare now out of date. We need to take steps to update both our
equipment, software and our courses to match the ever changing trends in the workplace. In addition,
we need to partner with major media companies like Sony, Paramount, and Comcast/NBC to ensure our
students get an opportunity to train in a corporate environment. In addition, we should also serve our
community by helping cities do their training, publicity for events the cities maybe having, and also help
business’s underwrite our programming. This will also allow students to participate in actual
productions and gain the experience they need to get gainfully employed in the outside world. In the
next three years, we see a change toward more automation, more knowledge of computer based
systems, and an increase in cloud based services that will eventually take the majority of Public Access
Programming in our communities.
3. The Difference We Hope to Make
Review the Strategic Plan goal and key strategiesat to completing your
narrative. Please complete Appendices E (New Initiatives) and F2 and 5-8 (Resource Requests)
to further detail your narrative. Limit your narrative to no more than three pages, and be very
specific about what you hope to achieve, why, and how.
What initiatives would you like to undertake to improve or strengthen your unit or to address
demand for your services? What initiatives are underway in your area, or could you begin, that
would support the achievement of our new Strategic Plan goal and strategies and/or improve
student learning? Identify specific, measurable goals and the resources needed to achieve
A newvideo facility to do our productions in is necessary to achieve the educational as well our
community goals. Our current facility was established in the 1960’s and it has reached its
maximum capabilities. We are spending lots of time and money with just maintaining the
facility and updating the electrical wiring and other items that are simply outdated.
It has come to a state were, we are currently using areas in building 400 as editing suites and
office space in order to accommodate our growing needs.
The Strategic Plan Goal for 2013-2015
We would need at least two new studio spaces, since we will be serving our college and our
communities, we would need the latest state of the art facility. There should also be editing
rooms, a sealed off Master Control Center, two Control Rooms, Green Rooms, for clients to get
ready for their shows, a place to rest for the crew, because we are a 24 hour operation at this
time, that sometimes requires us to be here many hours after our regular hours. A reception
area where we can have clients come to and the ability to record from anywhere on campus.
Mobile switching and transmission equipment will also need to be purchased to cover events
for sports, cities, and other needs that will come our way.
We should equip the studio in such a way, that both students and the community can use the
facility to make it a learning center for future careers and a place to come to for first class
productions for both TV and film.
The Strategies and Possible Initiatives
1) We need to collaborate with local Film Production companies such as Pixar, Lucas Films.
a. Initiate a conversation with them to create collaboration between the actual
industry employers and Chabot to establish the proper guidelines for student
learning and give them the proper training for future employment in the same
b. Include students in more “actual productions” so that they gain the experiences they
c. Identify ways to measure student success through evaluations from both Chabot
College and the Industry professional.
d. Establish a way to create at least one locally produced feature film by students and
the TV Studio staff to be entered in film contests and possible Emmy and Oscars.
Thereby giving Chabot the recognition it deserves.
e. Enhance public access channels by providing more automation for Video On
Demand, Client Uploading of files. Other community colleges like Saddleback College
in Southern California have already achieved this goal.
f. Initiate direct automated TV Guide Updates from Programming Computer system.
g. Update systems to create redundant server systems to prevent failures.
Appendix A: Budget History and Impact
Audience: Budget Committee, PRBC,and Administrators
Purpose: This analysis describes your history of budget requests from the previous two years and
the impacts of funds received and needs that were not met. This history of documented need
can both support your narrative in Section A and provide additional information for Budget
Committee recommendations.
Instructions: Please provide the requested information, and fully explain the impact of the budget
decisions. NOTE: ALL FUNDS BELOW ARE FROM THE PEG (Public Education and Government ) Fund
only to be used for the TV Station designated by the D.I.V.C.A. Act (Digital Infrastructure Video
Competition Act).
Classified Staffing (# of positions)
Supplies & Services
9. How has your investment of the budget monies you did receive improved your Service Area
Outcomes? When you requested the funding, you provided a rationale. In this section, assess if the
anticipated positive impacts you projected have, in fact, been realized.
We received the latest Television production and broadcast equipment as requested. This allowed our
students use the state of the art equipment they needed to get the full experience of a real studio rather
than an ill equipped outdated studio which they worked in for 10 + years. It also let us put out our
programming to the community and to the world. Rental opportunities were possible with the right
number of personnel for future rentals for content and to help producers make new shows.
10. What has been the impact of not receiving some of your requested funding? How has your ability to
serve the college and our students been impacted, or safety compromised?
Before the PEG money, we received only enough supplies for a Laser Printer, and one Video Server.
Which drastically undermined the Mass Communications Courses that were being taught here with
antiquated equipment. The Video Server, barely was able to keep the community channels running
24/7 due to the fact there was no redundancy so if it stopped anytime in the 24/7 time period we would
not have any programming on the air and therefore violated FCC requirements.
Appendix E: Proposal for New Initiatives (Complete for each new initiative)
Audience: Deans/Unit Administrators, PRBC, Foundation, Grants Committee, College Budget Committee
Purpose: A “New Initiative” is a new project or expansion of a current project that supports our Strategic
Plan. The project will require the support of additional and/or outside funding. The information you
provide will facilitate and focus the research and development process for finding both internal and
external funding.
How does your initiative address the college's Strategic Plan goal, or significantly improve student
It lets students take the 1st step to gaining employment in the industry of their choice, by allowing them
to actually work on the same equipment the industry is using.
What is your specific goal and measurable outcome?
Our goal is to ensure that students who take the courses in the studio have at least a 50% more chance
of getting a job in the career of their choice by allowing them to gain the proper experience on the
equipment and actual productions for the community and the Cities we serve.
What is your action plan to achieve your goal?
Develop Course(s) that train students for Jobs
Required Budget (Split out
Completion personnel, supplies, other
Update Studio Equipment and Hardware for Automation
Improve Studio Hardware for a Cloud Presence and VOD
Hire Personnel to help Create Rentals and Serve the PEG
$160,000 (Yearly)
Activity (brief description)
How will you manage the personnel needs?
New Hires:
Faculty # of positions
Classified staff # of positions
Reassigning existing employee(s) to the project; employee(s) current workload will be:
Covered by overload or part-time employee(s)
Covered by hiring temporary replacement(s)
Other, explain
At the end of the project period, the proposed project will:
Be completed (onetime only effort)
Require additional funding to continue and/or institutionalize the project
(obtained by/from):PEG Funding- TV Studio ONLY
Will the proposed project require facility modifications, additional space, or program relocation?
Yes, explain: New Facilities
Will the proposed project involve subcontractors, collaborative partners, or cooperative agreements?
Yes, explain: Working with Outside Partners like CBS, NBC, ABC, Pixar& Others
Do you know of any grant funding sources that would meet the needs of the proposed project?
Yes, list potential funding sources: More PEG contracts.
Appendix F2: Classified Staffing Request(s) including Student Assistants [Acct.
Category 2000]
Audience: Administrators, PRBC
Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time and
part-time regular (permanent) classified professional positions(new, augmented and replacement
positions).Remember, student assistants are not to replace Classified Professional staff.
Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student
learning and contribution to the Strategic Plan goal, safety, mandates, accreditation issues. Please cite
any evidence or data to support your request. If this position is categorically funded, include and
designate the funding source of new categorically-funded position where continuation is contingent
upon available funding.
17. Number of positions requested:
18. If you are requesting more than one position, please rank order the positions.
19. Rationale for your proposal.
Current Chief Engineer is currently acting as the Station Manager. He is the ONLY full time Employee. He
is currently. He needs his position re-evaluated for bumping up to existing Station Manager Position.
Since that his is primary duties now. A Chief Engineer (which the current person still does in addition to
his Station Manager duties), is needed to maintain the current equipment and upcoming additional
changes and additions.
20. Statements about the alignment with the strategic plan and program review are required. Indicate
here any information from advisory committees or outside accreditation reviews that is pertinent to
the proposal.
Students will be benefiting from the new curriculum and Equipment and Software in place. Also the PEG
Community will be better served.
Appendix F5: Supplies & Services Requests [Acct. Category 4000 and 5000]
Audience: Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC
Purpose: To request funding for supplies and service, and to guide the Budget Committee in allocation of
Instructions: In the area below, please list both your current and requested budgets for categories 4000
and 5000 in priority order. Do NOT include conferences and travel, which are submitted on Appendix
M6. Justify your request and explain in detail any requested funds beyond those you received this year.
Please also look for opportunities to reduce spending, as funds are very limited.
Project or Items
PGM Supplies
Software Licenses
Equip < $1000
Equip > $1000 to
Equip> $5,000
2012-13 Budget
Requested Received
(Professional Specialists Editing &
Campus Events)
Emergency Repairs & Equipment
Appendix F6: Conference and Travel Requests [ Acct. Category 5000]
Audience: Staff Development Committee,Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC
Purpose: To request funding for conference attendance, and to guide the Budget and Staff Development
Committees in allocation of funds.
Instructions:Please list specific conferences/training programs, including specific information on the
name of the conference and location. Note that the Staff Development Committee currently has no
budget, so this data is primarily intended to identify areas of need that could perhaps be fulfilled on
campus, and to establish a historical record of need. Your rationale should discuss student learning goals
and/or connection to the Strategic Plan goal.
NAB &Cinegear
2013-14 Request
Comcast 27 & 28 Content
Needed to keep up with Latest Equipment &
PEG Requirement FCC Regulations
Appendix F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000]
Audience: Budget Committee, Technology Committee, Administrators
Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee and to inform priorities of the Technology
Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests.If you're requesting classroom
technology, see for the
brands/model numbers that are our current standards. If requesting multiple pieces of equipment,
please rank order those requests. Include shipping cost and taxes in your request.
Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost exceeds $200. Items which are
less expensive should be requested as supplies. Software licenses should also be requested as
2012-13 Budget
Requested Received
Project or Items
Tight Rope
Automation System
Production Vehicle
To service PEG clients and expose
students to actual software used in
the industry to control Servers, Cloud
Based Systems, Automated FTP
uploads and more..
Needed for Remote Production
Recording for Sports & Other Events.
* Rationale should include discussion of impact on student learning, connection to our strategic plan
goal, impact on student enrollment, safety improvements, whether the equipment is new or
replacement, potential ongoing cost savings that the equipment may provide, ongoing costs of
equipment maintenance, associated training costs, and any other relevant information that you believe
the Budget Committee should consider.
Appendix F8: Facilities Requests
Audience: Facilities Committee, Administrators
Purpose: To be read and responded to by Facilities Committee.
Background: Following the completion of the 2012 Chabot College Facility Master Plan, the Facilities
Committee (FC) has begun the task of re-prioritizing Measure B Bond budgets to better align with current
needs. The FC has identified approximately $18M in budgets to be used to meet capital improvement
needs on the Chabot College campus. Discussion in the FC includes holding some funds for a year or two
to be used as match if and when the State again funds capital projects, and to fund smaller projects that
will directly assist our strategic goal. The FC has determined that although some of the college's greatest
needs involving new facilities cannot be met with this limited amount of funding, there are many smaller
pressing needs that could be addressed. The kinds of projects that can be legally funded with bond
dollars include the "repairing, constructing, acquiring, equipping of classrooms, labs, sites and facilities."
Do NOT use this form for equipment or supply requests.
Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests.If requesting more than one
facilities project, please rank order your requests.
Brief Title of Request (Project Name): New Television Production Facility
Building/Location: N/A – Near the Current PAC
Description of the facility project. Please be as specific as possible.
Since our Facility was made back in 1967 and is limited in space. We are in desperate need of a new
production studio and a Community Access Studio along with Audio/Video Recording Rooms, Master
Control Rooms, Editing Suites and Offices to accommodate our expanded workload. Also we expect
Student participation to increase enough to allow them an area where they can edit their programs,
and help make an yearly Feature Film that will result in advanced training for students and a chance to
be recognized by the Film Community and future employers.
What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support?
Mass Communications and soon the Business Division for Job Training on top of the Equipment and
Production Training.
Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Strategic Plan Goal and to
enhancing student learning?
Allows students to participate in “actual” productions in addition to their formal educational experiences. This
will actually prepare them for employment in the Entertainment Field. Because they will be using the same
methods and the same equipment that is used in the industry today. Including specific software for automation
of equipment at all major networks and Studios.
Chabot College
Administrative Services Program
Review Report
Year One of
Program Review Cycle
Computer Support/AV
Submitted on 11/4/13
Michael Seaton
Final Forms, 1/19/13
Table of Contents
Section 1: Who We Are ............................................................ 1
Section 2: Where We Are Now ................................................. 2
Section 3: The Difference We Hope to Make ............................. 3
Required Appendices:
A: Budget History .........................................................................................4
E: New Initiatives .........................................................................................5
F2: Classified Staffing Requests ....................................................................6
F5: Supplies and Services Requests ..............................................................7
F6: Conference/Travel Requests ..................................................................8
F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests ..........................................9
F8: Facilities Requests ................................................................................10
1. Who We Are
Limit your narrative to no more than one page.
Describe your unit--your mission, vision, responsibilities and the goals of your office. How does your
unit support other administrative, student services and academic units? What impact do you have on
student learning? Describe the number and types of staff in your office, both now and historically.
The office of Chabot Computer Support and Audio Visual is a District ITS function that provides support
for all technology issues or products utilized on the campus by all departments and students. We
provide computer, server, software, hardware, printer, audio visual and future technology support. The
department includes two audio visual specialists, three Network Support Specialists II and one Senior
Instructional Computer Support Specialist (classified supervisor). We manage and maintain 128 smart
classrooms, 2000 computers, 26 servers, network, and networking printing.
2. Where We Are Now
Complete Appendix A (Budget History) prior to writing your narrative. Limit your narrative to no more
than one page.
As you enter a new Program Review cycle, reflect on your achievements over the last few years. What
did you want to accomplish? What were your Service Area Outcomes (SAOs)? Those can include trends
in any measurable outcomes tracked by your office, satisfaction survey results of your primary
users/clients, and student learning outcomes, if any. Describe how changes in resources provided to
your office have impacted your achievements. What are you most proud of, and what do you want to
continue to improve?
Discuss important trends that will have a significant impact on your unit over the next three years.
Those could include technology, facilities, equipment, customer/client demand. What opportunities and
challenges do your foresee in the next three years?
We have completed the transition of the Fujitsu phone system to the new Avaya phones. We have also
started the use of Virtual Desktops to limit costs.
3. The Difference We Hope to Make
Review the Strategic Plan goal and key strategiesat to completing your
narrative. Please complete Appendices E (New Initiatives) and F2 and 5-8 (Resource Requests)
to further detail your narrative. Limit your narrative to no more than three pages, and be very
specific about what you hope to achieve, why, and how.
What initiatives would you like to undertake to improve or strengthen your unit or to address
demand for your services? What initiatives are underway in your area, or could you begin, that
would support the achievement of our new Strategic Plan goal and strategies and/or improve
student learning? Identify specific, measurable goals and the resources needed to achieve
Appendix A: Budget History and Impact
Audience: Budget Committee, PRBC,and Administrators
Purpose: This analysis describes your history of budget requests from the previous two years and
the impacts of funds received and needs that were not met. This history of documented need
can both support your narrative in Section A and provide additional information for Budget
Committee recommendations.
Instructions: Please provide the requested information, and fully explain the impact of the budget
Classified Staffing (# of positions)
Supplies & Services
11. How has your investment of the budget monies you did receive improved your Service Area
Outcomes? When you requested the funding, you provided a rationale. In this section, assess if the
anticipated positive impacts you projected have, in fact, been realized.
Most technology related items were purchased under the bond.
12. What has been the impact of not receiving some of your requested funding? How has your ability to
serve the college and our students been impacted, or safety compromised?
Appendix E: Proposal for New Initiatives (Complete for each new initiative)
Audience: Deans/Unit Administrators, PRBC, Foundation, Grants Committee, College Budget Committee
Purpose: A “New Initiative” is a new project or expansion of a current project that supports our Strategic
Plan. The project will require the support of additional and/or outside funding. The information you
provide will facilitate and focus the research and development process for finding both internal and
external funding.
How does your initiative address the college's Strategic Plan goal, or significantly improve student
What is your specific goal and measurable outcome?
What is your action plan to achieve your goal?
Required Budget (Split out
Completion personnel, supplies, other
Activity (brief description)
How will you manage the personnel needs?
New Hires:
Faculty # of positions
Classified staff # of positions
Reassigning existing employee(s) to the project; employee(s) current workload will be:
Covered by overload or part-time employee(s)
Covered by hiring temporary replacement(s)
Other, explain
At the end of the project period, the proposed project will:
Be completed (onetime only effort)
Require additional funding to continue and/or institutionalize the project
(obtained by/from):
Will the proposed project require facility modifications, additional space, or program relocation?
Yes, explain:
Will the proposed project involve subcontractors, collaborative partners, or cooperative agreements?
Yes, explain:
Do you know of any grant funding sources that would meet the needs of the proposed project?
Yes, list potential funding sources:
Appendix F2: Classified Staffing Request(s) including Student Assistants [Acct.
Category 2000]
Audience: Administrators, PRBC
Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time and
part-time regular (permanent) classified professional positions(new, augmented and replacement
positions).Remember, student assistants are not to replace Classified Professional staff.
Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student
learning and contribution to the Strategic Plan goal, safety, mandates, accreditation issues. Please cite
any evidence or data to support your request. If this position is categorically funded, include and
designate the funding source of new categorically-funded position where continuation is contingent
upon available funding.
21. Number of positions requested: ______
22. If you are requesting more than one position, please rank order the positions.
23. Rationale for your proposal.
24. Statements about the alignment with the strategic plan and program review are required. Indicate
here any information from advisory committees or outside accreditation reviews that is pertinent to
the proposal.
Appendix F5: Supplies & Services Requests [Acct. Category 4000 and 5000]
Audience: Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC
Purpose: To request funding for supplies and service, and to guide the Budget Committee in allocation of
Instructions: In the area below, please list both your current and requested budgets for categories 4000
and 5000 in priority order. Do NOT include conferences and travel, which are submitted on Appendix
M6. Justify your request and explain in detail any requested funds beyond those you received this year.
Please also look for opportunities to reduce spending, as funds are very limited.
Project or Items
2012-13 Budget
Requested Received
Replacement parts
Increase in computers by 400 units.
Bond will not be able to offset costs.
Need 31000 for Adobe renewals on
top of antivirus, ghost and other
Increase is due to increase number of
units for service and bond will not
cover services.
Appendix F6: Conference and Travel Requests [ Acct. Category 5000]
Audience: Staff Development Committee,Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC
Purpose: To request funding for conference attendance, and to guide the Budget and Staff Development
Committees in allocation of funds.
Instructions:Please list specific conferences/training programs, including specific information on the
name of the conference and location. Note that the Staff Development Committee currently has no
budget, so this data is primarily intended to identify areas of need that could perhaps be fulfilled on
campus, and to establish a historical record of need. Your rationale should discuss student learning goals
and/or connection to the Strategic Plan goal.
2013-14 Request
Appendix F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000]
Audience: Budget Committee, Technology Committee, Administrators
Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee and to inform priorities of the Technology
Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests.If you're requesting classroom
technology, see for the
brands/model numbers that are our current standards. If requesting multiple pieces of equipment,
please rank order those requests. Include shipping cost and taxes in your request.
Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost exceeds $200. Items which are
less expensive should be requested as supplies. Software licenses should also be requested as
Project or Items
2012-13 Budget
Requested Received
* Rationale should include discussion of impact on student learning, connection to our strategic plan
goal, impact on student enrollment, safety improvements, whether the equipment is new or
replacement, potential ongoing cost savings that the equipment may provide, ongoing costs of
equipment maintenance, associated training costs, and any other relevant information that you believe
the Budget Committee should consider.
Appendix F8: Facilities Requests
Audience: Facilities Committee, Administrators
Purpose: To be read and responded to by Facilities Committee.
Background: Following the completion of the 2012 Chabot College Facility Master Plan, the Facilities
Committee (FC) has begun the task of re-prioritizing Measure B Bond budgets to better align with current
needs. The FC has identified approximately $18M in budgets to be used to meet capital improvement
needs on the Chabot College campus. Discussion in the FC includes holding some funds for a year or two
to be used as match if and when the State again funds capital projects, and to fund smaller projects that
will directly assist our strategic goal. The FC has determined that although some of the college's greatest
needs involving new facilities cannot be met with this limited amount of funding, there are many smaller
pressing needs that could be addressed. The kinds of projects that can be legally funded with bond
dollars include the "repairing, constructing, acquiring, equipping of classrooms, labs, sites and facilities."
Do NOT use this form for equipment or supply requests.
Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests.If requesting more than one
facilities project, please rank order your requests.
Brief Title of Request (Project Name):
Description of the facility project. Please be as specific as possible.
What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support?
Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Strategic Plan Goal and to
enhancing student learning?