Document 11490906

Language Arts – 2014-15 Program Review Summary, November 2013, by Marcia Corcoran, Dean of Language Arts
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2014-15 Language Arts Program Review Summary Accomplishments & Progress Made
All Language
Curriculum, Pedagogy & Enrollment
Student Support & Outreach
Human Resources
Technology & Facilities
 Leveled courses to address repeatability
mandates and wrote new AA-T degrees
 Improved curricula and pedagogy based
on assessment work
 Improved quality of online components
of courses
 Expanded existing Learning
Communities and created new ones
focused on thematic learning, affective
dimensions, and support services
 Analyzed historical data adding
appropriate sections as FTEF was
 Collected data showing
increased success with use
of tutors and Learning
 Increased instruction in
labs supporting lecture
 Developed scheduled
group tutoring
 Engaged students in
community and cultural
events on and off campus
to give them experience as
 Completed
evaluations and hired
new adjunct faculty
and 1 temporary
leave replacement
 Collaborated within
and across disciplines
to learn from one
 Participated in
college wide
governance and
grants and faculty
awareness of
enrollment , budget,
facilities, planning
 Hosted regional and
state events
 Researched software
resulting in new licenses
and text supplements
 Co-inquired with students
on Making Visible
 Created Blackboard sites
across disciplines and for
faculty collaboration
 Collected SARs data for
WSCH (UC Statement,
GNST study halls)
 Expanded & refined use
of support labs
 Created study hall space
 Collaborated with IR to
review data
 Updated website
2014-15 Language Arts Program Review Summary Goals & New Initiatives
Curriculum, Pedagogy & Enrollment
All Language
 Develop certificates and AA-Ts
 Align curricula: sequencing, consistency
of philosophy and practice (within levels
& disc and with high school and transfer
 Restore budgets for student activities –
promotes engagement and incentives
for all students
 Increase interdisciplinary opportunities
to support students in pathways and
icritical thinking across disciplines
 Contextualize learning using
collaborations with librarians and
counselors to support students
Student Support & Outreach
 Increase # students
completing certificates,
degrees, transfer within a
reasonable time
 Increase events, lectures,
films, workshops to
engage students as
organizers and on stage;
build community school
 Increase # community and
cultural events on and off
campus with students as
Human Resources
Technology & Facilities
 Increase # tutors and
Learning Assistants
 Increase professional
through time with
adjuncts, flex time
 Offer faculty retreats
building community
across Academic and
Student Services
 Participate in college
wide grants and
 Hire full-time faculty
 Increase computer lab
space and study space (in
building 100, in labs, and
in classrooms) to
continue to create a
“study culture”
 Increase ease of updating
Language Arts – 2014-15 Program Review Summary, November 2013, by Marcia Corcoran, Dean of Language Arts
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Language Arts Summary by Discipline Accomplishments & Progress Made
Student Support & Outreach
Human Resources
Technology & Facilities
Communication  Comm 70A/B tutor training (credit not
pay, levelled)
 AA-T degree with PLO’s
of inquiry research, critical thinking,
effective skills in oral and written
 SLO/CLO/PLO –will incorporate more
theory into discussion and assignments
 Bottlenecks identified and
communicated to PRBC and EMC Comm 20 (Persuasion) and 46
(Argumentation/Debate) fulfill Oral
Comm GE
 Focused Comm Lab –
students (support Social
Sciences & Business)
 Hosted semi-annual “Speak
Up” for all students
 Coached Forensics team
and students/alumni with
improved communication
 Hosted NCal Forensics
 Planned for “The Great
 Implemented model
of Tutors through
Comm courses with
credit and lead
tutors with pay, with
Title III funding and
general fund
 Comm lab in building
800 for Comm across the
 Videos of Forensics
students as examples
 Created and distributed ESL newsletter
 Used ENGL 101A texts in ESL 110D and
selected texts to provide cultural
 Added American culture (cultural
literacy) component to courses
 ESL Writing Workshop (addressing
needs of nonnative speakers for writing
assignments in all classes) taught,
revised, and challenges addressed
 Continued collection and review of
data from Institutional Research (ESL
students highly successful in CTE,
degrees, and transfer)
 From SLOAC, learned students need
more “in process” support and more
awareness of resources
 Increased consistency across all courses
 SLOAC - Discovered need more practice
 Increased opportunities to interact in
class and assigned more homework
 Promoted and increased
number for Project Excel
TRIO grant for ESL student
success in CTE and transfer
(140 students)
 Formed ESL study groups,
conversation groups
 Developed strong tutortraining program
 Met with adjuncts for
level meetings,
SLOAC, and a retreat,
with Title III and TRIO
 Continued meeting
with English
colleagues– looking
at curricular
alignment and team
teaching ESL
110D/ENGL 101A
 Worked with vendors
and Technology to
renew existing software
 Making Visible – ESL
students interviewed to
better understand needs
 Created ESL Blackboard
site with links on civics
and U.S. government for
cultural knowledge
Sign Language
Curriculum, Pedagogy & Enrollment
 Offered tutoring in ASL
 Used visuals – PowerPoint
Language Arts – 2014-15 Program Review Summary, November 2013, by Marcia Corcoran, Dean of Language Arts
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Language Arts Summary Accomplishments and Progress Made
Curriculum, Pedagogy & Enrollment
Student Support & Outreach
Human Resources
Technology & Facilities
 Unified program (use of sole target
language, articulated assumptions)
 Developed online components to
courses and created online lab for
 Completed first SLOAC cycle
 Added productive 1A-level sections to
increase WSCH in higher levels
 Obtained AA-T approval for Spanish
 Wrote AA-T degree, added new
electives for degree
 Monitored online course quality
through English online committee
 Discussed historical enrollment and
success data
 Leveled creative writing courses and
Service Learning courses
 Revised ENGL 107 (Grammar) to focus
on editing and proofreading in context
to support courses in GE with intensive
 Refined comprehensive WL
 Offered professional
development for
adjuncts –immersion
& student-centered
 Evaluated and hired
adjunct faculty
 Worked with vendors and
IT to select and obtain
software licensing
 Updated website
 Obtained grant funding for
“Opportunity and
Freedom” student group
to investigate increasing
support for students of
 Further developed Puente
and Daraja and expanded
CIN! Learning Community
(see below)
 With Hayward Promise
Neighborhoods Grant,
began collaboration with 3
high schools for curricular
alignment and assessment
 Participated (a few faculty)
in Bay Area Writing Project
 Created faculty
 Website – developed
resource link on
student placement
website with shared
information, flowchart,
materials aligned
and link to Assessment
with Department’s
Teaching Philosophy
 Used Inspiration software
& Practices
in WRAC lab
 Led “Teacher Tawk”
 Co-inquired with students
sessions at college
on student needs
hour for faculty
development focused
on quality of
 Developed new hiring
process for adjuncts
and used it for Fall 13
 Developed timeline
and responsible
persons for
departmental duties
 Create collaborations
across Learning
Communities to
share ideas and
Language Arts – 2014-15 Program Review Summary, November 2013, by Marcia Corcoran, Dean of Language Arts
Daraja Learning
Change It Now
(CIN) Learning
 Built team, planned program
 Brought community to
Chabot (speeches &
 Increased # students served
cultural events)
 Integrated curricular themes across
 Increased Service Learning
 Created student/parent orientation
 25-year program; model for similar programs statewide
 Doubled number of students over past two years
 Promoted self-confidence and pride in cultural heritage
 Taught literary skills critical for college success
 Students supported program and showed respect
 Added Phase III, History 21 and English 4
 Created a culture of open discourse and critical thought
 Prioritized social justice and student
 Embedded librarian for
engagement as interdisciplinary LC
teaching information
 Increased civic engagement
 Bridged developmental to transfer
 Advised by Student Board
 Contextualized learning
 Added core classes and affiliate classes
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 Instructors shared access to Blackboard site
 Daraja alumni act as
mentors, organizers,
and speakers
 Participated in
Faculty Dev on
diversity, expressive
arts, team building,
developing anti-bias
teaching approaches
 Created BLOGS to share
student writing
Language Arts Summary by Discipline Goals & New Initiatives
Curriculum, Pedagogy & Enrollment
Communication  Increase access to GE Comm with added
sections (esp Comm 46)
 Restore $4,000 to Forensic budget to
enable travel to 1-2 tournaments
outside of our region for a winning
team (including locating sources outside
of gen fund)
 Refine Comm 50 (Intro, required for
major) for teaching theory
 Revise courses and create stackable
 Coordinate with Learning Communities
(esp Change It Now, Law & Democracy)
 Coordinate with Pathways esp CTE
 Move to School of the Arts to provide
more collaboration w/ SOTA disciplines
Student Support & Outreach
Human Resources
Technology & Facilities
 Host “The Great Debate” –
outreach to Chabot
students and to
community to engage in
civil discourse around a
“hot topic”
 Host lecture series, film
series, workshops,
student-led activities
 Create Counseling and
General “Media Tour”
 Improve teaching
skills on Flex Days
 Increase time to work
with adjuncts
 Offer “Speak Easy” for
public speaking of
 Increase # Learning
Assistants and tutors
 Request web design
 Capture WSCH in Comm
Lab and in bldg 100
 Enhance Comm web site
and create “Virtual Lab”
 Enhance Comm Lab
(smart classroom); bldg
100 will create
performance video space
 Provide laptops for
checkout through bldg.
Language Arts – 2014-15 Program Review Summary, November 2013, by Marcia Corcoran, Dean of Language Arts
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Language Arts Summary by Discipline Goals & New Initiatives
Sign Language
Curriculum & Pedagogy
 Create pathways for ESL in CTE & AA/AS
 Convert 6 hr lec to 5 hr lec plus 1 hr lab
to require students to use lab for more
focus on process, less FTEF
 Revise Grammar and Editing courses
 SLOAC – more in-process support, e.g.,
formative assessments, multiple-draft
writing, integrated approaches within
meaningful contexts
 Align curricula with Los Positas College
 Offer PCSN 20 (College Experience) to
self-assess and create educational plan
 Incorporate workplace computing skills
into core courses
 Increase # students in SL 66, 3rd
semester in sequence
 Add SL 67 and AA-T degree
 Create a fieldwork class or experiences
Student Support & Outreach
 Increase # of students
completing ESL sequence
 Increase # of ESL students
certificates/degrees and
 Increase Study Groups,
Conversation Groups
 Make sure students know
variety of resources
available across campus
(see Habits of Mind new
resource guide)
Human Resources
 Faculty continue to
review SLOAC and
share writing rubrics
 Use all levels of
instructional support
(student assistants,
peer mentors, tutors,
interns, Instructional
Assts, coaches,
 Provide counseling
support specific to
ESL and international
Technology &Facilities
 ESL Language Lab,
computer stations with
software, mentoring,
collaborations between
and among students &
faculty – bldg. 100
 Teach computer literacy
to all ESL students
 Study amount and
benefits of software use
 Add a 1-unit lab
 Create opportunities to
interact in Deaf community
 Create mission, vision,
values for SL Program
 Add online component to
course or as part of lab
 Increase # of AA and AA-T degrees
 Align courses with LPC
 Restore Chinese and Italian programs
(need 1.56 FTEF)
 Revise SPAN 5, field course
 Lower student success at 1A
level – request reduce cap
to 30 (instead of 40)
 Add support in tutoring and
conversation groups
 Simplify procedures for
credit by exam, prerequisite
 Align with other WL
 Network and learn
more about SL
instruction and
resources by
attending conference
 Collaborate among
faculty to develop a
common rubric and
specific topics and
themes to be used at
each level
 Provide more
training for faculty on
use of technology in
WL courses/lab
 Increase number of
 Increase lab hours access
to students (investigate if
this can be done with an
instructional assistant not
faculty if Tutoring 200)
 Increase ease of updating
 Use Screencast and
Wimba voice for online
Language Arts – 2014-15 Program Review Summary, November 2013, by Marcia Corcoran, Dean of Language Arts
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Language Arts Summary by Discipline Goals & New Initiatives
Daraja Learning
Change It Now
(CIN) Learning
Curriculum & Pedagogy
Student Support & Outreach
 Review online offerings retention and
 Increase success rates
success and improve ways of teaching
especially of our African
American and Latino
 New methods – take a look at
assessment “Kicking Assessment”
 Continue reviewing data
showing students moving
 Offer “norming sessions” for faculty for
through our sequences
providing consistency reviewing student
 High school articulation for alignment of
curriculum and assessment
 Explore equity - Faculty Inquiry Group
 Find more mentors
(FIG); focus especially on Latino men
(whole student)
 Add math component
 Clean up /collect data on success
 Explore serving more students/phase III
 Continue to add additional cohort classes in Math and Business
 Continue to add “affiliate courses” to prepare students not yet ready
(e.g. in English 101A) and to keep some cohort students together as they
transition into 3rd semester and beyond (History 20, English 7
 Teach informal/formal usage and standard forms of English with cultural
 Workshops on language, communication, speakers and events
 Create a “study culture”
 Student field trips and attendance at statewide events and conferences
 Collect data from classes to assess (surveys and focus groups)
 Create certificates & AA-T degree in Social Justice/Leadership
 Set up Service Learning, internship opportunities in
 Sponsor events and activities on campus
 Summer Bridge project (collaborate with high schools)
 Refine matriculation process and build infrastructure
 Add a college success course (PSCN)
 Collaborate with local universities
Human Resources
Technology &Facilities
 More time for staff
 Making Visible various
development, for
aspects of the student
assessing student
experience, teaching
writing, to share
activities, student work
classroom activities
and assessment
 Collaborate with ESL
 Need more student study
on writing/reading
 Create English Action
Research FIG
 Retreats for faculty in  Tech training for students
all Learning
(could be embedded in
Communities to focus
addtl college success
on curriculum, course
sequencing, program  Create a “study culture” –
goals, recruiting,
need spaces for students
to study in groups
 Need computer lab
 Improved student
support for key life
 Need office space to
issues (enhanced
coordinate Learning
counseling and
librarian support)
 Need Learning
Assistants in classes,
alumni as peer
 Daraja and CIN need
some counselor
assigned time (.25
 LC needs some
classified support