Chabot College Program Review Student Services Program Review Summary Unit/Area: ASPIRE Division/Area to Which You Report: Special Programs Author(s) of this Unit Plan: Roberto Mendez Today’s Date: 3/07/2011 School Year Program Review Completed: 2010-2011 Audience: IPBC; Program Review Committee; Deans/Unit Administrators; Budget Committee Purpose: To provide evidence of progress on from previous year and to provide input into planning for subsequent years. Instructions: If you have completed your unit plan last year, please update your timeline and answer the questions below. If you are updating/changing your timeline, list the appropriate year in which revisions were made. 1A. Problem Statement: Summarize your original Program Review conclusions (or if this was done in last year’s unit plan, please update). 1B. Analysis: What was the basis for these new and/or continuing conclusions? The Aspire program has been granted a new five-year grant. The program scored very high in point based on prior grant year. The program has changed and new objectives have been given. The program is in the process of completing new objectives and will providing detail reporting next program review. 2. Student Learning Outcomes Inventory a. What percentage of courses in your discipline have Student Learning Outcomes developed? _____ b. How many Student Learning Outcomes are there on average per course? _____ c. What percentage of course SLOs in your discipline have been assessed? _____ d. What percentage of courses in your discipline have had the assessments reflected upon, or discussed with colleagues, or discussed with the college at large? _____ e. Has your discipline determined any actions that might be taken as a result of this data, or insights? If your area does not use SLOs, please use data from Service Area Outcomes. N/A Chabot College Program Review 3. List your accomplishments. How do they relate to your program review, unit planning and SAO/SLO work? Please cite any relevant data elements (e.g., efficiency, persistence, FT/PT faculty ratios, SAO/SLO assessment results, external accreditation demands, etc.). No. Goal/Objective from Activities Undertaken to Achieve the last year’s Unit Plan Goal/Objective 1 62% of all studen6ts served by the SSS project will persist from one academic year to the beginning of the next academic year or graduate and/or transfer from a 2-year to a 4-year institution during the academic year. 2 85% of all enrolled participants served by the SSS project will meet the performance level required to stay in good academic standing at the grantee institution 3 15% of new participants served each year will graduate with an associate’s degree or certificate within four (4) years Results Data not available yet Assist students in selecting appropriate courses and loads based on academic goals and plan Do periodic check-ins with students to monitor their academic progress (MTPR, etc.) Facilitate interaction with instructors regarding academic progress in classes and recommendations for academic support Provide “over and beyond” tutoring support through PATH center (additional hours paid for) Data not available yet Assist students in selecting appropriate courses and loads based on academic goals and plan Do periodic check-ins with students to monitor their academic progress (MTPR, etc.) Facilitate interaction with instructors regarding academic progress in classes and recommendations for academic support Provide “over and beyond” tutoring support through PATH center (additional hours paid for) Data not available yet Complete a Student Education Plan (SEP) outlining major and GE requirements for AA/AS degree. Assist students with AA/AS degree application. Provide accurate information about AA/AS degree. Keep in regular contact with students via mail, phone, email and in person meetings Assist student in creating academic plan that meets their personal needs and their educational aspirations Priority Objective / Strategic Plan Goal Goal 16, 18, 19 Accomplished? Yes / No / In Process Did you receive additional funds to support this goal/objective? Yes/No In Process Program is funded by a Federal TRIO grant Goal 16, 18, 20, 21 In Process Program is funded by a Federal TRIO grant Goal 16, 17, 19 Program is funded by a Federal TRIO grant In Process Chabot College Program Review 4 9% of new participants served each year will transfer with an associate’s degree or certificate within four (4) years. Provide personal and academic advising, helping each student make appropriate decisions for their life situation Ensure timely reminders regarding college deadlines, scholarship & financial aid deadlines Help students explore career and major options Support students in exploring options for how to stay in school when they do not have adequate financial support Data not available yet Through case-management, notify student when eligible to apply for certificate, AA/AS degree or transfer Assist students with AA/AS degree application and all transfer applications Do TAA agreements for all eligible students Refer students to programs and services at four-year colleges (mentorship and Transfer programs) Work in conjunction with programs at fouryear colleges to schedule college specific advising appointments Plan and implement campus visits and college information workshops Goal 16, 17, 19, In Process Program is funded by a Federal TRIO grant Chabot College Program Review 4. List your new and continuing unit goals. Based upon what you accomplished, do you have any changes you are making to your goals or timeline? Please make any revisions to the timeline on the next page. Continuing goals (if you did not do a unit plan, skip to the next box): New goals: The EXCEL program has specific new goals that support the college strategic plan. Awareness & Access Reach out to populations underrepresented in higher education Find multiple ways to deliver instruction and services for all Student Success Identify and provide a variety of career paths. Community Partnerships Initiate and expand partnerships among the college, businesses and community organizations Engage the community in campus programs and events. Vision, Leadership innovation Streamline academic and student support services 5. Discuss how these goals support the college Strategic Plan goals and/or strategies. The ASPIRE Program completely supports Chabot’s Strategic Plan Goals, Strategies and Objectives, through Awareness & Access, Student Success, Community Partnerships, and Vision Leadership & Innovation. Goal A: Awareness & Access Outreach and marketing materials of the program are supplied throughout campus and at different events on and off campus. We also encourage students in ASPIRE to make use of Chabot’s programs and resources on campus, and must participate in one program activity per semester to meet program requirements. Goal B: Student Success Each ASPIRE student must meet with the academic counselor to develop a Student Education Plan (SEP). The goal of this SEP is to provide a student with a clear understanding of courses required for them to meet their academic goal. The ASPIRE Program also provides students with a supportive study environment where they can study in groups or individually and use computers and printers for their homework. The ASPIRE Program has developed Student Learning Outcomes and have a plan and timeline for developing and evaluating student learning outcomes, as they are also part of the federal grant guidelines. Chabot College Program Review Goal C: Community Partnerships ASPIRE collaborates with EOPS Program, the Transfer Employment Career Services (TECS) Center and PATH lab (tutorial center) to encourage participation in the workshops and events that promote transfer, major exploration, financial assistance, career development, study skills, cultural enrichment, etc. The ASPIRE Program hosts 2 field trips a semester free of charge for students to learn about transfer institutions. ASPIRE students meet with representatives from transfer universities, i.e. CSU East Bay and UC Berkeley. Goal D: Vision, Leadership & Innovation The ASPIRE Program will continue to work with and collaborate with Chabot to be included in the Vision, Leadership and Innovation projects on campus. ASPIRE participates in Program Review to be included in institutional planning, evaluation and budget processes, as well as to collaborate between academic and student services to in order to streamline academic and student support services. New goals: NONE 6. Solution: Cut and paste your previous timeline and update the “Accomplished?” column, if necessary. Detail the plan for accomplish your goals. If you are making revisions to your activities or timeline, please indicate that in the “Revised?” column. Unit Action Plan Timeline* Goal No. Timeline Milestone Activity Person(s) Responsible Accomplished? Yes/No/ In Progress* Revised? Yes / No If yes, list revision year 1 Week 1 – Week 8 Initial counselor meeting (within first 4 weeks of semester) will Student/ develop Student Education Plan (SEP) to confirm student is Counselor enrolled in correct and proper classes and has identified and implemented a proper study plan (for each hour in class must be studying 2 hours outside of class). A Student Success Contract is completed when student does not meet this goal. In Progress No Do you need additional funds to support this activity? Yes/No If, yes, what type?** Yes, for Banner product, Degree works, be implemented to assist counselor in advising student. Chabot College Program Review Goal No. Timeline 2 Week 8 – Week 14 3 Week 14 – Week 18 4 Throughout semester Milestone Activity At week 8 of semester, a Mid Term Progress Report needs to be completed by student and their teacher showing grade in progress. If a grade of “D” or “F” is indicated, student needs to schedule appointment with counselor to develop and implement a proper study plan and make referral to PATH, WRAC, & math labs. At week 14 of the semester, third contact is established between counselors and ASPIRE student to confirm acceptance to transfer institution or prepare for pre-registration for following semester. Student must participate in at least one campus activity, be it a workshop in the TECS, WRAC or ASPIRE office, Fieldtrip to 4year university, or meeting with university representative. Person(s) Responsible Accomplished? Yes/No/ In Progress* Revised? Yes / No If yes, list revision year Week 14 – Week 18 Survey is completed by each ASPIRE student. If, yes, what type?** Student/ Counselor In Progress No Yes, PATH, WRAC, & Math labs must be kept open and available for students. Student/ Counselor In Progress No Student/ Counselor In Progress No Yes, in-kind adjunct counselor must be provided by Chabot at 12-15 hours per week. Yes, Admissions & Records evaluator must evaluate students request for degree applications. Counselor will identify completion of requirements for student’s academic goal and provide student with “Request for AA/AS Degree or Certificate or Certificate of Completion/Achievement” form to submit to Admission & Records office. 5 Do you need additional funds to support this activity? Yes/No Collaboration with TECS and PATH areas are important to be able to provide students with opportunity to participate in workshops and/or activities. Student In Progress Assistant/ ASPIRE coordinator No Yes, ITS needs to maintain computers and printers Note: As you may be carrying over or planning new activities for this planning cycle, this column should list that all activities are “In Progress.” ** List types such as “equipment,” “supplies,” “staffing,” “contractual services,” etc…