Chabot College Program Review Program Review: Description of the Unit Unit: Department of Campus Safety & Security Division or Area to Which You Report: Student Services Author(s) of this Unit Plan: Keith Stiver Date: 03/30/2011 Audience: To be read and responded to primarily by Marketing and Outreach Purpose: Used for public relations, used in catalog and/or brochures, grant applications. Marketing & recruiting materials Instructions: Write about one paragraph which should include the unit’s mission statement. You may include an image or picture, if you wish. You may use last year’s description with updates or revisions as needed. MISSION STATEMENT The Chabot College Department of Campus Safety, in partnership with the Hayward Police Department (HPD), is committed to providing a safe and secure learning and work environment for all members of the campus community and guests. We recognize our role as service providers and are dedicated to delivering consistent and quality service to diverse groups of people and individuals alike. Chabot College Department of Campus Safety and Security provides a number of services for the college community. Among those are: crime prevention, emergency assistance, general information and assistance, escort service, and most importantly, the general responsibility for the safety and well being of the college community and its guests. The Department of Campus Safety and Security staff interacts with every area of the college campus and the surrounding community. Campus Safety personnel work with the faculty and classified staff to manage access control for all the campus properties. In addition, there are many different academic and sporting events that draw large numbers of people from outside of the college and Campus Safety personnel are the ones charged with the aiding in the planning and execution of these events. Campus Safety works with the Dean of Student Services to identify problem and disruptive students and to facilitate conferences with those students. Campus Safety Officers also make daily cash pickups of parking ticket machines and coordinating the drop off of these revenues with Business Services personnel. It is the goal of Campus Safety to support the college's mission as a "learning centered' institution. As such we endeavor to provide transparency in fulfilling our mission and to explore and implement new procedures and technologies that will improve campus safety & security. The department maintains communications with other community colleges and agencies, in order to remain current with effective safety & security practices and works to empower all members of the campus community through training and awareness. Chabot College Program Review Student Services Program Review Summary Unit/Area: Department of Campus Safety & Security Division/Area to Which You Report: Student Services Author(s) of this Unit Plan: Keith Stiver Today’s Date:03/30/2011 School Year Program Review Completed: 2010-2011 Audience: IPBC; Program Review Committee; Deans/Unit Administrators; Budget Committee Purpose: To provide evidence of progress on from previous year and to provide input into planning for subsequent years. Instructions: If you have completed your unit plan last year, please update your timeline and answer the questions below. If you are updating/changing your timeline, list the appropriate year in which revisions were made. 1A. Problem Statement: Summarize your original Program Review conclusions (or if this was done in last year’s unit plan, please update). 1B. Analysis: What was the basis for these new and/or continuing conclusions? 1A. Problem Statement: Officially, on January 3, 2011 the existing Director of Campus Safety and Security at Chabot College rotated back to the Hayward Police Department pursuant to departmental policy. As of that date I was assigned to Chabot to fill the Directorship. Prior to January 3rd I was fortunate to have spent several weeks with the prior director for the purposes of orientation and introduction. During that time, and the ensuing weeks since the transfer, I have worked diligently to assess the status of the various programs and components, strengths and needs of the department. While that process is ongoing, I have made some important observations. First and foremost, the mission and operation of the Department of Campus Safety and Security deeply impacts every other organizational department, division, student, faculty and classified staff member. There is, effectively, no area of the Chabot College Campus that does not in some way interact with or depend on Campus safety to support their mission and outcomes. When an instructor needs access to a building or classroom, when needed equipment is stolen or damaged, when an individual on campus presents disruptive behavior, when a student or staff member encounters a threat to their safety, when there is a disruption in parking, when the neighborhood surrounding the campus is inappropriately inconvenienced, in all these and many more examples, the student’s needs are directly affected by the success or failure of the Department of Campus Safety. I have, of course, spent considerable time learning about and evaluating those individuals who report directly to me in the department. The current Campus Safety staff consists of a diverse blend of personalities that are not always cohesively aligned under one vision or goal. While competent and extremely dedicated to the Chabot community, they have often found themselves at odds with each other and have developed a number of behaviors designed to protect themselves from criticism or harm within that community. During critical incidents they rise up to selflessly do what is needed to support student and staff alike, but otherwise there has been a tangible lack of unity, teamwork and support for each other. It is apparent that for a variety of reasons they have not bonded together as one cohesive unit and their morale has suffered. This lack of team perspective has made attempts to address critical functions that support the overall mission of the Chabot College community, Chabot College Program Review ineffective. In addition to the morale and teamwork issues the department has several ongoing and developing problems that need to be given priority attention. The Campus has an access control system (AMAG) that is extremely complex and cumbersome to use. Multiple vendors, contractors, managers, users and consultants have combined to render the system nearly dysfunctional. It currently works only with an excessive reliance on repair costs and subsidies from an expensive redundant monitored alarm systems in high priority areas. While the system remains the best choice for access control and facility protection, it needs both a well crafted and researched action plan and upgrades in several critical function areas. A critical service area for providing support services to the entire campus is the fleet of vehicles allocated to the department. Several of these vehicles are nearing or past their useful life but are continually repaired and remain in use even as their maintenance costs continue to rise. Officers working for the Campus Safety Department must document many of their activities as well as the incidents and actions initiated or committed by others in official reports. Many of these reports involve information that is mandated and must be, in turn reported out to other agencies and the community. As demands on other agencies, such as the Hayward Police Department, increase and they adjust their services to address their priorities, the community’s reliance on Chabot College’s documentation increases. The current paper based documentation system is long past its usefulness and a new, searchable, digital system has become a critical need. Another impending disaster for the campus can be found in the current communications system that is built around an antiquated radio repeater and the associated radio system. The current system is at best 25 years old and at risk of imminent failure. Without radio communication there is no effective means for campus safety officers to be notified of the students, faculty or community needs that they are responsible for addressing. In addition, the campus emergency call boxes distributed across campus depend on the radio system for operation. The staffing of the department, which must operate on a 24 hour basis, is currently understaffed thereby increasing the dangers to the existing officers, students, staff and surrounding neighborhoods of the campus community. This issue is destined to be further impacted by the pending retirement of the most senior and experienced officer on the staff. Disaster preparedness is another area that has been neglected and is currently sub-standard. This fact was highlighted during a recent incident in the Comm. Student Services Center in which smoke from burned toast in an electric toaster set off the fire alarms. The building was evacuated but at least one occupant was unable to leave due to a disability that limited them to a wheel chair. As use of the elevators during a fire alarm is prohibited the person was unable to exit the building. While some staff members had been shown a rescue chair during past flex day training sessions, no rescue chairs have been purchased or are installed in any of the campus’s two story structures and no training has been provided for evacuation of the disabled. Chabot College Program Review 1B. Problem Analysis: The current Campus Safety Director has identified seven areas for improvement of services to support student needs. These areas are: 1) Continued improvement of the access control and security system (AMAG) to resolve long term functionality problems that consume economic and labor resources. The proposed upgrades and additions to the AMAG system support student success by providing for the safety of students and staff so that the students educational goals can be achieved. It has been said that people require freedom and safety but without safety people are not free. Certainly, if the Chabot College environment lacks safety or security students learning will not be strengthened and the resources will not exist to increase success for all students in the community. The AMAG improvements also support Chabot College’s vision, leadership and innovation by using the best of the available resources to improve institutional effectiveness and provide safe, secure and up-to-date facilities and technology. 2) Improve and expand the current compliment of vehicles that support the daily effort to provide services, as well as critical response in the event of an emergency or catastrophic disaster. Addition of the requested new Campus Safety vehicle promotes awareness and access by providing additional resources for managing the delivery of services on the Chabot College campus. The vehicles additionally act as a visual deterrent to advertise the presence of campus safety personnel and by providing effective means to transport those personnel and any equipment necessary for the completion of their duties across the entire ninety-six acre campus property. 3) Provide better customer service to students, staff and the community and improve Campus Safety morale and teamwork through a focus on coaching and mentoring. The current Director has initiated a focus on customer service and teamwork by first issuing a comprehensive list of departmental expectations that has an obvious focus on treatment of the department customers, both internal and external, and highlighting behaviors that support problem resolution and trust building. These expectations support the existing written directives as well as underscoring the emphasis on working together and treating each other fairly. The expectations are the first step in a process that includes coaching and mentoring, training and work activities within the unit designed to unify the staff and give them a foundation to build stronger supportive relationships. The tenants of this plan will support the Chabot College mission by creating a positive work atmosphere and a model for conflict resolution, trust and teamwork. 4) Modernization of the incident response and reporting process to a digital records management system. Chabot College Program Review Acquisition of a modern records management system (RMS) supports student success and the college vision, leadership and innovation by effectively tracking all campus safety activities and noteworthy incidents in order to better assess student needs and resource allocation methods. The integration of Chabot College systems with those systems of other agencies such as HPD positively impacts the readiness of Chabot College to address the needs of the college community during critical incidents and for preparedness during catastrophic disasters when the students, staff and community will need it the most. Additionally, it supports effective communication both in the college and in the larger Hayward community. Finally, it safeguards the existing college resources by effectively monitoring and reporting statutory mandates for of risk management. 5) Improvement and modernization of the campus emergency communications system, specifically including the radio repeater, radios and their interoperability with other surrounding emergency services agencies. Replacement of current radio communications or partnership supports student success by strengthening existing community partnerships with local emergency and law enforcement agencies. It establishes a clear model for interdependence with other agencies to effectively provide better services than any one organization could offer on its own. It also forms a larger link in a broad disaster preparedness chain and supports, in the purest sense, effective communication between the college and the surrounding community. 6) Hiring of Campus Safety Personnel to support the 24 hour department schedule. The Campus Safety Department impacts and supports every work group within the college. By providing access and key control the Campus Safety Department promotes the safety of students, staff and visitors alike. Every employee needing access to the campus has to contact Campus Safety, identify themselves and obtain the necessary access permission through the college automated security system. In addition, there are many different academic and sporting events that draw large numbers of people from outside of the college. These events require assistance in providing a safe and secure environment and Campus Safety personnel provide that level of safety and security. Campus Safety personnel participate in the planning, execution, and staffing of these events and are often called upon to lend their facility and event experience where safety matters are concerned. Department of Campus Safety personnel are responsible for numerous statutory mandates regarding reporting of critical information. These reports range from crime reports mandated by the Clery Act (The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal statute codified at 20 U.S.C. § 1092(f), with implementing regulations in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations at 34 C.F.R. 668.46.) to monitoring and management of the campus generated hazardous materials which are regulated by the California Health and Safety Code and federal laws through OSHA and the EPA. 7) Provision of the campus with appropriate disaster preparedness supplies and necessary equipment. Disaster preparedness is critical to the responsibilities of Chabot College, its staff and specifically the Department of Campus Safety. By ensuring that all necessary supplies and equipment are present on campus, the Department of Campus Safety promotes the safety, health Chabot College Program Review and well being of all members of the Chabot College community. In a disaster, such as a severe earthquake on the Hayward fault, Chabot College will not only be responsible for assisting members of the college community but will be a focal point for aid to the surrounding residential areas. In addition, having the appropriate equipment and supplies on hand helps control costs by limiting risk and reducing liability. On-going civil suits surrounding disaster preparedness at Louisiana hospitals during the Katrina Hurricane disaster underscore the vulnerability and risk that lack of preparedness will inject into an already desperate budget scenario. 2. Student Learning Outcomes Inventory a. What percentage of courses in your discipline have Student Learning Outcomes developed? _____ b. How many Student Learning Outcomes are there on average per course? _____ c. What percentage of course SLOs in your discipline have been assessed? _____ d. What percentage of courses in your discipline have had the assessments reflected upon, or discussed with colleagues, or discussed with the college at large? _____ e. Has your discipline determined any actions that might be taken as a result of this data, or insights? f. 1. To improve the access control and security system (AMAG) to resolve increasing functionality problems. Identify appropriate methods of assessment for this SLO. Check one or more box. Writing assignments (N/A) Exams or embedded exam questions (N/A) ________ ___ Culminating experience/evidence Other work produced or demonstrated skill : Protection and security of students, staff, community and resources that support them. Upgrade and expansion of requisite system components. The above course or service area best falls within the domain of which college-wide learning outcome (goal)? Check only one box. Chabot College Program Review -wide learning outcome (goal). Student Learning Outcome (SLO) or Student Area Outcome (SAO): 2. Maintenance of the vehicle fleet used to respond to and support student, staff, and community needs. Identify appropriate methods of assessment for this SLO. Check one or more box. Writing assignments (N/A) Exams or embedded exam questions (N/A) ry report ________ Licensure certification/Professional exam ___ Culminating experience/evidence Other work produced or demonstrated skill s :_Provide adequate vehicles to support student, staff and campus needs. Replace designated automobiles and electric vehicles. The above course or service area best falls within the domain of which college-wide learning outcome (goal)? Check only one box. -wide learning outcome (goal). 3. To improve customer service, morale and teamwork within the Department of Campus Safety and Security through clear expectations, coaching, mentoring, and work activities that focus on trust, conflict resolution and positive relationships. Identify appropriate methods of assessment for this SLO. Check one or more box. Writing assignments (N/A) paper Exams or embedded exam questions (N/A) Chabot College Program Review ________ ardized exam: ___________ Culminating experience/evidence Other work produced or demonstrated skill (theater, dance, music, etc.) : Initiate and expand partnerships and promote a high degree of service to the college and community. Establishment of written expectations, training through modeling and coaching, application through work activities. The above course or service area best falls within the domain of which college-wide learning outcome (goal)? Check only one box. college-wide learning outcome (goal). 4. To provide computer aided dispatch and records management systems to ensure immediate response and documentation in compliance with CLERY regulations. Identify appropriate methods of assessment for this SLO. Check one or more box. Writing assignments (N/A) Exams or embedded exam questions (N/A) question: _______________ ___ Culminating experience/evidence Other work produced or demonstrated skill nce :_Institutional Research, and mandated federal, state and emergency services data Chabot College Program Review Select, purchase and implement a suitable system. The above course or service area best falls within the domain of which college-wide learning outcome (goal)? Check only one box. Global and cultural involvement content and is not directly related to any college-wide learning outcome (goal). Student Learning Outcome (SLO) or Student Area Outcome (SAO): 5. To provide a suitable emergency communications system to support immediate response and management of critical and emergency services. Identify appropriate methods of assessment for this SLO. Check one or more box. Writing assignments (N/A) Exams or embedded exam questions (N/A) paper ________ ___ Culminating experience/evidence Other work produced or demonstrated skill nce :_Support effective and critical communication to prevent injury, support instruction and provide a safe and secure learning environment. Replace aging at risk radio equipment with effective current technology. The above course or service area best falls within the domain of which college-wide learning outcome (goal)? Check only one box. content and is not directly related to any college-wide learning outcome (goal). Student Learning Outcome (SLO) or Student Area Outcome (SAO): 6. Provide trained personnel for 24 hour coverage to ensure campus safety and security. Chabot College Program Review Identify appropriate methods of assessment for this SLO. Check one or more box. Writing assignments (N/A) Exams or embedded exam questions (N/A) hoice ________ assignment: ___ Culminating experience/evidence Other work produced or demonstrated skill : Provide for both day to day operation and emergency response to support the overall campus mission and to provide for safety and security. Hire qualified staff for current and pending vacancies. The above course or service area best falls within the domain of which college-wide learning outcome (goal)? Check only one box. Civic Responsibility -wide learning outcome (goal). Student Learning Outcome (SLO) or Student Area Outcome (SAO): 7. Provide all necessary equipment and training for disaster preparedness. Identify appropriate methods of assessment for this SLO. Check one or more box. Writing assignments (N/A) Exams or embedded exam questions (N/A) ry report ________ Licensure certification/Professional exam ___ Culminating experience/evidence Other work produced or demonstrated skill Chabot College Program Review s : Provide for safety and security of all individuals on campus in the event of a fire, emergency or natural disaster. Purchase disaster supplies and requisite evacuation equipment and provide training on their use. The above course or service area best falls within the domain of which college-wide learning outcome (goal)? Check only one box. Civic Responsibility -wide learning outcome (goal). 3. List your accomplishments. How do they relate to your program review, unit planning and SAO/SLO work? Please cite any relevant data elements (e.g., efficiency, persistence, FT/PT faculty ratios, SAO/SLO assessment results, external accreditation demands, etc.). Unit strengths and accomplishments: Under previous Directors, the Campus Safety Department has developed a Security Master Plan (SMP) which defined issues that impact the College’s educational mission. The SMP (which was a 3 year project) outlined the need for closed circuit cameras, emergency call stations and access control measures. During March of 2009, implementation of the recommendations and initiatives outlined by the SMP began and a new set of access control standards have been formally adopted by the college. These standards are continually reevaluated and managed by the Campus Safety Department. Goals and accomplishments completed under the direction of prior directors include: A. Increasing the disabled accessibility of the Campus Safety office to meet ADA regulations. B. Limitation of cigarette smoking to the parking lot areas. C. Standardization of the hazardous materials handling, documentation and management procedures to conform to industry regulations and safe practices. D. Decreasing the overall crime on campus from 33 overall incidents in 2009 to 27 in 2010. Specific reductions in motor vehicle thefts accounted for the biggest impact. Chabot College Program Review 4. List your new and continuing unit goals. Based upon what you accomplished, do you have any changes you are making to your goals or timeline? Please make any revisions to the timeline on the next page. CONTINUING GOALS Strategic Goal: D. Vision, Leadership & Innovation. D1. Set Chabot’s priorities to improve institutional effectiveness. D5. Provide safe, secure and up-to-date facilities and technology. 1: The access control system originally purchased and implemented on campus (Amag Professional) is reaching its maximum capacity based on the components currently in place. Meanwhile, the campus continues to both expand and modernize as older buildings are renovated and the access control and security features are updated. Several issues have been identified that negatively impact the overall functionality of the system. During the tenure of the previous director, one identified problem involved inadequacy of the firmware associated with the sub-panels that command the devices in individual buildings. The sub-panels are used to make building level decisions for each device such as deactivating the alarm when appropriately keyed to do so from a card reader at the building’s exterior. Use of these panels speeds up the reaction time of the system by reducing traffic on the server and delegating the software decision to the local panel. The current firmware negates that advantage. The solution to the firmware problem is to upgrade the firmware in the affected panels, by deleting the current firmware, loading the upgrade and then testing all devices attached to that panel. Completion of this process was estimated at a cost of $12,861.62 by the current service vendor Acme Security Systems. During the current director’s tenure a second problem has been discovered in addition to the aforementioned firmware issue. Even though a single server is rated to handle in excess of sixty cameras, it is not recommended to assign more than 40 such cameras to any one server. At the present time, Chabot College employs approximately 70 cameras, of which 40 are assigned to transmit to the server and the remaining cameras are unrecorded. As buildings on the campus are renovated and updated through Measure B funding this number is increasing. Chabot College has just one server dedicated to the entire AMAG security system, including camera support and administrative control of the system. Acme Security Systems recommends that two new servers be purchased to provide for the existing cameras, minimal system growth, and isolation of the administrative system control. Chabot College’s IT specialists concur that additional servers are needed for the system and estimate the cost of two new servers to be approximately $12,000. Overall, the AMAG access control system remains the best option available for protection of the campus buildings. A recent exploratory review by a competing alarm company provided an estimate of $12,650 to replace the alarm systems in just three campus buildings. That estimate is for installation only and does not include monitoring fees, access control, or camera support. Due to the size and complexity of the Chabot College facility, the solution to this problem is neither easy nor inexpensive. However, it is clear based on the costs currently associated with servicing the current system (currently over-budget) and commitment to the continued monitoring of Chabot College Program Review the redundant alarm system in certain buildings (currently budgeted at $40,000) that solutions need to be found. The Department of Campus Safety is beginning the process of establishing a collaborative taskforce to assess the entire spectrum of problems and identify effective solutions in addition to the already noted AMAG improvements. This taskforce should include the Director of Campus Safety, members of the Campus Safety Department, Swinerton Management and Consulting, Acme Security, Chabot College IT, Chabot College M&O, and other members of the Chabot College community that are impacted by the AMAG system failures. This is a process that must be undertaken immediately in the 2011-2012 fiscal year. Cost: Firmware upgrade ($12,862) Server upgrade ( $12,000) Additional solutions (Undetermined). Potential Cost Savings: Redundant monitoring ($40,000) Reduced repair costs (Undetermined). Strategic Goal: D. Vision, Leadership & Innovation. D5. Provide safe, secure and up-to-date facilities and technology. 2: The existing fleet of Campus Safety vehicles consists of (2) Ford Escape Hybrids, (1) gas driven Ford Explorer, (2) 6-passenger golf carts and (1) 4-passenger golf cart. Both the gas driven Ford Explorer and the 4-passenger golf cart have outlived their useful life and are in need of replacement. According to the Maintenance and Operations Department, vehicle maintenance on the Ford Explorer has reached a total of $23,225, or 93 percent of the original purchase price of the vehicle. Additionally, the maintenance costs on two of the Safety Department’s three golf carts are also excessive. For one of the carts, maintenance costs have reached 179 percent of the original purchase price, and on the other, maintenance is currently at 51 percent of the purchase price. Previously, the Ford Explorer was scheduled to be sold because of the purchase of the (2) Ford Hybrids. However, with the addition of the Parking Lot Officer position, the need for a third enclosed vehicle became necessary. As a result, the Ford was repurposed and remains in service. The prior director attempted to purchase another Hybrid last year, but this was put on hold because of the fiscal crisis. During the 20102011 year a new request was placed for a Ford truck which has been delayed for a variety of administrative reasons. The current need is as great as it has ever been. Estimated Cost: Two replacement golf carts ($22,000) New Ford F150 Truck ($26,000) + Emergency equipment for new truck ($4,000) Total: $52,000 Chabot College Program Review New goals: Strategic Goal: A.Awareness & Access A2 Reach out to populations underrepresented in higher education. C. Community Partnerships. C2. Initiate and expand partnerships among the college, business and community organizations. D. Vision, Leadership & Innovation. D2. Streamline academic and student support services. D4. Support effective communication both in the college and the community. 3: Campus Safety and Security staff interacts with every area of the college campus and the surrounding community. The way they provide services frames not only how successful those services are but how the entire college is perceived. The staff currently is highly dedicated to the college and the community but lacks teamwork and trust within the department. Consequently, morale suffers and it becomes very difficult to shield the rest of the college and community from the internal tension. Cultivation of a culture of teamwork and vision, training through coaching and mentoring, and support of all efforts to build stronger team relationships and positive foundations will enhance not only the department’s success but the overall image and success of the programs and services provided by the rest of the college community. This is especially important at this time due to the impact of recent budget restrictions and economic concerns. Additionally, it is imperative that Campus Safety employees receive appropriate training updates particularly in perishable skills areas of conflict resolution; ADA, incident reporting and privacy statutes; hazardous materials management; disaster preparedness and first aid/CPR as well as sexual harassment and customer service. Some of these training dimensions can be accomplished through in service courses but often it is necessary to send an employee to an off-site school and then have them conduct the in service course. Cost: Training and motivational contribution ($2000). Strategic Goal: D. Vision, Leadership & Innovation. D4. Support effective communication both in the college and the community. D5. Provide safe, secure and up-to-date facilities and technology. 4: Currently, Campus Safety and Security staff document relevant incidents, including those mandated by the CLERY Act, on paper forms that are stored in a cumbersome physical filing system. This system has no indexing and is not searchable except by numeric report number. Additionally, these systems allow for no collaboration with overlapping agencies, such as the Hayward Police Department, causing a high potential for redundant and inflated CLERY reporting. Chabot College Program Review As other areas of the public safety and educational systems continue to evolve into digital media, the current system becomes exponentially more problematic. The need for a computer aided dispatch (CAD) and records management system (RMS) that will support the daily workings and activities of campus Safety personnel has reached a critical status. An appropriate CAD system will automate various archaic book-keeping practices currently done to support necessary records management and statistical recording. This automation will free up much needed staff time for other duties and ultimately reduce the need for overtime or additional on-call hourly support. Using a CAD program will organize incident reports and will allow for retrieval of searchable criteria that will, minimally, include first and last names, crime classes and types of incidents. In addition, a CAD system will allow dispatchers to immediately document the locations of incidents, information provided at the time a call is received and the daily activities in which officers are engaged. It will provide a permanent and searchable record of these activities. All of these benefits will not only support the global strategic plan but will also be invaluable in any and all risk management efforts. As an alternative to proprietary purchase of a CAD/RMS package, the Hayward Police Department (HPD) is in the process of developing a comprehensive CAD and RMS system that is scalable to multiple reporting agencies. This system is capable of multiple permission granularities that will support maintenance of system security mandates such as those required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and the California Law Enforcement Telecommunication System (CLETS) while allowing for inter-agency cooperation for accurate statistical reporting under mandates such as the CLERY Act. The HPD project manager has advised that this is a perfect time to initiate a collaborative relationship as they are still in the design process for their system and it can be easily and inexpensively scaled to meet our needs. It is probable that for the same or lower cost incurred by purchase of a proprietary CAD and RMS package, Chabot College could enter into an agreement with the Hayward Police Department to expand their system to include and support Chabot College’s CAD and RMS needs. Regardless of which option is selected a modern system is urgently needed. Estimated Cost: Proprietary system or contribution to partnership ($9000). Strategic Goal: C. Community Partnerships. C2. Initiate and expand partnerships among the college, business and community organizations. D. Vision, Leadership & Innovation. D4. Support effective communication both in the college and the community. 5: At present, daily, emergency and disaster related communications on the Chabot College Campus are provided by a proprietary UHF/NHF radio communications system that is centrally located in the Security Dispatch office. The system consists of a base station where a dispatcher sits at a console and broadcasts information to officers who receive them over hand-held portable radios. The system has the additional capability to allow incoming calls to Security to automatically “roll over” onto the hand-held radios if the dispatch phone is not answered. This is Chabot College Program Review an important component since the dispatch office is not staffed 24 hours a day. A major component of the radio communication system is the repeater located upstairs in the building. The repeater’s function is to increase the strength of the radio signal so that officers can communicate across the entire 96 acre campus and beyond. Currently, broadcasts made from the dispatch center are heard on hand-held radios as far away as 3 miles. Without the repeater, this range would be severely limited and would likely not even cover the immediate campus property or penetrate the building interiors. The current system, specifically the repeater and the associated electronics and wiring, is estimated to be approximately 25 years old and is in critical need of replacement. In February 2010, Las Positas upgraded their radio communication system which cost them $63,000 at that time. Chabot College has a larger facility and population than Las Positas and has radio equipment that is older than the equipment replaced at Las Positas. In February 2010 Chabot College obtained an estimate to replace the repeater system, communications console and fourteen radios. The price of replacement at that time was $186,397. In addition to the aforementioned CAD and RMS upgrades, HPD is currently exploring an upgraded addition to their system that involves Session Initiated Protocol (SIP) technology. This technology allows a computerized call distribution system to dedicate the radio signal to a specific device or group of devices. Recently, the Hayward Police Department received an estimate for a base system that could be expanded to include Chabot College. The entire system, absent the necessary added repeaters and radios to accommodate Chabot College, would cost approximately $155,452.58. It is likely that the cost of added equipment necessary to include Chabot College in the system network would be borne by the college along with an apportioned share of the base costs. However, it is believed that those costs would likely be equal to or less than the costs associated with replacement of the current repeater. This technology provides interoperability between Chabot College campus, HPD and other agencies in a cataclysmic disaster. In either case, an upgrade in the current system is necessary to support the mission of providing a safe, secure and undisrupted environment for education at Chabot College. Estimated Cost: Replacement repeater $186,397 or less, dependent on option selected). Strategic Goal: D. Vision, Leadership & Innovation. D2. Streamline academic and student support services. D3. Offer professional development to support teaching, learning and operational needs. D4. Support effective communication both in the college and the community. D5. Provide safe, secure and up-to-date facilities and technology. Chabot College Program Review 6: The department is currently budgeted for (5) full time Campus Safety Officers, (1) full time Parking Officer and (3) permanent part- time Campus Safety Officers. Together with (1) full time and (1) permanent part-time dispatcher, Campus Safety provides year-round coverage, 24 hours a day. In addition, there are a number of at-will temporary on-call positions for both dispatcher and Campus Safety Officer which provides flexible coverage at the large number of college events that take place where a Campus Safety presence is desired. Currently, there is (1) vacancy, a part-time Security Officer. There is one vacancy anticipated on July 1, 2011, a full time Security Officer, due to a projected retirement. There is an additional vacancy that could potentially occur on July 1, 2011, due to retirement eligibility. The hiring process to identify and hire staff to fill these positions has not yet begun. There is a need for additional security and dispatch staff coverage to fully support the round-the-clock schedule and increase the safety of both the current safety staff and the campus community and to meet the increasing security needs of the growing campus facility. One specific need of the department relates to the statutory reporting requirements of several mandates including the Clery Act and OSHA. The Department of Campus Safety currently has no clerical support. Clerical duties are performed as an ancillary duty by the permanent Dispatchers in between their other higher priority tasks. Many of the records that must be tracked and managed involve critical statutory information that must be reported accurately to avoid fines and civil liability. The department minimally requires one part-time records clerk dedicated to administration of those records. Estimated Cost: Current vacancies: (No increase beyond current allotment). Part-time Records Clerk: Estimated $27,000 Strategic Goal: D. Vision, Leadership & Innovation. D5. Provide safe, secure, and up-to-date facilities and technology. b. Finalize and implement Chabot’s Emergency Preparedness Plan. 7: The department has identified specific supplies or equipment that is needed to be minimally equipped for a disaster affecting the Chabot College community. Critical needs in this area include specialized rescue chairs to aid in the evacuation of disabled persons from inaccessible areas such as upper floors of many Chabot College buildings. In a fire or earthquake, building elevators cannot be used. Consequently, people with ambulatory disabilities will require assistance to evacuate the buildings via the stairways. Currently, there is no equipment available for that purpose in any of the multi-story buildings on campus. The potential liability incurred by this lack of equipment presents an unacceptable risk. Suitable rescue chairs have been identified and are available for purchase. The chairs range from $623 to $2134 each. Fifteen chairs are needed. Additionally, the provisions needed for Chabot College to be adequately supplied and to be able to respond in the event of a catastrophic emergency are severely limited. Based on current recommendations Chabot College is in desperate need of both disaster preparedness supplies and two emergency generators in order to be minimally prepared to respond to an emergency situation. In a disaster, such as a severe earthquake on the Hayward fault, Chabot College will not only be responsible for assisting members of the college community but will be a focal point for Chabot College Program Review aid to the surrounding residential areas. In addition, having the appropriate equipment and supplies on hand helps control costs by limiting risk and reducing liability. On-going civil suits surrounding disaster preparedness at Louisiana hospitals during the Katrina Hurricane disaster underscore the vulnerability and risk that lack of preparedness will inject into an already desperate budget scenario. Estimated Cost: Evacuation Chairs: ($12,000) Disaster Preparedness Equipment: Total Cost ($13,691.66) Supplies: ($8,691.66) Emergency Electric Generators: ($5000) 5. Discuss how these goals support the college Strategic Plan goals and/or strategies. Continuing Goals: 1: The proposed upgrades and additions to the AMAG system support student success by providing for the safety of students and staff so that the students educational goals can be achieved. It has been said that people require freedom and safety but without safety people are not free. Certainly, if the Chabot College environment lacks safety or security students learning will not be strengthened and the resources for learning will not exist to increase success for all students in the community. The AMAG improvements also support Chabot College’s vision, leadership and innovation by using the best of the available resources to improve institutional effectiveness and provide safe, secure and up-to-date facilities and technology. 2: Addition of the requested new Campus Safety vehicle promotes awareness and access by providing additional resources for managing the delivery of services on the Chabot College campus. The vehicles additionally act as a visual deterrent to advertise the presence of campus safety personnel and by providing effective means to transport those personnel and any equipment necessary for the completion of their duties across the entire ninety-six acre campus property. New goals: 3: Improving the Department of Campus Safety and Security’s morale and coaching or mentoring stronger working relationships and teamwork between the department’s members will enhance the image of both the department and the campus, support the students learning efforts and improve an already enriching environment. The department will be more able to identify problems and find solutions that support all members of the college community. 4: Acquisition of modern computer aided dispatch and records management systems (CAD and RMS) supports student success and the college vision, leadership and innovation by effectively tracking all campus safety activities and noteworthy incidents in order to better assess student needs and resource allocation methods. The integration of Chabot College systems with those systems of other agencies such as HPD positively Chabot College Program Review impacts the readiness of Chabot College to address the needs of the college community during critical incidents and for preparedness during catastrophic disasters when the students, staff and community will need it the most. Additionally, it supports effective communication both in the college and in the larger Hayward community. Finally, it safeguards the existing college resources by effectively monitoring and reporting statutory mandates for of risk management. 5: Replacement of current radio communications, or partnership with the City of Hayward in the noted SIP network, supports student success by strengthening existing community partnerships with local emergency and law enforcement agencies. It establishes a clear model for interdependence with other agencies to effectively provide better services than any one organization could offer on its own. It also forms a larger link in a broad disaster preparedness chain and supports, in the purest sense, effective communication between the college and the surrounding community. The newer systems additionally position Chabot College to improve institutional effectiveness as other existing technologies are modernized and improved. 6: The Campus Safety Department impacts and supports every work group within the college. By providing access control and key control, every employee needing access has to contact Campus Safety in order to be given access. In addition, there are many different academic and sporting events that draw large numbers of people from outside of the college. These events require assistance in providing a safe and secure environment and Campus Safety personnel provide that level of safety and security. Campus Safety personnel participate in the planning, execution, and staffing of these events and are often called upon to lend their facility and event experience where safety matters are concerned. 7: Disaster Preparedness is not just a goal it is a responsibility. The Campus Safety Department fills a primary role in this process which supports the overall goals of the college by ensuring that all students, staff and visitors of the campus have appropriate resources in the event of an emergency, whether it is a medical emergency requiring first aid or a catastrophic disaster requiring a much higher level of individual and community support. In addition, having the appropriate equipment and supplies on hand helps control costs by limiting risk and reducing liability. On-going civil suits surrounding disaster preparedness at Louisiana hospitals during the Katrina Hurricane disaster underscore the vulnerability and risk that lack of preparedness will inject into an already desperate budget scenario. 6. Solution: Cut and paste your previous timeline and update the “Accomplished?” column, if necessary. Detail the plan for accomplish your goals. If you are making revisions to your activities or timeline, please indicate that in the “Revised?” column. Unit Action Plan Timeline No. Timeline Milestone Activity Person(s) Responsible Accomplished? Yes/No/ In Progress* Revised? Yes / No If yes, list revision year Do you need additional funds to support this activity? Yes/No If, yes, what type?** A ADA accessibility of the Campus Safety Office (2302). Ruben Pola Yes No No Chabot College Program Review No. Timeline Milestone Activity Person(s) Responsible Accomplished? Yes/No/ In Progress* Revised? Yes / No If yes, list revision year Do you need additional funds to support this activity? Yes/No If, yes, what type?** B Restriction of cigarette smoking to the parking lot areas. Ruben Pola Yes No No C Implementation of the Hazardous Materials Business Plan Ruben Pola Yes No Yes, annual revision of the plan. Yes, firmware upgrades, added servers. Yes, vehicle purchase. Yes, minimal training and motivational. Yes, see new goals. Yes, see new goals. Yes, staffing budget. Yes, supplies and equipment. 1 2011-2012 Upgrade, improvement and resolution of AMAG security functionality problems. Keith Stiver In progress Yes, 2011 2 2011 Purchase of an additional campus safety vehicle. Keith Stiver No Yes, 2011 3 2011 Set strong expectations, coach, mentor and build skills that improve trust and professionalism. Keith Stiver In progress Yes, 2011 4 2011-2012 Purchase of CAD/RMS systems or partnership with noted network.. Keith Stiver No Yes, 2011 5 2011-2012 Improvement of Campus Safety radio system. Keith Stiver No Yes, 2011 6 2011 Hiring requisite Campus Safety staff. Keith Stiver In progress Yes, 2011 7 2011 Purchase of appropriate supplies, equipment and evacuation chairs. Keith Stiver No Yes, 2011 * Note: As you may be carrying over or planning new activities for this planning cycle, this column should list that all activities are “In Progress.” ** List types such as “equipment,” “supplies,” “staffing,” “contractual services,” etc… Program Review: Classified Staffing Request(s) including Student Assistants [Acct. Category 2000] Unit: Department of Campus Safety & Security Division or Area to Which You Report: Student Services Author(s) of this Unit Plan: Keith Stiver Date: 03/30/2011 Audience: Administrative Staff Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time and part-time regular (permanent) classified professional positions (New, augmented and replacement positions) AND student assistants (tutors, learning assistants, lab assistants, supplemental instruction, etc.). Chabot College Program Review Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Be sure to include reference to Goals/Objectives from Part II, and Strategic Planning Priorities. Please cite any evidence or data to support your request. If this position is categorically funded, include and designate the funding source of new categorically-funded position where continuation is contingent upon available funding. Justifications should include rationale for requesting the position. Rationale should include specific reference to, where necessary and appropriate. [Reminder, student assistants are not to replace Classified Professional staff.] Please list staffing request(s) on your Resource Request spreadsheet. Data from student learning and service area outcomes Connection to program review Relationship to institutional priorities Impact on enrollment and revenue Safety Mandates Workload distribution (impact on other’s work) 1. Rationale for your proposal. Please include the rationale from your program review and unit plan. Rationale should include things such as student learning and service area data and outcomes, difficulty in serving students, health and safety concerns and/or any other information that speaks to the criteria listed previously. Data from student learning and service area outcomes: o One specific need of the department relates to the statutory reporting requirements of several mandates including the Clery Act and OSHA. The Department of Campus Safety currently has no clerical support. Department of Campus Safety personnel are responsible for numerous statutory mandates regarding reporting of critical information. These reports range from crime reports mandated by the Clery Act (34 CFR §668.46), to monitoring and management of fire related regulations and the campus generated hazardous materials which are all regulated by many OSHA regulations. Proper maintenance of records in these areas is a critical element for compliance. Additionally, the Department of Campus Safety is responsible for properly monitoring all records releases from the department pursuant to FERPA. Finally, the Department of Campus Safety must track its own training to ensure that all staff members maintain the appropriate training mandates such as First Aid/CPR and Blood Borne Pathogens updates. The Clery Act requires all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on and near their respective campuses. Compliance is monitored by the United States Department of Education, which can impose civil penalties, up to $27,500 per violation, against institutions for each infraction and can suspend institutions from participating in federal student financial aid programs. Chabot College Program Review Prior to the 2010 reporting date in October, the previous director identified several errors in the reporting data. Consequently, to insure that all data reported to the Department of Education was accurate he was forced to expend twenty four hours of overtime to recheck every incident and every report for the year for accuracy at a cost of $1440. Currently, all Department of Campus Safety records are maintained by the Communications Dispatchers as an ancillary duty between fielding all requests for assistance, responding to officers requests, dispatching officers and escorts and monitoring the campus security systems. o Connection to program review: Review of this goal relates specifically to the Department of Campus Safety & Security’s ability to support the Chabot College mission through the examination of institutional outcomes and assessments to evaluate institutional effectiveness. o Relationship to Institutional priorities: This goal relates to the institutional priorities under the listed strategic goals: D. Vision, Leadership & Innovation. D4. Support effective communication both in the college and the community. D5. Provide safe, secure, and up-to-date facilities and technology. Impact on enrollment and revenue: Addition of a part-time Campus Safety Records Clerk would have no impact on enrollment. It would generate additional costs of approximately $27,000 per year for the part-time salary but could aid in prevention of additional costs due to civil penalties arising from violations of the various statutory mandates. Safety: Addition of a Campus Safety Records Clerk would improve safety on the campus by allowing Campus Safety Communications Operators to focus on the activities of the Campus Safety Officers, thereby reducing mistakes or omissions that result from diverted attention from disassociated tasks. It would also positively impact overall safety by improving the monitoring of safety practices, hazardous materials and training requirements of all Campus Safety employees. Mandates: The Department of Campus Safety & Security is responsible for accurate reporting of mandated information through the Workload distribution (impact on other’s work): Addition of a Campus Safety Records Clerk would greatly improve the workload currently assigned to the Campus Safety Communications Dispatchers by allowing them to focus entirely on the priority tasks of fielding all requests for assistance made to the Department of Campus Safety, responding to officers requests, dispatching officers and escorts and monitoring the campus security systems. 2. Statements about the alignment with the strategic plan and program review are required. Indicate here any information from advisory committees or outside accreditation reviews that is pertinent to the proposal. I have received no information from advisory committees or outside accreditation reviews. Chabot College Program Review Program Review: Request for Resources Unit: Department of Campus Safety & Security Division or Area to Which You Report: Student Services Author(s) of this Unit Plan: Keith Stiver Date: 03/30/2011 Audience: Budget, Deans Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee. Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests. Text boxes below will expand as you type. To list the items you are requesting, please complete the accompanying Excel spreadsheets for the items you are requesting in the 4000, 5000, and 6000 account categories, as needed, along with the justification for these requests below. Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): AMAG upgrade Building/Location: Campus-wide Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $24,862 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: AMAG system firmware upgrade. ($12,000) Two HP rack mount, dual power, multiple drive, 350 Gigabyte (likely DL380) servers ($12, 862). What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? These servers will support the existing AMAG Professional access and security control system currently in place on the campus. This system supports the efficient use of the campus resources by automatically locking and unlocking all buildings and critical use areas of the campus, monitoring high loss areas such as computer labs and business offices for both safety and security concerns. The servers will aid in support of the more than 70 video cameras installed on campus of which only approximately 40 are currently capable of being recorded due to the lack of server space and bandwidth. Chabot College Program Review Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Strategic Goal: D. Vision, Leadership & Innovation. D4. Support effective communication both in the college and the community. D5. Provide safe, secure, and up-to-date facilities and technology. Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: The AMAG system is currently in use but due to limited server capacity is slow, problem ridden and incomplete. Less than half of all video cameras currently installed are recorded due to lack of capacity. The new servers will allow for the current system to be fully functional and effective. As additional building are modified through Measure B bond funding additional access control and camera devices will be brought online causing further deterioration of system functionality. What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? As additional buildings are modified through Measure B bond funding additional access control and camera devises will be brought online causing further deterioration and waste of installed systems. The system will continue to degrade, and incur larger and larger repair costs to keep it running. What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? Currently, the system is maintained on a piecemeal basis by paying our service vendor to respond as problems occur. This has resulted in no improvement of services over time and has made use of a redundant alarm system for high loss areas requisite thereby wasting funds. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? Department of Campus safety serves all of the students. Students that directly benefit from escorts or transportation on campus are estimated at approximately 100 per day average. Chabot College Program Review Do students use this equipment? yes no Is this equipment a replacement? yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff No increase. Are they available Yes Will training be required? yes no At whose cost? Training will be provided by the service vendor. What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? There should be no costs for maintenance during the initial year due to warranties and aggregate costs for the first three years should be reduced from current rates. Are there potential utility costs/savings? Yes, current unbudgeted costs for repair and contract of redundant alarm systems have exceeded $45,000 year to date. Purchase and use of the firmware upgrade and additional servers should positively impact the functionality of the primary system reducing repair costs and eliminating the need for redundant systems and their associated monitoring fees. Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes no Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Campus Safety Electric Carts Building/Location: 3300 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $23,000 Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Campus Safety Electric Carts Building/Location: 3300 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $26,000 + Emergency Equipment, $4000 Chabot College Program Review Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: One (1) Ford F150 Pickup Truck equipped with after-market emergency lights, public address, and radio systems. What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Campus Safety and Security staff interacts with every area of the college campus and the surrounding community. Electric carts are heavily used to transport officers and light equipment around the entire 96 acre campus as well as to provide escorts and transportation for students; faculty and visitors to the campus who have require assistance pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Strategic Goal: A. Awareness & Access A2 Reach out to populations underrepresented in higher education. C. Community Partnerships. C2. Initiate and expand partnerships among the college, business and community organizations. D. Vision, Leadership & Innovation. D2. Streamline academic and student support services. D4. Support effective communication both in the college and the community. Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: Chabot College Program Review One of the three Department of Campus Safety automobiles has outlived its useful life and is in need of replacement. The specific vehicle, a 1996 Ford Explorer, used by the Department of Campus Safety is heavily relied on to transport Safety Officers and equipment around the entire 96 acre college property as well as to perform escorts and transport disabled persons to and from classes. According to the Maintenance and Operations Department, the maintenance costs on the Ford Explorer has reached 93 percent of the original purchase price ( $23,225 total to date). What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? Without the Ford Explorer, the Department of Campus Safety will have to rely more heavily on the remaining vehicles thereby unreasonably increasing their wear and eventual failure. Additionally, continued reliance on the aging equipment increases costs as repairs become more frequent and expensive eventually leading to the complete failure of the vehicle and the resultant loss of use. Without sufficient vehicles to perform the services students, staff and visitors will be required to wait increasing periods of time for the remaining vehicles and the overall number of persons served will decrease. There is additionally a potential, as services decrease, for civil liability arising out of non-compliance with laws relating to the accessibility of disabled persons. The Ford Explorer has already been decommissioned once but was repurposed and returned to service after implementation of the current parking program which created a need for an additional vehicle. This vehicle has reached its useful life as parts are no longer available and total failure of the vehicle is imminent. What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? Eventual failure of the vehicle is imminent due to the fact that replacement parts are not available. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? Department of Campus safety serves all of the students. Students that directly benefit from escorts or transportation on campus are estimated at approximately 100 per day average. Do students use this equipment? yes no Is this equipment a replacement? yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff No increase. Are they available Yes Will training be required? At whose cost? yes no Chabot College Program Review Not applicable. What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? There should be no costs for maintenance during the initial year due to warranties and aggregate costs for the first three years should be reduced from current rates. Current maintenance costs for the vehicle have reached $23,225. Are there potential utility costs/savings? Yes, reduced maintenance will incur lower a savings over current M&O expenditures. Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes no Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Safety Records Management System Building/Location: 2302/3300 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $9,000 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: Proprietary digital Records Management System (RMS). What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Currently, Department of Campus Safety staff document select incidents, including those mandated by the CLERY Act, on paper forms that are stored in a cumbersome physical filing system. This system has no indexing and is not searchable except by numeric report number. Additionally, this system allows for no collaboration with overlapping agencies, such as the Hayward Police Department, causing a high potential for redundant and inaccurate CLERY reporting. The system does not allow for recall of information for research into service delivery or statistical categories that would benefit the college when seeking to improve, target or fund services. Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Strategic Goal: C. Community Partnerships. C2. Initiate and expand partnerships among the college, business and community organizations. D. Vision, Leadership & Innovation. D2. Streamline academic and student support services. D4. Support effective communication both in the college and the community. Chabot College Program Review D5. Provide safe, secure, and up-to-date facilities and technology. Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: Accurate record keeping is an absolute necessity when planning resource allocation. Additionally, patterns of problems, safety issues or inefficiencies cannot be identified without accurate and searchable documentation. The current records management system is archaic and its functionality will continue to deteriorate as surrounding systems continue to modernize. Specific areas of importance are the mandatory reporting areas associated with CLERY, OSHA and the EPA as well as information security as mandated under FERPA. What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? The current system does not support appropriate evaluation of safety issues and cannot support effective monitoring of mandated reporting issues. As the systems of other organizations continue to modernize the inaccuracies inherent in the current system will become more and more apparent and will likely lead to fines for non-compliance or losses in the event of civil liabilities. Currently, CLERY Act violations can result in fines of up to $27,000 per violation. What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? The City of Hayward is currently in the development phase of a new CAD/RMS system. Their system is capable of expanding to accommodate the needs of Chabot College including information security between the two agencies to support FERPA regulations. The City of Hayward is willing to collaborate with Chabot College to add the Department of Campus Safety to their system. Costs associated with this approach are, as yet undetermined but would likely be comparable to purchase of a proprietary system. If agreements can be made for this option Chabot College would likely benefit by receiving a much higher quality product for the same expenditure. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? Department of Campus safety serves all of the students. Students that directly benefit from escorts or transportation on campus are estimated at approximately 100 per day average. Chabot College Program Review Do students use this equipment? yes no Is this equipment a replacement? yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff No increase. Are they available Yes Will training be required? yes no At whose cost? Training would be provided either by the providing vendor or by the City of Hayward by agreement depending on which option is selected. What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? There should be no costs for maintenance during the initial year due to warranties. Future updates and system maintenance are undetermined. Are there potential utility costs/savings? Yes, although they are undetermined. Certainly, a well designed RMS system will increase department efficiencies and allow for greater funding opportunities through improved information availability. Additionally, increased report-ability and efficiencies will make compliance with state and federal regulations more accurate thereby reducing the college’s liabilities. Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes no Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Chabot College Emergency Radio System Building/Location: 2300 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $186,397 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: One (1) Motorola MCC5500 Communications Console (with one operator position) One (1) Motorola APCO25 (P25) Compliant 800MHz. Quantar Repeater One (1) Motorola APCO25 (P25) Compliant XTS2500 Base Station Fourteen (14) Motorola ACPO25 (P25) Compliant XTS2500 Subscriber Radios Chabot College Program Review What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Currently the Chabot College Department of Campus Safety is working with a twenty-five year old radio repeater and supporting system. The system is not repairable and is in imminent danger of failure. All campus emergency communications including the department radios and the emergency Talkaphones are dependent on the proper operation of the current equipment. The current system has no battery backup system and does not function during power outages. Chabot College cannot respond to any emergency situation or provide for the safety and security of the campus without the emergency radio system. Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Strategic Goal: C. Community Partnerships. C2. Initiate and expand partnerships among the college, business and community organizations. D. Vision, Leadership & Innovation. D4. Support effective communication both in the college and the community. D5. Provide safe, secure, and up-to-date facilities and technology. Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: A replacement emergency radio system complete with battery backup ensures that all emergency communication equipment including Department of Campus Safety radios and the campus emergency Talkaphones are operational during any emergency, environmental or catastrophic disaster. It prevents further deterioration through proper response in the event of power failures or larger disasters. It replaces the current radio system which is not repairable and at risk of imminent failure. If funded by the Bond Program, it provides a highly visible and citable benefit to both the Chabot College community and the surrounding neighborhood. The requested system is compliant with current interoperability requirements and is a prominent resource for the community in the event of a catastrophic disaster. Chabot College Program Review What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? The consequence of not funding the equipment is total system failure which would render all emergency communications equipment currently in place useless. Chabot College has provided for the safety and security of all members of the campus security by purchasing expensive emergency Talkaphones which are installed at intervals campus wide. These systems provide for immediate connection of individuals to emergency services. The Talkaphones are completely dependent on a functioning radio repeater system. What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? The current system has been maintained and repaired consistently for approximately twenty-five years. During that time, the subscriber radios were replaced at one time but currently all components of the system require replacement and modernization. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? Department of Campus safety serves all of the students. Students that directly benefit from escorts or transportation on campus are estimated at approximately 100 per day average. Do students use this equipment? yes no Is this equipment a replacement? yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff No increase. Are they available Yes Will training be required? yes no At whose cost? All training for the requested system will be conducted by the vendor at the time of installation. What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? There will be no costs for maintenance during the initial year due to the system warranty. Additional warranty years are recommended and can be purchased. Are there potential utility costs/savings? Yes, newer systems offer improvements in both electrical efficiency as well as obvious savings in repair costs. Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes no Chabot College Program Review Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Evacuation Chairs Building/Location: Campus-wide Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $12,000 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: Ferno Stair Chairs, Model 48 with vinyl cover. (13) What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Currently, Chabot college has twelve two-story buildings. All two-story buildings must have alternate means to evacuate disabled persons in the event of a fire or disaster. Chabot college currently has no such equipment. This presents an untenable liability and a complete neglect of the college’s responsibility for disabled members of the college community. Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Strategic Goal: A.Awareness & Access A2 Reach out to populations underrepresented in higher education. C. Community Partnerships. C2. Initiate and expand partnerships among the college, business and community organizations. D. Vision, Leadership & Innovation. D5. Provide safe, secure, and up-to-date facilities and technology. Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices Provides visibility for the Bond Program Chabot College Program Review Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: Currently, Chabot College has absolutely no capability for supporting evacuation of disabled persons from second story floors during a fire or disaster. Purchase and installation of the requested evacuation chairs fulfills this responsibility and corrects a clear oversight that is exposing the campus on a daily basis to increased liability. What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? The consequent of not funding the equipment is the potential death of individuals during a fire or other disaster and the associated serious civil liability. What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? There are no known alternative approaches. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? Department of Campus safety serves all of the students. Students that directly benefit from escorts or transportation on campus are estimated at approximately 100 per day average. Do students use this equipment? yes no Is this equipment a replacement? yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff No increase. Are they available Yes Will training be required? yes no At whose cost? Initial training of Department of Campus Safety staff would be conducted by the vendor. After those individuals received training all remaining college staff could be trained during flex day training sessions. What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? There should be no costs for maintenance. Are there potential utility costs/savings? Yes, increased preparedness could potentially benefit insurance rates. Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes no Chabot College Program Review Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Disaster Preparedness Equipment Building/Location: 3300 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $13,692 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: Fully stocked disaster preparedness supplies. Emergency Electric Generators (2) What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Currently, Chabot College is grossly underfunded and under supplied in the equipment and supplies necessary for effective response in a catastrophic disaster. Purchase of these materials and equipment supports the implementation of the Chabot College Emergency Preparedness Plan. Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Strategic Goal: D5. Provide safe, secure, and up-to-date facilities and technology. Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: Currently there are few disaster preparedness resources on hand to respond to any disaster. Of the resources that exist, many are outdated and of limited or no use. Purchase of the requested equipment provides for a minimal response in the event of a catastrophic disaster such as a major earthquake. Chabot College Program Review What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? Failing to provide the needed equipment increases the likely injury and death toll to the campus community during a disaster and greatly increases future liability. What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? There are no known alternatives to being prepared. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? Department of Campus safety serves all of the students. Students that directly benefit from escorts or transportation on campus are estimated at approximately 100 per day average. Do students use this equipment? yes no Is this equipment a replacement? yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff No increase. Are they available Yes Will training be required? yes no At whose cost? Not applicable. What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? There should be no costs for maintenance. Are there potential utility costs/savings? Yes, providing all necessary equipment decreases the potential losses in a disaster and could have a positive impact on insurance rates.. Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes no Chabot College Program Review Supplies & Services Augmentation Requests [Acct. Category 4000 and 5000] Note: Augmentations are rarely funded and are based upon available funding. Definition of Augmentation: A request for additional funds for your current allocated budget (the funds you actually received), over and above the current amount. Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Security System Maintenance. Last year’s 4000 category budget Last year’s 5000 category budget $0 Please state why you are requesting these funds in addition to your current allocated budget (the funds you actually received). Why were the funds previously allocated insufficient? The AMAG system is currently beyond capacity on the current server. This status has existed for most of the current year and causes frequent problems requiring the response of a qualified service technician. There were no funds budgeted for this issue during 20102011. In the absence of, and pending funding of, the requested improvements to the AMAG system there are expected and continuing service needs. During 2010-2011 system repairs have incurred two unexpected and unbudgeted expenditures. The first, system repair costs have, to date, been in excess of $5,000 and should be budgeted at $7,500 for the year. Without the requested improvements, these costs are only going to rise. The second expenditure, the redundant alarm system and monitoring that have been in place to secure areas of the campus that have high dollar equipment, have been in excess of $25,000 to date and should be budgeted at $40,000 for the year. These expenditures are unlikely to change unless the requested AMAG improvements are funded. Once the improvements are completed the redundant systems should become obsolete.