Program Review: Request for Resources Discipline: Biology Division or Area to Which You Report: Math/Science Author(s): Debra Howell Date: 3/10/11 Audience: Budget, Deans Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee. Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests. Text boxes below will expand as you type. To list the items you are requesting, please complete the accompanying Excel spreadsheets for the items you are requesting in the 4000, 5000, and 6000 account categories, as needed, along with the justification for these requests below. Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Computers for 2130 Building/Location: 2130 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $5,000 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: 3 computers (monitor, key board, etc) for lab tables. What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Computers are used extensively in Biology 2A, 2B and Environmental Science 11. We have only 4 computers in room 2130. We need 7 computers (1 for the instructor and 6 for the 6 lab tables). Students can access websites for computerized exercises (Example: environmental science students use online population data sheets to do demographic studies.) In traditional labs students can search for reference material that will help identify organisms, structures on slides; they can view dissections, etc.) 1 Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Enhance student success. Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities x Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities x Shows cost advantage due to rising prices x Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: The computers can replace some traditional wet labs that have costly consumable materials. What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? Student use of computers is limited. What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? Continue to try to serve 24-30 students/lab with only 4 computers. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? 175 students/year 2 Do students use this equipment? Is this equipment a replacement? x yes no yes x no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff 0 Are they available Will training be required? yes x no At whose cost? What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? Are there potential utility costs/savings? yes Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes x 3 no Program Review: Request for Resources Discipline: Biology Division or Area to Which You Report: Science/Math Author(s): Biology Faculty (Patricia Wu) Date: 3/11/11 Audience: Budget, Deans Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee. Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests. Text boxes below will expand as you type. To list the items you are requesting, please complete the accompanying Excel spreadsheets for the items you are requesting in the 4000, 5000, and 6000 account categories, as needed, along with the justification for these requests below. Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Anatomy Laboratory Equipment Request Building/Location: 2110 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $12,000 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: SOMSO Medical, Muscular Open-Back Torso Model, 81W3130 What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Anatomy 1 students preparing for careers in nursing, dental hygiene, ultrasound technology, surgical technology, pharmacy, physical therapy/occupational therapy, biotechnology, biology, and medicine. 4 Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and Increases experiential learning by allowing students who are pursuing careers in health and medical fields to examine the relationship and location of organs in the human body in 3D. Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: The current torso model was purchased over 25 years ago. The parts of the model have deteriorated and some are not correct anatomically. It is essential to provide a new model with the correct anatomical representation to increase student learning. It also provides a 3D representation to the human body. It will save money to purchase the model now since the price keeps on rising over the past few years. What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? Deteriorating and incorrect anatomical parts will misdirect students’ learning and impact them negatively. What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? 5 None. Software that provides a 3D representation is prohibitively expensive which requires license fees each year. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? 240/year Do students use this equipment? yes no Is this equipment a replacement? yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff 0 Are they available n/a Will training be required? yes no At whose cost? n/a What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? n/a Are there potential utility costs/savings? n/a Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes no Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Anatomy Laboratory Equipment Request 6 Building/Location: 2110 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $9,000 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: Female Disarticulated Skeleton, 82W3064, 6 sets What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Anatomy 1 students preparing for careers in nursing, dental hygiene, ultrasound technology, surgical technology, pharmacy, physical therapy/occupational therapy, biotechnology, biology, and medicine. Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and Increases experiential learning by allowing students who are pursuing careers in health and medical fields to examine the relationship, shape, and structure of the human skeleton in 3D. Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices 7 Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: The current disarticulated human bones, 6 sets, were purchased over 25 years ago. These natural human bones have suffered a great amount of damage over the last 2.5 decades where they are broken, missing parts of the bone, or disappeared from the collection. The damaged or missing parts can not be replaced because natural bone replacements are no longer sold. There are also no plastic replica pieces available. So the whole set has to purchased. The plastic replica will last much longer and it will save money to purchase the sets now since the price keeps on rising over the past few years. What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? Students can not use the required laboratory material in lab to complete their assignments which will negatively impact their learning experience. What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? None. Software that provides a 3D representation is prohibitively expensive which requires license fees each year. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? 240/year Do students use this equipment? yes no Is this equipment a replacement? yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff 0 Are they available n/a Will training be required? yes no At whose cost? 8 n/a What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? n/a Are there potential utility costs/savings? n/a Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes no Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Anatomy Laboratory Equipment Request Building/Location: 2110 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $1,600 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: SOMSO Beauchene Skull, 82W3560 What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Anatomy 1 students preparing for careers in nursing, dental hygiene, ultrasound technology, surgical technology, pharmacy, physical therapy/occupational therapy, biotechnology, biology, and medicine. 9 Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and Increases experiential learning by allowing students who are pursuing careers in health and medical fields to examine the human skull in a disarticulated view in 3D. Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: The current disarticulated human skull was purchased over 25 years ago. The natural human skull with individual bone separated and mounted on a display apparatus has gotten so much use that many bones on the apparatus are completely damaged. The damaged pieces can not be replaced because natural bones are not sold on the market any more. The plastic replica will last much longer and it will save money to purchase the model now since the price keeps on rising over the past few years. What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? Students can not use the required laboratory material in lab to complete their assignments which will negatively impact their learning experience. What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? 10 None. Software that provides a 3D representation is prohibitively expensive which requires license fees each year. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? 240/year Do students use this equipment? yes no Is this equipment a replacement? yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff 0 Are they available n/a Will training be required? yes no At whose cost? n/a What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? 0 Are there potential utility costs/savings? n/a Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes no Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Anatomy Laboratory Equipment Request 11 Building/Location: 2110 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $460 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: Fetal Skull Set, 82W3516 What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Anatomy 1 students preparing for careers in nursing, dental hygiene, ultrasound technology, surgical technology, pharmacy, physical therapy/occupational therapy, biotechnology, biology, and medicine. Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and Increases experiential learning by allowing students who are pursuing careers in health and medical fields to examine the human fetal skulls through development in 3D. Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices 12 Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: The current human fetal skulls were purchased over 25 years ago. The natural human fetal skulls are extremely fragile and very difficult to replace because they are not sold on the market any more. The delicate nature of the skulls has prevented students from using them properly (i.e. pick them up and touch them). The plastic replica will last much longer and it will save money to purchase the model now since the price keeps on rising over the past few years. What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? Students can not use the required laboratory material in lab to complete their assignments which will negatively impact their learning experience. What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? None. Software that provides a 3D representation is prohibitively expensive which requires license fees each year. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? 240/year Do students use this equipment? yes no Is this equipment a replacement? yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff 0 Are they available n/a Will training be required? yes no At whose cost? 13 n/a What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? 0 Are there potential utility costs/savings? n/a Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes no Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Anatomy Laboratory Equipment Request Building/Location: 2110 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: 3B Half-Head Model, 81W3900 What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Anatomy 1 students preparing for careers in nursing, dental hygiene, ultrasound technology, surgical technology, pharmacy, physical therapy/occupational therapy, biotechnology, biology, and medicine. 14 Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and Increases experiential learning by allowing students who are pursuing careers in health and medical fields to examine the facial muscles and internal structures of the human brain in 3D. Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: Muscular system is an important section of the anatomy course. Important facial muscles have not been incorporated in the laboratory because appropriate model is not available to show the students the muscle locations in 3D. Pathology is now an integral part of the curriculum (see course outline), it is difficult to demonstrate how certain pathology such as stroke affects facial muscles without the proper anatomical model. It will save money to purchase the model now since the price keeps on rising over the past few years. What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? Can not cover the pathology curriculum as outlined in the course outline appropriately. What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? 15 None. Software that provides a 3D representation is prohibitively expensive which requires license fees each year. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? 240/year Do students use this equipment? yes no Is this equipment a replacement? yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff 0 Are they available n/a Will training be required? yes no At whose cost? n/a What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? 0 Are there potential utility costs/savings? n/a Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes no Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Anatomy Laboratory Equipment Request 16 Building/Location: 2110 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $400 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: Sheep Heart Bisected Plastomounts, HB-POM7610 What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Anatomy 1 students preparing for careers in nursing, dental hygiene, ultrasound technology, surgical technology, pharmacy, physical therapy/occupational therapy, biotechnology, biology, and medicine. Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and Increases experiential learning by allowing students who are pursuing careers in health and medical fields to examine external and internal heart structures via prepared preserved sheep heart specimen. Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices 17 Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: One of the anatomy SLOs is to assess students’ dissection skill. The prepared sheep heart specimen is one of the tools to help students to understand how proper dissection is done on prepared specimen and to improve their skills. This will be an addition to the plastomount collection. It will save money to purchase the model now since the price keeps on rising over the past few years. What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? Students have difficulty developing proper dissection skill which is assessed in the SLO and will negatively impact their learning experience. What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? None. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? 240/year Do students use this equipment? yes no Is this equipment a replacement? yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff 0 Are they available n/a Will training be required? yes no At whose cost? n/a 18 What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? 0 Are there potential utility costs/savings? n/a Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes no Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Anatomy Laboratory Equipment Request Building/Location: 2110 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $300 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: Sheep Brain Biosmount Preparations, HB-265310 What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Anatomy 1 students preparing for careers in nursing, dental hygiene, ultrasound technology, surgical technology, pharmacy, physical therapy/occupational therapy, biotechnology, biology, and medicine. Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and Increases experiential learning by allowing students who are pursuing careers in health and medical fields to examine internal brain 19 structures via prepared preserved sheep brain specimen. Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: One of the anatomy SLOs is to assess students’ dissection skill. The prepared sheep brain specimen is one of the tools to help students to understand how proper dissection is done on prepared specimen and to improve their skills. This will be an addition to the plastomount collection. It will save money to purchase the model now since the price keeps on rising over the past few years. What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? Students have difficulty developing proper dissection skill which is assessed in the SLO and will negatively impact their learning experience. What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? None. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? 240/year 20 Do students use this equipment? yes no Is this equipment a replacement? yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff 0 Are they available n/a Will training be required? yes no At whose cost? n/a What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? 0 Are there potential utility costs/savings? n/a Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes no 21 Program Review: Request for Resources Discipline: Biology Division or Area to Which You Report: Math/Science Author(s): Rebecca Otto Date: 3/9/11 Audience: Budget, Deans Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee. Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests. Text boxes below will expand as you type. To list the items you are requesting, please complete the accompanying Excel spreadsheets for the items you are requesting in the 4000, 5000, and 6000 account categories, as needed, along with the justification for these requests below. Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Classroom Projection System, 2102, 2006, and 2108 Building/Location: 2102, 2106, and 2108 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $27,750 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: An instructor's computer, ceiling mounted projector, and Elmo. What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? This equipment will primarily support the Biology 10 laboratory program that currently serves about 300 students per year. The equipment will also be available to other classes scheduled in 2106. This equipment will greatly increase the quality of the instructor's pre-lab introductions. Faculty will be able to present instructional DVDs related to the laboratory topic, access web pages, give PowerPoint introductions, and project images of the microscope slides and lab results. These are capabilities that already exist in all chemistry laboratory rooms, most other biology laboratory rooms and the newly remodeled physics laboratory rooms. 22 Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? The Master Plan specifically cites 2100 as a building needing modernization and upgrades, yet it has received far fewer upgrades than most other buildings on the list. The Master plan also calls for: learning spaces for multiple uses and flexibility; a sufficient number of “smart” classrooms. a significant increase in computer-assisted lab space. This upgrade will satisfy all of these. Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices X Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: Students who use 2102, 2106, and 2108 and will see their bond money at work. What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? Rooms 2102, 2106 and 2108 will be among the few rooms of their type on campus without media projection systems. Students will not have all standard learning resources available. 23 What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? We can continue to use chalk or wheel-in computers and projectors. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? 300+/year Do students use this equipment? yes X no Is this equipment a replacement? yes X no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff 0 Are they available NA Will training be required? yes X no At whose cost? What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? Are there potential utility costs/savings? Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes X no Supplies & Services Augmentation Requests [Acct. Category 4000 and 5000] Note: Augmentations are rarely funded and are based upon available funding. 24 Definition of Augmentation: A request for additional funds for your current allocated budget (the funds you actually received), over and above the current amount. Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Last year’s 4000 category budget Last year’s 5000 category budget Please state why you are requesting these funds in addition to your current allocated budget (the funds you actually received). Why were the funds previously allocated insufficient? 25 Program Review: Request for Resources Discipline: Biology Division or Area to Which You Report: Math/Science Author(s): Carlos Enriquez Date: 3/14/2011 Audience: Budget, Deans Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee. Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests. Text boxes below will expand as you type. To list the items you are requesting, please complete the accompanying Excel spreadsheets for the items you are requesting in the 4000, 5000, and 6000 account categories, as needed, along with the justification for these requests below. Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Stirring hot plates Building/Location: 2124 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $2,600 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: 6 stirring hot plates What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Some microbiology laboratory exercises require the use of heat and stirring to prepare microbiological culture. This is done with a Bunsen burner and a stirring rod. This procedure; however, is cumbersome and relatively risky. The use of stirring hot plates offers an attractive alternative, as the stirring is done by the hot plate itself and no open flames are necessary. Access to this type of equipment would result in safer laboratory exercises. In addition, students may gain experience in the use of equipment likely to be found in laboratory working environments. 26 Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Enhances student success and prepares student for the workforce. Why is this equipment necessary? X Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: Access to stirring hot plates would result in safer laboratory exercises as no open flames are necessary. What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? Students continue to use outdated laboratory procedures. What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? No viable alternatives are available other than the old procedure. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? 125 students per year 27 Do students use this equipment? Is this equipment a replacement? x yes no yes x no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff 0 Are they available Will training be required? yes x no At whose cost? What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? None Are there potential utility costs/savings? yes Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes x 28 no Program Review: Request for Resources Discipline: Biology Division or Area to Which You Report: Math/Science Author(s): Agnello Braganza Date: 3/14/2011 Audience: Budget, Deans Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee. Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests. Text boxes below will expand as you type. To list the items you are requesting, please complete the accompanying Excel spreadsheets for the items you are requesting in the 4000, 5000, and 6000 account categories, as needed, along with the justification for these requests below. Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Update Laboratory exercises and replace obsolete equipment Building/Location: 2104 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $45,417 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: WARD’S Priority 1: Spectronic 20+ series model # 333182-02 $1500 X 6= 9000. Olympus CX31 compound microscopes $1000 X 25= $25,000. Prioryty 2: a) Vernier SV1s-PL espectrovis Plus $449 X 6 = $2694 b) Plastic Cuvettes (cuv) $15 X 6 = $90 c) Cuvette rack (cuv-rack) $ 9 X 6 = $54 d) Spetro V15 optical fiber (svis.fiber) $69 X 6= $414 Priority 3: SOMSO earth worm model 81W3520 $739 29 Wards Perch model 81W2008 $153 SOMSO Snail Model 81W5171 $2849 Green hydra model 81W4793 $224 Total = $41217 Tax = $4000 Shipping = $200 Total+ $45,417 What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Will improve student learning by providing state of the art equipment and enhance student’s success and open more opportunities for the work place Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Learning teaching- Supporting a variety of learning modalities, provide conducive environment, encourage student collaboration Why is this equipment necessary? X Immediate health, safety, or security issues x Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities X Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities x Shows cost advantage due to rising prices X Provides visibility for the Bond Program 30 Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: Provides method for visualizing structures. Updates biochemical principles and provides for new experiments What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? Safety concern and equipment will further deteriorate. Currently using old microscopes What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? No alternative How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? 400/semester Do students use this equipment? X yes no Is this equipment a replacement? X yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff Are they available Yes Will training be required? X no At whose cost? What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? None Are there potential utility costs/savings? Yes 31 Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? X no Supplies & Services Augmentation Requests [Acct. Category 4000 and 5000] Note: Augmentations are rarely funded and are based upon available funding. Definition of Augmentation: A request for additional funds for your current allocated budget (the funds you actually received), over and above the current amount. Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Last year’s 4000 category budget Last year’s 5000 category budget Please state why you are requesting these funds in addition to your current allocated budget (the funds you actually received). Why were the funds previously allocated insufficient? 32 Program Review: Request for Resources Discipline: Biology Division or Area to Which You Report: Science/Math Author(s): Biology Faculty Date: 3/11/11 Audience: Budget, Deans Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee. Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests. Text boxes below will expand as you type. To list the items you are requesting, please complete the accompanying Excel spreadsheets for the items you are requesting in the 4000, 5000, and 6000 account categories, as needed, along with the justification for these requests below. Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Physiology Laboratory Equipment Request Building/Location: 2102 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $1300 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: Sarcomere Model, 81W7200 What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Physiology 1 students preparing for careers in nursing, dental hygiene, ultrasound technology, surgical technology, pharmacy, physical therapy/occupational therapy, biotechnology, biology, and medicine. 33 Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Increases experiential learning by allowing students who are pursuing careers in health and medical fields to examine the relationship between myofilaments in a muscle cell and the contraction mechanism in 3D. Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: Muscle contraction is one of the hardest concepts to understand in physiology. Students often do not understand how the muscle cell is organized and its complex arrangement produces muscle contraction. This addition will give the students a hands-on experience with this abstract concept along with other computer programs. It will save money to purchase the model now since the price keeps on rising over the past few years. What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? Poor understanding of the muscle contraction theory. What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? 34 None. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? 300/year Do students use this equipment? yes no Is this equipment a replacement? yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff 0 Are they available n/a Will training be required? yes no At whose cost? n/a What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? n/a Are there potential utility costs/savings? n/a Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes no Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Physiology Laboratory Equipment Request 35 Building/Location: 2102 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $1500 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: Medical Images Library DVD-ROM, 74W2210 What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Physiology 1 students preparing for careers in nursing, dental hygiene, ultrasound technology, surgical technology, pharmacy, physical therapy/occupational therapy, biotechnology, biology, and medicine. Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Increases experiential learning by allowing students who are pursuing careers in health and medical fields to study a broad spectrum of diseases, medical treatments, and healthcare practices. Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices 36 Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: The images in the CD ROM will enhance the teaching material because the images can be incorporated into lectures and handouts legally. What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? Professional sites charge $5,000+ licensing fees for the use of medical images. What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? None. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? 300/year Do students use this equipment? yes no Is this equipment a replacement? yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff 0 Are they available n/a Will training be required? yes no At whose cost? n/a What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? n/a 37 Are there potential utility costs/savings? n/a Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes no Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Physiology Laboratory Equipment Request Building/Location: 2102 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $1150 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: Metal Flammables Storage Cabinet 12-gallon capacity, 30W0880 What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Physiology 1 students preparing for careers in nursing, dental hygiene, ultrasound technology, surgical technology, pharmacy, physical therapy/occupational therapy, biotechnology, biology, and medicine. Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? To resolve safety issues in the laboratory. 38 Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: Flammable chemicals such as ethanol are used in the laboratory. Currently, the flammables which are considered as fire hazards are not stored properly in the lab. What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? Fire hazards and violation of OSHA regulations. What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? None. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? 300/year Do students use this equipment? yes no Is this equipment a replacement? yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): 39 Number of Staff 0 Are they available n/a Will training be required? yes no At whose cost? n/a What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? n/a Are there potential utility costs/savings? n/a Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes no Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Physiology Laboratory Equipment Request Building/Location: 2102 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $800 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: Goggle cabinet and sterilizer for 30 eye wear capacity, 30W9140 40 What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Biology 31, Anatomy 1, and Physiology 1 students preparing for careers in nursing, dental hygiene, ultrasound technology, surgical technology, pharmacy, physical therapy/occupational therapy, biotechnology, biology, and medicine. Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Provides safety equipment (goggles) for students and a means to keep them sterile. Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: This equipment will allow us to keep one sterile class set of goggles on hand at all times to ensure the safety of the students. What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? Not complying with safety standards or eliminating all labs requiring chemicals or dissections from our health allied program. 41 What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? None. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? 300/year Do students use this equipment? yes no Is this equipment a replacement? yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff 0 Are they available n/a Will training be required? yes no At whose cost? n/a What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? 0 Are there potential utility costs/savings? n/a Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes no Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Physiology Laboratory Equipment Request 42 Building/Location: 2102 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): $400 Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: Ishihara Color Blindness Test Charts, 33W5562 What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Physiology 1 students preparing for careers in nursing, dental hygiene, ultrasound technology, surgical technology, pharmacy, physical therapy/occupational therapy, biotechnology, biology, and medicine. Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? Increases experiential learning by allowing students to study color blindness in individuals. Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices Provides visibility for the Bond Program 43 Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: The current Ishihara color blindness test charts were purchased over 25 years ago. The chart has fallen apart and is unusable. What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? Students can not use the required laboratory material in lab to complete their assignments which will negatively impact their learning experience. What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? None. How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? 300/year Do students use this equipment? yes no Is this equipment a replacement? yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff 0 Are they available n/a Will training be required? yes no At whose cost? n/a What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? 0 44 Are there potential utility costs/savings? n/a Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes no 45