Program Review and Action Planning – YEAR THREE Final Summary Report Division

Program Review and Action Planning – YEAR THREE
Final Summary Report
Contact Person
Health, Physical Education, and Athletics
Connie Telles, DNP, CNE, RN/Christine Gillis MSN
April 4, 2011
I. Reflect upon the last three years' analysis and activities.
II. Briefly summarize the accomplishments of the discipline, and how they relate to the
review of the program, the program-level outcomes (PLOs) and course-level outcomes
The Nursing Program continues to work on increasing the retention rate of 60% to approximately 85%.
At this point, the attrition rate is still high, but nursing faculty are working on strategies, which include
tutoring and clinical assistants and the simulation lab to improve the retention rate. The NCLEX pass rate
continues to be 100% for our graduates, and the majority of our graduates from 2008-2010 are employed
as RNs. Seventeen of our students who graduated in May 2010 will complete the BSN program at
CSUEB this summer.
Grant monies were received for the construction of a state-of-the art simulation lab. It is anticipated that
this sim lab will be ready for use at the beginning of fall semester 2011. This will enhance the students’
competency in performing skills, and to assist them in keeping pace with technological advances in the
medical field.
Approval from the College President has been given to post the positions to hire two new nursing faculty
members. It is anticipated that a new nursing program director as well as a psychiatric nursing instructor
will be hired by Fall 2011.
The Nursing Program was able to have 2 classrooms converted into smart classrooms. A projector and
large TV screen were purchased for use in lecture classes and skills labs.
The Nursing Program has developed criteria for merit-based admission to the program beginning in fall
2013. This criteria will utilize a system developed by the State Chancellor’s Office, which will rate
several components in a prospective student’s application, and award aggregate points. It is hoped that a
stronger class will be admitted to the program and that this will hopefully improve the retention rate of our
III. Please list what best practices (e.g., strategies, activities, intervention, elements, etc.)
you would recommend? What was challenging? Was there a barrier(s) to success?
Best practices:
Activities which have contributed to the success of the nursing program have included the following:
1. Development of the new criteria for admission to the program. This has gone through the Counseling
Division for their support and input. This will take into account prior degrees, work experience, veteran
status and life events, as well as GPA and the TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) scores. This will
help with the retention of the nursing students
2. Construction of the Simulation Laboratory will also enhance the learning and retention of the nursing
students and will help them to keep pace with technology and technical skills which are necessary in the
clinical setting.
3. Use of clinical assistants to help faculty in the clinical area, with medication passing.
4. The seamless transfer of our students to CSUEB for a BSN is going extremely well. This year we have
approximately 20 students in the program that just started.
Challenges/Barriers to Success:
There have been 4 primary barriers to the accomplishment of the goals as stated in 2010.
1. The current financial situation at Chabot College has made it extremely difficult to hire tutors and
medication pass (clinical assistants) which are desperately needed.
2. A second major barrier has been the difficulty in locating acceptable clinical sites for the students in
the various disciplines. It is hoped that the Nursing Program will be able to find, and maintain stable
clinical placements for the nursing students. Identifying nurse preceptors in the clinical facilities during
the students’ 4th semester has also been very challenging.
3. Another problem encountered is that we have been unable to fund/construct a computer lab for nursing
students. This has been a goal of the nursing program since 2009, but as yet is unattainable.
4. It has been extremely difficult to identify and hire specialty clinical instructors, in areas such as
pediatrics, obstetrics and mental-health nursing. These faculty are necessary in the clinical areas for our
extended campus with Valleycare students.
IV. Next Steps: Recommendations for program and institutional improvement.
Program Improvement:
The nursing program will like to have a dedicated computer lab with access to the Internet for 45 students
to allow examinations to be taken online.
A new nursing program director and psychiatric nursing instructor need to be hired as soon as possible.
Institutional Improvement:
The Nursing Program continues to meet the goals of the 2009-2112 Strategic Plan which is to provide
high quality programs and services so all students can reach their educational and career goals.
The Nursing Program continues to have a very successful partnership with Valleycare Hospital.
Additionally, the Nursing Program is working with St. Rose Hospital in a partnership simulation
laboratory. This supports the goal of working with local businesses.
We would like to continue to work closely with CSUEB and the seamless transfer for our nursing students
to receive a BSN.