Planning, Review and Budget Council PRBC Membership (2010-11) CO-CHAIRS George Railey Kathy Kelley Yvonne Wu Craig ADMINISTRATORS Celia Barberena, President George Railey, VPAcad Services Howard Irvin, VP Student Services Yulian Ligioso, VP Admin Services DEAN Tram Vo-Kumamoto COMMITTEE REPS Academic Senate - Kathy Kelley Budget - Tim Dave Academic Policy - Ming-Lun Ho Staff Development - Jennifer Lange SLOAC - Carole Splendore Basic Skills – Carolyn Arnold Health & Safety – Ruben Pola CEMC – Vacant Technology – Vacant Curriculum – Jane Church Facilities – Vacant FACULTY ASSOCIATION TBA CLASSIFIED SENATE Yvonne Wu Craig Cheryl Sannebeck Gordon Watt CLASSIFIED UNION Catherine Powell ASSOCIATED STUDENTS Don Bosco Hu – ASCC President Rotating Reps INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH Carolyn Arnold [sabbatical leave] Rajinder Samra GUESTS Kirstin Land, Language Arts Andrew Pierson, Social Sciences Lani Wilson, Counseling Jeanne Wilson, Spec Programs 2011-12 Format for Program Review Summaries DUE DATE: Monday, April 11, 2011 Who Should Complete this? Academic Services: Division/Area Managers and Vice President Student Services: Vice President Administrative Services: Vice President After reading the program review and resource request documents and discussing the plans in your division/area, please provide a Division/Area Summary to assist in the development of the college Strategic Plan and Priority Objectives. PLEASE SUBMIT NO MORE THAN FIVE PAGES. Purpose: - Identify the broad initiatives emerging in your division/area - Provide descriptive language for these initiatives so that they can be advocated for within the college and outside in the community - Provide transparency for the strategic planning and resource allocation process Intent: The Division/Area Overview provides an opportunity for a shared discussion of division/area priorities while also informing the strategic planning process. It also serves as a feedback mechanism and response to your unit/area. It is an Executive Summary of the trends, budget priorities and new initiatives in your area. Therefore, in developing the Division/Area Overview, it is important that Deans/Managers have conversations within their units and division to discuss the ideas that are percolating in their divisions. Filename instructions: When naming your Division/Area Summary, use a format such as: “Arts & Hum Div Overview, 09-11” Once the summary is completed, we request that you send copies to all the faculty/staff in your division/area. Also submit your summary and all unit plans to PRBC to Antoinette Cain, by Monday, April 11, 2011. After your discussions have been completed, please submit a response to the following questions: Part A – Trends: Describe the broad trends you see within your division/area. Cite specific internal or external data when necessary. Please include any trends you see in technology and staff development/training needs. Physical Education-Massive cuts to activity courses for the general student population. The State of California is no longer valuing the endeavors of Physical Education, Art, and Music. The move state wide is to not pay for these courses. This hasn’t fully occurred yet, but pressure is being applied to limit their offerings. Our College is not immune to this pressure. We are cutting and gutting these programs to the detriment of our students. Unfortunately this is a pattern that is all too common throughout the State. Our Physical Education courses are likely to drop @8 FTEF from previous year offerings, and perhaps more. A disturbing trend in a society that is becoming more sedentary, less healthy, and our current student population has a projected longevity that for the first time in generations will NOT exceed their predecessors. Nursing-Much pressure being applied by the Board of Registered Nursing to increase our student retention rate. For the first time in years, the BRN has given us some “tools” to effect this outcome, by relaxing the stipulations required on our former student selection by lottery. IN 12-13 we will select our first merit based Nursing class in many years. The failed policies and procedures of our lottery process, and its mandates up and down the State have finally reached a critical mass, and the State and the BRN have agreed that a more merit based system should be used for student selection criteria. Our research department at Chabot has been at the forefront of the gathering and the analysis of a lot of this data. We have provided much of the information to the State, that has helped get us to this outcome. We anticipate one more potentially difficult year, and then likely a gradual change in our student success rates as we move from lottery to merit for student selection. The Nursing faculty, and the Institutional Researcher’s office should be commended for all their hard work in this area. Dental Hygiene-A new clinic has finally completed construction. Mandates for a lower student to faculty ratio, which create greater productivity problems and more costs to the College, in a time of diminishing resources, have been met. The DH faculty have been very creative at finding a way to bring in a few more students when mandates have indicated we need less. The new clinic is state of the art, and plans are afoot under new faculty leadership to move us into digital x-ray. We have taken the opportunity to go fully digital in our patient charting with the new clinic. Measure B dollars have been well spent in this regard. Medical Assisting-A growing and burgeoning field in Health Care. We graduate 25-30 students per year, which is over 100% of our capacity in this area. We could do more with greater facilities and more faculty and staff in this area. At a time of limited resources this is not feasible; however, our Master Planning document will reflect this potential. A new bond measure and the identification of space would be necessary to expand this program. Health and Nutrition-Transfer courses in this area are well subscribed and success rates are high. A large number of adjuncts and full-timers working in 2nd FSA’s are being used in this area presently. There is a need for greater continuity in the program, which would require the hiring of another full-time faculty in this area. The need and numbers supports this. Athletics-A subset of the Physical Education curriculum, Athletics competes in 16 sports at the campus. Chabot Athletics has been successful. Postseason competition for team sports has occurred in Men’s Basketball, Men’s Baseball, Women’s Tennis, Men’s Golf, Men’s and Women’s Swimming. Individual competition has also occurred in Men’s and Women’s Track and Field, and Men’s Wrestling. Currently we have NO identified budget to fund post-season activities. A budget needs to be identified to fund post season endeavors in athletics. Student athletes work very hard to get to the successes they achieve. The institution should value their participation enough to not force them to fundraise to pay for their successes. A mechanism needs to be put in place to address these outcomes. EMT-A semester program of classes that supplies the community with trained personnel into the emergency medical services field. Currently there are no budgets to support the mandates of student ratios in our laboratory class in EMT. This disappeared a few years back when the dollars were moved to a categorical grant to offset general fund, but were not re-funded in subsequent years. The College needs to fund these instructional assistants if this program is going to operate. The commitment to offer EMT has to be met with the associated incumbent cost of the endeavor. Part B – Staffing Priorities: Prioritize the most urgent and immediate staffing requests that need to be fulfilled. 1. Obstetrical Surgical Nursing Instructor-replaces Connie Telles who took Nursing Director 2. Health Education Instructor-replaces Gloria Meads 3. Athletic Counselor/asst. Football Coach-replaces Zack Papachristos, partnership with Special Programs and Services. We are one of only 4 schools of 17 in our conference without dedicated athletic counselor. We would like to see one of our vacant positions go to this endeavor. 4. Head Coach Women’s sport-Softball, or Women’s basketball, or Soccer. 5. Head Coach Men’s sport-Golf Part C – Enrollment Management Priorities: Describe the changes or adjustments that need to be made to enrollment management and FTEF allocations. FTEF reductions have been made in Physical Education. FTEF lab load request is being made in Dental Hygiene…request radiology clinic to meet other clinic load factors on campus to move from 0.75 to 0.80. Will increase FTEF by less than 1.0. FTEF reductions have been made in Health and Health program courses that support EMT and Medical Assisting. Nursing has need for 0.43 increase fluctuating yearly in N-60C depending on student success rates and hospital protocols. We are moving from 1 to 10 to 1 to 8, which means that this will likely be an ongoing need in Nursing. Part D – Supplies, Services and Equipment Priorities (4000, 5000 & 6000 categories): Please include your spreadsheet indicating your priorities (i.e. Priority 1, 2 or 3). Please attach spreadsheet Part E – Challenges and New Initiatives: Describe current challenges and most promising new initiatives in your area. Challenges-The State of California’s attack on Physical Education along with the District and College’s response to this. Hiring and funding mandates from accreditation agencies in both Nursing and Dental. How do we fund these as resources become more and more limited? A heavy burden is already placed upon VTEA/Perkins to support the endeavors in this area. As this program is cut, and more programs on campus want access to the dollars, how does that impact our ability to continue to operate our signature Health Care programs (including Medical Assisting and EMT). Registration of student athletes is a concern. Need 12 units to compete, and with diminishing resources and NO College commitment to Counseling services of these students. We are not providing the opportunities these students require to matriculate. These students matriculate at levels greater than general student population, and they bring in more scholarship dollars to themselves than regular student population by a significant amount. New Initiatives-Nursing grants. Need some support for new Director of Nursing to help her procure these. College has given good support in past from grants office. This MUST continue. These can offset costs immensely. New Simulation lab will help move our Nursing program forward into a 21st century education paradigm…very exciting. New Dental Clinic is currently doing much of same, and Program Director is investigating means and methods to procure new revenue streams through the use of the clinic. Part F – Was there anything else that you feel needs to be included that was not already included? Facility needs/projects 1. New scoreboard at the stadium…this has become a project looking for monies. 2. Computer lab for Nursing…mandates for testing require a space where I can send 40 students to be computer tested. Currently lack a shared space that is routinely accessible to program or others who are willing to share space. A shared space will work here, and is a better solution. 3. Javelin runway…supposed to be a part of the soccer field renovation, came up short of funds. Need a spot where we can throw the javelin in a safe and contained manner that meets NCAA specifications. Probably missed something…however, I will leave with the following… A shout out to Ken Grace, Jeff Drouin, Jane Vallely, Connie Telles, Christine Gillis, Begoña Cirera, and JoAnn Galliano for their individual work in the preparation of the program reviews for their programs. They had help from some of the other faculty in their areas. Some more than others, and they could be mentioned here, but the above were the “team” leaders in this endeavor. These are difficult times ahead for many of us, and it will take the concerted effort of all and a willingness of our leaders at all levels to step up, if we are to continue to operate quality programs that service our students and our community.