Chabot College Internal Grant Proposal Approval Form

Chabot College
Internal Grant Proposal Approval Form
Instructions: Please complete this form and submit a photocopy with preliminary signatures to the Office of Grant Development in
Rm. 218 early in your grant preparation process. As you complete your final application, submit the original of this form with both
preliminary and final approvals along with one unstapled copy of your complete application to the Office of Grant Development. If
you have questions regarding how to use this form, please contact Yvonne Wu Craig at x6810. Thank you and good luck!
Proposal Data
Date _________________________ Grant Writer/Initiator _________________________________________________
Department/Division _________________________________________ Telephone _____________________________
Proposed Project Title_______________________________________________________________________________
Funding Agency ___________________________________________________________________________________
Grant Announcement Title/RFA # _____________________________________________________________________
Grant Type
 New
 Renewal/Continuation
 Supplement
Proposal Deadline ___________________________ Start/End Dates of Grant __________________________________
Budget Data/ Fiscal Impact
Amount Requested __________________ Allowed Indirect % _______________ Required Match % _______________
Proposed Match Sources ____________________________________________________________________________
Grant personnel workload will be covered by:
 New Hires:
 Faculty # of positions ____________  Classified staff
# of positions ____________
 Reassigning existing employee(s) to the project; employee(s)' current workload will be:
 Covered by overload or part-time employee(s)
 Covered by hiring temporary replacement(s)
 Other, explain __________________________________________________________________
At the end of the grant period, the proposed project will:
 Be completed (onetime only effort)
 Require additional funding to continue and/or institutionalize the project (obtained by/from):
Will the proposed project require facility modifications, additional space, or program relocation?
 No  Yes, explain: ___________________________________________________________________________
Will the proposed project involve subcontractors, collaborative partners, or cooperative agreements?
 No  Yes, explain and attach supporting documentation: _____________________________________________
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Proposal Abstract
Project Description/Objectives:
Strategic Plan Priorities to be Addressed:
I certify that the proposed project is consistent with the institutional mission, goals, and priorities of Chabot College and
authorize the Grant Writer/Initiator to further develop a proposal to be submitted internally for final approval before
submission to the designated funding source.
Division Dean
Vice President
I have reviewed the appropriate proposal documents and certify that the information provided is accurate and complete to
the best of my knowledge. In the event that this proposal results in a grant, the College agrees to accept responsibility for
the implementation and management of this project.
Division Dean
Vice President
Vice President, Business Services
College President
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