Journal of Hydrology, 134 (1992) 315-347 315 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam [3] Methodology and comparative study of monthly water balance models in Belgium, China and Burma G.L. Vandewiele, Chong-Yu Xu and Ni-Lar-Win Laboratory of Hydrology and Interuniversity Postgraduate Program in Hydrology, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels, Belgium (Received 20 March 1991; revision accepted 24 August 1991) ABSTRACT Vandewiele, G.L., Xu, C.-Y. and Ni-Lar-Win, 1992. Methodology and comparative study of monthly water balance mod.~,ls in Belgium, China and Burma. J. Hydrol., 134:315-347. A set of new monthly rainfall runoff models (water balance models) is defined, for use in river catchments smaller than about 4000 km2, without appreciable frost or natural or artificial lakes. The input series are areal precipitation and potential evapotranspiration. The output is riverttow. The number of parameters, used in tbe description of the hydrological phenomena in the catchment, is in most cases three, sometimes four. The statistical methodology used for calibrating the models of given catchments is described; it reduces essentially to regression analysis, including residual analysis, sensitivity to calibration period and extrapolation test. In particular, automatic calibration is used, excluding subjective elements. The models are applied to 79 river basins in Belgium, China and Burma. The results are compare¢ with four similar models taken from the literature. The results of applying the new models are satisfactory from a statistical point of view and are much better than those quoted in the literature; a greater par~ of the observed runoff is explaineo and there is no residual seasonality. This results from the different mathematical' structure of the models, arid especially from the use, in the published models, of several storages with maximum 'capacities', with no distinction between slow and fast runoff corresponding to baseflcw and direct runoff, respectively. INTRODUCTION The models considered in thi~: r~aper have precipitation and potential evapotranspiration as input and runoff as output. The time base is one month. Consequently autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models, such as those described by Weeks and Bou[hton (1987) which use precipitation as their unique input series, are not discussed. Monthly rainfall-evaporation-runoff models are useful in several ways (see also Alley, 1984). Firstly, they can be used to fill in missing rm~off data when rainfall and evaporation data are available. In many cases the series of f 0022-1694/92/$05.00 © 1992 - - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved 316 G.L. VANDEWIELE ET AL. observed runoffs (ten years for example) is too short for constructing a reliable pure runoff model (i.e. modelling runoff as a time series). The monthly rainfall runoff model exploits these relatively short runoff series. After calibration, the model can be applied to periods where the input series (precipitation and potential evapotranspiration) are available, but the runoff is not. In this way a longer runoff series can be obtained (several tens of years). This runoff series can model then be used for constructing a pure runoff model, which can be used to produce a still longer Monte Carlo simulation (a thousand years, for example). A second application is related to ungauged basins. By building up some experience, the model parameters can perhaps be related to physical basin characteristics, or can be regionalized, or determined in some other way. The resulting model is then used as described above. A third application of monthly models is the disaggregation towards models with a smaller time base (such as a week or a day). This seems logical since the greater the time base, the easier the model construction and calibration. A fourth application has been mentioned by Alley (1984). If the model contains a moisture time series (as is the case with the models in the present paper), this series yields important information for agriculture (e.g. irrigation demand). Although monthly series could be obtained by aggregating daily series, there are several inconveniences in doing this: (1) daily models are far more complicated, because more details have to be modelled; (2) the database necessary for calibrating is much greater, and data gathering becomes a time consuming job; (3) the calibration itself is much more difficult and eventually takes much more computer time. Thornthwaite and Mather (1955), Palmer (1965) and Thomas (1981) defined monthly models, which are primarily meant to be water balance models for agricultural use (see the fourth application above). Alley (1984) defined two varian,~s of Thc~rnthwaite and Mather's (1955) model and studied the performances of those five models. He calibrated the models by optimization. This technique is also used in the present paper, and comparisons with four of Alley's models are made. In the present paper a number of new models are discussed of which the prototype was defined by Bladt et al. (1978), and in Lowing (1987). Advanced results were obtained by Xu (1988) and Ni-Lar-Win (1989). The general model structure and particular model equations are first introduced. Then statistical analysis is discussed. The methodology of estimation, model cheek and model comparison is discussed and illustrated. The basins in Belgium, China and Burma to which this methodology has been applied are then described together with a brief account of their geographies. Results of the 317 WATER BALANCE MODELS IN BELGIUM, CHINA AND BURMA analysis are then summarized. Models taken from the literature are very briefly described and the results of their analysis are discussed. The results of new models and published models are compared in some detail, and conclusions are then presented. MODEL FORMS General model structure In the model, monthly areal precipitation p, and potential evapotranspiration e, are the inputs, whereas monthly observed runoff qt is the output series (t is time in months). The series p, and e, are thus the 'observed' factors. Clearly this relationship is also influenced by other phenomena, the 'unobserved' factors, such as measurement errors, 'Thiessen' errors, the non~. homogeneity of rainfall during the month, model imperfections, etc. Therefore q, is considered to be a random variable, the result of a deterministic function of the p, and e, series on the one hand and of a random deviation u, on the other. The deterministic function is a rainfall runoff filter, of which the output is the computed discharge d,. This is represented in Fig. 1. Since for statistical analysis it is convenient to have homoscedastic deviations, it is supposed that = + (l) u, Writing q, simply as the sum of d, and u, resulted in heteroscedastic residuals, whereas taking logarithms does not work well when q, is very small (nearly dry river). Taking square roots as in (1) is a compromise between these two extremes, and it allows u, ~ N ( 0 , a 2) (2) i.e. u, is normally distributed with zero expectation and common variance a 2. Moreover, autocorrelation is supposed to be zero, and this turned out to be a relatively good hypothesis, since autocorrelation in the residual series was either non-significant (at the 95% level) or very small. In consequence the u, may be t Ut Pt e t Rainfall ] dt [Compounding i Runoff Rule Filter I ==~ l J Fig. !. Rainfall runoff model. qt ==- 318 G.L. VANDEWIEI.E ET AL. presumed to be stochastically independent. Anyway it is possible to take account of autocorrelation by modelling u, as an autoregressive process of order 1 (AR(I)) process (or a more complicated A R M A process) (see, e.g. Alley, 1984). Setting z x/q, '~' N ( x / d , , 0.2) = we know that (Ez) 2 + varz Ez 2 = and consequently Eq, = (3) d, + 0.z ~ d, where var means variance, and E is the expectation operator. The Taylor expansion of z 4 around a constant c is Z4 ~- C4 -[- 4(z - c)c 3 + 6(z - c)2c 2 + 4(z - c)3c + (z - c) 4 Replacing c by E z and taking expectations on both sides of this equation we obtain Ez 4 = (Ez) 4 + 6(Ez) 2 var z + 3(var z) 2 = d,2 + 6d,0. 2 + 30. 4 because z is normally distributed, which entails that E(z- Ez) 3 = O, Ez) 4 = E(z- 3(varz) 2 (see, e.g. Cramer, 1963, p. 212). On the other hand Ez 4 (Ez2) 2 + var z 2 = ' ( d , + 0.2)2+ v a r q , Combining the: two expressions of Ez 4, = var q, 0.:'(4d, + 20.2) ~ 40.:'d, (4) 0.x/(44 + 20.2) ~ 20.x/dr (5) and std q, = cv q, 0.~/(4d, + 2tr2) = a, + 20. x/a, (6) where std and cv stand for standard deviation and coefficient ot variation. The latter is the standard deviation divided by the expectation; it is a dimensionless measure of the relative influence of th~ 'unobserved' factors. The approximate expressions in formulae (3) through (6) are valid when a 2 is much smaller than d,, which is very frequently the case in practice. Unfortunately cv q, depends on d,. To have a unique measure of model quality this coefficient of variation can be computed for d, equal to the mean observed runoff (/ ecv = ax/(4(/ + 20.2) 20. -!- 0.2 ~ ~/O (7) 319 WATER BALANCE MODELS IN BELGIUM, CHINA AND BURMA where ecv is the estimated coefficient of variation. General filter structure The computed discharge d, is a function of the present and past precipitations P t , P , - ~ , P , - 2 , • • • and potential evapotranspirations e,, e,_t, e , _ 2 , • • • Therefore the rainfall runoff filter is a 'backward looking filter', and precipitation and potential evapotranspiration are 'leading indicators' of the discharge. From past and present values of the input series, a new time series m t is computed. It represents the state of the catchment at the end of month t, and is to be interpreted as a moisture index, soil moisture content or storage; it summarizes the memory of the catchment. This is expressed by the balance equation rn, = m,_ ! + p , - r,- d, (8) where r, is real evapotranspiration during month t. All quantities are expressed as depth in millimetres. Moreover r, and d, are time invariant functions of p,, e,, m,_ I and m, only: r, = r ( p , , e:, m , _ l , art = d(p,, e,, m,_l, (9) m,) mr) (10) The quantity m, is included because the mean storage during month t is (m,_, + m,)]2 Filters differ by their functions r ( . ) and d ( . ) . A distinction is made between slow discharge s, and fast discharge f~ such that a, = s, + f, (11) Slow and fast discharges can perhaps be interpreted as baseflow and direct flow, but this interpretation is questionable since it may be impossible to distinguish properly with a monthly model between baseflow and direct flow. The above hypotheses have important consequences concerning the applicability of the model. (1) There must be no large natural or artificial lakes in the catchment, and no appreciable abstraction or introduction of water. These have to be corrected for or modelled separately and this has not been included in the models of the present paper. (2) There must be no direct influence of the precipitation that fell during the preceding month. In consequence, the concentration time must be much 320 G.L. VANDEWIFLE ET AL. smaller than one month (less than two or three days), and this limits the applicability of the model to catchments with an area smaller than about 4000 kin2. (3) Frost requires a separate storage, so catchments with appreciable frost are not covered. An important characteristic of a filter is the number of its parameters (unknown time invariant constants to be estimated). Too small a number leads to too rough a model, and model quality (as measured by formula (7)) will be low. Too great a number of parameters leads to imprecision and estimation difficulties and is in conflict with the principle of parsimony. Evapotranspiration equations For computing monthly real evapotranspiration r,, two quantities (among others) are important: the available water w, during month t defined as w, = p, + m~+_, (12) where m,+_l = max (m,_~, 0) is the available storage, and the monthly potential evapotranspiration e, (evaporation for short). The latter quantity does not take the soil cover into account; it is the evaporation at a fi'ee water surface. For evident reasons, a good evapotranspiration equation must be such that r, increases with e, and w, (13) r, = 0 (14) whenw, = 0 o r e , = 0 r, ~ e, and r r ~< w, (15) r, (16) ~ e, when w, ~ oo Two equations proved to be etticient with the data used in this paper. They are the oniy ones which are discussed in detail in the rest of the paper. The first is r, = min[e,(l - , , i,,lwl/el /,w,] (17) where the symbol al is a parameter (i.e. an unknown time invariant constant to be estimated), which is characteristic of the river basin under study. This parameter a~ is constrained by 0~a~ ~< 1 because of the conditions (13) through (16). Equation (17) is represented in Fig. 2. The second equation, based on Romanenko (1961) (see also Hounam, 321 WATER BALANCE MODELS IN BELGIUM, CHINA AND BURMA rt "as< ~ r .al< 1 7, _/,i W~ " ~ " " "" e -Ina~ .w. \al • 1 -- ,, o 1 k wt et o et (a) wt (b) Fig. 2. The evape,transpiration eqn. (17). (a) Curves with w, = constant; the tangent at the origin is at 45 ° for all a~ values. (b) Curves with e, = constant; tangents have a slope < 42" except when an < l/e. 1971), is r, = rain [w,(l -- a ;e, ),e,] (18) with parameter a~, constrained by 0~<am~<l Equation (18) is represented in Fig. 3. Both equations fulfil conditions (13) through (16). An important difference from the point of view of interpretation between formulae (l 7) and (18) is that in (18) r, ~ w, when e, -~ oo (19) w! w t i. wt et 0 et (a) wt (b) rt w,[ 0 al =o al =o v w~ et (c) 0 et wt (d) Fig. 3. The evapotranspiration eqn. (18). (a, c) Curves with w, = constant. (b, d) Curves with e, = constant. (a, b) Diagrams show the general case, where~.s (c, d) are relative to the particular case an = 0. G.L. VANDEWIELE ET AL. 322 whereas this is not the case in (17). Whether or not this condition is really a reasonable requirement for evapotranspiration equations is doubtful. Condition (19) in fact requires that all available water is used up in evapotranspiration when the available energy (measured by e,) is great. The replacement of w, by the mean available storage during month t (mr_ t + mr) +/2 did not improve the model quality and was not used. Slow runoff equations Only functions of m,_~ were considered as the use of (m,_~ + mr)~2 did not improve the model. The general form of the slow runoff equation is + st = a2(mt_t) a~ (20) In practice, however, a2 and a~ are highly correlated. This results in very difficult calibration and high imprecision of the estimates. Therefore a~ was given three standard values a2t = ~! o r l o r 2 of which at least one valae suits a given river basin. In some cases it was not even necessary to include a slow runoff term. Adding a constant term in expression (20) s, = ,, (a2 + a2(rnLi did not improve the model significantly in most cases. Fast runoff equations Fast runoff depends on precipitation Pt, on other meteorological conditions as measured by et, on the state of the basin, as measured by the storage, and on the physical characteristics of the basin, which are taken into account by the introduction of parameters. A useful quantity is the 'active' precipitation defined as n, = Pt -- e,(l -- e -pde') (21) In many cases it seems to translate the influence of precipitation and meteorological conditions. The n, function is represented in Fig. 4. This figure shows that the 'active' precipitation n, decreases when potential evapotranspiration increases. On the other hand n, increases with p, and is equal to total precipitation p, minus e, for heavy rainfall (high p,). 323 WATER BALANCE MODELS IN BELGIUM, CHINA AND BURMA / / ,eI x,, mt et (a) Pt 0 Pt (b) '~t Fig. 4. The active rainfall n, in formula (21). (a) e, is constant; (b) Pt is constant. A most efficient equation for fast runoff proved to be f (22) = a3m+lnt This equation can be seen as a translation of the variable source concept: the greater the storage re+l, the wetter the catchment; the greater the 'source' of direct runoff, the greater the part of the 'active' rainfall running off rapidly. The 'state' of the basin is translated by its storage m+_l. Again, just as in the case of slow runoff, it seems logical to take mean storage (mt_~ + mr) +/2, but again this did not prove to be worthwhile. In isolated cases, three other equations were necessary to model fast runoff f = aant (23) f = aaP, + a~m+lp, (24) f = p,- (25) a,3e-",+-,/a3(1 _ e-t,,I,,~) In eqn. (23) the state of the catchment has no influence on fast runoff, whereas in eqn. (24) two terms are used, one with and one without the use of storage. Moreover in eqn. (24) total rather than active precipitation is used. Equation (25) is represented in Fig. 5. Equations (24) and (25) have two parameters. All parameters have to be non-negative. ft p, rot-1 (b) (a) Fig. 5. Fast runoff eqn. (25). (a) m +_ i iS constant; (b) p, is constant. 324 G.L. VANDEWIELE ET AL. A n example: m o d e l 2 As an example, consider one of the most successful models, at least in the set of catchments studied. The general structure is given by eqns. (1) and (2) and by the hypothesis that the u, values are stochastically independent (s.i.): x/qt = (26) x/at + u, u, ~ N(0, a 2) and s.i. (27) The evapotranspiration is given by eqns. (12) and (17) rt = (P,+m+_l)let] e,[l -- al (28) Computed runoff is given by eqns. (1 I), (20) with a~ = 2, (21) and (22) d, = a2(m+_, )2 + a3m,+,[pt - et(l - e-p'/e')] (29) The first term is slow runoff and the second term is fast runoff. Finally the balance equation (8) has to be added: m, = m,_l + p , - r,- d, (30) Equations (26) through (30) completely define the model. Equations (28) and (29) define the particular filter structure of model 2. This model is one of many models which can be obtained by combination of the possibilities mentioned in the above sections on evapotranspiration, and slow and fast runoff. An alternative choice only affects eqns. (28) and (29). Model 2 has only three filter parameters. Time series m, has to be computed recursively by the balance eqn. (30). STATISTICAL METHODOLOGY Estimation Because of the hypotheses in eqns. (1) and (2), maximizing the loglikelihood is equivalent to minimizing the sum of squares: ~'. (x/q, -- x/dt) 2 (31) where the sum is extended over all months for which output data qt as well as input data p, and e, are available. As a consequence, the runoff sequence may show data gaps, but not the p, and e, data sequences. Moreover, the computation of the first d, in the series needs a knowledge of the initial storage m0. Therefore the calibration period in (31), has to be preceded by a 'take off' period where Pt and e, are known; this enables the compatation of m0, starting WATER BALANCE MODELS IN BELGIUM. CHINA AND BURMA 325 with an arbitrary storage. This take-off period has to be long enough to obtain a good value of m0. In practice, six years was found to be necessary, although in many basins two or three years are sufficient. The minimization of (31) was performed with the help of the VA05A computer package (Hopper, 1978), and its quality was checked by plotting the sum of squares (31) versus each of the filter parameters. In that way it was possible to see whether a global minimum was reached. Minimizing (31) with respect to the filter parameters a~ results in estimates of a~. The model standard deviation is estimated by x/(minimum sum of squares) a = N-K where N is the number of terms in (31), and K is the number of filter parameters (K = 3 in model 2). The half width of a 95% confidence interval for a is approximately 1.96a 1.38a x / [ 2 ( N _ K)] = x / ( N - - K) HWCI(a) = (32) The covariance matrix of the filter parameters a~ is A = 20 " 2 H - I (33) where H is the Hessian of the sum of squares (31) at its minimum. The Hessian H is approximated by using difference quotients, and, as for the size of the increments, a suitable compromise has to be found between rounding-off errors and truncation errors. From this covariance matrix the correlation matrix of the a~ can be computed. The standard deviation a~ of a~ is the square root of the corresponding diagonal element in the covariance matrix, and the half width of a 95% confidence interval of a~ thus is HWCI(a,) = 1.96a~ These formulae are standard results in regression analysis. A number of methodological remarks can be feund in Alley (1984) and Sorooshian and Dracup (1980). C h e c k s on f i l t e r p a r a m e t e r s Are all the parameters really necessary? To answer this question, for example in the case of model 2, the hypothesis that parameters a~, a2 and a3 are significantly different from zero has to be tested. This can be done by checking whether the zero value belongs to the 95% confidence ir~terval (ai - 1.96ai, ai + 1.96ai) 326 G.L. VANDEWlELE ET AL. The correlation matrix of the parameters has to be checked also. A correlation coefficient between two parameters very near + 1 or - 1, implies that perhaps a model can be found with a smaller number of parameters and with the same explanatory power; alternatively the parameters may have to be built into the model in a different way, so that their explanatory effects are more dissociated, and optimization is easier. Residual analysis Checks are performed to determine if the residuals u, behave as is required by the model hypotheses, especially whether they are independent, homoscedastic and normally distributed with zero expectation. Independence is checked by computing the observed autocorrelations Pk with time lag k and the corresponding half width of a 95% critical interval HWCI (Pk) (see, e.g. Box and Jenkins, 1976). The hypothesis Pk = 0 is true at the 5% significance level when Ipkl ~ HWCI (Pk) The general behaviour of the residuals is judged by graphs of the residuals versus important variables such as time itself, the input variables precipitation p, and evaporation e,, and computed runoff d,. The residuals versus time graph is used for checking the absence of trend and also homoscedasticity. The scattergrams of the residuals versus the other variables Pt, et and art have to be symmetric with respect to the horizontal axis (zero expectation), and the conditional standard deviation has to be constant (homoscedasticity). Some formal tests are also performed. It is checked whether I~1" ~/(N - K) ~< 1.96 std u (34) where fi is mean residual and std u is residual standard deviation. This test is at the 5% significance level. When N - K < 30 Student's table has to be consulted. The same test, but restricted to residuals belonging to one season, can be used for checking whether there remains a seasone,l component in the residuals. The 'seasons' used in the present study are (except in Burma where the seasons are chosen differently owing to climate): winter w January, February, March; s p r i n g - April, May, June; s u m m e r - July, August, September; autumn - - October, November, December. This check on the seasonality of residuals turns out to be a most severe test of the models° Sensitivity to calibration period The results of application of a given model to two different calibration WATER BALANCE MODELS IN BELGIUM. CHINA AND BURMA 327 periods for the same catchment have to be the same (i.e. not significantly different), at least if the input and output data can be supposed to be time homogeneous. This requires no important changes in land-use, the same methods of measurement, etc. Since, in practice, long observational time series risk being non-homogeneous in time, it is advisable to define two different calibration periods by taking, for example, the even years in the one and the uneven years in the Other calibration period. To test whether the two calibrations on the same basin result in the same parameter values, let A' = (a~, a2,. " a2,. " • • , aT) " be the ' • • , a~) and A" = (al, estimates of the vector A = (a~, a2, • • •, aT) of filter parameters cc,rresponding to the respective calibration periods, where K is the number of such parameters (K = 3 in model 2). Then A' and A" are stochastically independent and approximately normally distributed A' ~ N(A~, A') A" ,~ N(A'~, A") where A' and A" are covariance matrices to be computed by formula (33). Their difference then is also normally distributed: A'- A" ~ N(A~ - Aft, A' + A") and under the nuU hypothesis A~ = A'o' A'- A" ~ N(0, A' + A") and (A'- A")(A' + A")-'(A' - A") r - ~ X~ where T means transposition, and XzKis chi-square distributed with K degrees of freedom. With K = 3, a level 5% test on the identity of the two models is (A'- A")(N + A")-'(A' - A") v <. 7.815 Equality of model standard deviations e' and tr" can similarly be tested at the 5% level by checking whether (see formula (32)) ~[ a, 2 2(N'- Icr' - tr"l a,,2 K) + 2(N"- ] ~< 1.96 K) where N' and N" are the numbers of terms in (31) for the two calibration periods. Again ~bi~ is an approximate test. Beside these formal tests the general behaviour of the residuals is compared. l'est by extrapolation The model is first ca!ibrated with part of the data (the calibration period). 328 G.L. VANDEWIELE ET AL. The parameter values obtained are then used in the time period covering the rest of the data (the test period). Results of the latter computation (which is a kind of 'extrapolation' toward other time periods) are compared with observation. A good model will not show significant differences. Calibration period and test period are defined in the same way as in the previous section to avoid the influence of time heterogeneity in the data. The test bears now on the extrapolated residuals ut and is performed by checking whether lalx/N ~ 1.96 O" This test is also performed on residuals restricted to one season. Furthermore the general behaviour of the residuals is compared. Comparison of different models for the same basin and model quality When the standard deviation a of the random component is small, the unexplained part of runoff is a,~o small, and the model fits observed runoff very nearly; therefore a is an inverse measure of quality. Moreover two models of the same basin with different a can be compared by means of the confidence intervals (32) to check whether the difference is significant. A formal test is difficult to construct because the two standard deviations are not stochasfi. cally independent, but if the two values of ~ belong to each others' confidence intervals, it can safely be assumed that there is no difference in quality. Wl'en the coefficient of variation of observed runoffs is small in a given basin, model standard deviation will also be small, i.e. model quality will be high. This leads to the definition of an 'absolute' quality measure. Q observed cv of runoff estimated model cv for mean runoff ocv ecv (35) where ecv is taken from formula (7). The ocv value is compared with ecv (and not with a directly) to obtain a dimensionless measure. This quality is almost inversely proportional to a for different models on the same basin and thus can also be used for such comparisons. An example: model 2 and the Viroin river at Treignes station This basin is situated in the Ardennes in southern Belgium (see also the following section) and has an area of 554 km 2. Precipitation, evaporation and runoff data are used for calibration in the period 1966-1981. Moreover, precipitation and evaporation data in the period 1960-1965 are used in the W~TER BALANCE MODELS IN BELGIUM, CHINA AND BURMA 329 TABLE 1 P a r a m e t e r estimates o f model 2 on the Viroin river al a2 a3 Estimate HWCI 0.422 4.53 × 10 -4 3.25 x 10 -a 0.044 1.3 × 10 -4 0.54 x 10 -a take-off period (see earlier section on estimation). Mean runoff (/is 35.14 mm month -~ . The runoff coefficient is 44.4% and the coefficient of variation of observed runoff ocv is 0.881. Calibration results are as follows: model standard deviation tr = 0.856 (formula (2)); HWCI(~) = 0.086 (formula (32)); ecv = 0.284 (formt~la (7)); quality Q = 3.10 (formula (35)); mean computed runoff = 33.5mm month -~', mean expected runoff = 34.2mm m o ~n t, h - (formula (3)); mean computed slow flow = 10.6mm month-~; mean computed fast flow = 22.9mm month -~. Filter parameters and their correlations are given in Tables 1 and 2, tests on residuals in Table 3. Graphs of the sum of squares versus parameters provide a check of whether the m;nimization is performed properly (see earlier section on estimation) (Fig. 6). Graphs of the observed time series Pe, et and qt~ and ofcomputed time series r,, d,, m,, s,,f, and u, are plotted in Figs. 7 and 8. The auto~orre,advn ~"'~*~'~Pk of the residuals and the corresponding critical intervals are plotted in Fig. 9. Scattergrams of residuals versus p,, e, and d, are plotted in Fig. 10. The filter parameters are all significantly different from zero, and their conelations have small absolute values. The residuals do not show a seasonal pattern according to Table 3. Residuals are homoscedastic according to Figs. 8 and I0, and ne trend and no outlier is present in Fig. 8. Residual autocorrelation is not significant according to Fig. 9. TABLE 2 Correlations between parameters o f model 2 on the Viroin river al a2 a3 al G2 u3 I 0.018 - 0.355 --0.018 1 0.260 - 0.355 0.260 1 -- 330 G.L. VANDEWIELE El" AL. TABLE 3 Tests on residuals of model 2 on the Viroin river according to formula (34) Residuals Number Mean Standard deviation T value Sign Year Winter Spring Summer Autumn 192 48 48 48 48 0.047 0.111 0.220 - I).057 - 0.088 0.848 0.790 0.810 0.860 0.892 0.765 0.976 1.887 - 0.456 - 0.683 No No No No No THE DATA Geographical and climatologicai description Models were constructed for four regions: northern Belgium (65 basins), Ardennes (6 basins), southern China (6 basins) and Bu~:ma (~: basins). Belgium (30500km 2, 10million inhabitants)can be divk~ed into three regions according to several criteria: a flat region below 5 m ~bove sea level (a.s.l.) (3000 km2); a more or less hilly region (henceforth to be called northern Belgium) between 5 and 200m a.s.1. (18000km2); and the Ar~tennes plateau (9000 km2), mostly higher than 200m a.s.l. (except in the deep valleys of the main rivers) and up to about 700m a.s.L The flat region is not ~onsidered in the present study, because it is partly polder and is criss-crossed by canals, so that the water balance has to be described by other kinds of models. As for the climate, the evaporation from a free water surfa,~:e is spatially fairly uniform. In winter it is very low and in summertime it averages 100 mm per month. Precipitation does not show an important seasonality. The mean is 60-70 mm per month in northern Belgium and 80-100 mm per month in the Ardennes. Snow and frost are not important on a monthly scale. Soil cover is nearly completely agricultural crops and grass in the north. In the Ardennes, one-third is covered by forest and two-thirds by arable land and grass. Except for the major towns (which are not in the catchments studied), population density is 300 inhabitants per square km in the north, and 100 inhabitants per square km in the Ardennes. The six Chinese catchments under study belong to the Pearl River basin, which lies in the subtropical zone. Front-type precipitation and typhoon-type precipitation are the two most important phenomena in this area. It has fairly good vegetation cover and plenty of rainfall, varying from 1400 to 2000mm per year. The precipitation occurs all year round, but seasonal differences are very large. In the six months of the wet season (from April to September) 331 WATER BALANCE MODELS IN BELGIUM, C H I N A A N D B U R M A f l .... 'l .... • i .... i .... ! .... I .... l; / 155 150 0 (11 tn 145 140 •350 .,375 .,i. O0 .425 .,~-50 .475 .500 PAP~MET':~ 1 . . . . ~ . . . . i - " - i . . . . i . . . . ' T 160 150 140 •300 .400 .500 PARAMETER 2 .600 1 0 -3 .700 -. 160 2 A / 150 1 40 2.~0 `3.00 `3.50 4.00 1 0 -3 PARAMEFER Fig. 6. The sum of squares SSQ of formula (31) versus each parameter in the neighbourhoo6 of the parameter estimates (Viroin river, model 2). 332 G.L. VANDEWIELEET AL. RAINFALL , i , , i , . | . . . . 250 Dm 200 pot month 150 100 I i 67 68 , f I 69 70 .,:.~. 71 I i i 72 73 74 75 7~ 77 7~1 79 80 81 TIME :N YEARS ~'VAPORATION AHD EVAPOTRANSPIRATION 150 rnw ;oo j 50 I 86 87 per month 68 69 70 i i ! 7t 72 7.1 0 "/4 7b 75 7"." 78 79 a0 81 OBSERVED AND CALCULATED DISCHARGES w , , , i I 200 qt i1~llYl dt ~o p e r month 103 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 70 80 81 TIME :,~ YEAi~$ Fig. 7. Precipitation p,, evaporation e,, observed runoffq,, real evapotranspiration r, and computed runoff d, versus time { v'iroin river, model 2). about 80% of the total precipitation occurs. Free water evaporation is mainly measured by using the type ~-80 evaporation p:m (which is one of the most commonly used evaporation pans in China, with a diameter of 80cm). Two Burmese basins, Yin and Yenwe, are studied in the present paper. The Yin River is a tributary of the Irrawaddy near Meiktila about 480 km north of Rangoon. The region has a semi-arid tropical monsoon climate characterized by a sc~,rce and erratic wet season and an arid dry season, with daytime temperature often exceeding 38°C. Rainfall averages 915 mm per year and 333 WATER BALANCE MODELS IN BELGIUM. CHINA AND BURMA STORAGE , i | i i i 200 tOO , 66 67 ~ ,,i 68 i I t ! 69 70 71 72 ,.L. 73 i I i ! i i i I 74 75 76 77 78 7~ 80 81 TIME IN YEARS FAST AND SLOW DISCHARGE 200 mm so p e r 1 II month ^ / / ,DO 0 5o 66 67 68 69 70 7~ 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 , w i i--- , i i 80 81 TiME IN VEARS RESIDUALS ~ - i , , , l J -2 66 i i i I i i i i i I f I I f ! 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 A TIME IN YEARS Fig. 8. Storage m,, slo~, runoff s,, computed runoff d, and residuals u, versus time (Viroin river, model 2). mostly occurs as scattered, localized storms during the rainy season from May through October. The winter season starts in November with the lowest mean monthly minimum temperature of 13°C occurring in January. The hot season takes place from mid-February to mid-May with the highest mean monthly maximum te:r~perature of 37°C occurring in April. Virtually no rainfall occurs from November through April. The area is composed mainly of sandstone, shale and interbedded sandstone and shale. Terrace alluvium is silty, finegrained sand, whereas the channel alluvium is mainly medium to coarsegrained sand. Seventy-five per cent of the area ~s arable. 334 G.L. V A N D E W I E L E ET AL. AUTOCORRELATiON 0.2 -0.2 I t _i 6 12 , _ t _ I 24 f 36 LAG ~N MONTHS Fig. 9. Residual autocorreiation with level 5% critical band versus time lag in months (Viroin river, model 2). The Yenwe river is a tributary of the Sittang near Toungoo about 200 km north of Rangoon. It lies in a tropical monsoon zone with an average rainfall of 2000mm per year. The mean monthly temperature varies from 31°C in April to 23°C in January. The lowest annual temperature can be as low as 14°C, normally occurring in January. The main hydroclimatological data are given in Table 4. Hydrological data The hydrological data concerning the basins studied in this paper are summarized in I'able 5. It is clear from Table 5 that even in northern Belgium alone, the characteristics vary within wide ranges, as is brought out in Table 6. There are a number of different rivers with the common name 'Molenbeek', which means mill brook. RESULTS WITH THE NEW MODELS Best models Many tens of models were tried, of which the best ones will be discussed. They are defined in Table 7. This table shows that four out of the eight models are applicable to the two Burmese basins alone. The other four models 335 WATER B A L A N C E MODELS IN BELGIUM, C H I N A A N D B U R M A RESIDUALS VS C A L C . " " " i . . . . i . . . . l . . . . RUNOFF i . . . . i . . . . i . . . . i - o UP i UP • ,°up it lib l/ ° up up =* t,° u p % ° ° up, j ~ ,=lp,~tP ° °° Io= .,.0 S i °= 0° , up -T'~II*~ *_ . , o "d~eal, ° , ~.. I up* UP"°° • ill* * ° --.:....;.:.:.,.... ; UP "up .., ° 0 * . i J i i i -2 . . . , ~ 20 i - - - ! 40 . . . . i 60 . . . . ~ 80 . . . . ! 1 O0 . . . . ! 120 . 140 RE$ibUALS V° EVAR i . . . . J ° *, . . . J '. . . . * *°e* °°3 '~ ~.% °'~ , ° °* . . . . . i . . . . | - o w * J , * °~ , . 5,* . * "~ . up . UP, ° ° ° . UP qb " "up- " ° * j° • o,,O. ~ o * . , up .'... UP • " : . . . . . -2 . . . . o . . . . 20 ! . . . . i 40 . . . . 60 ! . . . . ! 80 . . . . i 100. , | = 120 o | | 140 RESIDUALS VS RAINFALL / 1 ° t I 2 , up t an~ ° Q~" ° '~',,~'% - °•° -'---dl~p--~Z~r a ° i,,,°°°e ° ~ ° ~' 0 °" ° e " " i, , ~ ~. - ~ J- ° .as ~4~. BeNpIjo ° 0 up '.'e UP il • up, =up -r'- ~ • ° . Oqp _ - "-~" ~ Q ., -~-" " ~" ° 0 • ° ~ 0 _ ~' ° up 0 up ~ • * UP UP 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Fig. 10. Scattergrams of residuals u, versus precipitatio~ p,, evaporation e, and computed runoff d, (Viroin river, model 2). G.L. VANDEWIELE ET AL. 336 TABLE 4 Some hydroclimatological data Northern Belgium Ardennes Chinese basins Burma Yin basin Mean precipitation (mm month-~ Coefficient of variation for monthly precipitation Mean evaporation (mm month-I ) Coefficient of variation for monthly evaporation 60-70 80-100 120-160 0.5-0.6 0.5-0.6 0.75-0.95 50-60 50-60 70-85 0.7-0.75 0.70-0.75 0.3-0.5 Yenwe basin 62 240 186 120 (models 1 through 4) are sutficient for modelling 77 Belgian and Chinese basins. All models in Table 7 have o~dy three filter parameters. This seems to be a sufficient number for describing monthly water balance, since trials using models with more parameters did not work significantly better, except in very few basins. As has already been indicated in an e~:dier section, a number of alternative evapotranspiration equations can also be used. General description of results with the best models Except in extremely few cases: (1) parameters are significantly different from zero at the 5% level; (2) correlations between parameters are smaller than 0.9 in absolute value, and most correlations are much zmaller; (3) estimated mean runoff is nearly equal to observed mean runoff; (4) residual autocorrelation is either non-significant at the 5% level or small (of the order of 0.2 or 0.3). It is not worthwhile to include an autocorrelatlon parameter in the model. (5) residuals do not show trends or heter0scedasticity; (6) results are not sensitive to calibration period; (7) extrapolation is satisfactory (extrapolated residuals are non-significant). The question whether seasonality is completely explained by the model can be answered by testing whether residuals still contain a significant seasonal component. There are 79 basins with four seasons each, so 79 x 4 = 316 tests were performed, following the residual analysis methodology described 337 WATER BALANCE MODELS IN BELGIUM, CHINA AND BURMA TABLE 5 Data for the basins studied No. River Runoff ,,station Area (km 2) Runoff data (years) Runoff coefficient (%) Coefficient of variation for runoff (ocv) Northern Belgium (65 basins) l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 I1 12 13 i4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Sint-Jansbeek Poperingevaart leperlee Gr. Kemmelbeck Heulebeek Mandel Leie Leie Kerkebeek Ede Hertsbergebeek Rivierbeek Rivierbeek Eekl. Watergang Poekebeek Maarkebeek Zwalm Molenbeek Bellebeek Molenbeek Mark Molenbeek Dender Molenbeek Zenne Zuun Zuur,~ Zuun Ki. Molenbeek G r Molenbeek Zuid Mark Grote Nete Grote Nete Grote Nete Kleine Nete K!eine Nete Laakebeek Aa Merkem Oo~,tvieteren Zuidschote Vlamertinge Heule Oostrozebeke St-Baafs-Vijve St-Baafs-Vijve Loppem Maldegem Oostkamr~: Oostkamp Oostkamp St-Laureins Nevele Etikhove Nederzwalm Aalst Essene Geraardsbergen Viane Iddergem Denderbeile Massemen Buizingen St-Pieters-L. St-Pieters-L. St-Pieters-!,. Liezele Malderen Merksplas Hulshout Huishout Itegem Grobbendonk Lichtaart Lille Poederlee ;6 ~8 ,O 24 93 243 3190 3190 56 46 73 147 64 46 ! 16 53 115 27 89 19 167 16 1244 45 634 72 66 79 34 66 41 458 468 532 526 299 28 222 20 18 9 !3 17 12 22 9 18 16 12 6 13 21 7 14 21 15 12 17 10 17 35 18 8 10 8 6 14 1I 19 8 !l 35 35 5 14 7 33.8 29.6 47.7 30.1 32.9 33.2 32.3 33.1 35.0 36.4 31.0 31.2 29.3 20.9 27.0 28.7 33.7 27.2 35.6 32.6 28.4 33.8 29.0 36.2 20.0 30.6 26.7 34.6 30.3 31.4 24.7 43.8 42.6 43.4 53.4 50.3 42.4 33~6 1.109 1.097 0.731 0.938 0.943 0.857 0.758 0.540 I. 124 1.012 0.912 0.864 1.021 1.005 0.992 0.744 0.780 1.018 0.743 0.896 0.915 0.733 0.943 0.827 0.660 0.846 0.868 0.706 0.910 0,796 1.183 0.459 0.460 0.549 0,559 0,516 0.451 0.637 338 G.L. VANDEWIELE ET AL, TABLE 5 Continued No. Rive.r Runoff station Area (kin2) Runoff data (years) Runoff coefficient (%) Coefficient of variation for runoff (ocv) Northern Belgium (65 basins) Poederlee 39 Aa 40 Molenbeek Pulle 41 Aa Turnhout 42 Grote Nete Varendonk 43 Dijle Wavre 44 Dijle St-Joris-Weert 45 Laan Terlanen 46 Dijle Wilsele 47 Dijle Haaeht 48 Demer Hasselt 49 Demer Bilzen 50 Demer Diest 51 Demer Diest 52 Demer Kuringen 53 Zwartebeek Lummen 54 Mangelbeek Lummen 55 Herk Wellen 56 Demer Aarschot 57 Gete Halen 58 Grote Gete Hoegaarden 59 Velp Ransberg 60 Warmbeek Hamont-Achel 61 Dommel Overpelt 62 Jeker Mai 63 Jeker Kanne 64 Herk KemR 65 M6haigne Moha 222 42 99 378 314 645 127 890 3160 278 110 2045 1904 343 102 1132 100 2163 810 208 99 57 93 335 463 280 345 9 19 11 19 1! 12 14 12 35 8 15 17 17 1I lg 14 14 16 10 18 18 9 12 !6 12 5 15 32.8 51.2 23.5 46.6 26.7 26.9 32.3 24.7 29.8 34.7 21.0 25.8 24.4 32.9 40.3 40.1 23.1 28.1 23.5 22.6 25.9 41.5 37.0 20.7 18.6 23.9 27.5 0.543 0.791 0.634 0.401 0.338 0.324 0.261 0.320 0.545 0.436 0.5~43 0.547 0.540 0.441 0.513 0.469 0.452 0.540 0.520 0.393 0.779 0.430 0.547 0.338 0.371 0.739 0.676 Ardennes (6 basins) Ambl6ve Hoegne Lesse Ourthe Semois Viroin 1044 68 1314 1597 1235 554 16 8 13 12 16 16 52.0 58.6 41.9 45.2 53.1 44.4 0.837 0.894 0.852 0.960 0.865 0.881 2000 1556 595 16 18 17 55.3 57.5 76.1 i .033 0.987 0.935 66 67 68 69 70 71 Martinrive Polleur Gendron Hamoir Membre Treignes Southern China (6 basins) 72 Eongjiang Wengjiang 73 Xingzi Fenghuangshan 74 Tongguangshwi Huangiingtang 339 WATER BALANCE MODELS IN BELGIUM, CHINA AND BURMA TABLE 5 Continued No. River Runoff station Area (km 2) Runoff data (years~ Runoff Coefficient of coefficient variation for (%) runoff (ocv) Southern China (6 basins) 75 Andunshui Jiuzhou 76 Chuantonhe Shuntan 77 Zhenshui Xiaogulu 385 1357 1881 15 14 19 57.9 62.0 54.0 0.895 0.964 0.954 Burma (2 basins) 78 Yin 79 Yenwe 1100 790 5 6 ! 3.5 55.2 1.793 i .401 Phongone Myogya ung earlier. The significance level of all tests was taken at 5%. Out of these 316 tests, less than 5% gave a negative result. Consequently it may be concluded that seasonality has been accounted for in the models considered. Results on quality Q (see eqn. (35)) are presented in Table 8. In this table the quality of the model (listed in Table 7) that best suits the individual basin is considered. If the six worst and the six best cases among the basins in northern Belgium are left out, the quality range ~s 2.12--2.75. More detailed results are given below in the comparative results section and Table 10. SOME WATER BALANCE MODELS FP,.OM THE LITERATURE Short description of the models Four models previously defined in the literature were considered here so that their performance could be compared with the new models described in the previous section. They all are discussed by Alley (1984), who gives a full description and who applied them to a number of basins. The first one is Thornthwaite and Mather's (1955) T-model. It is a model TABLE 6 Range of basin characteristics in northern Belgium Area Runoff coefficient (%) Coefficient of variation for runoff (ocv) Minimum Maximum 16 i 8.6 0.261 3190 53.4 1. i 83 340 G.L. VANDEWIELE ET AL. TABLE 7 Definition of eight models Model number Evapotranspiration equation Slow runoff equation Fast runoff equation Application to (20) (20) (20) (20) 1) 2) l) 2) (22) (22) (22) (22) Belgian and Chinese basins (at (at (at (at = = = = l (17) 2 3 4 (17) (18) (18) 5 6 (17) (17) (20) (a; - l) (23) (25) Yin (Burma) No 7 (17) (al = l/e) (18) (a I = O) (20) (at = 1) (20) (at = i) (24) (24) Yenwe (Burma) 8 Equations (1), (2), (8) and (11) are common to all models. with two storages: 'soil moisture index' m , and 'water surplus' v , . The model also has two filter parameters: soil moisture capacity at and storage constant a 2 for v,. The second model is Alley's (1984) T~-model. This model is a modification of the preceding model in that a fraction a3 of the precipitation is immediately transformed illto direct runoff. The rest of the precipitation then enters the system as before. The third model is Thomas' (1981) abcdmodel. There are also two storages in this model: groundwater storage and soil moisture storage. The fourth model is Palmer's (1965) and Alley's (1984) P-model. Palmer (1965) used a water balance model to develop an index of meteorological drought. The model is vnusual ~n that it uses a 'root constant" concept for calculating evapotranspiration. The procedure consists of dividing the soil into two layers: the upper layer roughly equivalent to the plough layer and the underlying layer in which the available capacity depends on the depth of the effective root zone and on the soil characteristics in the TABLE 8 Quality of best models Region Northern Belgium Ardennes Southern China Burma Number of basins 65 6 6 2 Range in quality Q i.85-3.12 2.37-3.47 3.40-4.50 3.!3-3.72 341 WATER BALANCE MODELS IN BELGIUM. CHINA AND BURMA TABLE 9 Parameter values of the models from the literature for the basins mentioned in Table 10 Model Parameter Mean Range T al a, 70 0.68 1-230 0.4-0.9 Ta a~ a2 a3 ! 20 0.59 0. i 4 30-380 0.3-0.9 0.04-0.30 abcd a b c d 0.986 475 0.270 0. l I 0.96-0.999 260-1900 0.t)4-0.70 0.0003-0.415 P al a, 66 0.66 1-190 0.4-0.90 area under study. It is assumed that moisture cannot be removed from (recharged to) the lower layer until all of the available moisture has been removed from (replenished in) the upper layer. A similar approach was used by Haan (1972~ and Zhao et al. (1980) in their monthly and daily rainfall runoff models respectively. Runoff is assumed to occur if and only if the soil moisture storages in both layers reach the2r moisture capacity. The P-model was later modified by Alley (! 984) in his comparative study of monthly water balance models. He considered a lag between moisture surplus and streamflow runoff by using the same procedure as fbr the T-model. As a consequence there are three storages in the model. The three parameters are: a~ and a~', which are moisture capacities in the upper .and lower layer, respectively; al = a~ + al, a2, which is a storage constant. Calibration results with literature models To compare easily with Alley's results, a summacy of the fitted parameter values is shown in Table 9, and some other details are mentioned in Table ~0. The results in Table 9 are relative to the catchments mentioned and optimized in Table 10. In many ways the results are similar to those reached by Alley (1984). The average value of parameter al in ,he T-model is 70 ram, but a wide "o'~'-" .,.~,. has been found, which is comp~_~_,~,,~ . . . . . ~.i~ to the results obtained by Mather (1981) and Alley (1984). A!so the a? values are similar to Alley's. Values of al 342 G.L. VANDEWIELE ET AL. TABLE 10 Quality Q and number of seasons with significant residuals. 'Good' models for each basin are underlined Basin Model 2 3 4 T Tot abed P 2.68-2 2.46- I 2.21-1 2.16-0 2.08-0 2.97- l 2.67-0 2.49-2 3.09- I 2.07-1 2.79-1 2.52-0 2.29-0 2.22- l 2.12-0 3.17-0 2.61-0 2.38-1 2.82- ! 1.90-1 2.70-0 2.43- I 2.27-0 2.19-0 2.07- I 2.97-0 2.61-0 2.64--i 3.04- ! 2.38-1 2.73-1 2.45-0 2.34-0 2.22- I 2.12-1 3.10-0 2.64-0 2.58-1 2.90-2 2.28-2 2.02-2 1.98-0 1.99-1 1.85-1 1.76-0 2.14-3 2.01-0 ! .57-3 1.67-2 i .23-3 2.34-1 2.25-0 2.16-2 2.04-0 1.91-0 2.39-3 2.25-1 1.64-4 1.73-2 1.47-3 2.59-1 2.48-2 2.34-2 2.40-0 2.1 !-0 3.1n-I 2.8~-1 2.58-2 2.87-1 1.99-2 1.96-0 1.98-1 1.84-1 1.75-0 2.13-3 Z95-0 2.35-0 2.75-0 3.24-0 2.61-0 2.93-0 3.08-0 2.37-0 2.93-0 3.47-0 2.82-0 3.10-0 2.82-0 2.31-0 2.63-0 2.99-0 2.61-0 2.83-2 2.92-1 2.35-0 2.70-1 3.07-1 2.71-0 2.89-1 2.39-1 3.46-2 2.75-0 3.15-2 2.39-1 2.50-2 2.58-1 2.59-2 2.34-2 2.84-0 2.28-0 2.71-0 2.86-2 2.71-2 2.67-1 4.31-I 3.69- l 4.08-3 3.40-0 4.27-0 3.66-2 4.33-2 3.88-0 4.20-1 3.30-2 4.17-1 3.50-2 4.31-1 3.86-2 4.50-1 3.41-1 4.29-1 3.57-2 3.20-1 3.02-2 3.82-2 3.13-2 2.76-2 3.58-1 3.13-0 3.92-1 2.99-3 4.24-2 4.01-0 4.63-3 3.42-2 4.34-0 3.69-0 Model 6: • ao n ~,1...~..! o.. l¥1qL~qd[~l O 3.72-0 -, 1,-,. ~ - - ~,,1 .,,~. I Northern Belgium 6 l0 20 21 24 30 33 56 57 58 1 ,= 1.69 "* 1.22-3 Ardennes 66 67 68 69 70 71 Southern China 72 4.27-2 73 74 75 76 77 3.69-1 3.83-1 3.24-1 4.03.-I 3.57-0 3.32-1 2.46-2 2.51-2 2.54-2 2.31-2 3.19-1 3.02-2 2.76-2 3.58-1 3.41-~ Burma 78 79 Model 5: Model 7: •. Y , ~ J I ~ X . F in the Ta-model were larger than those in the T-model. This phenomenon was also pointed out by Alley (1984). The result for the abed-model confirms the experiences obtained by Thomas et al. (1983) and Alley (1984). Optimized values of parameter a always exceeded 0.96. Very high values of parameter b were found, consistent ~i~h the results of Alley and Thomas et al. Parameters c and d were found to be statistically non-significant for many catchments. A similar result was WATER BALANCE MODELS IN BELGIUM. CHINA AND BURMA 343 obtained by Alley (1984). He suggested that the abed-model ~hould have been calibrated simply by setting e = 0 and d = 1 for at least some stations. In Tables 9 and 10, all four parameters are optimized. In another calibration run, parameter d was fixed at a value of 0.2, inspired by experience; the procedure did not significantly alter model quality. Two calibrations for the P-model were performed in this study. Firstly, the model was calibrated by fitting moisture capacity for each of the two layers. The results show that parameters a'~ and a~' are not only highly correlated but also statistically non-significant. As Alley (1984) has pointed out "it appears that a~ and a~' should not be optimized simultaneously". A second calibration was then performed by fixing a~. Three distinct a~ values were taken: 25 mm was used for northern Belgium, whereas values of 5 mm and I mm were used for the Ardennes and the Chinese catchments, respectively, since a preliminary study showed that the total moisture capacity (represented by parameter a~) was much smaller in these two regions. Tables 9 and 10 relate to the latter calibration. Some general remarks may be made concerning the four models from the literature. Frequently these models are difficult to optimize: there are high correlations between parameters, wide confidence intervals and even nonsignificance of the parameters and sensitivity with respect to initial parameter values. Moreover, in some cases parameter values have the tendency, during optimization, to overstep the physical constraints. The blanks in Table 9 are due to this phenomenon'. State variables simulated by these models may be quite different in different catchments, as has been pointed out by Alley (1984), and take unrealistic values. For example soil moisture was, more often than not, at its capacity a~ in the T-model. This fact, together with the fact that the capacity takes unrealistic values (down to 1 mm), makes the model less interesting. COMPARATIVE RESULTS Table 10 allows a comparison between the models introduced in the present paper and some models from the literature. From ?he 65 basins in northern Belgium, a representative sample of 10 basins was taken. The numbering of the basins is given in Table 5. Two critical aspects are retained in Table 10: the quality Q according to eqn. (46), and the number of seasons (out of lbur seasons) with significant residuals. In the table, 'good' models for each basin are underlined. A model is considered to be 'good' if two conditions are fulfilled: (1) the number of seasons with significant residuals is equal to the minimum number among the eight models considered for each basin; (2) the quality Q belongs to the 95% 344 G.L. VANDEWIELE ET AL. confidence interval of the quality of the model with highest Q fulfilling the first condition. Taking basin 69 as an example, the minimum number of seasons with significant residuals is zero, so model~ 4, T, T0c and P are not 'good'. Among the remaining models, model 2 has the highest quality: Q = 3.47. Its 95% confidence interval is (3.12-3.92). Model 3 has a quality Q = 2.99 not belonging to the latter interval, so it is not 'good' either. Only models 1 and 2 are 'good' models for basin 69. The half width of the 95% confidence interval of Q is roughly 10% of Q itself. In model comparison, it has to be borne in mind that different models sometimes have different numbers of free parameters. The new models l, 2, 3 and 4, and also model T~, have three parameters, whereas models T and P only have two free parameters. The abed-model has four parameters. Model l is different from model 2 only by another choice of 'parameter' a~ in formula (20). So those two models together form a model with four parameters. The same may be said of models 3 and 4. Since one parameter of model P has been fixed (see previous section on calibration results), model P nearly reduces to model T; in Table 10, the results of models P and T are very similar. On the other hand, model T is a simplified version of T~, so that T~t is systematically better than T. Comparing the models in the literature, model abed is always best in terms of the quality Q; however, it,, five cases out of 18, model T0~ has less residual seasonality, whereas the inverse is true in six cases. When the number of basins for which a model is 'good' (underlined results) is considered, the new models l, 2 and 3 are far better than any of the models it. the literature. There is only one basin (no. 67) where a published model is s~gnificantly 'better' than any of the new models. This can also be seen in the percentage of seasons with significant residuals: the abed-model has 24 in 76 or 32% such seasons, whereas the combined model 1-2 (see above) only has seven in 88 or 8% such seasons. This i3 to be compared with the 5% limit allowed by the 5% significance level used. As opposed to the calibration difficulties encountered with the abc~-model and the original P-model (see previous section on calibration results)~ calibration of the new models is easy. In the T-, T~- and P-models the calculated moisture or storage series is often unrealistic (see previous section on calibration results); this seems not to happen in the new models, as can be seen in the graphs of the m, function (see e.g. Fig. 8). Moreover, this has been checked by comparing the calculated storage time series with measured groundwater levels. Untbrtunately ~nly very few time series of groundwater levels are available for such comparisons. WATER BALANCE MODELS IN BELGIUM, CHINA AND BURMA 34.~ SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS A methodology essentially based on regression analysis is developed for constructing monthly rainfall runoff models of river basins up to 4000 km 2 without important natural or artificial lakes and without important snow storage or frost. The input time series are monthly areal precipitation and monthly potential evapotranspiration. The methodology uses automatic calibration which excludes subjective elements. A ~umber of new models are defined and compared with models taken from the literature. These models are applied to 79 river basins in different regions in the world The following conclusions ake relevant to the basins studied. ~' (1) Transforming the runoff time series beforehand is necessary to obtain homoscedastic deviations. The square-root tran~f0rmation seems to solve that problem (see eqn. (1)). (2) Three filter parameters seem to be sufficient. They are nearly always related to real evapotranspiration, slow runoff and fast runoff. Introduction of other parameters does not result in significant improvement in nearly all basins. (3) In the new models, residual autocorre!ation is non-significant or very small. It is thus not necessary to model it explicitly. (4) When modelling a particular basin, several models have to be tried. There is no universal model which is best for all basins. (5) As can be expected, the form of the evapotranspiration equation in the new models is less critical than of the runoff equation itself; several expressions for the evapotranspiration prove to be useful. (6) The models taken from the literature perlbrm less well than the models proposed in the present paper; in many cases tile former are of poor quality, and an important part of the seasonality is left unexplained. (7) By analysing the mathematical structure nf the new models on the c,ne hand and the models from the literature on the other, one can try t~ ,-w.--.-"""~'" the huge differences in explanatory power of the two classes of models. (8) In the new models there is only one stor;~ge, i.e. the memory of the catchment is summarized in one number. In the :~ublished models, there are two (T, Ta and abcd) or three storages (in the original P-model). In the P-model, it was even impossible ~o distinguish between two of them (the two ground layers). It seems superfluous to put the complication of multiple storages into a model that ha~ a monti~l), time step. (With a smaller time step, important lakes or significant snow packs each winter, things will be different.) (9) Another characteristic of the T-, T~- and P-models is the con~traints on - 346 G . L VANDEWIELE ET AL. storages, i.e. the soil moisture capacities (at least for part of the storages used). This is an attractive idea from ~he conceptual point of view, because the parameters introduced in that way have a 'direct' physical meaning. In fact this idea turns out to be a nuisance, because this capacity is reached more often than not by the storage (see section on calibration resu~La). '~-" Because a catchment is a complicated heterogeneous system it is better to avoid such thresholds. Such thresholds are not used in the new models. (10) Another feature in the new models is the distinction between slow and fast response (runoff). This corresponds to the well-known distinction between baseflow and direct runoff (because of the great time step, a storage is to be included only for baseflow). In the models from the literature (T and P) no such distinction is made. (11) Although the parameters in the new models do not have 'direct' physical meaning, they translate general intuitive ideas about the process (see the section discussing the evapotranspiration equation, and many other elements in the new models). Moreover the parameter values are related to physical characteristics of the basins (see Vandewiele et al., 1991). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks are due to the Belgian Royal Meteorological Institute (K.M.I.) and especially to Dr. G. Demaree and Dr. F. Bultot, and also to the Ministry of the Flemish region for their friendly collaboration in data gathering. 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