Journal of Hydrology 308 (2005) 105–121 Evaluation of three complementary relationship evapotranspiration models by water balance approach to estimate actual regional evapotranspiration in different climatic regions C.-Y. Xua,b,*, V.P. Singhc a Department of Earth Sciences, Hydrology, Uppsala University, Villavägen 16, Uppsala S-75236, Sweden Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, People’s Republic of China c Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-6405, USA b Received 29 July 2003; revised 3 September 2004; accepted 1 October 2004 Abstract Three evapotranspiration models using the complementary relationship approach for estimating areal actual evapotranspiration were evaluated and compared in three study regions representing a large geographic and climatic diversity: NOPEX region in Central Sweden (cool temperate, humid), Baixi catchment in Eastern China (subtropical, humid), and the Potamos tou Pyrgou River catchment in Northwestern Cyprus (semiarid to arid). The models are the CRAE model of Morton, the advection– aridity (AA) model of Brutsaert and Stricker, and the GG model proposed by Granger and Gray using the concept of relative evapotranspiration (the ratio of actual to potential evapotranspiration). The calculation was made on a daily basis and comparison was made on monthly and annual bases. The study was performed in two steps: First, the three evapotranspiration models with their original parameter values were applied to the three regions in order to test their general applicability. Second, the parameter values were locally calibrated based on the water balance study. The results showed that (1) using the original parameter values all three complementary relationship models worked reasonably well for the temperate humid region, while the predictive power decreases in moving toward regions of increased soil moisture control, i.e. increased aridity. In such regions, the parameters need to be calibrated. (2) Using the locally calibrated parameter values all three models produced the annual values correctly. For the monthly values there was a time shift for the appearance of maximum monthly values between the evapotranspiration model estimations and water balance calculations, and the drier the region, the larger the difference. Further examination of the water balance components showed that while the actual evapotranspiration is controlled by several hydrometeorological factors in warmer and drier months the soil moisture is the dominating factor. q 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Actual evapotranspiration; Potential evapotranspiration; Complementary relationship; Regional evapotranspiration; Water balance * Corresponding author. Address: Department of Earth Sciences, Hydrology, Uppsala University, Villavägen 16, Uppsala S-75236, Sweden. E-mail addresses: (C.-Y. Xu), (V.P. Singh). 0022-1694/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2004.10.024 106 C.-Y. Xu, V.P. Singh / Journal of Hydrology 308 (2005) 105–121 1. Introduction Evapotranspiration is the only term that appears in both a water balance equation and a land surface energy balance equation. Evapotranspiration estimates are needed in a wide range of problems in hydrology, agronomy, forestry and land management, and water resources planning, such as water balance computation, irrigation management, river flow forecasting, investigation of lake chemistry, ecosystem modeling, etc. Reliable estimates of evapotranspiration are also essential for the improvement of atmospheric circulation models (Yates, 1997). Due to complex interactions amongst the components of the land–plant–atmosphere system evapotranspiration is perhaps the most difficult of all the components of the hydrologic cycle. Several methods have been proposed in the literature for calculating actual evapotranspiration. Monteith (1963, 1965) introduced resistance terms into the well-known method of Penman (1948) and derived at an equation for evapotranspiration from surfaces with either optimal or limited water supply. This method, often referred to as Penman–Monteith method, has been successfully used to estimate evapotranspiration from different land covers. The method requires data on aerodynamic resistance and surface resistance which are not readily available, so that the Penman–Monteith method for estimating actual evapotranspiration has been limited in practical use. Another approach is the complementary relationship proposed by Bouchet (1963). For areal estimation, this method is usually preferred because it requires only standard meteorological variables and does not require local parameter calibration. Different models have been derived using the complementary relationship concept, which include the advection–aridity (AA) model proposed by Brutsaert and Stricker (1979), the complementary relationship areal evapotranspiration (CRAE) model derived by Morton (1978, 1983), and the complementary relationship model proposed by Granger and Gray (1989) using the concept of relative evapotranspiration (the ratio of actual to potential evapotranspiration). In this study this model is named as GG model. Although the above three models are derived using the complementary relationship concept, the assumptions and derived model forms are different. Besides the above cited references, there are a number of studies on evaluating the validity of the complementary relationship model (e.g. Doyle, 1990; Lemeur and Zhang, 1990; Chiew and McMahon, 1991; Granger and Gray, 1990; Hobbins et al., 2001a,b; Xu and Li, 2003). A comparative study that evaluates the performance of these three models (i.e. CRAE, AA, and GG) in terms of different climate regions and calculation seasons using the same data sets has not been done. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate and compare the performance of the above three evapotranspiration models in three study areas: one in Central Sweden representing a seasonally snowcovered boreal region, one in Eastern China representing a subtropical humid monsoon region and one in Northwestern Cyprus representing a semiarid region. This study differs from those reported in the literature in the following respects: (1) This study compares three complementary relationship-based models, which does not appear to have been done before. (2) The study includes the regions that have large geographic and climatic diversity. (3) The results of these evapotranspiration models are compared with both a long-term water balance study and a monthly water balance model. This permits comparison of not only the annual evapotranspiration values but also the monthly dynamic values. The paper is organized as follows: Introducing the theme of the paper in Section 1, the models are described in Section 2. The study regions and data are described in Section 3. The results are given in Section 4, followed by a general discussion in Section 5. Summary and conclusions are given in Section 6. 2. Description of models Utilizing an analysis based on energy balance, Bouchet (1963) corrected the misconception that a larger potential evapotranspiration necessarily signified a larger actual evapotranspiration by demonstrating that as a surface dried from initially moist conditions the potential evapotranspiration, i.e. evaporative capacity increased, while the actual evapotranspiration decreased as the available water decreased. The relationship that he derived has come to be known as the complementary relationship C.-Y. Xu, V.P. Singh / Journal of Hydrology 308 (2005) 105–121 107 between actual and potential evapotranspiration; it states that as the surface dries the decrease in actual evapotranspiration is accompanied by an equal, but opposite, change in the potential evapotranspiration; the potential evapotranspiration thus ranges from its value at saturation to twice this value. This relationship is described as This formulation of f(U2) was first proposed by Brutsaert and Stricker (1979) for use in the AA model operating at a temporal scale of a few days. Substituting (3) and the wind function (4) into the Penman equation (2) yields the expression for ETp used by Brutsaert and Stricker (1979) in the original AA model: ETa C ETp Z 2ETw ETAA p Z (1) where ETa, ETp and ETw are actual, potential and wet environment evapotranspiration, respectively. The complementary relationship has formed the basis for the development of some evapotranspiration models (Morton, 1983; Brutsaert and Stricker, 1979; Granger and Gray, 1989), which differ in the calculation of ETp and ETw. ETa is usually calculated as a residual of (1). For the sake of completeness, the model equations are briefly summarized in what follows using the same notations as used by the original authors. For a more complete discussion, the reader is referred to the cited literature. D Rn g f ðU2 Þðes K ea Þ C D Cg l D Cg The AA model calculates ETw (Brutsaert and Stricker, 1979) using the Priestley and Taylor (1972) partial equilibrium evapotranspiration equation ETAA w Za D Rn D Cg l 2.1. The AA model D Rn g E ETp Z C D Cg l D Cg a (2) where Rn is the net radiation near the surface, D is the slope of the saturation vapour pressure curve at the air temperature, g is the psychrometic constant, l is the latent heat, and Ea is the drying power of the air which in general can be written as Ea Z f ðUz Þðes K ea Þ (3) where f(Uz) is some function of the mean wind speed at a reference level z above the ground; and ea and es are the vapour pressure of the air and the saturation vapour pressure at the air temperature, respectively. In this study, Penman (1948) originally suggested an empirical linear approximation for f(Uz) which was used here f ðUz Þ zf ðU2 Þ Z 0:0026ð1 C 0:54U2 Þ (4) which, for wind speeds at 2-m elevation in m/s and vapour pressure in Pa, yields Ea in mm/day. (6) where aZ1.26. Different values for a have been reported in the literature, the original value was first tested in this study. Substitution of (5) and (6) into (1) results in the expression for ETa (7) in the AA model: ETAA a Z ð2a K 1Þ In the AA model, the ETp is calculated by combining information from the energy budget and water vapour transfer in the Penman (1948) equation (5) D Rn g f ðU2 Þðes K ea Þ K D Cg l D Cg (7) 2.2. The GG model Granger (1989) showed that an equation similar to Penman could also be derived following the approach of Bouchet’s (1963) complementary relationship. Granger and Gray (1989) derived a modified form of Penman’s equation for estimating the actual evapotranspiration from different non/saturated land covers (Eq. (8)) ETGG a Z DG gG R =l C E DG C g n DG C g a (8) where G is a dimensionless relative evapotranspiration parameter and other notations have the same meaning as in (2). Granger and Gray (1989) showed that the relative evapotranspiration, the ratio of actual to potential evapotranspiration, GZETa/ETp is a unique parameter for each set of atmospheric and surface conditions. Based on daily estimated values of actual evapotranspiration from water balance, Granger and Gray (1989) showed that there exists a unique relationship between G and a parameter which 108 C.-Y. Xu, V.P. Singh / Journal of Hydrology 308 (2005) 105–121 they called the relative drying power, D, given as DZ Ea Ea C Rn (9) and GZ 1 1 C 0:028 e8:045D (10) Later on, Granger (1998) modified (10) to: GZ 1 C 0:006D 0:793 C 0:20 e4:902D (11) ETCRAE Z b1 C b2 w Z b1 C b2 2.3. The CRAE model Different forms of the CRAE model have been reported in the literature; in this study the original form presented by Morton (1983) was used. To calculate ETp in the CRAE model, Morton (1983) decomposed the Penman equation into two separate parts describing the energy balance and vapour transfer process. A refinement was developed by using an ‘equilibrium temperature’ Tp, which is defined as the temperature at which Morton’s (1983) energy budget method and mass transfer method for a moist surface and plants yield the same result for ETp. The energy-balance and vapour transfer equations can be expressed, respectively, as ETCRAE Z RT K ½gfT C 43sðTP C 273Þ3 ðTP K TÞ p (12) Z fT ðeP K ed Þ ETCRAE p to account for the temperature dependence of both the net radiation term and the slope of the saturated vapour pressure curve D. The Priestley–Taylor factor a is replaced by a smaller factor b2Z1.20, while the addition of b1Z14 W m K2 (or 0.49 mm/day) accounts for large-scale advection during seasons of low or negative net radiation and represents the minimum energy available for ETw but becomes insignificant during periods of high net radiation (13) in which ETp is the potential evapotranspiration in the units of latent heat; Tp and T are the equilibrium and air temperatures, respectively, in 8C; RT is the net radiation for soil–plant surfaces at the air temperature; g is the psychrometric constant; s is the Stefan– Boltzmann constant; 3 is the surface emissivity; fT is the vapour transfer coefficient; ep is the saturation vapour pressure at Tp; and ed is the saturation vapour pressure at the dew-point temperature. The potential evapotranspiration estimate is obtained by using in (12) the value of Tp obtained by an iterative process (Morton, 1983). In calculating the wet-environment evapotranspiration, Morton (1983) modified the Priestley– Taylor equilibrium evapotranspiration equation (6) DP R DP C g TP DP ½R K 43sTp3 ðTp K Ta Þ DP C g n ð14Þ where Dp and RTP are the slope of the saturated vapor pressure curve and the net available energy adjusted to the equilibrium temperature Tp, respectively. Other symbols are as defined previously. Actual evapotranspiration is calculated as a residual of (1). 2.4. The monthly water balance model NOPEX-6 (Xu et al., 1996) is a typical monthly water and snow balance model. It was originally developed for investigation of water balance of the NOPEX (A NOrthern hemisphere climate Processes land-surface EXperiment) area (Halldin et al., 1999). The prototype of the model system was defined by Van der Beken and Byloos (1977). The principal equations of the NOPEX-6 are presented in Table 1. The input data to the model are monthly values of areal precipitation, long-term monthly average potential evapotranspiration and air temperature. Precipitation pt is first divided into rainfall rt and snowfall st by using a temperature index function. Snowfall is added to the snowpack spt at the end of the month, of which a fraction mt melts and contributes to the soil moisture storage smt. Parameters a1 and a2 are threshold temperatures which determine the form of precipitation and the rate of snowmelting. Before rainfall contributes to the soil storage as ‘active’ rainfall, a small part is subtracted and added to evapotranspiration. The latter storage contributes to evapotranspiration et, to the fast component of flow ft, and to slow flow bt. Parameter a3 is used to convert long-term average monthly potential evapotranspiration to actual values of monthly potential evapotranspiration. C.-Y. Xu, V.P. Singh / Journal of Hydrology 308 (2005) 105–121 109 Table 1 Principal equations of the NOPEX-6 monthly snow and water balance model Snow fall Rainfall Snow storage Snowmelt Potential evapotranspiration Actual evapotranspiration Slow flow Fast flow equation Total computed runoff Water balance equation st Z pt f1K exp½Kðct K at Þ=ða1 K a2 Þ2 gC; a1 R a2 rtZptKst sptZsptK1CstKmt mt Z spt f1K exp½ðct K a2 Þ=ða1 K a2 Þ2 gC ept Z ð1C a3 ðct K cm ÞÞepm et Z min½ept ð1K aw4 t =ept Þ; wt ; 0% a4 % 1 2 a5 R 0 bt Z a5 ðsmC tK1 Þ ; C 2 ft Z a6 ðsmtK1 Þ ðmt C nt Þ; a6 R 0 dtZbtCft smt Z smtK1 C rt C mt K et K dt C Krt =ept where wt Z rt C smC Þ is the active rainfall; pt tK1 is the available water; smtK1 Z maxðsmtK1 ; 0Þ is the available storage; nt Z rt K ept ð1K e and ct are monthly precipitation and air temperature, respectively; epm and cm are long-term monthly average potential evapotranspiration and air temperature, respectively; ai (iZ1,2,.,6) are model parameters. It can be eliminated from the model if potential evapotranspiration data are available or calculated using other methods. Parameter a4 determines the value of actual evapotranspiration that is an increasing function of potential evapotranspiration and available water. The smaller the values for a4, the greater the evapotranspiration losses at all moisture storage states. The slow flow parameter a5 controls the proportion of runoff that appears as ‘base flow’ and higher values of a5 produce a greater proportion of ‘base flow’. It seems likely then that higher values are expected in forest areas than in open field and in sandy soil than in clayey soil. The fast flow parameter a6 will increase with the degree of urbanisation, average basin slope, and drainage density, and lower values should be expected for catchments that are dominated by forest. In case snowfall and frost are not a significant factor, the NOPEX-6 model as described in Table 1 can be simplified by eliminating the snow routine part. 3. Study area and data Three regions representing a large geographical and climatic diversity were chosen in this study to evaluate the selected evapotranspiration models. The first study region is located in central Sweden (Fig. 1C). Uppsala Flygplats (59853 0 N, 17835 0 ) is a national standard meteorological station maintained by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI). It is the only national standard station in the NOPEX area (Halldin et al., 1999) in central Sweden. Hourly meteorological data are available since the early 1980s, which include air temperature, dew point temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, solar radiation, sun shine hour, precipitation, etc. The mean monthly meteorological variables are shown in Fig. 2. There are 10 hydrological catchments in the NOPEX area ranging in size from 6 to about 1000 km2. In order to evaluate the performance of the selected evapotranspiration models by using water balance calculations, two catchments nearest to the Uppsala Flygplats station were selected in the study, namely, Hågaån at Lurbo (in short, LU) located on the west of the station, and Sävjaån at Sävja (SA) located on the east of the station (see Fig. 1). The LU catchment has an area of 124 km2 and its altitude ranges from 15 to 75 m-above-sea-level. Landuse of the catchment includes 0.3% lake, 68.2% forest and 31.5% agricultural land. The SA catchment has an area of 727 km2 and altitude ranges from 5 to 75 m-above-sea-level. The landuse of the catchment includes 2.0% lake, 64% forest and 34% agricultural land. An earlier investigation (Seibert, 1995) has shown that the distribution of soil type is quite similar to the distribution of landuse, i.e. areas with forest consist of sandy soil, whereas agricultural areas consist of clay soil. The soil type and landuse are the main factors that affect the runoff coefficient in the region, since topography does not vary appreciably. The mean annual precipitation, runoff and runoff coefficients calculated using the observed data for the period of 1981–1991 are 720 mm, 302 mm and 0.41 for LU and 716 mm, 234 mm and 0.33 for SA, respectively. Since these two catchments have similar 110 C.-Y. Xu, V.P. Singh / Journal of Hydrology 308 (2005) 105–121 Fig. 1. Map of the three countries with the location of the study regions. quantities and temporal variations of precipitation, as can be seen in the results section, the runoff coefficient is the main factor that determines the difference in the calculated areal evapotranspiration of the two catchments. The second study region is the Baixi catchment located in Zhejiang province (29815 0 N and 121810 0 E) in eastern China (Fig. 1B). The catchment has an area of 254 km2, and more than 90% of the land-use is forest and the rest is farming land. The climate of the area is a subtropical monsoon one with mild temperatures. The long-term average annual precipitation is around 1800 mm, of which 65% falls between April and September. The annual evapotranspiration is about 790 mm resulting in a runoff coefficient of 0.56. The warmest month is June with a mean temperature of 28 8C and the coldest month is December with a temperature of 4.0 8C. C.-Y. Xu, V.P. Singh / Journal of Hydrology 308 (2005) 105–121 111 Fig. 2. Comparison of the mean monthly climatological variables for the three study regions. The mean monthly values of the major climatic parameters in the Pinghu station near the Baixi catchment are given in Fig. 2. The third study region is located in northwestern part of the Greek Cypriot area of the Cyprus island (Fig. 1C). The catchment of the river is approximately 42 km2. The land cover consists of hilly forest, grass and bedrock. Both the bedrock and the soil are rather homogenous in the area and consist of Gabbro and Eutric cambisol. The average elevation of the catchment is about 675 m-above-sea-level. The national discharge station Q12830 and the two meteorological stations record daily values of meteorological and hydrological variables from 1980. The most complete data period is from 1989 to 1993 and it is used in the study. The climate of the region is semiarid with annual precipitation of about 645 mm and annual potential evapotranspiration about 1250 mm. The mean runoff coefficient is 0.3, but the seasonal variation of both precipitation and runoff are extremely high. About 90% of the annual precipitation and annual runoff are measured in the rainy months from December to March. The dry months are really dry which is very much different from the other two study regions. Fig. 2 shows the mean monthly values of the major climatic parameters. 4. Results The study was performed in two steps. First, the three complementary relationship evapotranspiration models with their original parameter values were applied to the three study regions in order to test their 112 C.-Y. Xu, V.P. Singh / Journal of Hydrology 308 (2005) 105–121 validity in different climatic regions. Second, the parameter values were calibrated based on water balance calculations in order to see how much the results can be improved. In this section, the results obtained using the original parameter values for the three regions are first presented, followed by the results obtained with locally calibrated parameter values. Common features and differences are compared. A general discussion will be given in Section 5. 4.1. Results obtained using original parameters 4.1.1. Central Sweden Calculations were made on a daily basis for the period of 1983–1991 using meteorological data taken from station Uppsala Flygplats. The mean monthly evapotranspiration computed from the three models are shown in Table 2 (columns 2–4) and plotted in Fig. 3A. It is seen that (1) all three models gave close estimates of evapotranspiration for summer months from June to August. (2) Larger differences existed between the CRAE model and the other two models in winter months. This is due to the b1 (14 W mK2) term . Similar results were reported by included in ETCRAE W Hobbins et al. (2001a). (3) As for the long-term annual averages, the CRAE model yielded closest value to the water balance model estimation, while the AA models gave about 100 mm smaller. (4) The peak values estimated by the water balance models appeared one month earlier than the evapotranspiration models did; this phenomenon will be explained in Section 4.2. 4.1.2. East China For the Chinese catchment, calculations were made on a daily basis for the period of 1989–1998. The mean monthly actual evapotranspiration calculated from three models are compared in Table 3 (columns 2–4) and Fig. 3B. It is seen that using the original parameter values, larger differences existed between the complementary relationship models. For this catchment, the GG produced closest agreement with water balance estimates, while the CRAE and AA methods produced much higher values especially for warmer months. This means that the parameter values must be locally tuned in order to determine which method gives the more correct results. The peak values estimated by the water balance models appeared one month later than the evapotranspiration models did; this phenomenon will be explained in Section 4.2. 4.1.3. Northwestern Cyprus Calculations were made on a daily basis for the period of 1989–1993. The mean monthly actual evapotranspiration calculated from three models using the original parameter values are compared in Table 4 (columns 2–4) and Fig. 3C. The results show that using original parameter values, larger differences existed between the three methods. Table 2 Mean monthly actual evapotranspiration calculated by the monthly water balance model and evapotranspiration models with original and tuned parameter for the Swedish catchment (1983–1991) Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total With original parameters With tuned parameters Water balance ETAA A ETCRAE A ETGG A ETAA A ETCRAE A ETGG A ETWB A 0 0.8 7.9 26.1 58.9 89.9 98.1 56.7 16.8 2.1 0.1 0 357 7.1 11.1 23.5 39.4 66.8 90.9 96.3 65 32 18.4 8.7 7 466 0.7 3.1 17.6 44 76.4 91.5 94.6 61 26.5 5.5 0.7 0.4 422 10.2 10.4 21.5 37.3 65.4 94 101.9 65.3 28.4 10.9 8.7 9.4 463 6 8.6 19 37.5 70.7 97.1 103.2 66.6 28 12.7 7.2 6.1 463 1.1 3.9 20 48.1 84.5 96.8 100.6 67.2 31.2 8.1 1.3 0.6 463 2.1 3.9 13.8 46.7 89 99.5 87.8 66.2 38.8 14.1 1 0 463 C.-Y. Xu, V.P. Singh / Journal of Hydrology 308 (2005) 105–121 113 Fig. 3. Comparison of the mean monthly actual evapotranspiration calculated by the water balance model and the three complementary relationship evapotranspiration models using the original parameter values for the three study regions. Table 3 Mean monthly actual evapotranspiration calculated by the monthly water balance model and evapotranspiration models with original and tuned parameter for the Chinese catchment (1989–1998) Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total With original parameters With tuned parameters Water balance ETAA A ETCRAE A ETGG A ETAA A ETCRAE A ETGG A ETWB A 20.8 30.8 57.5 87.9 121.9 141.9 180.8 162.1 111.4 70.8 33 20 1039 33.7 36.1 53.5 82.8 124.9 140.3 184 169 118.8 84 54 39.8 1121 25.8 34 53 73.4 96.1 104.7 129.1 117.1 83.7 58.4 33.8 24.8 834 25.9 30.4 48.6 66.4 86.6 101.2 123.9 111.7 81.6 56.7 31.7 25 790 28.8 26.7 35.4 52.9 81.2 93.3 125.9 118.6 84.6 62.2 45 35.1 790 25.2 33 51.3 70.1 90.3 98.3 119.8 108.8 78.1 55 31.9 23.8 786 27.6 29.4 40.8 58.8 78.3 94.2 108.7 119.8 89.1 62.5 47.1 33.8 790 114 C.-Y. Xu, V.P. Singh / Journal of Hydrology 308 (2005) 105–121 Table 4 Mean monthly actual evapotranspiration calculated by the monthly water balance model and evapotranspiration models with original and tuned parameter for the Cypriot catchment (1989–1993) Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total With original parameters With tuned parameters Water balance ETAA A ETCRAE A ETGG A ETAA A ETCRAE A ETGG A ETWB A 16.8 28.1 58.7 90.4 123.3 141.6 144.4 126 79.3 37.9 22.8 17.6 887 29.2 35.8 53.9 65.7 89.1 85 72.6 54.1 40.1 30.3 27.2 28.6 612 22.3 31.3 56.8 80.7 100.6 111.2 112.6 100.1 70.9 45.4 26.9 19.9 779 16.1 21.4 36.9 50.3 69 75.3 74 62.9 38.9 20.4 17.5 17.9 501 21.9 29.2 45.2 56.2 78.4 72.9 60.4 43.1 30.7 22.3 19.5 21.6 501 14.4 20.8 37.6 53.2 67.1 72.3 72.3 63.8 44.9 28.8 17.2 13 505 22 26.3 56.2 78.5 76.7 67.2 49 32.5 19.7 20.4 29.5 22.3 500 For this catchment, the CRAE models produced closest agreement with the water balance estimates, while the GG and AA methods produced much bigger values especially for warmer months. As for the Chinese catchment, the parameter values must be locally calibrated in order to determine which method gives the more correct results. Again there is a mismatch problem for the time appearance of the peak values between the complementary evapotranspiration estimations and the water balance model calculations. For this arid catchment, this phenomenon becomes more pronounced and an explanation will be given in Section 4.2. 4.2. Results obtained using locally calibrated parameters based on water balance studies In order to verify the results obtained from different methods, two calculations were performed. First, the mean annual actual evapotranspiration was calculated from the long-term water balance equation ETZPTKQT. Second, the monthly actual evapotranspiration was computed using the monthly water balance model. Although one cannot guarantee that the monthly water balance model would yield true values, it is interesting to compare the results and discuss the difference, especially when the observed areal actual evapotranspiration data are not available. In tuning the parameters of the evapotranspiration model, two factors were considered to be important, i.e. they should be able to produce the yearly total values correctly and they should produce total values for summer months as close as possible. Two criteria were used in tuning the parameter values: First, the mean annual actual evapotranspiration calculated from the long-term water balance equation was used to tune the parameters so that the three evapotranspiration methods would produce correct results for yearly totals. Second, the mean monthly evapotranspiration for summer months calculated from the monthly water balance model was used to tune the parameters to make them produce closer results for the growing season. 4.2.1. Central Sweden Using the areal precipitation and discharge data of two catchments, LU and SA, the average annual actual evapotranspiration was calculated from the long-term water balance equation ETZPTKQT as 463 mm. Using the monthly water balance model, the monthly water balance components, including runoff and actual evapotranspiration, were simulated for these two catchments, and the average of the two was used for comparison with the evapotranspiration models. The parameter values tuned using the two criteria are as follows: for the AA model, the a value of 1.26 in (6) was replaced by a smaller factor 1.18, with an addition of bZ8.5 W mK2 (i.e. 0.3 mm/day) which accounts for large-scale advection during seasons of low or negative net radiation and represents the minimum energy available for ETw. Eq. (6) was C.-Y. Xu, V.P. Singh / Journal of Hydrology 308 (2005) 105–121 modified to ETAA w Z 0:3C 1:18ðD=DC gÞðRn =lÞ. For the GG model, it was found necessary to change the parameter values 0.793 and 0.20 in (11) to 0.55 and 0.15, respectively. For the CRAE model, the parameter values of 14 and 1.20 in (14) were changed to 8.8 and 1.30, respectively. For comparison purpose, the mean monthly evapotranspiration and yearly totals calculated using the three evapotranspiration models with locally tuned parameters are shown in Table 2 (columns 5–7) together with the values computed using the water balance model (column 8). These values are also plotted in Fig. 4A. The results showed the following: (1) All three models produce mean annual values correctly as expected. (2) The CRAE model follows best the variation with the water balance model for 115 mean monthly values. (3) Compared with Fig. 3A and Table 2 (columns 2–4), a relatively big change is found for the AA model since the original parameter value underestimated the yearly total value, while only minor changes are made for the other two methods. (4) Evapotranspiration estimated based on the routine climatological observations gives a peak in July, while the water balance model gives the peak in June. To explain this phenomenon better, Fig. 5A is used, where the areal mean monthly precipitation, potential evapotranspiration and soil moisture content computed by the water balance model together with the mean monthly actual evapotranspiration are plotted. It is seen that for this region the available water for evapotranspiration as measured by the soil moisture content in July is the smallest. This causes Fig. 4. Comparison of the mean monthly actual evapotranspiration calculated by the water balance model and the three complementary relationship evapotranspiration models using the locally tuned parameter values for the three study regions. 116 C.-Y. Xu, V.P. Singh / Journal of Hydrology 308 (2005) 105–121 Fig. 5. Comparison of the mean monthly water balance components for the three study regions. evapotranspiration in July to be slightly lower than that in June for the water balance model. The complementary relationship models do not directly use the soil moisture information and hence produce the highest evapotranspiration rate in July. As will be shown later in this paper, this time shift phenomenon becomes more pronounced for the Chinese and Cypriot catchments where the soil moisture plays a more important role. In order to have a dynamic comparison, the monthly values of ETa calculated by these three models were regressed against the water balance model values. The results are shown in Fig. 6. It is seen from the figure that (1) the results from the three evapotranspiration models were closely correlated with the water balance model, resulting in high R2 values (O0.87 in all cases). (2) The correlation between the CRAE model and the water balance model was the best for this region, although the other two were also good. The monthly evapotranspiration values calculated from the three models were also regressed against each other (plot is not shown), and the R2 values are higher (0.98 for AA-CRAE, 0.97 for GG-CRAE, and 0.94 for AA-GG) than when they were regressed against water balance calculations. 4.2.2. Eastern China Using the areal precipitation and discharge data of the Baixi catchment, the average annual actual evapotranspiration was calculated from the longterm water balance equation ETZPTKQT as 790 mm. Using the monthly water balance model, the monthly water balance components, including runoff and actual evapotranspiration, were simulated for the catchment. The parameter values tuned using the two criteria are as follows: for the AA model, the a C.-Y. Xu, V.P. Singh / Journal of Hydrology 308 (2005) 105–121 117 Fig. 6. Correlation between monthly actual evapotranspiration calculated by the three complementary relationship evapotranspiration models and the water balance model for NOPEX region in Central Sweden. value of 1.26 in (6) is replaced by a smaller factor 1.0, with an addition of bZ8.2 W mK2 (i.e. 0.29 mm/day) which accounts for large-scale advection during seasons of low or negative net radiation and represents the minimum energy available for ETw. For the GG model, it was found necessary to change the parameter value 0.793 in (11) to 1.03. For the CRAE model, the parameter values of 14 and 1.20 in (14) were changed to 17 and 0.95, respectively. Comparison between actual evapotranspiration calculated by the three evapotranspiration models with locally tuned parameters and the water balance model is shown in Table 3 (columns 5–8). These values are also plotted in Fig. 4B. These results showed that (1) all three models produced mean annual values correctly as expected; (2) again CRAE model followed closest the water balance model for mean monthly values; (3) compared with Fig. 3B and Table 3 (columns 2–4), it is seen that original values used in the AA and CRAE models gave overestimation for the study region. For the GG model, the original parameter values worked reasonably well for the region and a very minor improvement was obtained with the recalibrated parameter; and (4) as shown in Fig. 4A for the Swedish catchment, there is a time shift in the peak values calculated using evapotranspiration model based on the routine climatological observations and the water balance model for this catchment. The difference is that for the Chinese catchment, the water balance model gives the peak one month later than the evapotranspiration models, while for the Swedish catchment the opposite is true. To explain this phenomenon better, Fig. 5B is used, where the areal mean monthly precipitation, potential evapotranspiration and soil moisture content computed by the water balance model and mean monthly actual evapotranspiration are plotted. It is seen that for this region, although the evaporationability as measured by the potential evapotranspiration is slightly higher in July than in August, the available water for evapotranspiration as measured by precipitation and soil moisture content in August is the highest. This causes evapotranspiration in July to be slightly lower than that in August for the water balance model. The complementary relationship models do not use directly the soil moisture information and hence produce the highest evapotranspiration rate in July. The ETa values calculated by these three models were regressed against water balance model values. The results are shown in Fig. 7. It is seen that (1) the results from three models were closely correlated with the water balance calculations, resulting in high R2 values (O0.85 in all cases). (2) The correlation between the CRAE model and the water balance model is the best in R2 value and the other two models give similar results. 4.2.3. North-western Cyprus Using the areal precipitation and discharge data of the catchment, the average annual actual evapotranspiration was calculated from the long-term water balance equation ETZPTKQT as 500 mm. Using the monthly water balance model, the monthly water balance components, including runoff and actual evapotranspiration, were simulated for the catchment. In tuning the parameters involved in the evapotranspiration models for the semi-arid catchment with sparse vegetation, an extra fact was considered. That is soil heat flux, G, cannot be considered as 118 C.-Y. Xu, V.P. Singh / Journal of Hydrology 308 (2005) 105–121 Fig. 7. Correlation between monthly actual evapotranspiration calculated by the three complementary relationship evapotranspiration models and the water balance model for Baixi catchment in Eastern China. negligible (e.g. Clothier et al., 1986; Kustas et al., 1993). Field observations show that G/Rn can range from 0.05 to 0.30, and is dependent on the time, soil moisture and thermal properties, and vegetation amount and height (Kustas et al., 1993). In this study an arbitrary value of GZ0.15Rn was subtracted from the net radiation, Rn. Parameter values were then tuned using the two criteria as before: for the AA model, the a value of 1.26 in (6) is replaced by a smaller factor 1.04, with an addition of bZ5.9 W mK2 (i.e. 0.21 mm/day). For the GG model, it was found necessary to change the parameter values 0.793 in (11) into 0.91 and 0.20 into 0.3. For the CRAE model, the parameter values of 14 and 1.20 in (14) were changed to 10 and 1.18, respectively. The actual evapotranspiration calculated by the three evapotranspiration models with locally tuned parameters and the water balance model is shown in Table 4 (columns 5–8) and Fig. 4C. It is seen that (1) all three models produced mean annual values correctly as expected; and (2) all three models failed to follow the pattern of variation of the water balance model calculated monthly evapotranspiration, although the CRAE model did relatively better. A two-month time shift was found between the water balance model results and the AA and GG models, while one month-time delay existed between the CRAE model and the water balance model estimations. Again, this phenomenon is explained using Fig. 5C, where the areal mean monthly precipitation, potential evapotranspiration and soil moisture content computed by the water balance model and mean monthly actual evapotranspiration are plotted. It is seen for this region that although the evaporationability as measured by the potential evapotranspiration is the highest in July, the available water for evapotranspiration as measured by precipitation and soil moisture content in July is very low. Already from May, the amount of monthly precipitation becomes very small resulting in a rapid decrease in soil moisture. This causes the actual evapotranspiration to reach its peak in April and then decreases as the available water decreases. The ETa values calculated by these three models were regressed against water balance model values. The results are shown in Fig. 8. Compared Fig. 8. Correlation between monthly actual evapotranspiration calculated by the three complementary relationship evapotranspiration models and the water balance model for Potamos tou Pyrgou river catchment in North-western Cyprus. C.-Y. Xu, V.P. Singh / Journal of Hydrology 308 (2005) 105–121 with Figs. 6 and 7, Fig. 8 shows that (1) in arid region, the correlations between monthly evapotranspirations calculated by complementary evapotranspiration models and the water balance models are much worse than that in humid regions. (2) The correlation between the CRAE model and the water balance model is the best in R2 value and the other two models give similar results. 5. Discussion The fact that the complementary relationship models evaluated in this study use only the standard meteorological observations has both advantages and disadvantages as compared with the Penman– Monteith method and the water balance approaches. The main advantage of these models is that the models bypass the complex and poorly understood soil–plant processes and thus do not require data on soil moisture, stomatal resistance properties of the vegetation, which are difficult to obtain. The disadvantage is that the models rely only on the routine climatological observations, while local variations, such as properties of vegetation, soil type, basin slope, etc. affect the runoff coefficient, which, in turn, influence the local evapotranspiration. Before a general discussion is made about the results, a brief review of the conclusions made from earlier studies is useful. According to the study made by Hobbins et al. (2001a,b), the predictive power of both the CRAE and AA models increases in moving toward regions of increased climate control (i.e. humid regions) of evapotranspiration rates and decreases in moving toward regions of increased soil control (i.e. arid regions). Increased climate/soil control in this context refers to increased and decreased moisture availability, respectively. The studies made by Xu and Li (2003) and Lemeur and Zhang (1990) confirmed the conclusion made by Hobbins et al. (2001a,b). Xu and Li (2003) studied two humid regions in Japan by using the CRAE and AA models and found the results are reasonable as compared with other methods. In the study made by Lemeur and Zhang (1990), the CRAE and AA model were applied to a semiarid region in Northwestern China and larger errors were found as compared with the water balance approach. In this study we found 119 that using the original parameter values all three complementary models, i.e. CRAE, AA and GG gave acceptable results for the Swedish catchment where the climate variables are a controlling factor for evapotranspiration, since the soil never gets really dry all year around. The results for the Swedish catchment showed that all three models give equally good results for the warmer months, the main difference is found between the AA model and the CRAE model for winter and cool months where the AA model gives lower values than does the CRAE model. That is the snow cover period in Sweden. The main reason is that the AA model, as for many other evapotranspiration models which utilize a form of the Penman equation, does not work (well) for those conditions in which period the available energy (Rn) is negative or very near to zero. This problem is corrected in the CRAE model by adding a constant b1 that accounts for largescale advection during seasons of low or negative net radiation and represents the minimum energy available for ETw. When the models are used with the original parameter values on the Chinese catchment where both climate and soil are controlling evapotranspiration, the results became worse. The worst results were found for the semiarid region in Cyprus where the soil moisture is the main control factor. Using locally calibrated parameter values all three models were forced to give correct yearly estimates as compared with water balance estimations. As for the monthly estimations, all three models gave acceptable results for the Swedish and Chinese catchments which are relatively humid. For the semiarid region in Cyprus where the soil moisture is the dominating factor rather than the climate variables for evapotranspiration, all three models failed to gave monthly values that follow the monthly variation pattern of the water balance estimates, although the CRAE model worked better than the other two. This aspect needs further study by including more study regions from the arid climate; unfortunately no more data is available at this time. 6. Concluding remarks The performance of the three complementary relationship evapotranspiration models with both original parameter values and recalibrated parameters 120 C.-Y. Xu, V.P. Singh / Journal of Hydrology 308 (2005) 105–121 were tested in three regions representing a large geographic and climatic diversity. One region in Central Sweden represents a seasonally snow covered humid boreal climate, second study region in eastern China represents a subtropical humid monsoon climate and the third region in north-western Cyprus represents a semiarid region. The main conclusions of the study are (1) using the original parameter values all three complementary relationship models worked reasonably well for temperate humid region as represented by the Swedish catchment (a recent study done by Xu and Chen (in press) on German catchments supported this statement), while the predictive power decreases in moving toward regions of increased soil moisture control, i.e. increased aridity. In such regions, the parameters need to be calibrated. (2) Using recalibrated parameter values, all models produced correct yearly values for all the three study regions, as the calibration was carried out to force the parameters that produced close water balance. The recalibrated models produced acceptable monthly values for the Swedish (temperate humid) and the Chinese catchment (subtropical, humid), but failed to produce the monthly variation pattern for the Cypriot catchment (semiarid to arid). (3) In all the three studies regions, the CRAE model produced slightly better results when the recalibrated model parameters are used. The results are supported by those studies already published in the literature. A future study will be carried out by including case studies in different climatic regions such that the conclusions drawn from this study can be generalized. Acknowledgements The first author thanks VR (The Swedish Research Council) for providing him research fund year by year which supported his research work. He also gratefully acknowledges CAS (The Chinese Academy of Sciences) for awarding him with ‘The Outstanding Overseas Chinese Scholars Fund’. 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