This article was downloaded by: [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] On: 19 October 2011, At: 07:46 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Hydrological Sciences Journal Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Modelling catchment inflows into Lake Victoria: uncertainties in rainfall–runoff modelling for the Nzoia River a b Michael Kizza , Allan Rodhe , Chong-Yu Xu a b c & Henry K. Ntale d School of Engineering, Makerere University, PO Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda b Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Villavägen 16, SE-752 36, Uppsala, Sweden c Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, PO Box 1047 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway d Faculty of Technology, Makerere University, PO Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda Available online: 19 Oct 2011 To cite this article: Michael Kizza, Allan Rodhe, Chong-Yu Xu & Henry K. Ntale (2011): Modelling catchment inflows into Lake Victoria: uncertainties in rainfall–runoff modelling for the Nzoia River, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 56:7, 1210-1226 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. 1210 Hydrological Sciences Journal – Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques, 56(7) 2011 Modelling catchment inflows into Lake Victoria: uncertainties in rainfall–runoff modelling for the Nzoia River Michael Kizza1 , Allan Rodhe2 , Chong-Yu Xu2,3 & Henry K. Ntale4 1 School of Engineering, Makerere University, PO Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda; 2 Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 07:46 19 October 2011 Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Villavägen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden 3 Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, PO Box 1047 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway 4 Faculty of Technology, Makerere University, PO Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda Received 18 June 2009; accepted 29 March 2011; open for discussion until 1 April 2012 Citation Kizza, M., Rodhe, A., Xu, C.-Y. & Ntale, H. K. (2011) Modelling catchment inflows into Lake Victoria: uncertainties in rainfall–runoff modelling for the Nzoia River. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(7), 1210–1226. Abstract Climate and soil characteristics vary considerably around the Lake Victoria basin resulting in high spatial and temporal variability in catchment inflows. However, data for estimating the inflows are usually sparsely distributed and error-prone. Therefore, modelled estimates of the flows are highly uncertain, which could explain early difficulties in reproducing the lake water balance. The aim of this study was to improve the estimates of catchment flow to Lake Victoria. The WASMOD model was applied to the Nzoia River, one of the major tributaries to Lake Victoria. Uncertainty was assessed within the GLUE framework. During calibration, log-transformation was performed on both simulated and observed flows. The results showed that, despite its simple structure, WASMOD produces acceptable results for the basin. For a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NS) threshold of 0.6, the percentage of observations bracketed by simulations (POBS) was 74%, the average relative interval length (ARIL) was 0.93, and the maximum NS value was 0.865. The residuals were shown to be homoscedastic, normally distributed and nearly independent. When the NS threshold was increased to 0.8, POBS decreased to 54% with an improvement of ARIL to 0.49, highlighting the effect of the subjective choice of likelihood threshold. Key words rainfall–runoff modelling; GLUE; Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency; Nzoia River; Lake Victoria; WASMOD; uncertainty Modélisation des apports de bassin au Lac Victoria: les incertitudes dans la modélisation pluie– débit du Fleuve Nzoia Résumé Les caractéristiques du climat et du sol varient considérablement dans le bassin du Lac Victoria, résultant en une forte variabilité spatiale et temporelle des apports du bassin. Cependant, les données pour l’estimation des entrées sont généralement clairsemées et sujettes à erreur. Par conséquent, les estimations modélisées des débits sont très incertaines, ce qui pourrait expliquer les premières difficultés à reproduire le bilan en eau du lac. Le but de cette étude était d’améliorer les estimations des apports de bassin au Lac Victoria. Le modèle WASMOD a été appliqué au fleuve Nzoia, l’un des principaux affluents du Lac Victoria. L’incertitude a été évaluée dans le cadre de GLUE. Pendant le calage, une transformation logarithmique a été réalisée sur les débits à la fois simulés et observés. Les résultats ont montré que, malgré sa structure simple, WASMOD produit des résultats acceptables pour le bassin. Pour un seuil de 0.6 sur l’efficacité de Nash-Sutcliffe (NS), le pourcentage d’observations compris entre des simulations (POBS) a été de 74%, la longueur de l’intervalle relatif moyen (ARIL) était de 0.93, et la valeur maximale du NS a été de 0.865. On a montré que les résidus étaient homoscédastiques, normalement distribués et presque indépendants. Lorsque le seuil sur NS a été augmenté à 0.8, POBS a diminué à 54% avec une amélioration de l’ARIL à 0.49, soulignant l’effet du choix subjectif de seuil de vraisemblance. Mots clefs modélisation pluie–débit; GLUE; efficacité de Nash-Sutcliffe; Fleuve Nzoia; Lac Victoria; WASMOD; incertitude ISSN 0262-6667 print/ISSN 2150-3435 online © 2011 IAHS Press Modelling catchment inflows into Lake Victoria Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 07:46 19 October 2011 INTRODUCTION In studies on water balance of Lake Victoria, strong emphasis is usually placed on accurate estimation of rainfall and evaporation over the lake surface (e.g. Sene and Plinston 1994, Yin and Nicholson 1998, Tate et al. 2004). This is because these components are the largest input and output of the lake water balance respectively. However, the higher relative variability of catchment inflow compared to lake rainfall plays an important role in the variability of the net basin supply (Tate et al. 2004). Indeed, Sutcliffe and Parks (1999) noted that difficulties in explaining the historical lake level fluctuations partly stemmed from underestimation of catchment inflow. In the Lake Victoria basin, hydrological data are, generally, sparse and unreliable, and simplifying assumptions are usually used in estimating the catchment flows. As a consequence, model estimates of catchment flows vary quite considerably, even for studies that cover similar periods. For example, several studies carried out for the period 1950–1978 give long-term mean values that range between 338 mm water depth over the lake (equivalent to 23.2 × 109 m3 ) and 420 mm (28.9 × 109 m3 ) per year, or a 20% variation (Flohn and Burkhardt 1985, Yin and Nicholson 1998). Discrepancies in runoff estimates reflect inherent uncertainty in modelling of environmental systems (Kundzewicz 1995, Beven and Freer 2001, Refsgaard et al. 2007). Uncertainties in rainfall–runoff modelling are a result of errors in both input and output data, and also result from the simplifications that come with mathematical representation of the physical processes that govern flow generation and routing. The proper recognition of, and accounting for uncertainties is currently acknowledged as an integral part of any hydrological modelling process (Wagener and Gupta 2005). Estimating catchment flows into Lake Victoria is complicated by the fact that only a small portion of the basin has been gauged consistently for long periods of time (Yin and Nicholson 1998, Tate et al. 2004). Out of the 20 tributaries, only Kagera, Nzoia, Yala, Sondu and Awach Kaboun, draining about 40% of the land basin, have relatively long flow records. However, records from these also tend to be patchy and unreliable over the recent past. Some of the rivers were also gauged for brief periods during the Hydrometeorological Survey project (WMO 1974). Therefore, most of the schemes that have been used for estimating catchment flows into Lake Victoria involve constructing linear regression equations between runoff and rainfall for those basins 1211 that have long gauging records (mainly Kagera, Nzoia, Yala, Sondu and Awach Kaboun) and using these equations to derive the flow from other parts of the basin. This approach has a disadvantage, in that it results in estimates that have variances which are similar to those of the rainfall. However, studies show that the variability of catchment flow is up to three times that of rainfall mainly due to varying flow generation characteristics around the lake basin (Sutcliffe and Parks 1999). The Nzoia River provides the second largest tributary flow to Lake Victoria after Kagera (Sutcliffe and Parks 1999). While the area of the Nzoia basin is only 6% of the Lake Victoria land basin, its flow contributes about 14% of the total catchment flow. Compared to the other major rivers that flow into Lake Victoria (Kagera, Yala and Sondu), the Nzoia annual flows have the highest coefficient of variation, about 0.4 (Tate et al. 2004). The Nzoia River has also been shown to be highly sensitive to variations in rainfall input. Kite and Waititu (1981) studied the effects of varying precipitation and evapotranspiration on river flow in the Nzoia River and Lake Victoria. They showed that the rainfall–runoff process in the Nzoia basin is highly sensitive to changes in input data. According to the analysis of Kite and Waititu (1981), a 10% increase in rainfall input would result in a 40% increase in runoff, while a 30% increase in rainfall would result in up to 100% increase in runoff. The Nzoia basin suffers from frequent (in most cases annual) flooding, especially in the lower, flatter reaches. This is further exacerbated by changes in land-use patterns within the basin. Deforestation and intense agriculture within the upper to middle reaches of the basin have left bare terrain with serious soil erosion and sediment deposition, which modify the catchment morphology. The objective of this study is to improve the estimation of catchment flows to Lake Victoria by incorporating aspects of uncertainty assessment in the runoff modelling process. The WASMOD model (Xu 2002) is used for modelling the water balance for the Nzoia River, and the GLUE strategy is used for uncertainty analysis. The objective is achieved through the following steps: (1) evaluation and comparison of four areal rainfall estimation methods, namely inverse distance weighting, ordinary kriging, universal kriging and kriging with external drift; (2) quantifying the impact of sampling size in the GLUE method on the estimated uncertainty; and (3) quantifying the impact of threshold values in the GLUE method on the estimated uncertainty. Model 1212 Michael Kizza et al. performance and uncertainty were assessed using multi-evaluation criteria, namely maximum NashSutcliffe coefficient, the percentage of observations bracketed by simulation bounds (POBS) and the average relative interval length (ARIL) defined by Jin et al. (2010). Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 07:46 19 October 2011 UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS IN HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING Uncertainty sources in the hydrological modelling process include: (1) uncertainties in input data (e.g. rainfall, temperature, etc.); (2) uncertainties in calibration data (e.g. river discharge); (3) uncertainties in model parameters; and (4) uncertainties due to model imperfection. A variety of methods are available for assessing the effect of the various sources of uncertainty on the accuracy and reliability of the estimation of catchment hydrological variables (see, for example, Melching 1995, Tung 1996, Kuczera and Parent 1998, Montanari and Brath 2004, Romanowicz and Macdonald 2005, Shrestha et al. 2007). Pappenberger et al. (2005) provide a decision tree to find the appropriate method for a given situation. The uncertainty analysis process in rainfall–runoff modelling varies mainly in the following ways: (a) the type of rainfall–runoff models used; (b) the source of uncertainty to be treated; (c) the representation of uncertainty; (d) the purpose of the uncertainty analysis; and (e) the availability of resources, especially computation resources. The different uncertainty analysis methods involve: (i) identification and quantification of the sources of uncertainty; (ii) reduction of uncertainty; (iii) propagation of uncertainty through the model; (iv) quantification of uncertainty in the model outputs; and (v) application of the uncertain information in decision making process. Due to the fact that many parameter sets within a given model structure may give acceptable results given the calibration data, i.e. the so called equifinality problem, an approach called the Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) was proposed by Beven and Binley (1992) to quantify the uncertainty resulting from the equifinality. The GLUE approach starts from a premise of equifinality in hydrological model structures and parameter sets. Within the GLUE framework, input and calibration data errors can be handled implicitly (Beven and Freer 2001). Parameter interactions and nonlinearity in model responses are also handled implicitly. Thus the likelihood measure reflects the ability of a particular model to predict a particular series of observations (which may not be error free) given a particular set of inputs (which may not be error free). There is thus an implicit assumption that, in prediction, error structures will be “similar” in some broad sense to those in the evaluation period. Despite this assumption, the GLUE method makes fewer assumptions about the variations of the errors than alternative methods (Beven 2006). Whereas the GLUE approach has been applied in some humid catchments (e.g. Freer et al. 1996, Cameron et al. 1999, Choi and Beven 2007), applications in tropical and semi-arid catchments are still rare (Mwakalila et al. 2001, Campling et al. 2002). MATERIALS AND METHODS Study area The Nzoia River, located in western Kenya, has its headwaters in the Cheranganyi hills, with tributaries from Mount Elgon, and flows into Lake Victoria just north of Yala Swamp. The Nzoia catchment has an area of 12 700 km2 (Fig. 1). It lies in an agriculturally productive area of Kenya, the main crops being cotton, maize and sugar cane. Demand for irrigation water is highest during the dry season and irrigation is carried out on a small to medium scale. Flooding is a frequent problem, especially in the lower reach of the catchment. However, flooding contributes to fertility of the soils by carrying eroded sediment from the highland areas. Catchment elevations vary between about 1150 m a.s.l. at the outlet into Lake Victoria to over 3500 m a.s.l. in the Mt Elgon ranges. The rainy season lasts from March to September with two distinct peaks: a larger peak in April–May and a smaller peak in August, though there may be an additional peak in October–December (Kizza et al. 2009). The diurnal, seasonal and annual rainfall patterns are controlled by the migration of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) over the Equator, southeast and northeast monsoons, Indian Ocean sea-surface temperature, and other meso-scale systems (Mistry and Conway 2003, Nicholson 1996). The mean monthly rainfall in the catchment for the period 1970–1988 varies from about 40 mm in December and January to about 185 mm in April, with an additional peak of 145 mm in August (Fig. 2). There is a marked seasonal variation in the mean monthly temperature, with a minimum of 20◦ C in July and a maximum of 23◦ C in March. Monthly potential Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 07:46 19 October 2011 Modelling catchment inflows into Lake Victoria 1213 Fig. 1 Nzoia River basin (inset is a map of East Africa showing the location of the study area within the Lake Victoria basin). The rainfall stations used in this study are labelled G1 to G13. Stations G7 and G12 are used for potential evapotranspiration, and G6, G12 and G13 are used for temperature. Fig. 2 Mean monthly values (line plots with circles) and box plots of the different input data used in the current study for the period 1970–1988. Each box plot shows the median (dash sign), lower and upper quartiles (boxes), data within 1.5 times the inter-quartile range (whiskers), and data that may be considered as outliers (crosses). evapotranspiration varies from a minimum of 116 mm in June to 175 mm in March. The intra-annual variation of discharge follows a similar pattern as that of rainfall, except that the largest peak is moved from April–May to August–September. Data Monthly data covering the period 1970–1988 (19 years) were used for the current study. Data included rainfall, temperature and discharge, as well as mean monthly values of potential evapotranspiration. Rainfall data were selected from a total of 35 stations in and around the catchment. The main criteria were the quality of data and the degree of completeness of the records, which was defined as the ratio of months with rainfall data to the total number of months in the study period. The minimum degree of completeness was set at 75%; 13 stations satisfied this criterion and were used for estimating areal rainfall. The point rainfall data used were Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 07:46 19 October 2011 1214 Michael Kizza et al. available at stations marked G1 to G13 in Fig. 1, and the basic information of the stations is summarised in Table 1. Monthly potential evapotranspiration data were obtained for two stations within the basin (Bungoma – G7 and Eldoret – G12) that were part of the monitoring network used by the hydrometeorological survey project of the WMO (WMO 1974). The station values used in this study were estimated during the WMO study using the Penman method (Penman 1948). The arithmetic mean of long-term mean monthly potential evapotranspiration at the two stations was used as an estimate for the areal long-term mean monthly potential evapotranspiration in the basin. The temperature data were estimated as arithmetic means of temperature data at three stations (Mumias – G6, Eldoret – G12 and Turbo – G13). Discharge data at Rwambwa gauge (station number 1EF01) were used for model calibration (Fig. 1). The time series for the discharge data had 59 months of missing values out of a possible total of 228 months (74% level of completeness). Data quality tests included: homogeneity tests and outlier detection, investigation of suspicious values and removal of clearly erroneous values. Some of the stations had missing periods that were filled using a forward stepwise multiple regression approach using data from nearby stations. Estimation of mean areal rainfall Rainfall is the largest component in a water balance and the most important input to hydrological models. Rainfall data are subject to uncertainty as a result of measurement errors, systematic errors in the spatial interpolation, and stochastic errors due to the random nature of rainfall. There are several approaches for accounting for uncertainties in mean areal precipitation estimates in rainfall–runoff modelling. The two most commonly used methods are: (1) empirical methods and (2) sensitivity analysis. Empirical analyses are generally based on the comparison of various interpolation approaches (Creutin and Obled 1982, Lebel et al. 1987, Johansson, 2000), or on under-sampling of relatively dense raingauge networks (Anctil et al. 2006, Balme et al. 2006, Bardossy and Das 2008). In the current study, a comparison of four rainfall interpolation methods using crossvalidation was adopted. The methods tested included: inverse distance weighting (IDW), ordinary kriging (OK), universal kriging (UK) and kriging with external drift (KED). All the four methods are based on weighted linear combinations of the point rainfall data. IDW is a deterministic interpolation method, while OK, UK and KED are stochastic methods. Inverse distance weighting assigns weights based on the inverse of the distance to every data point located within a given search radius centred on the point to be estimated. In contrast, OK, UK and KED are generally known as geostatistical interpolation methods, and assume that spatial continuity depends on a statistical distance defined using a semivariogram. The difference in the methods is based on the assumptions made about the variation (or trend) in the data (Goovarts 2000). Ordinary kriging assumes a constant unknown trend in the neighbourhood of the estimation point, UK assumes a linear or higherorder trend that is a function of the coordinates, while KED uses auxiliary information (for example elevation in the current study) to estimate the trend. The performance of the methods was compared using widely recognized and commonly used error measures, root mean squared error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE), applied to the monthly station data. The RMSE gives relatively high weight to large errors, while MAE gives equal weight to all individual differences (Teegavarapu and Chandramouli 2005). Hydrological model The WASMOD model is a conceptual lumped modelling system for simulating streamflow from both snowmelt and rainfall; it can be operated at different time scales. For the current study, a version without the snowmelt routine was used due to the nature of the catchment under investigation, and the data were at a monthly time step. The present version of WASMOD was developed by Xu et al. (1996) and detailed description of the model can be found in Xu (2002). The different variants of WASMOD have been applied to global and regional water resources assessment (Xu and Vandewiele 1995, Gong et al. 2009, Widén-Nilsson et al. 2009), and for catchment water balance calculations in more than 200 catchments located in European, Asian, American and African countries (Xu 2002). The concept of the model is that the actual rainfall is split into a fraction that evaporates and a fraction that is active rainfall, which contributes to the fast flow and the slow flow (“baseflow”). WASMOD has three to six parameters depending on the availability of input data and climate of the study region. The adopted model version has four parameters (Table 2). For the current study, the inputs included monthly values of rainfall, temperature and mean monthly potential Modelling catchment inflows into Lake Victoria 1215 Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 07:46 19 October 2011 Table 1 Stations used in estimating areal rainfall and their summary data. Station ID (in Fig. 1) WMO code Name Latitude (o N) Longitude (o E) Altitude (m a.s.l.) Mean annual rainfall (mm/year) G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 8835039 8934008 8934028 8934060 8934072 8934133 8934134 8934139 8934140 8935010 8935016 8935133 8935170 Leissa Farm Kitale Kakamega Kimilili Kaimosi Mumias Bungoma Bunyala Kadenge Yala Kaptagat Soy Kipsomba Eldoret Turbo 1.17 0.90 0.23 0.80 0.15 0.37 0.58 0.08 0.03 0.43 0.77 0.57 0.63 35.03 34.92 34.87 34.72 34.93 34.50 34.57 34.05 34.18 35.50 35.18 35.30 35.05 1968 1968 1804 1804 1902 1401 1509 1232 1256 2624 2099 2296 2001 952 1263 2135 1482 2050 1995 1517 1063 1124 1198 1033 1025 1334 Table 2 WASMOD parameters and their range. Parameter a1 a2 a3 a4 o -1 (C ) (-) (month-1 ) (mm-1 month) Variable controlled Initial sampling range Final sampling range Potential evapotranspiration Actual evapotranspiration Slow flow Fast flow 0–1 0–1 0–1 0–1 0–1 0–1 0–0.02 0–0.02 evapotranspiration, which were readily available for the catchment. Monthly runoff and other water balance components were the outputs. The potential evapotranspiration at time t, ept , is estimated by adjusting the monthly long-term potential evapotranspiration, epm , using the monthly mean temperature, ct , and the monthly long-term mean temperature, cm : ept = [1 + a1 (ct − cm )] epm (1) where a1 is a model parameter. Actual evapotranspiration, et is computed as a function of available water and potential evapotranspiration: et = min[ept (1 − a2 t / t ), wt ] w ep (2) where a2 is a model parameter, and wt is available water defined as: wt = rt + smt−1 (3) where rt is the rainfall in a given month, and smt–1 is the available soil moisture storage from the previous month, and has a minimum of zero. The slow flow depends on the soil moisture storage in the catchment: st = a3 (smt−1 )2 (4) where a3 is a model parameter. The fast flow depends on rainfall amount, rt , other meteorological parameters represented by ept , the state of the basin as measured by smt–1 and on the physical characteristics of the basin represented by the parameter a4 : ft = a4 smt−1 nt (5) where nt is the effective rainfall after the subtraction of the interception loss and defined as: nt = rt − ept 1 − e−rt /ept (6) The total runoff is the sum of the slow and fast components: dt = s t + f t (7) Finally, the soil moisture can then be updated using a water balance equation, using: smt = smt−1 + rt − et − dt (8) Application of the model requires that the initial moisture content is fixed by allowing for a warm-up 1216 Michael Kizza et al. period that is long enough to ensure that moisture content is independent of the starting value. In the current study a 3-year warm-up period was provided for. N NS = 1 − [log(obst ) − log(simt )] t=1 N log(obst ) − log(obst ) 2 (10) 2 t=1 Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 07:46 19 October 2011 Model perfomance evaluation The performance of the model was evaluated within the GLUE framework in order to carry out parameter estimation using set performance criteria and assess predictive uncertainty for the study catchment using the WASMOD model. The aim was to examine those parameters to which the model simulation results were most sensitive and to assess the probability of simulated discharge being within a certain prediction interval. Model calibration was based on identified acceptable (behavioural) parameter sets using Monte Carlo simulation. Initially, broad parameter ranges were set using information from prior applications of the WASMOD (Table 2, column 3), and preliminary runs were used to set the feasible sampling range for the study catchment (Table 2, column 4). Within a Monte Carlo framework, we can use either importance sampling or uniform sampling techniques. In importance sampling, the shape of the response surface is represented by the density of sampling and each parameter set is given equal weight in forming a distribution of predictions (Kuczera and Parent 1998). In uniform sampling, the model simulation is reflected by the shape of the response surface. In this study, we adopted the uniform sampling strategy which is less efficient, but is easy to implement and requires minimal assumptions about the shape of the response surface (Beven and Freer 2001). The acceptable parameter sets were defined on the basis of two likelihood criteria: the volume error (VE) measure and the Nash-Sutcliffe (NS) (Nash and Sutcliffe 1970) efficiency measure applied to logtransformations of measured and simulated flows. These two performance measures are commonly used in hydrology and are defined as shown in equations (9) and (10). Log-transformations of measured and simulated flows were necessitated by the fact that initial runs using untransformed flows of the model showed that the resultant hydrographs for the study basin are greatly influenced by high flows with the fit between measured and simulated low flows being poor. N VE = simt − t=1 N t=1 N t=1 obst obst (9) where obst and simt are the observed and simulated flow values at time t, respectively. A two-stage approach was used to select the acceptable parameter sets under calibration using the two criteria. The first stage was to select only those parameter sets whose volume error (VE) was less than 10% during calibration. The next step was to select all parameter sets having NS ≥ 0.6 as behavioural or acceptable under calibration. The likelihoods that were used in the current study are based on derived NS coefficients that were rescaled so that any value less than the set threshold value was given zero likelihood and the sum of all likelihoods was one. For each parameter set, the rescaled likelihood measure was used to calculate the prediction quantiles using: P(Ẑt < z) = i=N B L M(i )|Ẑt,i < z (11) i=1 where Ẑt,i is the estimate of variable z at time t using parameter set i; NB is the number of acceptable parameter sets; and M()i is the ith Monte Carlo sample having parameter set i . The computed probabilities were then used to compute the prediction bounds for the acceptable parameter sets with a 95% confidence interval. The resulting quantiles are conditioned on the inputs to the model, the model responses for the particular sample of parameter sets used, the choice of likelihood measure and the observations used in the calculation of the likelihood measure (Beven and Freer 2001). The prediction limits that are obtained have a disadvantage in that, unless a formal error model is used, they will not provide formal estimates of the probability of estimating any particular observation conditional on the set of model runs. Yet they have the advantage that they help us make inferences about the response of the system after conditioning on past data, as non-stationarities in the residual errors and model failures are more clearly revealed (Beven 2006). In summary, the following multi-step approach to model evaluation was adopted for the study: (a) The first 3 years of data (1970–1972) were used for warming-up to get rid of the influence of Modelling catchment inflows into Lake Victoria Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 07:46 19 October 2011 the subjectively selected value of the initial soil moisture. (b) The next 16 years of data (1973–1988) were used for model conditioning to select acceptable parameter sets in calibration by: (i) running 500 000 ensembles of the model and selecting all parameter sets that resulted in VE < 10%; and (ii) from the parameter sets in (i) above, all parameter sets corresponding to a minimum NS value of 0.6 were retained as acceptable under calibration on the basis of the set threshold NS value. RESULTS Comparison of rainfall interpolation methods Table 3 shows bias, mean absolute error and root mean square error for the four methods that were tested for the estimation of mean areal rainfall. There are only slight differences between the performances of IDW, OK and KED. While IDW has the largest bias, it outperformed the other three methods with respect to MAE and RMSE; meanwhile UK had the worst performance. The inclusion of elevation in interpolation using KED did not result in significant improvements in the estimation process. Therefore, IDW was used for the estimation of the mean areal rainfall for all subsequent sections of this paper. Parameter behaviour When VE was used as a criterion, on average 12, 9 and 6% of the simulations resulted in VE values of less than 10, 5 and 1%, respectively (Fig. 3(a)). The acceptable values for parameters a1 , a3 and a4 were scattered throughout the sampling space, while the values for a2 mainly varied between 0 and 0.5, though a few were still located outside this range. Figure 3(a) also shows that using VE alone as a criterion cannot constrain the parameters. When NS was 1217 used as the criterion, on average 13, 3 and 0.6% of the simulations gave NS values greater than 0, 0.5 and 0.7 respectively (Fig. 3(b)). Parameter a1 was the least well-confined among the parameters, with acceptable values scattered throughout the parameter range (Fig. 3(b)). The other three parameters (a2 , a3 and a4 ) were better constrained, showing a higher degree of peakedness within the response surface. Previous studies have also shown that parameter a1 , which is not needed when monthly potential evapotranspiration values are available, is the least sensitive among the parameters (Xu 1999, 2001). The NS measure had a peak of about 0.865, though the parameter sets covered wider ranges as shown in Fig. 3(a). The number of acceptable parameter sets satisfying the different performance criteria shows a more dramatic increase with increasing NS limit values compared with the VE limits (Table 4). This is related to the higher model conditioning effect of NS as a performance measure compared to VE. Figure 4 shows the relative sensitivity of the model results to changes in the different parameters in a more comparable way by showing the sensitivity to relative changes in the parameter values. The figure demonstrates how the model performance, as reflected by the value of NS, deteriorates from the maximum NS value with a small increase or decrease in the value of a given parameter keeping all other parameters constant. The maximum NS value was 0.865 and the corresponding parameter values are 0.146, 0.561, 0.055 and 0.0012 for a1 , a2 , a3 and a4 , respectively. While the figure confirms that parameter a1 was the least sensitive, it also shows that the model output was more sensitive to percentage changes in a2 than to parameters a3 and a4 , a fact which is not obvious from Fig. 3(b). Behavioural parameter sets As the NS likelihood threshold value was increased from 0 to 0.8, the percentage of observations bracketed by simulations was reduced by 27% Table 3 Performance of the rainfall interpolation methods (MAE: mean absolute error, RMSE: root mean square error). Interpolation method Bias (mm/month) MAE (mm/month) RMSE (mm/month) Inverse distance weighting (IDW) Ordinary kriging (OK) Universal kriging (UK) Kriging with external drift (KED) 4.3 2.0 1.3 2.1 39.2 41.5 44.1 41.6 50.1 51.9 55.2 52.6 Fig. 3 Scatter plots based on 500 000 runs showing the parameter variations with the two likelihood measures used in the current study: (a) VE variation and (b) NS variation against uniformly sampled parameter values. Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 07:46 19 October 2011 1218 Michael Kizza et al. Modelling catchment inflows into Lake Victoria 1219 0.90 NS 0.85 a1 0.80 a3 0.75 a2 a4 Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 07:46 19 October 2011 0.70 –100% –80% –60% –40% –20% 0% +20% +40% +60% +80% +100% Percent difference from parameter value with maximum NS Fig. 4 Sensitivity of each of the parameters around parameter set having maximum NS. The x-axis shows the relative deviation of the parameter values from their optimized values and the y-axis shows the value of the NS criterion. Table 4 Number of acceptable parameter sets for different NS and VE criteria based on 500 000 model runs. Criterion NS VE Limiting values ≥0.7 ≥0.5 ≥0 ≤1% ≤5% ≤10% Number of acceptable parameter sets 3 129 15 480 63 891 32 050 44 788 61 568 Table 5 Percentage of observed discharge bracketed by computed discharge (POBS) at different likelihood threshold values and the resulting number of parameter sets during the calibration stage. NS threshold value POBS (%) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 80.5 79.9 79.9 79.3 78.7 78.1 73.4 69.8 53.8 (Table 5). Table 6 shows the statistics of the resultant acceptable parameter sets for a NS threshold of 0.6, while Fig. 5 shows their distributions. All parameters possess well-defined and unimodal posterior distributions. From such distributions, parameter estimates can be unambiguously inferred as modal values (Jin et al. 2010, Li et al. 2010), while the shape of the distributions indicates the degree of uncertainty of the Table 6 Statistics for the acceptable parameters based on 500 000 model runs for a likelihood threshold of NS ≥ 0.6. The parameter units are shown in Table 2. Statistic a1 a2 a3 a4 Mean Median Minimum Maximum Standard deviation Skewness P0.025 P0.05 P0.95 P0.975 0.403 0.375 0.000 0.996 0.256 0.545 0.528 0.441 0.811 0.072 0.078 0.074 0.009 0.192 0.039 0.0013 0.0012 0.0000 0.0032 0.0007 0.344 0.026 0.045 0.857 0.915 0.966 0.451 0.458 0.690 0.725 0.386 0.018 0.022 0.145 0.161 0.3714 0.0002 0.0003 0.0024 0.0027 estimates. Sharp and peaked distributions (parameters a2 , a3 and a4 ) are associated with well identifiable parameters, while flat distributions (a1 ) indicate more parameter uncertainty. It can be seen that only parameter a1 retains elements of the prior uniform distribution. The distributions of parameter a3 and a4 are closer to a normal distribution, while that of a2 has a clear negative skew. The correlations between the parameters are moderate to small (Table 7). Effect of model conditioning In most cases, the aim of hydrological modelling is to provide a means for making predictions about future flows for purposes of water resources assessment and management. As such, it is important to analyse how a model constructed using one period of data will operate for another period of data as a proxy to how the model will perform in predicting future flows. 1220 Michael Kizza et al. 15 Frequency (%) 0 Frequency (%) 10 5 a4 (x10–4) 15 10 5 0 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.09 0.11 0.12 0.14 0.15 0.17 0.18 Frequency (%) Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 07:46 19 October 2011 5 a3 15 0 10 0.46 0.49 0.52 0.55 0.58 0.61 0.64 0.67 0.70 0.73 0.77 0.80 5 15 0.14 0.41 0.68 0.95 1.22 1.49 1.76 2.03 2.30 2.57 2.84 3.11 10 0 a2 20 0.04 0.12 0.21 0.29 0.37 0.46 0.54 0.62 0.71 0.79 0.87 0.95 Frequency (%) a1 Fig. 5 Distribution of parameter values for a NS threshold of 0.6. Table 7 Correlation matrix of the parameters based on 500 000 model runs for a likelihood threshold of NS ≥ 0.6. The parameter units are shown in Table 2. a1 a2 a3 a4 a1 a2 a3 a4 1.000 0.078 1.000 –0.172 –0.644 1.000 –0.078 –0.311 –0.416 1.000 In the current study, the data period was split into two periods, namely 1973–1982 and 1983–1988. The data covering the period 1973–1982 were used to calibrate the model. The model was then run using data covering the period 1983–1988 using the acceptable parameter sets. Parameter sets that continued to be acceptable were retained and the resultant simulations were compared with those of the 1973–1982 set using three measures, namely: maximum Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient, the percentage of observations bracketed by simulations (POBS), and the average relative interval length (ARIL). The ARIL is a scaled summation of the prediction limits over the simulation period (Jin et al. 2010): 1 LimitUpper,t − LimitLower,t ARIL = n Qobs,t (12) where LimitUpper,t and LimitLower,t are the calculated upper and lower confidence limits, respectively, for the tth month, Qobs,t is the measured flow, and n is the number of time steps. The goodness of the simulation was judged on the basis of the closeness of ARIL to 0 and the percent bracketed to 100%. The maximum NS value during model calibration was 0.88 but the NS value for the same parameter set reduced to 0.79 during model conditioning. For the model conditioning period, the maximum NS value was 0.84 though the same parameter set yielded a NS value of 0.81 during model calibration. This shows that the optimum parameter set, as defined by the maximum NS, may change depending on input data and other factors. Table 8 shows the number of parameter sets for different likelihood thresholds and shows that the percentage of parameter sets dropped increases with increasing threshold values. Figure 6(a) shows that the conditioning period has Table 8 Number of parameter sets dropped during model conditioning for different NS likelihood thresholds. NS threshold 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Analysis period: 1973–1982 1983–1988 4972 4753 4450 4124 3707 3168 2449 1549 613 3720 3467 3216 2906 2551 2102 1495 851 154 Parameter sets dropped (%) 25 27 28 30 31 34 39 45 75 Modelling catchment inflows into Lake Victoria (b) Percent bounded 90 1973–1982 1983–1988 80 70 60 50 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 NS Threshold 0.6 0.7 0.8 1973–1982 1983–1988 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 NS Threshold 0.6 0.7 0.8 Fig. 6 Variation of (a) percent of observations bracketed by simulations (POBS), and (b) average relative interval length (ARIL) for different NS limits when defining acceptable parameter values. higher values of POBS for lower likelihood thresholds compared to the calibration period. However, for higher likelihood thresholds, the calibration period has higher values of POBS. Figure 6(b) shows that the model generally produces a tighter fit to the observed data in the conditioning period compared to the calibration period. This implies that it is those parameter sets that simulate flows that are close to the upper and lower tails of the flow distribution which are dropped during model conditioning. The analysis also shows that the model continues performing well during model conditioning under the assumed simulation conditions, and may be used for flow prediction. Optimum sample size In the current analysis, the parameter ranges were sampled randomly and only the parameter sets satisfying the selected performance criteria were retained. The optimum sample size is one that captures most of the observed flow features in some (optimum) way at relatively low cost in terms of time taken to carry out the calculations. The optimum sample size for the current study was investigated by carrying out computations for seven different sample sizes and computing, for each sample size, three measures that describe the model performance, namely: maximum Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (NS) value, POBS for different NS thresholds, and ARIL (see equation (12)) for different NS thresholds. Figure 7 shows that the maximum NS value increases with number of model simulations; however, as soon as the number of sample simulations increased to 2.5 × 105 , the influence of number of sample simulations on the model simulation results became negligible. Table 9 shows 0.87 0.865 Maximum NS Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 07:46 19 October 2011 40 1.6 Average Relative Interval Length (a) 1221 0.86 0.855 0.85 0.845 0.84 0 1 2 3 Number of simulations 4 5 x 105 Fig. 7 Variation of maximum Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (NS) against number of model simulations. that there are generally no appreciable gains in POBS and ARIL by increasing the number of model simulations. Residual analysis To get an idea of the model performance, an analysis of the residuals was carried out. The residuals were computed as the difference between the log-transformed median simulated flow ensembles and the log-transformed observed flow. The match between observed flow and median simulated flow was reasonably good with most of the flow variations well reproduced (Fig. 8(a)). The NS value for the median flow was 0.75, while that of the mean simulated flow was 0.82. The residuals had a constant variance (Fig. 8(b)). The residuals followed a normal distribution as shown in Fig. 8(c) (the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test also resulted in nonrejection of the normal distribution assumption). The autocorrelation plot showed that the residuals were 1222 Michael Kizza et al. Number of model runs POBS: NS ≥ 0 NS ≥ 0.5 NS ≥ 0.7 ARIL: NS ≥ 0 NS ≥ 0.5 NS ≥ 0.7 40 000 70 000 100 000 150 000 200 000 250 000 500 000 81.1 79.3 80.5 81.1 79.9 79.9 80.5 76.9 76.3 76.9 77.5 78.1 76.3 78.1 71.0 69.2 69.8 71.0 70.4 70.4 69.8 1.225 1.176 1.220 1.186 1.177 1.190 1.198 1.051 1.027 1.059 1.036 1.043 1.048 1.045 0.755 0.730 0.751 0.784 0.772 0.764 0.761 independent except for time lag of 1 (Fig. 8(d)). The results demonstrate that WASMOD model and the log Nash-Sutcliffe likelihood produce reasonable results for the Nzoia basin. threshold value is increased from 0.6 to 0.8, the confidence interval becomes tighter and there is more chance of observed flows being outside the simulation limits. By increasing the threshold value from 0.6 to 0.8, POBS decreased from 74% to 54%, while ARIL decreased from 0.93 to 0.49. These were large changes in model fit and reflect a common criticism of the subjective choice of threshold likelihood values in GLUE. However, there have been several attempts at reducing the subjectivity in selecting the thresholds. For example Blasone et al. (2002) proposed an alternative strategy to determine the cut-off threshold based on an appropriate coverage of the resulting uncertainty bounds. The choice of threshold cut-off point could also be based on the intended application Sensitivity to threshold likelihood value Selection of the threshold value of the likelihood function is a key step in applying the GLUE method. The effect of threshold value on model results is dependent on, among others, the model, the likelihood function and the sample size. The effects of two NS threshold values on the model results are compared in Fig. 9. It can be seen that when the (b) 80 Observed Simulated 60 1 Residuals Runoff depth (mm/month) (a) 40 20 0 –1 0 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 Years Residuals=Log(Simulated Flow) – Log(Observed Flow) 0 (c) 40 60 20 Simulated Flow (mm/month) 80 (d) 1 Residuals Normal distribution Autocorrelation Cumulative probability Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 07:46 19 October 2011 Table 9 Percentage of observations bracketed by simulations (POBS) and average relative interval length (ARIL) for different sample sizes and Nash-Sutcliffe thresholds. 0.5 0 –1 –0.5 0 Residuals 0.5 1 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 –0.2 –0.4 –0.6 –0.8 –1 (d) 0 12 24 36 Lag (months) 48 60 Fig. 8 Residual analysis based on log transformations of both observed and median simulated flow: (a) comparison of monthly observed and median simulated flow, (b) residuals versus median simulated flow, (c) cumulative distribution functions for the residuals and the normal distribution, and (d) autocorrelation plot of residuals. Dashed lines in (d) represent 95% confidence interval about zero. Modelling catchment inflows into Lake Victoria (a) (b) 100 Runoff Depth (mm/month) 1223 95% Confidence Interval Observed Flow 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 95% Confidence Interval Observed Flow 0 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 07:46 19 October 2011 Fig. 9 Comparison of the 95% confidence interval due to parameter uncertainty of monthly flow for likelihood thresholds of (a) 0.6 and (b) 0.8. of the model and the environment in which the model will be applied. A very strict threshold value (for example a high NS value) may result in failure to predict future flows in situations where uncertainties in input data are significant. DISCUSSION We set out to develop an approach to improve the estimation of catchment inflows into Lake Victoria that handles issues of parameter uncertainty and also can account for runoff variability around the basin. We also tested the sensitivity of input areal rainfall estimates to interpolation method and showed that inverse distance weighting provides estimates that are comparable to, if not better than, the stochastically based kriging methods (ordinary kriging, universal kriging and kriging with external drift). The WASMOD model was applied to Nzoia River and the resulting model performance on the basis of NashSutcliffe coefficient was considered good with values that were higher than 0.865. WASMOD has only four parameters and is not very computationally intensive, meaning that many simulations can be carried out (Xu 2002). This facilitated the exploration of the model space and therefore the identification of the acceptable parameter sets. All four WASMOD parameters were shown to possess well-defined and unimodal posterior distributions: the posterior distribution of parameter a1 retained elements of the prior uniform distribution, the posterior of parameter a2 was negatively skewed, while the distributions of parameters a3 and a4 were transformed into more normally distributed forms. Parameter a2 was shown to be the most sensitive, followed by a3 and a4 , with parameter a1 the least sensitive. Parameter a1 converts mean monthly potential evapotranspiration to monthly potential evapotranspiration using monthly temperature values and has also been shown to be the least sensitive in other studies (Xu 1999, 2001). Analysis of the residuals showed a good fit between measured flow and median of the simulated flows. The residuals, computed as the difference between log-transformations of the median of simulated flow ensembles and log-transformations of observed flows, had a near constant variance as well as a normal distribution (i.e. the actual residuals had a lognormal distribution). A plot of the autocorrelation function showed only one value slightly outside the 95% confidence interval, implying mutual independence between the residuals. The results show that the chosen model and likelihood function are applicable to the study basin. When using the GLUE method, the uncertainty estimates are highly dependent on the selected threshold value of likelihood function. This was demonstrated by using thresholds of 0.6 and 0.8 for the NS coefficient. Assessment of the two thresholds showed that the percentage of observations bracketed by simulations decreased from 74% to 54%, a decrease of 27 units of percentage. This difference is large and illustrates that the subjectivity in the choice of likelihood threshold is a major drawback in the GLUE approach. However, the decisions are usually based on the modellers’ understanding of the data limitations and the intended use of the modelling results. In addition, there are ongoing research efforts aimed at proposing objective methods of selecting the thresholds (Blasone et al.2002, Freni et al. 2008, Liu et al. 2009). The simulated mean annual flows from the Nzoia River to Lake Victoria ranged from 195 to 420 mm (as water depth over the Nzoia catchment) with an average of 291 mm, corresponding to a discharge 1224 Michael Kizza et al. of 76–163 m3 /s and an average of 113 m3 /s. These estimates compare favourably with other documented estimates, such as 79 m3 /s (Tate et al. 2004), 87.5 m3 /s (WMO 1974), and 116.7 m3 /s (LVBC 2006). The annual rainfall totals over the Nzoia catchment varied between 1102 and 1855 mm, with an average of 1433 mm, while annual evapotranspiration varied between 944 and 1283 mm, with an average of 1122 mm. Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 07:46 19 October 2011 CONCLUSIONS The capability of WASMOD in simulating inflow to Lake Victoria was investigated in the study using the Nzoia River as the representative catchment. The modelling uncertainty was analysed with the GLUE method and the areal rainfall uncertainty resulting from the use of different interpolation methods was also studied. The following conclusions can be drawn from the study: – The WASMOD model proved to be successful at simulating the historical streamflows in the Nzoia River. The model performance was quite high with a maximum Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of 0.865. – Four areal rainfall estimation methods (inverse distance weighting, ordinary kriging, universal kriging and kriging with external drift) gave similar results with only small differences in performance, as measured by bias, mean absolute error and root mean square error. The inverse distance weighting method was selected in the study due to its slightly better performance in terms of mean absolute error and root mean square error. Inclusion of elevation in the interpolation does not result in significant improvements in the estimation. – In the GLUE method, the results from an assessment of the size of the samples needed for optimum results were mixed. The maximum NashSutcliffe efficiency value showed an increase with the sample size; however, as soon as the number of sample simulations increased to 2.5 × 105 , the influence of number of sample simulations on the model simulation results became of minor importance. The percentage of observed flows bracketed by simulations (POBS) and the average relative interval length (ARIL) showed no appreciable gains with the increase of simulation sample size. – The study confirmed some previously published results that the measures of model uncertainty are highly sensitive to the selected threshold likelihood value in the GLUE method. The proportion of observed flows that are bracketed by simulation dropped by 27 percentage units when the threshold value was increased from 0.6 to 0.8. While this study proved that the WASMOD model, with the calibration scheme used in this study, is suited for modelling inflow to Lake Victoria, as demonstrated in the study catchment, other issues including the performance of the model in other gauged catchments and regionalization of the model on ungauged catchments are to be investigated in a future study. Acknowledgements This work is part of the PhD programme of the first author, with sponsorship of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) through the Department for Research Cooperation (SAREC). The third author was partially supported by the Research Council of Norway with project number 171783 (FRIMUF). We are pleased to acknowledge this financial support. Acknowledgement is also extended to Prof. Keith Beven for introducing the first author to the concept of dealing with uncertainty in environmental modelling, which formed the basis for this work. REFERENCES Anctil, F., et al., 2006. 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