Journal of Hydrology 446–447 (2012) 90–102 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Journal of Hydrology journal homepage: Temporal variability in stage–discharge relationships José-Luis Guerrero a,b,⇑, Ida K. Westerberg a,d, Sven Halldin a, Chong-Yu Xu a,c, Lars-Christer Lundin a a Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Villavägen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden Civil Engineering Department, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Ciudad Universitaria, Blv. Suyapa, Tegucigalpa, F.M., Honduras c Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1047, Blindern, NO-036 Oslo, Norway d IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Stockholm, Sweden b a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 7 April 2011 Received in revised form 12 March 2012 Accepted 18 April 2012 Available online 25 April 2012 This manuscript was handled by Andras Bardossy, Editor-in-Chief, with the assistance of Alin Andrei Carsteanu, Associate Editor Keywords: Rating curve Discharge Uncertainty Temporal variability Alluvial river s u m m a r y Although discharge estimations are central for water management and hydropower, there are few studies on the variability and uncertainty of their basis; deriving discharge from stage heights through the use of a rating curve that depends on riverbed geometry. A large fraction of the world’s river-discharge stations are presumably located in alluvial channels where riverbed characteristics may change over time because of erosion and sedimentation. This study was conducted to analyse and quantify the dynamic relationship between stage and discharge and to determine to what degree currently used methods are able to account for such variability. The study was carried out for six hydrometric stations in the upper Choluteca River basin, Honduras, where a set of unusually frequent stage–discharge data are available. The temporal variability and the uncertainty of the rating curve and its parameters were analysed through a Monte Carlo (MC) analysis on a moving window of data using the Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) methodology. Acceptable ranges for the values of the rating-curve parameters were determined from riverbed surveys at the six stations, and the sampling space was constrained according to those ranges, using three-dimensional alpha shapes. Temporal variability was analysed in three ways: (i) with annually updated rating curves (simulating Honduran practices), (ii) a rating curve for each time window, and (iii) a smoothed, continuous dynamic rating curve derived from the MC analysis. The temporal variability of the rating parameters translated into a high rating-curve variability. The variability could turn out as increasing or decreasing trends and/or cyclic behaviour. There was a tendency at all stations to a seasonal variability. The discharge at a given stage could vary by a factor of two or more. The quotient in discharge volumes estimated from dynamic and static rating curves varied between 0.5 and 1.5. The difference between discharge volumes derived from static and dynamic curves was largest for sub-daily ratings but stayed large also for monthly and yearly totals. The relative uncertainty was largest for low flows but it was considerable also for intermediate and large flows. The standard procedure of adjusting rating curves when calculated and observed discharge differ by more than 5% would have required continuously updated rating curves at the studied locations. We believe that these findings can be applicable to many other discharge stations around the globe. Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Discharge is a central variable when establishing the water balance for a basin, when calculating river routing and timing of floods, and when managing the water resources of a region. Errors in measurements of discharge and other water-balance terms can make it hard to close the water balance using measured data (Beven, 2001; Beven et al., 2011). Discharge measurements have often been considered as relatively simple and certain in comparison to other water-balance terms. Because of this, the uncertainty ⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Villavägen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden. Tel.: +46 18 4717164. E-mail address: (J.-L. Guerrero). 0022-1694/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. of discharge measurements has received moderate attention compared to other hydrological measurement problems. It is generally assumed that discharge is, and has been, measured indirectly at the majority of all monitoring stations (although no global database exists to substantiate how large this majority is). Discrete discharge measurements, commonly with the velocity-area method, are used to derive a rating curve, the function relating discharge to water stage (Herschy, 1994). An underlying assumption when using a rating curve is that one and only one discharge corresponds to each stage. A wide range of conditions such as variable backwater, vegetation, ice, steadiness of the flow, variable channel storage, and channel shape affect the uncertainty of the stage–discharge relationship (Boyer, 1964; Rantz, 1982; Schmidt, 2002). Pelletier (1988) J.-L. Guerrero et al. / Journal of Hydrology 446–447 (2012) 90–102 provides one of the most comprehensive summaries of errors of discharge determinations with the velocity-area method, giving examples of total, combined uncertainties up to around 20%. Some studies have addressed the problem of rating-curve uncertainties, most of them in the last 10 years. Di Baldassarre and Montanari (2009) present a rating-curve uncertainty analysis based on uncertainties in direct discharge measurements, interpolation and extrapolation, unsteady flow conditions, and seasonal roughness changes. Their analysis of a downstream stretch of the Po River with moderate bed slope gives total rating-curve uncertainties ranging from 6.2% at the lowest to 42.8% at the highest flows. Petersen-Øverleir et al. (2009) present a Bayesian methodology to assess rating-curve uncertainty at 581 Norwegian discharge stations. For low flow at these stations, where ‘‘temporal channel changes [...] typically affect the stage–discharge relationship with a magnitude smaller than the discharge measurement uncertainty, so that unstableness may be ignored’’, only around one third of the stations have relative errors less than 40% for mean daily flow. Krueger et al. (2010) estimate discharge uncertainty using an algorithm based on a fuzzy rating curve as part of an ensemble evaluation of hydrological model hypotheses. Di Baldassarre and Claps (2011) show that commonly used methods ‘‘to interpolate river discharge measurements fail to reproduce the stage–discharge relationship in the extrapolation zone and can lead to results that are not physically plausible’’. They recommended a hydraulic approach to derive stage–discharge curves and the associated uncertainty. None of the above-mentioned studies account quantitatively for the rating-curve uncertainty caused by unstable riverbed geometry. We are only aware of five studies treating this aspect (McMillan et al., 2010; Shimizu et al., 2009; Westerberg et al., 2011; Jalbert et al., 2010; Reitan and Petersen-Øverleir, 2011) despite the widely recognised difficulties of estimating discharge in unstable channels (Dawdy, 1961; Andrews, 1979; Rantz, 1982; ISO, 1998; Léonard et al., 2000; Schmidt, 2002; Schmidt and García, 2003). Reitan and Petersen-Øverleir (2011) tackle the temporal variability of the parameters of a rating model in three stations in Norway. They use a Bayesian framework, considering that the temporal evolution of the parameters could be modelled using Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes, which are the continuous-time analogue of autoregressive models of order one. Also, they provide a way to determine which, if any, of the parameters should be allowed to be time-dependent. McMillan et al. (2010) present an ‘‘envelope-curve’’ method to estimate discharge in a riverbed with significant uncertainty in cross-section form because of deposition, transport, and sedimentation. On the basis of all known uncertainties, they estimate a complete probability-density function of true discharge for a given stage in order to evaluate the total error affecting a hydrological model for the Wairau River basin in New Zealand. Shimizu et al. (2009) simulate numerically the hysteresis effect on the rating curve of the dune-flat bed transition in a riverbed that changes with time as a function of discharge. Differences in discharge for a given stage vary from zero to around 50% relative uncertainty in the examples they provide. Westerberg et al. (2011) use a non-stationary rating curve in a fuzzy-regression approach based on estimated uncertainties in the measurements of stage and discharge for the Paso La Ceiba station in Honduras. Compared to a constant rating curve, they obtain discharge estimate differences of around 60% to +90% for low flows and around ±20% for intermediate to high flows. The final uncertainty they estimate for mean daily discharge includes a temporal commensurability error from having only three measurements of stage per day and vary from 43% to +73% with the largest relative uncertainties occurring for low flows. Jalbert et al. (2010) analyse 1803 ratings from 19 discharge stations in the French Alps by statistically separating 91 ‘‘initial’’ and ‘‘aging’’ rating curves. They exemplify their ‘‘temporal uncertainty’’ at three stations where discharge at constant stages vary over 25-year periods in ranges of 8.5–14.5 m3/s, 2–21 m3/s, and 0.7–11 m3/s. Their temporal uncertainty is markedly higher at low and high than at intermediate flows. The traditional approach to tackle a changing river-channel geometry calls for frequent measurements (weekly or more frequent) and shifts to the rating, as in Stout’s and Bolter’s methods (Schmidt, 2002). Alternative approaches are, e.g. to use Manning’s equation and take the evolution of the cross section into account and to make use of ancillary data (Léonard et al., 2000). A generally accepted procedure is to apply rating-curve shifts whenever a discharge measurement exceeds the accepted rating curve by more than 5% (Rantz, 1982). It is generally assumed that a large part of the world’s discharge-gauging stations are situated at alluvial rivers and that many of them are subject to changes in their riverbed shapes (although also here no global database exists to substantiate how large this fraction is). A quantitative analysis of temporal change and uncertainty in rating curves requires time series of very frequent ratings. Such time series were available from six discharge stations in the Choluteca River basin in Honduras. We believe that these gauging stations are representative both for the region and for many other discharge stations in the world. The main purpose of this study was to quantify the uncertainty associated with timevarying rating curves and also to investigate if the uncertainty could be related to riverbed characteristics. We were also interested in relating the uncertainties to traditional curve-shifting approaches and to established Honduran monitoring practices. 2. Rating-curve theory 2.1. The rating equation The Navier–Stokes equations are the accepted theoretical basis for all fluid mechanics (Darrigol, 2002), of which water flow in open channels is a special case. This set of equations is of little practical use when directly applied to river-flow problems but can be simplified into the equations of De Saint-Venant (1871). The latter are widely used in flow-modelling problems (Moussa and Bocquillon, 1996; Yen, 1979) and give acceptable results in all but the most extreme conditions. The shear amount of data that are needed in the calculation of discharge is one of the limiting factors when using a physically-based approach such as the Saint–Venant equations even in their simplified forms. Another limitation is the stable-channel assumption that is violated for many alluvial channels. Because of these limitations, the rating curve is almost always given as an empirical equation. One of the most commonly used equations (ISO, 1998; Rantz, 1982; Schmidt, 2002) is: Q ¼ aðx h0 Þn ð1Þ where Q is discharge, x is water stage or gauge height, and a, h0 and n are empirical parameters (constants). Eq. (1) is a simplification of the stage–discharge relationship, and can be conceptualised in two ways (Schmidt, 2002). On the one hand, the discharge at a measuring station can be viewed as flow over a weir. When estimating discharge in weirs, the flow is considered to be rapidly varying from sub- to supercritical flow, and Bernoulli’s equation (obtained through an integration of Euler’s equation, in turn a simplification of the Navier–Stokes’ equations) is used to derive a characteristic equation for the weir, which is a power function of the stage. From this viewpoint, parameters a and n in Eq. (1) can be viewed as factors related to the shape of the weir. 92 J.-L. Guerrero et al. / Journal of Hydrology 446–447 (2012) 90–102 On the other hand, the discharge can be viewed as open-channel flow described by uniform-flow formulae based on observational data, such as the Manning, Darcy–Weisbach, or Chézy formulae (which can be traced back as simplifications of the Navier–Stokes equations). Flow in these equations is a function of conveyance and energy slope. Assuming constant slope, the discharge is directly proportional to the conveyance. The conveyance is expressed as a function of a resistance factor, the cross-sectional area, and the hydraulic radius elevated to some power (Chow, 1959). The flow only depends on the channel shape if the resistance factor is constant. In both conceptualisations, the parameter h0, or zero-flow gauge height, represents a datum at which flow ceases. Empirical adjustments of h0 are used to compensate for uncertainties caused by the aforementioned disturbances (variable backwater, vegetation, ice, steadiness of the flow, variable channel storage and channel shape). The adjustment can be time-dependent, stagedependent, or given different values for different flow ranges depending on the disturbance to be compensated for (Schmidt and García, 2003). Such adjustments can be given a physical interpretation in the weir-flow, but not in the open-channel case, for which the relation between water stage, hydraulic radius, and cross-sectional area is non-linear. A change in h0 in the latter case does not produce a parallel shift in the rating but a rating with different slope and shape. 2.2. Temporal variability in the stage–discharge relation The theory of flow in alluvial channels establishes that the channel will adopt different configurations, or flow regimes, depending on the magnitude of the flow, going from a plane bed, ripples, dunes, a transition phase in which a plane bed occurs again, waves and finally antidunes (Dawdy, 1961; Engelund and Fredsoe, 1982). Sediment transport in a river directly affects bedform evolution, through a process of scour and filling. Although a simplification, Hjulström’s (1935) still-used diagram that delimits areas of erosion, transport, and deposition in the plane given by the average stream velocity and particle size captures the basic mechanisms behind sediment transport and riverbed evolution (Xu, 2004). All riverbed configurations have different flow resistances, hence different stage–discharge relationships. The resistance generally increases with flow velocity, with marked discontinuities during transitions between channel configurations. The changing boundaries generate a hysteretic effect on the ratings, depending on if the flow increases or decreases. While it is possible to model the evolution of channel resistance to water flow (Yen, 2002; Dottori et al., 2009), all methods require more data than are normally available at hydrometric stations. The alternating cycles of scour and fill in alluvial channels affect the rating uncertainty at a different time scale than the hysteresis effect (Andrews, 1979). River morphology constantly evolves over time and rivers get incised in the landscape over large time spans (Darby and Simon, 1999) but river shapes can also drastically change on short time scales, especially during large floods (Rhoads, 1992), thus totally changing the ratings. The traditional way to adjust for temporal changes in Eq. (1) is to either apply shifts to the ratings for short-duration changes or to change the rating-curve altogether if those changes are prolonged (Rantz, 1982). An alternative way would be to consider the parameters of Eq. (1) as time-dependent variables. The traditional method requires ancillary data to determine the magnitude and direction of the shifts. A method with variable parameters would require both ancillary data and very frequent ratings. In the latter case, Eq. (1) could be considered as a hydrological model and the estimation of parameter values could be achieved through established calibration techniques (e.g., Choi and Beven, 2007; Wagener et al., 2003). As far as we know, only Reitan and Petersen-Øverleir (2011) have previously studied time-dependent rating parameters, albeit with a dataset much sparser in time. 3. Study area and data The Choluteca River basin at the Paso La Ceiba discharge station had an area of 1766 km2 prior to hurricane Mitch (Fig. 1). Two Honduran institutions, SANAA (Servicio Autónomo Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados) and SERNA (Secretaría de Recursos Naturales), have been in charge of hydrometric measurements in the basin. All discharge stations were destroyed by hurricane Mitch (end of October–beginning of November 1998) during its passage through the basin. When the stations were restored, despite keeping the same name, the reference datum had been washed away, leading to a distinct shift in the pre- and post-Mitch data. The Paso La Ceiba station, considered by Flambard (2003) to be the best in the basin, was relocated upstream around three km. Very few ratings are available for this station after Mitch (Table 1). The frequency and quality of ratings decreased after Mitch for all stations. We only used pre-Mitch data in this study. SANAA and SERNA have used the same measurement procedures. Flow speeds at different cross sections and depths have been measured with Price Type AA current metres and have then been integrated into discharge, using the velocity-area method. Stage measurements have been taken visually from a staff gauge. Although corollary data such as the hydraulic radius and the flow speed at different points have been determined when using the velocity-area method, much of the information was lost during Mitch. Only measured discharge and its corresponding stage were used for this study. A total of seven stations were originally available, but one of them was discarded after quality control. The six stations used here have differing temporal coverage (Fig. 2). An important characteristic of the dataset is its high temporal density, with measurements taken at least every fifteen days on average, and sometimes as often as every two days for certain periods and stations. The six basins (Table 1) situated within the basin delimited by the Paso La Ceiba station (Fig. 1) differ almost by two orders of magnitude in size. Riverbed characteristics and cross sections were originally unavailable and were surveyed for each of the six stations (Fig. 3 and Supplementary material). Discharge in the Choluteca River basin has a considerable spatial (Table 1) and a strong temporal variability, reflecting the high temporal and spatial variability of the region’s climate (Hastenrath, 1967; Aguilar et al., 2005; Westerberg et al., 2010). Droughts in the dry season from November to April can create problems, especially in the Pacific-coast part of the basin. The wet season from May to October is interrupted by the so-called midsummer drought, a precipitation minimum around July–August. The rainfall-generation mechanisms that are active on the Pacific side of Central America, where the Choluteca River is located are complex and severe inundations are normally associated with extreme weather events like the hurricane Mitch or the ‘‘temporales’’, atmospheric disturbances originated in the Pacific Ocean that mostly affect the Central American Pacific side (Peña and Douglas, 2002; Hastenrath, 1967). In spite of their uniquely high frequency, the discharge data suffer from several quality problems. The quality of hydrological data in Honduras is not regularly controlled (Flambard, 2003; Westerberg et al., 2010). Flambard (2003) points out lack of equipment calibration, few vertical measurement points for velocity-area quantification of discharge and that historical high-flow data are not used when calculating new rating equations as weaknesses in current praxis. The variability in the stage–discharge J.-L. Guerrero et al. / Journal of Hydrology 446–447 (2012) 90–102 93 Fig. 1. Hydrometric stations and sub-basins in the upper Choluteca River basin. relationship has been handled by Honduran hydrometric data providers by dividing the ratings into time periods and estimating the parameters in Eq. (1) for each period. As an example, 14 different curves were used between May 1980 and August 1997 at the Paso La Ceiba station. However, the choice of breakpoint and length of period have not been documented and do not seem to relate to the procedure presented by Rantz (1982) of applying shifts when a discharge measurement differs from the used rating curve by more than 5% and changing the curve when the shift is deemed permanent. Balairón Pérez et al. (2004) and Flambard (2003) explain these problems with lack of relevant data management and scattered monitoring responsibilities. 4. Methods Quality assessment of discharge data and removal of non-reliable data were the first step in the analysis. The temporal variation and uncertainty of the ratings were evaluated through a Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) analysis (Beven and Binley, 1992) applied on time series of data. The Monte-Carlo (MC) simulations were run for the rating model (in this case Eq. (1)) within a priorly defined parameter space. Since the ranges for a, h0, and n were unknown initially, the first step in our GLUE analysis was to delimit physically reasonable ranges for the three parameters through field measurements. The second step consisted in choosing objective functions (performance criteria) to be used as informal likelihood measures in GLUE. When the temporal variation of the rating curve and its uncertainty, had been analysed in GLUE, two different ways to account for the variability were investigated. The first was to assess to what degree the variability could be handled by traditional methods, especially those used by the Honduran monitoring authorities. The second was to elaborate possible relations between a dynamic rating curve and riverbed characteristics to find a way to estimate discharge at stations with dynamic riverbeds. 4.1. Data-quality control The Concepción-station data were split into three periods as the station was relocated in 1990 and because of a sharp discontinuity in the ratings in 1981. Removal of outliers was done with a proximity algorithm based on the concept of alpha shapes (Edelsbrunner and Mücke, 1994). This quality control algorithm was based on the idea that ratingcurve points are grouped in time and should be removed if they deviated too much from the other points in the group. The validity of a measurement was confirmed on the basis of its Euclidean distance to other points in the three-dimensional Cartesian space defined by time, discharge and gauge-height vectors. This was a form of density-based spatial clustering. Krasnoshchekov and Polishchuk (2008) further expand the concept for robust reconstruction of curves. As with all clustering methods, some parameter values needed to be fixed (Charu and Philip, 2001). One of these parameters was the radius a of the alpha sphere that defined the alpha shape (see Edelsbrunner and Mücke, 1994, for definitions). This radius is a measure of how close a data point needs to be to others to be considered part of the alpha shape, i.e., to validate the other data. Other subjective choices were the units of the Cartesian-space vectors. The base-10 logarithm of discharge was used to compensate for the wide range of measured discharges, spanning several orders of magnitude. Data were also aggregated along the time dimension. Data were first grouped in pentads, i.e., measurements taken between the first and fifth of January belonged to pentad 1, giving a total of 73 pentads in a year. Gauge heights were not modified. Since alpha shapes are a geometrical concept, results can vary a lot depending on the units used. The values of stage and discharge were linearly mapped to [0, 3] and the values of time to [0, 1]. The radius a was set to either 0.1 or 0.12 depending on the density of the points. To illustrate the concept, let’s consider that three points have the same gauge height and discharge. A fourth point would be considered as belonging to the same polytope if all four were within a 94 J.-L. Guerrero et al. / Journal of Hydrology 446–447 (2012) 90–102 Table 1 Basin characteristics for six hydrometric stations in the upper Choluteca River basin. Station name Area (km2) Elevation (m) Mean annual runoff (mm) Mean slope (%) Measurement period Jun 1972–Oct 1998 Aug 1981–Oct 1998 May 1980– Aug 1998 Mar 1991–Oct 1998 Jul 1972–Oct 1998 Nov 1987–Oct 1998 Lowest Highest Mean Lowest Highest Mean Concepción 116 1170 2235 1567 186 333 252 18 Guacerique 151 1079 2037 1477 275 493 371 19 1766 675 2318 1302 321 372 350 20 85 1096 2037 1504 367 413 391 19 272 931 2229 1399 359 471 400 18 64 1075 2000 1446 174 226 203 21 Paso la Ceiba Quiebramontes Rio del Hombre Tatumbla Number of measurements Mean interval between measurements (days) 813 12 718 10 1216 5 239 12 204 15 128 15 Numbers are given for pre-Mitch conditions. The Paso la Ceiba station was moved upstream around 3 km after Mitch so the new basin area is 1766 km2. Area and elevation data are derived from SRTM data. The mean runoff is given for the period 1 May 1994–30 April 1997 and was calculated using both objective functions and the four different rating methods. The lowest, highest and mean values of these different runoff values are given. The numbers of measurements are after quality control. distance 2a from each other. With 73 pentads in year, a time vector linearly mapped to [0, 1], and alpha equal to 0.1, a distance of 2a along the time axis would be equal to 2 0.1(1 73) = 14.6 pentads, i.e. 73 days. For the Paso La Ceiba station, a further visual inspection revealed more erroneously recorded or digitised data that were manually removed. Errors in gauge-height data could often easily be detected when compared to the continuous (three times a day) stage data. Data from surrounding stations were useful to aid the removal decisions. The Sabacuante station, the 7th station originally considered, was discarded from further study as a result of such a comparison. Westerberg et al. (2011) estimate the uncertainty in a discharge measurement at the Paso La Ceiba station to ±25% caused by the lack of calibration of current metres, few vertical measurements, and non-ideal station locations as analysed by Flambard (2003). We assumed the same uncertainty for all discharge stations. The uncertainty in gauge height was assumed to be of ±5%, also following Westerberg et al. (2011). area and hydraulic radius. The constraint on h0 was then set so that the average value of k for all stage–discharge data fell within a theoretically acceptable range. Chow (1959) states that plausible k values range from 0.02 to 0.2795 if the most extreme conditions are included: severe irregularity, frequently alternating crosssection, severe obstructions, very high vegetation and severe meandering. The range of values for n was then set on the basis of the established range of values for h0 through the following procedure. We can express the product of the area A and the hydraulic radius Rh as a function of gauge height x. By equating Eqs. (1) and (2) we get: 4.2. Delimiting parameter values Differentiating Eq. (4) with respect to x and assuming that f(x) and (x h0) are always positive yield: Given the lack of metadata for the six stations, the delimitation of parameter values had to be based on several simplifying assumptions. We used Manning’s equation as a starting point: Q¼ 1 2=3 12 AR S k h ð2Þ where Q is discharge, k a non-dimensional friction coefficient, A cross-sectional area, Rh hydraulic radius, and S energy slope of the channel, all given in SI units. Area, hydraulic radius, and slope for each station were obtained from the topographical survey (Fig. 3 and Supplementary material). The use of Manning’s equation implies that the channel was assumed prismatic and stable with a constant friction slope and steady flow. A further assumption was that the friction slope equalled the riverbed slope. The value of k is normally calibrated or obtained from tables. We used discharge measurements to back-calculate its value. Let’s call the measured gauge height minus the zero-flow gauge height (x h0) the effective gauge height. The range of values for h0 was limited by two constraints. The first was that the effective gauge height had to be above the lowest point in the cross section for all measurements. The other was based on documented values for the parameter k. The effective gauge heights were calculated for different values of h0 and then used to determine cross-sectional Cf ðxÞ ¼ aðx h0 Þn ð3Þ 1 where C ¼ Sk2 and f ðxÞ ¼ AR2=3 h . Through logarithmic transformation, we obtain: lnðCÞ þ lnðf ðxÞÞ ¼ lnðaÞ þ n lnðx h0 Þ f 0 ðxÞ ðx h0 Þ ¼ n f ðxÞ ð4Þ ð5Þ Then, using the cross-sectional data, the value of n could be determined for different water levels and values of h0. Since the cross-sectional data could be rough, the values of n for a given interval of the cross section were smoothed to avoid negative values. The final value of n was then taken as the average for all intervals up to the given gauge height. In order to equate the discharge obtained from the rating equation to the actual measurements, it was necessary to allow parameter a to take different values. The entire range of values obtained from all plausible values of h0 was used to delimit this parameter. h0 was sampled within this range at 1-cm increments. By combining the range of plausible effective gauge heights and the average value of n it was possible to obtain a range of values for a: a¼ Q ðx h0 Þn ð6Þ For each sampled value of h0, a value of n was obtained for each stage/discharge measurement through Eq. (5). These values of h0 and n were finally used to calculate a through Eq. (6). J.-L. Guerrero et al. / Journal of Hydrology 446–447 (2012) 90–102 40 20 40 0 20 0 100 50 40 0 20 0 40 20 40 0 20 0 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Fig. 2. Availability and number of measurements at the six hydrometric stations in the upper Choluteca River basin. The y-axis is the number of measurements during a 181-day period centred on the date given in the x-axis. The date of Mitch is marked by the vertical line. Fig. 3. River-bed and riverside topography at the Concepción station (466996, 1547374 UTM16N). Measurement points (left), cross section perpendicular to the stream (upper right), and interpolated surface (bottom right). The units are in metres. Datum is the water level on 23 June 2009. 95 points from the cuboid defined by the minima and maxima found from the topographic analysis. However, the plausible parameter-value sets needed not be uniformly distributed inside the cuboid and in order to further constrain the sampling space a polytope was constructed such that it contained all the plausible parameter-value sets in its interior region. This polytope was defined to be the alpha shape with the largest possible alpha radius containing all plausible points, without neither dangling faces nor edges, i.e., a single closed polyhedron. The parameter-value sets for the MC simulations were then sampled from the interior region of this polyhedron. An objective function used as an informal likelihood measure in GLUE should increase monotonically with increasing goodness of fit and likelihoods of non-behavioural parameter-value sets should be equal to zero. We used two objective functions, a time-weighted Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) and a Score (SC) criterion. NSE was used as a baseline and defined as: NSE ¼ 1 m wi ðQ o;i Q c;i Þ2 1X W i¼1 ðQ o;i Q o Þ2 ð7Þ P i where wi ¼ ðem Þ2 1, andW ¼ m i¼1 wi . Here, m is the number of ratings in each time window, and Q discharge. Indices o and c stand for observed and calculated, whereas i signifies a specific rating. Data were weighted exponentially within each time window to put more emphasis on the most recent measurements. Only positive values were considered for analysis. The choice of the weighting exponent was a subjective measure of the importance of past measurements. The SC criterion was based on estimated uncertainties in the stage and discharge measurements. Similar to Pappenberger et al. (2006) we used a fuzzy membership function, given as a rectangular frustrum and delimited by the estimated errors in both stage and discharge measurements. We assumed that calculated discharges within ±5% of the observed values were equally good, and that calculated discharges within ±25% were acceptable. For stages we assumed that calculations within ±5 mm of the observed were equally good, and that calculated discharge values within ±5% were acceptable (Eq. (8)): Q 0:75Q 1:5Q Q ; 1; ;0 f1 ðQ Þ ¼ max min 0:95Q 0:75Q 1:25Q 1:5Q ð8aÞ x 0:95x 1:05x x ;0 f2 ðxÞ ¼ max min ; 1; ðx 0:005Þ 0:95x 1:05x ðx þ 0:005Þ ð8bÞ 4.3. Assessing the temporal variability of the stage–discharge relation The values of parameters in Eq. (1) were studied through MC analysis, performed on moving windows of data. The moving windows were defined as having a length of 30 data points, with an overlap of 29 data points between successive windows. Data within each window were analysed using the GLUE methodology. The three largest measured discharges were also included in the window, if they were not already part of it, and given a weight of one to compensate for the possible lack of high discharge measurements. From a geometric perspective, sampling parameters for the MC analysis could be described as sampling points in a space with as many dimensions as there were model parameters. The coordinates of a point inside this space defined a parameter-value set. The rating model (Eq. (1)) we used had three parameters. The values the rating parameters could take were bound using Manning’s equation combined with topographic information and plausible parameter-value sets were found (Table 2). Sampling for all rating parameters from an assumed prior uniform distribution in this three-dimensional space was equivalent to uniformly sample The SC value within each fuzzy frustrum was calculated as s = f1(Q) f2(x). The results of every behavioural simulation were weighted by its associated likelihood and uncertainty limits were derived from the cumulative, likelihood-weighted distribution of simulations of Eq. (1), using the GLUE procedure. One hundred thousand MC simulations were performed for both objective functions. There is no generally accepted threshold for which a Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency is non-behavioural, so we did not set the behavioural threshold to a specific value in this case, but instead considered the top 1000 (1%) as behavioural. Since the GLUE approach was used separately on each moving window of data, different uncertainty bounds were obtained at every time step. Similarly, for SC, the top 1000 simulations were also taken as behavioural. SC was finally calculated for all the behavioural equations as a normalised, total score for all ratings within the given time frame. For every time window, an uncertainty range was defined for every parameter using the 5% and 95% discharge prediction quantiles. The relative width of the uncertainty range reflected the relative identifiability of the different parameters for different 96 J.-L. Guerrero et al. / Journal of Hydrology 446–447 (2012) 90–102 periods. Finally, to evaluate the effect of the temporal variability of the parameter values on the estimation of discharge, the effect of the parameter variability was tested on the minimum, the median and the maximum measured gauge heights. 4.4. Including time variability in the rating equation The standard Honduran praxis of updating the rating curves was compared to the results of a dynamic rating curve. Since the Honduran authorities could not provide the dates when the official rating curves were changed, their procedure was approximated by deriving a rating curve for each hydrological year (1 May–30 April). These annual rating curves provided benchmarks against which our variable rating curves could be assessed. The dynamic rating curve was based on Eq. (1), but instead of changing all three parameters whenever required, two of them, n and h0, were set to the values derived from the cross-section whereas the third, a, was allowed to vary freely. Three steps were taken in the process of determining which values these parameters should take: 1. We fixed the values of h0 using the measured cross section and Manninǵs equation. 2. We fixed the values of n based on the previously calculated h0 values and the measured cross section. 3. Finally for each h0 and n combination, the value of a yielding equality between the observed and calculated discharge was obtained. Time series a(ti) were thus obtained where ti signifies dates at which the measurements were taken. A different a(ti) was obtained for each behavioural parameter-value set. As in the MC movingwindow analysis, 100,000 different parameter-value sets were tested. The data were not limited to 30 measurements but the entire dataset was used and an equal weight was given to all measurements. Continuous discharge estimates were obtained through Eq. (1) by interpolating a(ti) between measurements. Each time series was interpolated using cubic splines of order four (Craven and Wahba, 1978). Within every interval (four points in this case), a third-order polynomial g(ti) was selected that minimised the given function: X ðgðt i Þ aðti ÞÞ2 þ ð1 pÞ Z ðgðsÞÞ2 ds ¼ 0 ð9Þ and fulfilled the condition that successive polynomials are joined at the data points in such a way that the first and second derivatives are continuous. Summation and integration were done over the entire time period. With smoothing parameter p = 1, the spline passed through all points, and with p = 0 a straight line was obtained. Values falling between these two extremes were a compromise between good fit and smoothness. Predicted parameter values sometimes fell outside the plausible range (Table 2) but only values falling within that range were used when deriving the spline function. The choice of smoothing parameter value was subjective. For this study, it was given a small value (105), which eliminated high-frequency fluctuations in a. 4.5. Assessing the effect of temporal rating-curve variability on streamflow estimations Discharge was calculated at all stations for three hydrological years: 5 May 1994–30 April 1997 using four methods: (i) a benchmark method with a single rating curve for the entire period, (ii) separate rating curves for each hydrological year (approximating Honduran routines), (iii) a moving-window analysis, using constant rating parameters in the interval between successive windows, (iv) Eq. (1) with the time variable a(t) with values interpolated between measurements using p = 105. Continuous time series of gauge heights from each station were approximated from manual stage measurements at Guacerique at 0700, 1100 and 1600 daily, digitised to provide a near continuous-baseline time series for the given 3-year period. Gauge heights at the other stations were approximated using Guacerique data. The Generalised Extreme Value (GEV) distribution is defined by three parameters: n, r and l or the shape, scale and location parameters (Kotz and Nadarajah, 2001). Maximum-likelihood estimates of the parameters nb, rb and lb of a GEV distribution from the Guacerique gauge heights of the 3-year period defined a baseline distribution. The parameters rs and ls of a second distribution, using only gauge heights from the stage–discharge measurements, were then calculated with the same procedure. The remaining parameter necessary to define a second GEV distribution was considered equal to nb. Each record from the gauge-height time series at Guacerique was then translated to a cumulative frequency using the baseline distribution. The same frequency was finally used to estimate, from the second distribution, the corresponding gauge heights at the other station, for the given point in time. These gauge heights were then used to estimate the discharge at each station. As a last step we investigated possible relations between a(t) and riverbed characteristics. There is clear seasonality in discharge, precipitation, and gauge height in the Choluteca River basin so these entities are correlated. We concentrated our analysis on possible relations between a(t) and gauge heights. 5. Results 5.1. Delimiting the rating-curve parameters After the quality control, 36 measurements were deleted for each station on average, with a maximum of 128 for Concepción and a minimum of 5 for Río Del Hombre (Table 1). The station survey (Fig. 3 and Supplementary material) along with the data-quality control and parameter-delimitation analysis limited h0 at all stations to physically reasonable values (Table 2), using values of k considered feasible by Chow (1959) as limits for the average of all measurements. These then allowed reasonably well constrained, behavioural ranges to be defined also for a and n (Fig. 4). The spread in k values was large for small gauge heights but became well constrained for large gauge heights, as exemplified for Table 2 Parameter-value ranges for six hydrometric stations in the upper Choluteca River basin. Parameter a h0 n Station Concepción Guacerique Paso La Ceiba Quiebramontes Río Del Hombre Tatumbla 1.11–202.43 0.19–0.43 1.00–2.45 0.38–37.68 0.28–0.52 1.00–2.25 0.67–71.07 0.64–0.06 1.80–2.96 0.46–21.22 0.17–0.34 1.25–2.12 0.39–42.87 0.07–0.32 1.00–2.71 0.12–23.01 0.13–0.23 1.00–2.40 97 2.6 320 1.3 160 Concepción Guacerique Paso La Ceiba Quiebramontes Río Del Hombre Tatumbla 100 10 ARh2/3 Mean n J.-L. Guerrero et al. / Journal of Hydrology 446–447 (2012) 90–102 1 (i) 0 0 2 4 Effective Gauge Height (x − h0) 6 0.1 0 h0 0.23 Difference in % 1 100 0.18 0.5 10 1 (iii) (ii) 0 0 0.1 10 20 30 0.5 1 a 1.5 n 2 0.13 2.5 Fig. 4. Bounding of the rating-curve parameters for the Tatumbla discharge station. (i): AR2=3 from Eq. (3) and average value of n vs. effective gauge height (in metres). h Empirical cumulative distribution functions (ecdf) for given values of h0 (thin lines) and for all plausible values (thick line): (ii) for parameter n (iii) for parameter a. The greyscale shows the different values of h0 used when calculating the ecdf’s of a and n for single values of h0 (thin lines). 100 10 1 0.1 1990 10 0 ho = 0.28 Manning´s k ho = 0.52 10 10 −1 h0 −3 0.3 0.5 1998 1990 1994 1998 Fig. 6. Absolute difference (in %) between the last observed discharge in the moving-window and the discharge calculated from a rating curve, determined through a least-squares fit to all points in the window. The horizontal line is the 5% difference. 0.5 −2 0.4 10 1994 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 Gauge Height (m) Fig. 5. Values of k at the Guacerique station obtained from cross-sectional river-bed data and a measured slope of 1% with all plausible values of h0, highlighting the possible minimum and maximum h0 values. the Guacerique station (Fig. 5). This translated into a larger uncertainty in the ratings for low than for high flows. The value of n was related to the shape of the cross-section and showed a larger rate of change for small than for large gauge heights (Fig. 4). Changes in the cross-section were reflected in the value of n. 5.2. Assessing variability of the stage–discharge relation It would have been necessary to update the rating curve almost continuously if the Honduran authorities would have followed the commonly accepted rules stated by Rantz (1982) (Fig. 6). The benefits of the sampling scheme used to generate parameter vectors were twofold. Firstly, only points close to, in the Euclidean sense, the plausible parameter vectors were sampled. Secondly, compared to assuming uniform distributions for the rating parameters, this made for a more efficient sampling scheme, in the sense that fewer simulations were required to produce an equal number of behavioural results, resulting in reduced computational demands. The moving-window analysis showed that the rating-equation parameters were constantly changing over time (Fig. 7). The change tended to be most pronounced and systematic for parameter a that, given an open-channel conceptualisation, depends on the scale and shape of the cross-section as well as the hydraulic resistance (Petersen-Øverleir et al., 2009). Both hydraulic resistance and scale can be expected to change with stage. Parameter identifiability, as reflected by the width of the uncertainty bounds was also non-stationary. The temporal variation displayed depended on the selected objective function (Figs. 8 and 9). For any given period, the discharge for a constant gauge height could be similar, as for Río Del Hombre station in 1985–1990 for either objective functions, or very dissimilar, as for Guacerique station where the discharge could either be increasing or decreasing depending on the objective function (Fig. 8). The effect of temporal variability of the rating parameters on the estimation of discharge was clearly visible at all gauge heights and stations (Figs. 8 and 9). A seasonal component seemed to be present at all stations, at least part of the time, and was most pronounced at the Guacerique and Paso La Ceiba stations. The seasonality was more visible when SC, as compared to NSE, was used to assess behavioural parameter values. The decrease at most stations in number of measurements in the early 1990s (Fig. 2) seemed to be reflected as less variable ratings (Fig. 9). Except for the seasonal variability, there was no common trend or frequency in the change of the ratings at the six stations. The discharge for a given gauge height could vary by a factor of more than two during a single year. Also, the predicted discharge varied considerably with the likelihood measure. The discharge was not stationary at any station for a given gauge height and all stations showed differing longterm trends. Overall, the magnitude of the discharge was generally lower when SC was the objective function (Figs. 8 and 9). Four different methods were compared to assess the impact of the temporal variability of the stage–discharge relationship on the calculated discharge, combined with two different objective functions. The results were different depending on the objective function and the method used (Table 2). Comparing the mean discharge to the minimum and maximum one obtained from all 98 J.-L. Guerrero et al. / Journal of Hydrology 446–447 (2012) 90–102 40 20 a 0 0.53 h0 0.47 0.41 2.3 1.85 1.4 n 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 Fig. 7. Behavioural parameter values, using SC as objective function on a moving window of measurements at the Guacerique station. A darker shade indicates a higher likelihood. 0.034 Min 0.017 0 Discharge (m3/s) 0.66 0.38 Med 0.12 14 7.5 Max 1 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 3 Fig. 8. Temporal variation of the discharge (m /s) for the minimum, median and maximum gauge heights (m), using two objective functions (SC is the grey line and the NSE the black hashed line) at Guacerique station. methods (Table 1), the difference between mean and extremes ranged from 32% to +36%. 5.3. Including variability in the rating equation 5.3.1. A time-variable rating equation Since Eq. (1) is ultimately an empirical function, there is no obvious way to assign temporal variability to one or more of the three parameters. We decided to contain all temporal variability into parameter a since it showed the most pronounced and systematic variability (Fig. 7). The smoothed a(t) (Fig. 10) reflected, if not always the magnitude of the discharge change (to which a is linearly related), at least the shape of the change shown by the moving-window MC analysis. The magnitude of the change was related to the choice of smoothing parameter value. With p = 105 and SC as objective function, the magnitude was close to the one shown by the MC analysis (Fig. 9). It is important to note that for the 3-year period when the effect of the smoothed a(t) was tested, the average interval between measurements was twelve days for all stations (maximum of seventeen and minimum of five) and the average longest-interval was of 56 days (maximum of 84 and minimum of 28). 5.3.2. The effect of temporal variability of ratings on total volume of discharge The estimated total water volume varied considerably depending on both the objective function and the rating method (Tables 1 and 3). The magnitude of the change was not consistent from station to station. The total water volume was larger for NSE except when the variable parameter a was used (Table 3). Furthermore, 99 J.-L. Guerrero et al. / Journal of Hydrology 446–447 (2012) 90–102 1 Concepción 0.5 0 0.7 Guacerique 0.35 0 14 7 0 0.4 Quiebramontes 0.2 Median Discharge (m3/s) Paso La Ceiba 0 1.2 Río Del Hombre 0.8 0.4 0.14 Tatumbla 0.07 0 1973 1976 1978 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 Fig. 9. Discharge (m3/s) at six hydrometric stations in the upper Choluteca River basin for their median gauge heights, using NSE (hashed black line) and SC (grey line) as objective functions. can go from 0.5 to 1.5. With a smoothed time series of a, the ratingcurve change is continuous. With the moving-window and a-newrating-curve-per-year methods change is triggered by new stage– discharge measurements. This explains the delays in the variations between the methods (Fig. 11). a 35 20 6. Discussion 5 1994 1995 1996 Optimum NSE p=10−5, NSE Optimum SC p=10−5,SC Fig. 10. Time series of parameter a and the smoothed time series a(t) with NSE (hashed black line) and SC (grey line) as objective functions at Guacerique station The MC simulation giving the highest NSE was taken as the ‘‘Optimum NSE’’. Similarly the MC simulation with highest SC was taken as the ‘‘Optimum SC’’. the differences in total volume between the two objective functions were smallest when the time variable parameter a was used. In spite of these dissimilarities, all results demonstrated that the use of a static rating curve can induce considerable discharge error even for the long-term average discharge (Table 3). This error is much more pronounced for daily and monthly (Fig. 11) discharge and the quotient between static and dynamic discharge estimates Hydrological modelling has four main uncertainty sources (Refsgaard and Storm, 1996): (i) input-data errors, (ii) output-data errors, (iii) parameter uncertainty, and (iv) structural errors in the selected model. This study had a focus on uncertainties related to (iii) and (iv) as a way to quantify and understand the temporal variation of rating curves in six Honduran alluvial river channels. It complements the one of Westerberg et al. (2011) that focuses on the quantification of discharge uncertainty. With more than 7300 river-discharge stations in 156 countries, the global runoff database at GRDC (Global Runoff Data Centre, 2011) is the globally most complete collection of river data. But not even this database provides metadata (i) on location of stations on alluvial or non-alluvial rivers, or (ii) on the means by which discharge is measured (Looser, 2010, personal communication). We can thus only assume that a large fraction, maybe a majority, of all discharge stations globally are located at places where riverbeds are changing over time. We can also assume that the majority of these stations base their discharge data on stage measurements and rating curves that are updated according to criteria that are not commonly reported. If these assumptions are correct, which we believe, the analysis of time-variable rating curves deserves more attention than it has had so far. 100 J.-L. Guerrero et al. / Journal of Hydrology 446–447 (2012) 90–102 Table 3 Relative difference in total volume of discharged water for the period 1 May 1994–30 April 1997 for the six hydrometric stations. The four rating methods in combination with both objective functions were used. Results are based on the median discharge of all behavioural rating curves. The basis for the comparison was obtained using the Score as objective function and one single rating for the entire period and given a base value of 100. Station Total volume error One single rating Concepción Guacerique Paso la Ceiba Quiebramontes Río del Hombre Tatumbla One rating per year NSE SC NSE SC NSE SC 161 161 105 99 118 120 100 100 100 100 100 100 173 179 106 101 131 122 100 117 100 99 101 103 169 170 108 98 120 117 96 117 103 94 100 94 123 116 95 103 107 108 121 119 110 106 114 112 Ratio 1 1994 Smoothing SC 1.5 0.5 Moving window NSE 1995 1996 One rating/year Moving Window Smoothing One Single Rating Fig. 11. Average monthly discharge ratios between discharge from three timevarying rating curves and the discharge from a single rating curve for the period 1 May 1994–30 April 1997 at the Guacerique station. The three time varying rating are: one rating/year, moving-window results, constant h0 and n parameters combined with a time varying parameter a. Results are based on the median of all behavioural simulations for SC. Monthly discharge values are the average of the discharges calculated from sub-daily gauge heights. We are only aware of five studies that analyse rating curves on the basis of their temporal variability (McMillan et al., 2010; Shimizu et al., 2009; Westerberg et al., 2011; Jalbert et al., 2010; Reitan and Petersen-Øverleir, 2011). Jalbert et al. (2010) and Reitan and Petersen-Øverleir (2011) provide data comparable to our analysis. For Jalbert et al. (2010), their time series of discharge at constant stage heights from three stations in the French Alps support our findings of large temporal rating-curve variability. Whereas we found that discharge for a given stage could differ by a factor two, the examples of Jalbert et al. (2010) provide even larger variability. Our finding that rating-curve uncertainty is largest for low flows (Fig. 5) is also corroborated by Jalbert et al. (2010) who find that a much larger proportion of their ratings are outside of their confidence limits at low than at intermediate flows. Even greater similarities are found with the work of Reitan and Petersen-Øverleir (2011). They focus on the temporal variability of the rating parameters in a Bayesian framework and obtain similar results regarding the long-term variability. Additionally they provide a way of determining which, if any, of the rating parameters should be considered time-dependent. Although they discuss the possibility of a seasonal variation, it is not reflected in their results, presumably because their stations are stable on a seasonal scale or the temporal sparsity of their data: 208 measurements from 1908 to 2010 and 44 measurements from 1969 to 2010 in the two, out of a total of three, stations where they found the ratings to be time-dependent. All five studies concentrate on finding practical ways of incorporating rating-curve uncertainty caused by temporal variability. This study, along with the ones of Jalbert et al. (2010) and Reitan and Petersen-Øverleir (2011) provide examples of what this temporal variability looks like for a number of discharge stations. Like them, we were unable to find a single variability pattern that applied to all stations. Some stations showed long-term increasing or decreasing trends whereas others provided a more cyclic behaviour. There was a tendency that all our stations reflected some seasonality to their rating curves. This effect seems more pronounced at those stations and time periods that had frequent ratings. It would, therefore, be interesting to find out if the seasonality effect is a common trait to other stations where stage and discharge are measured continuously or at a high temporal resolution. Modelling the gauge heights at other stations given the data at Guacerique implied strong assumptions in terms of spatial homogeneity that could not be verified, the calculated discharges at the other stations may therefore not be representative for shorter periods whereas the calculation of the total water volumes is probably less affected. The discharge estimates in this study pointed to a high degree of uncertainty caused by time-variable rating curves. The variability in the ratings was more pronounced than what current estimation techniques allow for. The variability was such that the ratings changed with practically every new measurement. The traditional recommendation to modify ratings when use of the present rating curve creates more than 5% difference with actual measurements did not seem reasonable for Honduran conditions. It was especially inappropriate for low flows when the percentage was based on small and uncertain numbers. In the absence of experimental data or further information about the uncertainty in discharge measurements in Honduras, this uncertainty was estimated to ±25% by Westerberg et al. (2011), based on literature values and knowledge of local measurement conditions, but as discussed in this study, the assumption of a constant measurement error might not always be appropriate. This estimated uncertainty is larger than the 5% limit but no attempt was made here at separating the uncertainty in the data from the variability in the results. When the temporal variability of the ratings was expressed as changes in behavioural parameter-value sets, they were considerable and depended on the selected objective function. The uncertainty bounds obtained from GLUE analysis are directly interpretable when the behavioural threshold is defined from an estimation of the uncertainty in the data. Such estimation is made for mean daily discharge by Westerberg et al. (2011). Here, the behavioural limit was the top 1000 simulations and the uncertainty bounds obtained for SC and NSE were thus difficult to compare. This was especially true since only SC took input-data uncertainty into account and placed an equal weight on all gaugings, contrary to NSE that focused on high flows. When the top 1000 simulations were deemed behavioural, the uncertainty bounds given by the SC were generally larger than the ones obtained by NSE. The differences between the rating methods J.-L. Guerrero et al. / Journal of Hydrology 446–447 (2012) 90–102 reported here could be even larger, since only comparisons between the median of the behavioural results was analysed here, because of the ad hoc manner in which the behavioural threshold was set. No use was made of the uncertainty limits obtained from GLUE when comparing methods and objective functions. The SC criterion explicitly includes an estimation of data uncertainty. An objective way to define a behavioural threshold would be to consider a parameter-value set behavioural only if the rating curve it defines crossed all the frustrums. This method was tested but resulted in either no behavioural parameter-value sets or having a few stage–discharge measurements (those furthest away from the rating curve) dominating the parameter-value set selection. It was deceptively simple to obtain high NSE values for the rating-curve fit. Even when only a single rating curve was used for the entire period, values of NSE superior to 0.95 were consistently obtained. Increasingly better efficiencies were obtained when using one rating curve per year, the moving-window approach, and finally the smoothing approach. 100% efficiencies were possible, as expected, when using a smoothing parameter p equal to 1. The selection of p = 105 allowed variations shown during the MC analysis to be reflected and the high-frequency variations to be limited. The use of a time-dependent parameter in the rating equation offered an alternative to quantify the time rate of change of the rating curve. The high-frequency filter applied to the time series of a yielded a very good fit between the observed and measured data, albeit at the cost of adding new degrees of freedom to the analysis. The ranges of parameter values for the MC simulations were obtained from station morphology and by assuming Manning’s equation to be the physical basis of the ratings. This implied a series of assumptions that were not always fulfilled, furthermore supporting the suspicion that rating variability might have been even larger than illustrated here. The magnitude of the smoothing parameter p reflects implicit assumptions in the physics behind the ratings. By using an interpolating spline (p = 1), one assumes fast changes in the rating but only when there are measurements. On the other hand, the larger the smoothing, the more one assumes changes to be gradual. Gradual changes can be a conceptualisation of an even and continuous sedimentation, whereas scouring tends to be abrupt. Discharge calculated with MC moving-window parameters assumes that rating-curve changes only occur when there is a new measurement. A time-dependent rating-curve parameter yields continuous change. The effectiveness of both methods depends on the temporal density of measurements since a long period without measurements can lead to discharge bias. An alternative to overcome this shortcoming in the MC moving-window method would be to allow for a to be a dynamic parameter, and the other two parameters to change following the values from the MC moving-window analysis. This was tested as a first attempt to relate the time variability of a to climate and basin properties. There was a tendency for the optimal a values and gauge heights to be linearly related. This relationship and the usefulness of the dynamic rating curve should be subject to future research. The length of the moving window was selected to 30 data points, similarly to Westerberg et al. (2011) who evaluated the effect of using 20, 25 and 35 data points instead of 30 at the Paso La Ceiba station and found that it gave similar results (see Westerberg et al. (2011) for further discussion on this and other assumptions in the moving-window approach). Existing Honduran praxis regarding rating curves can lead to large biases in the estimation of discharge (Table 3, Figs. 8–11). The seasonal variations must be added (Figs. 10 and 11) to the long-term biases (Figs. 8 and 9). It was hard to pinpoint a single cause for the variability. Alternating cycles of scour and fill, with deposition during the dry season and erosion during the wet 101 season can change the channel’s conveyance. Vegetation could play a role since vegetation might grow during the dry season on river banks that are flooded during the wet season, yielding a totally different friction slope. Backwater effects might come into play when the water level rises. We did not attempt to clarify what process, or combination of processes, gave rise to the variability, but instead explored the variability that the data revealed. Exploring these issues should be prioritised before proposing a technique that could yield more accurate results. In this sense, and despite the high temporal density, there are other sources of variability that the dataset was not fit to elucidate. For instance, the passage of a flood wave could give a different relation between stage and discharge during the rising or falling limbs. This phenomenon works at much shorter timescale than current measurements schemes. Another avenue of future research would be set up continuous measurements of discharge and stage to deepen the present analysis and reduce measurement errors. Even then, these measurements alone could turn out to be insufficient to reveal which processes are most important, but would probably give a clearer picture of the temporal variability in the stage–discharge relationship. 7. Conclusions The high frequency of ratings and their high temporal variability in six hydrometric stations in the upper Choluteca River basin allowed a unique analysis of the discharge uncertainty caused by temporal variability of the rating curve. The variability was so large that traditional rating techniques were insufficient to account for it. A time-invariant rating curve can result in large errors in the estimation of discharge. This study investigated the temporal variability and uncertainty of the rating curve by GLUE methodology with NSE and SC as objective functions, as well as four different rating methods. When both objective functions and all rating methods were combined and compared the difference between the 3-year water volume and the minimum and maximum volume was 32% and +36% respectively. The differences were increasingly larger for monthly and daily discharge. It should be stressed that such comparisons were obtained from testing different rating models, that the uncertainty bounds yielded by GLUE were not taken into account and only the medians of the behavioural results were compared. Changing the rating parameters with each new measurement, as in the MC moving-window analysis or allowing the a parameter to change continuously in time, partially solved the problem, but even then the variability might have been underestimated, especially when there were large time gaps between measurements. We believe that these findings could be applicable for many other alluvial river-discharge stations and that the uncertainty associated with the temporal variability in the rating curve might generally have been underestimated. Preliminary results have indicated that it might be possible to express one of the rating parameters as a function of stage, under a moving-window analysis, but further research is needed to relate all parameters to riverbed, basin or climate characteristics. We consider that continuous measurements of discharge are the first step needed to reach that goal. Acknowledgements This work was part of the projects Research cooperation in hydrology and geotechnology – subproject Hydrology and water management of the upper Choluteca River basin and Effects of climate change and extreme weather on water-resources sustainability in Central America funded by Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) under grants 75007349 and SWE-2005-296. 102 J.-L. Guerrero et al. / Journal of Hydrology 446–447 (2012) 90–102 We are grateful to SANAA (Servicio Autónomo Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados) and SERNA (Secretaría de Recursos Naturales) for access to data and their staff for collection of this large amount of rating-curve data. The computationally demanding calculations were performed at Uppmax, Uppsala Multidisciplinary Centre for Advanced Computational Science under project p2008030. We are grateful to Ms Diana Carolina Fuentes Andino for help in collecting cross-section and organising some of the discharge data. Appendix A. Supplementary material Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at 04.031. 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