July 6, 2006 DEPARTMENT: Theatre and Dance___ Table 1. Documentation that learning outcomes are incorporated into the curriculum for all undergraduate and graduate programs. In the table below, state the expected learning outcomes from the Program-Level Assessment Plans and then list the course or courses, including prefix, number, and title, in the Relevant Courses column that address that expected outcome. If 3 or more courses address an expected learning outcome, list only 3 courses that are most important for students to achieve the expected outcome. Degree Program: BFA in Acting Item 1 _ Expected Learning Outcomes To analyze scripts, characters and techniques in a scene, play or dance. To demonstrate familiarity with the periods and genres of theatre and dance history and the special vocabulary of theatre and dance. To describe the vocal and physical apparatuses and demonstrate the care and use of the voice and body as instruments in rehearsal and performance. To perform the duties of the technician, performer or stage manager in a realized production To demonstrate applied experience in scenery, lighting, costumes and make-up Relevant Courses TH A 2302, 2312, 3335 6 To demonstrate acting skills in various theatre styles. TH A 3302, 3322, 3332 7 To demonstrate auditioning techniques in a theatre audition. THA 3106 Auditioning 2 3 4 5 TH A 3308, 3309, 1303 TH A 1301, 1302, DAN 1101, 1106, 1206 TH A 3105 TH A 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104 July 6, 2006 DEPARTMENT: Theatre and Dance___ Table 2. Discussion of the methods used to assess the learning outcomes as well as the instruments used to assess the attainment of learning outcome goals by undergraduate and graduate programs. For each degree program, provide a brief discussion of the methods, including specific instruments, used to assess student learning outcomes. The Program-Level Assessment Plans, submitted in December 2005, list the methods of assessment for each expected outcome. In the boxes below describe those methods of assessment. If national standardized exams are used state the name of the exam. The information in Table 2 should be an overview description of the methods used. If specific assessment instruments (or assessment rubrics) need to be developed to conduct an assessment, then clearly indicate what is still needed and when those instruments will be used (which should be Fall Semester 2006). The boxes will expand as information is added to the box. Degree Program: BFA in Acting . 80% receive excellent evaluations of written analyses and on performances which demonstrate the analyses in THA 2302, THA 2312, and THA 3335. 100% will pass the Theatre History courses, THA 3308, 3309, 1303. 80% will receive excellent grades on their performance of scenes or plays in THA 1301, 1302, DAN 1101, 1106, 1206 80% will receive excellent practicum evaluations and performance critiques in THA 3105. 80% will receive excellent grades in technical theatre classes and on Practicum evaluation, exams and quizzes in THA 1101-4, or 3100-3104. 80% will receive excellent critiques on Performances of scenes and plays, and a grade of B or above in all Period Styles classes. THA 3302, 3322, 3332. 100% will receive excellent critiques from faculty on BFA reviews. July 6, 2006 DEPARTMENT: Theatre and Dance Table 3. Summarize the data collected and evidence of the use of results of those data For each degree program, describe the data that has been collected to date and indicate how the results of the data analysis have been used. It should be noted that in some cases, the results will indicate that at this time the expected learning outcomes are being achieved and there is not a need to change or improve a program. However, it is unlikely that all data for all programs indicate that no improvements are needed. If no data has been collected for a degree program assessment, indicate that is the case and provide a justification for the lack of data and a detailed discussion of how data collection will begin in the Fall Semester 2006 and be reported in the next Annual Assessment Report. Degree Program: BFA in Acting Item Data Use of Data 1 1) 0% of students received excellent evaluations of written analyses in TH A 3335 (1 student) 2) No data was collected on TH A 2302, as there were no BFA students in the 2005 classes. 3) No data was collected on TH A 2312, as there were no BFA students in the 2006 class. 2 1) No data was collected on TH A 3308, as there were no BFA students in the 2005 class. 2) No data was collected on TH A 1303, as there were no BFA students in the 2005 class. 3) 100% of students passed TH A 3309. 3 1) No data was collected on TH A 1301, as there were The assessment mechanisms need to be changed. 1) “or dance” should be removed from Expected Learning Outcomes, since no specific dance classes are required for BFA acting students. 2) Suggest replacing 2302 with 4302 as a more relevant course. 3) Although the expected % was not met for TH A 3335, I still feel the expectations are valid. Since only one student was involved in the assessment, the numbers could vary widely from year to year. I would not recommend changing the 80% expectation. 4) Add performance of students on exit exam to Table 2. The assessment mechanisms need to be changed. 1) “and dance” should be removed from Expected Learning Outcomes, since no specific dance classes are required for BFA acting students. 2) Remove 1303 as a relevant course, since students always take this course before they jury for the BFA. 3) Expected learning outcomes were met in TH A 3309. 4) Add performance of students on exit exam to Table 2. The assessment mechanisms need to be changed. July 6, 2006 no BFA students in the 2005 class. 2) No data was collected on TH A 1302, as there were no BFA students in the 2006 class. 3) No data was collected on DAN 1101, 1106, 1206 because these courses are not required courses in the BFA acting program. 4 1) 100% of students received excellent practicum evaluations in TH A 3105 (two students 2005 class). 2) 100% of students received excellent practicum evaluations in TH A 3105 (six students 2006 class). 5 1) No data was recorded on TH A 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104 because these courses are not required of BFA acting students. [Instead, data was collected on TH A 3303, 3304, 3305, which are required courses] 2) No data was recorded on TH A 3303, as no BFA acting students were in the class. 3) 0% of students received excellent grades in technical theatre classes (one student 2005 class). 4) No data was recorded on TH A 3305, as no BFA acting students were in the class. 1) Remove dance classes from list of Relevant Courses in Tables 1 and 2, since no specific dance classes are required for BFA acting students. 2) “on their performance of scenes or plays” should be removed from Table 2, since the students do not generally do scenes or plays in voice or movement classes. 3) Add feedback on voice and movement in yearly BFA jury to Table 2. The assessment mechanisms need to be changed. 1) “house manager” should be added to the Expected Learning Outcomes in Table 1, since BFA acting students take two courses in house management. 2) Two significant courses should be added to the list of Relevant Courses on Table 1: TH A 3306 and 3104. 3) The words “and performance critiques should be removed from Table 2, since the performance practicum students are only evaluated on their attitude and work ethic, not their performance, in TH A 3105. 4) Since 100% of students received excellent practicum evaluations in TH A 3105, I would suggest that the BFA expectation in that course be changed to 90-100%. 5) Add proof of experience in required areas from exit jury resume to Table 2. The assessment mechanisms need to be changed. 1) Remove the following courses from Tables 1 and 2: TH A 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, since none of these courses are required of BFA acting students. 2) Add the following courses to Tables 1 and 2: TH A 3303, 3304, 3305, since these courses are required of BFA acting students. 3) Remove the following courses from Table 2: TH A 1101, 1102, 1103, 1104, since they are not as relevant as the 3000 level courses. 4) Remove “and make-up” from Expected Learning Outcomes, Table 1, since only 3 courses are allowed under Relevant Courses. 5) Expectations were not met in the technical theatre classes, but I suggest that the percentages with regards to those courses not be July 6, 2006 6 7 1) 100% of students received a “B” or above and excellent in performance critiques in TH A 3332 (two students). 2) TH A 3302 did not make, Fall 2005; TH A 3322 did not make, Spring 2006. 1)?% of students received excellent critiques from faculty on BFA Reviews. This data has not been kept in a formal way. changed—since only one student was involved in this measuring period. The assessment mechanisms need to be changed. 1) Remove grade as an evaluating tool. 2) Since the students did better than expected, either the expected % should be raised to 90%, or the grading in the course should be more stringent. The assessment mechanisms need to be changed. 1) Data must be engendered on the specific results of the BFA yearly Reviews. This will be started spring semester, 2007. 2) Suggest changing Item 7 Expected Learning Outcomes on Table 1 to: To demonstrate an understanding of the business of Theatre. (This allows the inclusion of the Career Management Course in this assessment). 3) Add TH A 4208 to Table 1, Relevant Courses.