DLrLoP:!r' 3r SOIL FETILI r: ::: Iur:.L P T: nb ijttrC UUL.L. In perti1 the requ1'e' dero of 'or Redacted for Privacy Profc;o In Chr f Redacted for Privacy ef Derrt Redacted for Privacy i o: Redacted for Privacy De: To Professor .. . Cib: tcr has; eonstri.:cave critic:' uevoioDL:: this thei sofl rertility for Dje acLior1ednt, is 13tty, ht Ti\BLY a::' 5 * 10 . Cro-scf;-i E-tLI Generi S 16 ' irr Th 4 3oy . cI:-:c To L 4 S S 4 . * S Eu .rvi 4 * , * S * . * . * 18 * * * S 19 * * 4 S 20 * * * 30 i:it:.in th Soil P. or i1iin Jifi. ]-t:ii: C. 5 5 * 1 * S itin.' o Ue Ic * . , C * * C -S 25 GIOJhL PRCGRA1 .iirr -Oy-.c O1 Ot)?: 64 t..:it ditt: itL oLturai i.dj LxtiorL Eervic , . * , . 66 . . . . . . * * -* p of ]erti1izr Ti13; Soriri co ud T .V 71 Soil Con ov;1cn flc'rvi c. a a a * a a a 7:3 a f'.ct1vitic, 1ro!i. r:C:. U':'T'"vT: 76 T . Oiovcr frrovo ?r e -I .f Drv? r".ci; - C Fo! !i * :-' a S a a a a rr endix A.. ! Pottc a , a S S I 1vrti.L±zer . I. Ikc:. :r 1).!.. V . Pc1to'- Pcte :i'r!: uitP1 i :i 1mi; 1. D --' 50 A. 1 -..nt:..1 51 DWOPt2 OF IN L01L PJitE1Y FC' : .. : IITF:O)tXOTION Soil £ertI1ity in Ce is one of ifie ost ::. Iiportant probl6io contronti:; wori- in soil reitilitv ha been dcn: now is to con )lIdete this gops interested in soil re:i1itr i struction Thr i yeer CC) c .matori.1 iL not tudent$ Cone up 'T iii pioccrus i:elt:: c-v! tm Yotn bu 1nt ,o vEr1 Vith ot-cf-c o' rvLoJ. Ineltidin voteras the tol field o tLhe tieir fn1ic, ul Ce 1 nec 0 r,r tc 1i be T.eoc uion th CO2onded consi'ed, t te scope trc1i fr:'..tj pp1ication3. O.rI.Le wIll the Lertility. in D cbi.zto; Cont this aount ebout 7.3 ipved crop lmd wht ch r.i:" : ir T.i$ 1*;;; i tb prOPertr taos ii Lt/ Y(i::, county hr 4.9 a total land i tLW his land to siirort t It I tertility of the land o bear th a eeOno'p Of this OUiity ccid Ccntrd 'h:.:: tamed. Fertile aoll Ia aaeiai the co cr s well he texture of mct or te a ía be c].aa as aLl l aa, and quite littht. This roip oi aria fI:ie enojh orLanic L1ttGT. The ouI boin- cf in sulfur. iarr The lcso of Las esecialIy oi rar 1;hc' the cccey orot:l E)t:8 aaaI c':.LIca accIr- fiJai cat. )C eade of iI1orLj a:: ce a Potato 1zfl?tiliZer, the :ow )OtatOe, acne of the :ast orea : cr the I cac o oc '' eest coaciai f ..1..isacs detriinjaT uitro;aa to of 3 rin:: rtc1ce Undor the in seyo:i erope hich ere oi1 d.ev1tjF. ?ot, which are o1c. off the 1ucO, the tarzn and the rcmti1tin; t'ortii.i:.o h ind woifl datrico retuii ec produced £eod c :t hc .Liot; 11' h1h to the Oii, .:tflj. :ic1oo tii from teed which woo urcn.00 the r00u.rnrL. 1utter to C crop, i1oflnro aio1fa, or t thetr iajor crot cte-rnriso: barley, pture, on of see 3O On on - L 1r. tto b1o. t of the cech fax Incoe ovc -eriDi stook en-tsrDriscs ¶p.flr conside:oh .o the ccrrcj1 fe111zc i1i for alone oouuted to 2,OOC. it erco io.. ; 1 i:o thn od is estInte to h:vo be .h.L SIX :Tr .. , ercIe1, fert1ijor l: fiez? it Is e11 tict coisi appl1c.tion end the riiits Ctr.f'IO Becau oc Since there are .t 1e t f t. kind or oother, cioCe cooe:o.tIn and to to}: the be 4._I b!).. .:' C.; ho co1 to to i; oid ne. Toce cu1t$ arier ti a.nner that & th e-' L1i hI .re t cous1dcr1i T i1i that definite diroction ta th :o iwiit7. tht; t tility will be iicuse1 The co.tribution i;iclud ]ie Jgricu1turl Jüjz rvatior krvice, th :Etcni:; it,y, ad v3cational ri cu1tu. ..ti.O", 5 TOB5 ]3r1 ef ILC1 b-i; c:c WflLt ls ti 1. oa Soil depleti:V: crops such 1ar'.e extent ir Citru1 0 Trrees for such crs e.i,,Irr rtr )j tho oi1 e pot:to cre (C:'U. 1V o1l bulldin cro niixtttree. hr -'- {itd tvc uh e1fii s imch L:r1 anti the rmr .tter. Ii Ifa1ra tunci is sold, oric ¶attr i t:e 2 )ff the Dcte1:Lie 11: iive.c tility nd Oiani SoIl :N VJ.r 1::;.1 iiI.: Determine .rertlizer iover4 I coor1j ui flr 6 i:u 81)r tr aticat1on. or CnU 0 rti:zer In tii siderd by 4. ; SC)I.L SC1iiS;C. Dot er'. i: c: riiize uch for pctat:L, FO':c f'r uone, i ;)end h.L1ved ii:: ccc. 40 p:'un. ni i;e4 L otsh i:i. c± ti'ls cioL uslnL EPC12 tit U irs Oorxfl pr-c of 5. 1s con- Co 31 .Lrn to couto t 4 't t, cie1y w1ti the ied reeded for eocth crop. '3T 7 oh: P1VO).k Detti.ne a. T: :, oulc. I i L. iow iiuch j. soil 1 'rti1ity aI soil? so1. ferti..lt.r b .iow rtuCi C. ofr thE fa? How rth soil £orfi iirj (.I1 :ir 1 i $old ;oil rc.i ' 111 .iIf OP up? ioc' 0, uiid u .I :.i2::'.: tnr ry oto r c'o f Will inter iye 'mii.o u OO( 2. Is b. ± liv. cc: r: 151 I the fl )UrPC tortiit:r to Dao oj1 .:. ell a cro suoi (. ert.1iity? C, :' ?rc;nCi iivot 'ic: 'tit, i; tlit ao1. riiv oi co th..t Does oe tio .. . . ... ILLU 4 iitjn oi1 i Are rDtti;n the ri rtr? tIl?, Det!rino rertli 4 .'2t;: It? C, ;4$ y- 11etic e. P .1 L r,- 'miob tsrtj1ier 'i a, :ie b. Jt LaC3 tti? 0, :uc1, Ho 8, ;le:?. le .lamI vthrt y. er. 11:.1-t y-tiijzer ' T' 1i1 c a;4rr t:cir. o I neh 9 5. L&.rn to e Dute the cost o that is b. :i in 01 cooiete re the WbCt - o.rt toxrii? of does a 16-20-0 Tht1 )Oi: oaper 54 per ton or 10-6- saul &iperphosphete haz ca pe plia sphe t ton, I it c1r a:. 1O au.fur I u_rL 1cu.a ioo ortl1ier, 10 CL LCTI0 r:: I :i POBLS rro Lcause of the c1tum is the e1s work 1 ct that 1ttCI: Upon the bjt te boys to )i:;e 1;.; their proJects ol' th nateriaj. on one subject of history o' 3nU It covei it. Consequently the job f it will be ut ec a e oble to grasp it. This - is four.ci i croec-sect10 soil frti1ity prob1c3 cour;c or::r C; ii i: r ;c C-: -tiort outlin6 of cour ., fl, _) u ±(,fl 'Oi1(1 ' tL- 1 o'tt Cross-ecti.r Outline oi Couro Or niz.i;Ion of Prohl in Studi in Soil F rtilit7 br Yeni ror Hith School Course Freaan rob Dtoi vrht is the beet crop rotatIon 1. ori out rotcio pottor i SO c.ore eror th :.t, L Discw the &d- CDVr C'0 of a AdvLced Clae 1. Deciäc how much soIl fri11t9 clover seed '1l3. re:wv tbe soil, fror n,ch scil tjlity elfalte will row If 2 Decide hc off the it iS; sold On 'weh sd? fst1 It . .:Ui;.. 4. OO;. cro ;uch or:nic d:5) of ot.c: ..'-. ...*.._-.. . L. bL - s. - :- eI.1 6. d VL1.1.:.Ji ji. 'n 1 tn oflT.A .'xp;u.: o o'o tA --- 3::. ? -'t L (O3 Z1 çic TC -OOTI 4 Efi iZ) Jt PIi -I' :T T Yt LO1 e 'L'LL; .-o TJ Tio JT.j.r- QLUZ tt J4I;1.L; floe 1TT'tLPtt 01. j:i r13içT p;?OJ.)UT 4T uo it popp t rd uthico flU [Q tuoCJ flOrO OI) JC J(fl, flQ UOItci : timin' i ijV..tOC3 1j 6. Deteine the tsrti1izer vthlcb dvo the 1ost renilt on alft1f. rnd clovor. how Iei 1. Docic ore diffe'*:t tror other cr' in their h1U.ty to . 'ork oi recom- h: piiorous fron iheck ti gcner1 prctic reconendion, uits inain aol]. .;ie if )otasluri should rfld(J pp1icatj<)fl n' plt6- change free nitro,cn p1ant! con ue to i! to laE;s. pli2. aril ociâi.ty to fr Dti' L OU iOt. te 4. 3urvy tne c CTtiOU .retE-ie tfl k1.T. 1. iJ.rvt.J :1 10 u. pico o$ fer- 1. ti11zT!2 "toi. toT!' :. rNO 1iv t:. t:1 0 tr 1T: 1t.<S ecid i.LT i- ., .'j3, Li.r tio. .. 5r_. iic&, for ti:: ct::. . 3. int1 work t; fnrtj11- c.it: o .. i:oTt- i&___ of boron .c .......... ....... ... .J....'-v.- ...........-".'.L ...... of - 'OU. .: . 1; T'J'' V' , - -r . IT..: .-) Tt':3 st C' -. zi; t z1tTtbJ t . .t Jo ST :it;5 rItOtw-. ) L. [t(3 JOt JOtTT. ;iir r.- LT S J;_._ c Q 5Uoq O t.dpu1 .iOzfl a tra: * "7 TI -TI*3S occt tic r ntoz oç t ti: ITLOI *47 I T Learn to compute the cost o' plant food in eomeci1 far- till 1. Iet ermine wbt cosp1ctte rertl ii. er. 14 COr1pri cr:s. f icoIet:J con Iete fertilizoro. Fio ccts cr con-a p1 te fertilizers ith ti £OtC fert1iir3. Dotorin.e tho ch7onont 1er- tiiizer to uae to eupply tte p1nt tood. U ): L i :'t:u 4 1OOT4Z Lq I 'cxo:zç 3UC, LOJ ut tJUJ (4 u1: TL 2U:IG1 pu i:'T 1 Loq ct uc.o MIi4 :;ti (t 4- tZ rq)WO: pTZ: poo pOOi £otT1. q ciz .IG4T pdo'jurep U r .r 1 UOtjj j:z J 91 17 difeint crop3 nd thc: t1r ee (mterpr Durz the tbir . ot tie tp1ut ue or rrur the reILtion or 1v SItJD (. TT);.J: -) fr:. tIe thc I itb EUrVc: h:1 t; is dce' with t.- the bor n-c un1ty the i11 .rk into Is vIs1td i 'ct: fart et: to check on eti t:-: thl8 ti.e he propood project L-up Is .An ettept is It :i(..t.1!C tho co:toi, nocs.:ty to of the ps'sn-s. worked out in -." oppotti. Ls uro o1i £er1i1tj) cor e c. 3. fr eLch nt )r1s) :: :ets t: I L:.:': 1iot tt1on, cvor crO; ui eo LIC.L...L. tIs1z aro cc' crc.d ut uru.i oots ot 4.1w e'-i1" src 11 The Cwlnp. I rarmlnr et-uu, .n o t.LIu c1din::th f. Ow. u r-rv1sod 19 ?ou1' Ft Your None Ger1c Ldd rs hcr to iocb yru' Descr1trt1or riISt Yt1t CiO :O.0 L-..41): ?i:i U2W :i mi C; croo: Pot.toe 19 net ;'1ri. Otheri3 Vetch Lcr Cover crom ore 10 ither 1md Cro: ariri (bLZ'1) .kITh.1Th Pat.tre 0ter.s 2? 4 Ths I3or's Surrvi Frhr yo: 1 sore at t.: Sohoa:io ye:t: 4 aerez pottosnd 13 acres 1 f TT!i t.)T ley, 11 nd f &Cr 'ertj1Izer Prt±c.-s Pre:.i r ear Potte. 4 tOT ' l':.r b. A.if'afti, 50 1hz. of :jhte Pa&, 100 lbs. of 2, ::OI s, Tii1er un1t.i pct;t b. C, d. 0: ot.te: :'c1&! : 2ii Lfs, Psstuie 10 1L. rwJor y er a. Pot ;0@ 1b.. apiie'1 at f 1J-:...--.: 1tiW I L&-J. C lbs. of .-L rDho1 21 Partur, 200 tTh. Enior e;r 0. Lztr ::z TxEit2 .cicth :rcr (2) L.t' ry!i o 'TOjeCt in F. net &. .'c!;;' with ho oi: lied r': d1vith thoe :owin dffent nc t;cir oni..: fliiC tion cn be obt1ned rr rev: oat .t;jidjn; PoInt 5C O-! r.ived the hihest :d,e.L5. rç*3 best ;ii ei in 1oEet, Ti :-'.a I c EperpOsph.te. Gc.r1! E' ic j L; 1.. i'c TABL2 I - Rosu1t Naio in:1 at FertIlizer ,it. per cro iThe o . prey '4JU yr. of F.F,. Pot::to Ccnzt ;E Acr: fiala per 1O0 No. i'c 0s CUlLS 75 15 10 CertIfied Lend,1ter 6-10-4 730 500 if1 m Ccrt. Cerald Eby 10-20-0 500 ''tch & Cart. 10 044 ;C .3 Art London 610-4 500 Cart. 5 262 547 26 19. 10 T Ccrt. 2 216 Cr.; 7 100 62 24 14 2 76 60 25 15 Don Fergueon Clyde Crlau Lr'.n C rca te u1f 3Cr b ry el -r 51 CCC (.-10-4 6-10-4 4.5 503 Crt * 15 g'r ci rf,T 99 JL; J EJT OO -Cit-c) eTTTh U?XQ tu pi 0017 -0t-9 o4Iç OLt . , 9C1 -:j u; 'c6 I'L O9t I poo TJ izocj ,3e ? 9-17-6 rc 4r1t £'7T 9ç W43d c19 'u . If C s.zooxa oo17 17-'t-7 tuao oa oo -. dtt utdpuI ooc 0-91-7 3tZpt .IeNORH STTX1YOO 4T 0 00t .iod 1 t8d pix poo puno.t2 jo pu TL;QiiiG PIJJE iO: Arter the probie: i ht should coii.e ur ir oolv! f th ouch to rsent tbiE rob1or. to Indiv1th'i prt1 cirtior bs By ;111 b :oTiec-L. orkir In the. Indi ror t.e wiio.ieroui., It ¶o . tter I. lob O'r1. it1 iS1S Foot 0':. b de he Tut oro tho of 1. 1'Tee oee1 rottIo:?2. itain 1, :: ir:d (-a) i.t'-an, D. LLEtirt oI ..ii.reh i::::ijô. . Ut ri. to , 5, .:r:a:. 6. Grain :1 z, ii., orisoi rt; 27 There are he coii co;u.r1 p]JTr.ted In tho PV1 tLTe to piint the clovcr, rl n ihiie othera will O:'s ri11 p1n.t ;:i. 1 crop I tLer. otf A c1ovc princ, ovr er. the ::ç or a creen r.anure crop rood crop other eor. ractic r1f1.fa or pnture cod. The is :1Isco( 7rin-tDothod thor OI OilCd s I: 1Oit u!::ri. 'tEf oi rld th. pi The T. O1IU ooa bccoe iore quie:iy or so Cc;i2r crop p1antc1 to pl too: cro :'i:: ur.d.ci t3-e ±'o1io.., C11 In bo .11 :JIic u..1 r1n for either r ) :;:: ..;:i, L.. or all of the COrC]. ff; iii ze 0 ttOOa. Care a aoll cc If prct1calL t]r.t a: oo:i of tb... aa:r t1e thrin; te rttjon. taaiure, I.e £ertiiit: wcr 2, Taachn: PILn To aThte1 the -01I o tit IOU to ho io:,.it :th: Poo freuoo.tly ±'axcT : on Ld low in rLno ioi fox' too a.C;i(o3, Oh J oetivo the rawu natter in the ;oIj 1. To aho 2 To dov; o on t'eedui e: t I O3 t-c story :.' ho a. -uttz! 1. - secc:i of b. Pro bcth ft '3 T' TY t k . ill u d. a various boy ci-:r:1c '..:;1 fl ' ii t:ir )IL .3L.Lr C) . Pre--nt ta31zc .erii 'OL b. Di;cu ctio. t '1. TTO _) ;T)iL,:::.;: , tT2 c.o C. XC'tic 1JJ. :Ict 7 :uop) -t I cr) t F't1Ii 1 ob Jo1y lee 1er tc 1.:cto be C'..i.::i 1'tflzer to aily- 1. YIM1(. Baron? the 4 lizor he AviJ.iiti Dec.is1rn to ho 4.idø i of L< -ti;': L ;: "r - -: -°- t,_. )liOd 1. :i.t ;-. orous -: - vr; tcre r -oth. 1bs 7O 1b ?ertlllzer Lion Tiai l re tne ot &lf:lfn. by rtt iete f. iThe ciolser h±ch Plot CQIth t( d. bccn Treatrent t I o. SuIThr C 1 90 Trcie P ;t t Pot.h 4. of l5 27' EU1 :f' Lnd. 2OO Tw cint i1cdtc houId b : frL;:Jr CrtiLtr it u1f i: it:r:1bLv ti t:i riith on piot: tiv.31:r e bc'c' It devt1cL i wt th:retore r':u1t: rr:: Li Tii r *- C LT cc irr(. Tt9 : r -ç y rf ! ipc - t - I * 1T c t{Z -t '-: a Lt -;: - Inu Ttfl. t3( O3 jc, oi L3 I - rrcL1 - :.41 LO !hoct Tri1 Suer- 'Tit.rnt i)l2. rri u' C1 D1' I Plot - per t' Y1id :dr -----r- * .V : crc L't r1i r:.c -1.16 P r lflO( TV re Dr - -29.00 Ire: ?r 45 1 2 Co:: t u'li Z; I:: 4 re1 Fertill- the W, 9. ;'T bo )rI of O!tX WQUI \fo1: itt COr: trI.... j ):7;::.. iti' Ji trii: c3. of t1.oii to otLor chock, tO ir i: T .. .L1 t tho CV over te triple - c; tü h: fD:I edditi'yrL1 tri Tc je to ezitR ou be he on pr c'e or i.' cj1ie1 b:i it thto On 1ic LfifL, elorL reo reb1 fro Of. 3:i fT ftX- 50 ;;uu of c.r ::-i.L. n1 u1'ar c' cri, bu dI'i ;:. :J tii:e .iI1 u&c. ;.her e;iJy WD41Od :tX.t) . ,he r::tI:: In t) £- .5n F)tJL . IlL Situtim to be Deit With: tii I I-- Objectives: 1 I bs; Dec; 2 tfl 1C (+.-4 h . 'a 40 TeacMr, Procedure: Pr..rnti c'n: Step 1 :i:r:t1. Obtel:: a * ?ind ot ;h 1fifa : Dv10 inter a _c- (2) iow (:3) (5) t.:e : C 4_j) 0 43 b Conduct an or1 rview t fir,: irTh C. Give r1tten e:!n).tio r.u1. : L. a. Te;ti: /4 14 ;riy;is Liiu.e tc 'dp. Pu hct f £1 pot iic' 1;r u c'd? 1. Yield i. :: 45 ilow !:RiCh pirt :fooci do pot:;toc. rccui re? .1. Yi: ir . -3 'fl:. 'r!(.,- ct ;i r--,-- ro ti t ]. ir :.iL11 ill T'trL2rnt:i. lu!T:1;er 1. ( el3 ...i.v D 2 t'' C. tL in:1.:tc'r i..; JC; I it r - U 3 cf 2t:- ';t: :- 'f il1 .)ot..iiL :v:i. :-,3 Is bor2 rnticI to I3 :roo.ucioll (: 17 .isod I. Cnn t:ii reui.t.: :nc 23 or v itL :t)tr1 - !):::t> T.V. :Lo3: Plot Nc'. ser cr Bu&c1. obf' i 2HL4 :'tiiz. pr ne I' :11O3u -6 ;c:: -: erc it1ji. Pci, cc; - TV*;. S1il3d: Plot I.o. P3rtIIi I; p3.:' i, S Yl old per .kerd I r..tL..., , T,1:: er1....:l (/ l.i.h. ;cir I, L-L4 Vi1Th .g . - r (rr., Crit V: iu i]7. VII Iv 14 hiJ a5 th r ::je r..t., :ic tri :.. ri L'i 1T Le:. i 16-2o- $0 50 ?0 l6-;'-l2. 1620 Lt.. aI. b -2O- i i: th p1o; iv?en. r: .:..d tare ners;ei ap1c1ion rcrti1izr J..Ofl exprirsnt.1 pIct, E;1tn plot rrti1ize( ?lth the 300 lb:.. 49 ri' TI;. VITI - W Boyd S: 'r:t. TVik, Plot 7o. r) 11 'r2., ii Frt1zor 1( '- '2ø - - ---------------2 lL-2-.!2 v ei x C1.i' 2 J. i: er 'er (.t I' c .) 41. 3k 7..; 2 -1' C oy-e:Ic 50 . - _) .L - ; -j '- t 1 ) L:;c-.ia '-s: , c: Lt C -;--t ;- .; Izr - : . )L 4 xcd ci-t-o t zt:-tTi& . 4 &:; r.o - , If -.tTT-t.. IT - - 'T.L.-:;H T- .1 -- Po.toc -* P&:r Cotinuod Plot F1ii:or Li '1 Or1 par i 6, jo. 2'q 94 ;. Ciallp 46 ro -S \'ioi d 'or cr 1i;.iT , Incr.. Vr:tio of rt.izar Iicr-c' oz Acro Ine.ez.a Co:t .. cr:, Foz'tilip'r ior i c'e - 201 _rr *i -15 R. 1, .j. Yl old 'l.t iej 4 "- ., -,-. ('1t . .r - . T -.. r /3.., .-.-I \:H. 'or 'O3 ui1i- z- Cot eded 16 2. 60c* !7c 2 ..' (._.-. 2 * 3 ). j '3' Potoos .Eiu..:: Cuny , ;J. 0)':-. 1945 Co!l t I r; ed 4; -i-'- j'q 0. '.4 1 . Ferti:Lizer er Jcre (.T":1C 1 .'.. e -' C''- *Ptto !-'° 11 iuo of c:; ?i ..CrC Nr Jrz, Ier:;e JJ1ov tu&1 pc; .cro :e: 1L rr ! i. or T'oo Cost 'or Aer :;c:' Port5.li Co:t EoI'c&d tflo fI Ttb.Li3 In tb3. VI, whe 300 1b5.. e fert.ie 1 e -'f Tablo vnx Is i'r 1ric. 1t er ii C diviienö The aV1er t,.o the thr1: . ors to use nd iiow Si1r on the ment ;iou.I. r2 uinr'J. 0 U threc farro laEt froi usin ire uLtltioa ( fOluld In AppendiX L) r nitroLcL, POUn O1' 1)Uh3Ic p' . J :ln0 O1 T':poriuntri :r ;c:id r in :riei1 2* nd r P1n TJ: uetr?ine Fertiior t n I.''l POtriOeS are r o-<f hr' of coi-.ercld fertilizer bei nItrcrn er c'e. ]Beci 0Of I 'er f1enerl recco e1!dr.tion :u r Th: A.. of rvz'hie r.trr'' r:'c'. )T)hOrOU tb.n flitroeri. n1troTrn I. fe;; otiers I: 0ve - of 'veiibie otsFiuxl nr cr - -.: --.11 vie1( of UO :oi1. ci' y1c-i Objectives: I. To d.etermino -;it it'. mc!c to frfi th bot h1tht reici To deteiro the o-.wu,it of oit 2 s:rtd.. to be aoiied ti To deter1oine -- 3 uso orj;1-j I u--- llzer on potatooe. 4. To s1st susntr 1 recidin' !a.; ouch of ti for iLior on to , tjo ss1t zt.dent vr1ou bo cooto of the 'ortiii :Tie. To conpure the co. To iO vsriciuo onn Teuchir I. PDooethro: Pretorst1on u ;.-. - Lain. problems (1) Deter thi by .urv 4 o lizer u;od :id appi1c;:tionc r (4) Fini OUt\o10 t Devolor lntern Ue y11ds od r Ue yie1d.: :.c-nt1 plCtL; &t proects. (31 Hve co:oitteF: ccr dtion. HoV: QyS tLK -'iY of fertjl1zor.; tnd Preient of tep2. Pre-oot.tion t. SirirL sed tiidy. (1) Givetudent (2) IjiV3 audents io;. :n Id ti-J ::o..r.L. nt... udrnt (3) icm, I1.: l:L U f!t;j b. Method i.s ount in j ia C. 60. T5 cior (C Discuss cosrrd ( (b) - 1- 4 d. U app :c- : iori Q ye throurth or.i rvie. , GIve 'rittn te-t. 4. Visit stUdefltEt i1Ot- oi: .!;o f-; us, te b. Poller u to fId. out vriou iUfltF. £'tL-i: - ifl 60 r1) I* A1U;I.T t11i.' shc'.d e 44. j-. )1;).iLOT()1i :rt.L.L..fr LaC1)...! - cinor2. Pi; :i 1i?itt ( f liouLd be L d :.t c:_. b 2. 3 Fo17ci1it' Lf * tich con1;lete for- 1, COet oer tiier i cho e:&:e-r er bound :ot food furnished - 6-10-4 or 10-1G-? C 2. 1;tor r i11 ti.' 3 to - T1 of or ro Ore. the cc? rir clVt true. 2. Teociiir P1n Computin the Co S:Ltuotio of to be Dealt T1it.: TJsuclly there ore et leat purch:.ser rric docJo better a: 'vcll 11zo o, . ei of i; ontic1 to im:w I frequ.ently the oct -oo; o:ivo .1 o:Hi per tound of i1: nt fo jecties: . Lo;.rn ho to find the eoto 2. 3, Le:ri the eOJl11 the fort Loaru the o::i. of iort1i: the Toci:ig Stop 1. Prertion a, De;'o2 c. 1). 1C" e.t c. ].tr;aino I on their proio.c :, stop 2. Preseition a. List :coi '] e 'hoy ter C forth. T;ers ccnt e, nce Ii.:rc' t ch of t !;VOIO1 :'cri; ood. Cop'ro b:c trobic oh000L: I:-0-' countin: tho ViLic of s (1) 0-200 It 'J -Y-:) - 2.0I in 20(X) i:* 2 400 suiid. co:t. ioo o:; r f ton. 1crit food (2) O-15 () 4 45y- (b) :JU(J Lu. 66.00 4 ¶X; rooc!. EtoD 3. . :ju0 uD1i :t :-ic 7 fppii.c.ti C1 ee'.: on erci:. and tb eo. 2 :i70 O; Give toroi Give iritten tects. .tep 4. Testing Fellow at 1ent usi;. 1iiii L t coat o 11151t atudetat homea ro t: tht r.re riJ..r re 64 EttiC:TIorI., Ph: i)P Ot1T-OrGOUPE Jr) r: the ir Havin if the T)pie of little in a c.;:i. i () J. ;jrp t;;c) in lvi:. .i;1s i'i,art tla't nowiodg :r I rlcu1tur it is necess.-. :oc sonlo s. bct! Tbe neoLe the rrt cf ftc cause t. rou 'to: n:?. an: cf pr2ccn ati :r to ar e diffi-."nt, ¶h he nlor nr'- wti'n 'r eneo. oi1 : Soci&. ry Uij' It I:: , efnht Th U)l1 oa is 5. f :t ±( ..aacics io so 11 ferti3. 00 at Thost fivc 'aClC'S c0i: JO0i on soil forti so large that he dltre1..!Lt 000nemtlon 'Leti:eca the v. vetern lLU.LtUrLi ti:.lrLin. ii f5)1I 0 help, tI' \roC..t 12n 1d frtr will soil; ?02 ;1C* Durin.' -the fi-.t in hh cioi I - piir. ri tht t vr C' c t procet eterp. :r'i. ht.')Oiflt Of ed nnure rel..tion of livo fe rt 1.1.1. etc. are E; U 1th the ot-o-eooJ. soil pi ;roup2. crop prob1 rc reuJ_t:: Dur1i :L ;f(lC thi winter, ..-ri rn ot interest L':roy Vcrner, propertieE th i -. Ii orccnLc :attor. b-en urtv cIt oi.1: flo .-44't -. -' -' t'c .I :). .'Li- tip' Next. )rA etlees thOt the boj a. y. O TOCL u4 nd hr- to neo :L1.L t.Js, 'cii .fr- (L Th.L$ tL:. t; T.'i.i.. e&per aont. I rk tiiizerc. its ictiofl three ur Ubj- I nti :. in Oi1 fti11ty. In the lar.t fi c)oo1 work on for fa Ci;T :ol1I it uou;rv1se tvo or tiree c coule t:ke to tac one Z rer 3;Caflje of the erioü of ;i ct1n.s. haco bean of th.e&. ai , e union eo::i:un it I e te Lars:ier. re r.r/ ..j.j?; to Leo in at ric.tu kSt: :'Vl c Qf Js-ricu1tu-L i TiU1trui for a trainJ i i i_ I. s'icuitux'o, 1) cuao of thc nuiber of rcord. :Jice oa eh 67 titt1n one rn roent tiae, bCir;Cf In Me -1ace. At the field, o tr :L. forced b ir: only &1e f-ri eore job for ciitc foit P rotic Pc:: t.ri t Co t"; erco rr:.ettcc'. Th,.c1oe :r :ti* tc3, 'r I . v's. C ie::ierE in t]ic coiut in t:cru'L_ .; :1. p]:::. .ec .:ici is ! Crc' ::t1: ocro I i&fch ere fo11.:v:eci b-': it in any rt1t would b by f..r;:evv rc1vc by th: or the or ithts lclura)iy to the Thro anu yit Ot CO.;.. ir The rrai h not ln r:1 ;iore u.roçreive .Lrier :V hOt ror: to fully co1v wider t o1out the &dvi. ri1i irondprin tion rio soio v1ittion s*c ccy hvin 11': r1\1.: 0i't hich enble the Crcrc rketin fPer$ te cc('uih jteflsI :.r. he Oon tt' Cr1lo. :cnne isr in t3is n;rl: s1 1930's, unaer rection ot Is iefit w county c rent :..t th wn aone. t1 . Iii thc it ef the J1C iit1; !OTC 1it11 E.-i1i' S2rv frti cac, Ser.c rorir t11 ixti ..1. coin tiLl pproved by the 'T ( cc erv;z dee. th çrj 1.0n W1tt. Lceui'ato rcord eJb benefi t 701 LUiZiZed. O i ri re i' to evyon r3u.i C of tL erwc1. 1.f a Yb C) Map of Fertilizer Trials of 11. P. Eby Exteniou Service aud T.VJ.. Cooperating Mereh 14, 1947 I LJ 1 200 treble super phosphate with 50 200 treble upor phoshte 100 # calcium metaphosphate sulfur 150 j/ calcium zietahosphate with 50 vith 50 # sulfur ca1civa metphosphate LO0 ) 9 1O-i60 sulfate of 50 # sulfur iioni FertLliZer Il. '. DeOflE;t.!:.t1 a Route Cooperation with the ltenai rn arvi T r.': Mrch 14, Field A PCF.ture (2.9 Acea Treble suer Prnarn Field B Darir and new Alfalfa (4.6 AceE) Strips Field C Pot&oes (4.4 Acres 10-16-8 Field D }3arl (7.0 Acres) It fOl1o' Piid E One ha1f f ic1.. AlfaiTh .0 Acres) Field F ifalf a (4.9 Acre Field C Alfalfa (6.1 Acres) arir Field H (4.0 Acres) Field I .te p- CJ:tirn1 far- t11iz.r ifll a-b. a and t.bs eblre ficiC DividEd it1i 50 icJd ( i0) Thtire fie Strip .n adll it One half i :nd 50 pcua2a ol Ow half te :cir-i'l lfir. 'aa. Entire fiaiC 1)'1L's Pasture Treble u:er a1 a:ate 2C 0 Acres) Field K Alfalfa (6.0 Acri.$) 101' r.:)u.L Treble rnrnr omid:' af aulfn'. Oats and then to seed pasture nixture. (6. Jcres) Field 3 ith ouutL of tilfur. otrd.' OLi. St ri?) eta .ht '.if!r. :. .... 4.. '.itfl 50 t'ar 73 ?ieid K:1 Sulfur 50 JXiThIfa (4,;.c rcV rTtd re 1. c].'vr i,.,-, }ie1d 1 .:? 1:i 1 '.T (. 0 Pct:c'i 10-16- ( 51 J.ee3) i:.re i'ield P (3.3 f_c Tr Soil Conserv:tioi bervice 'i1 i-fl Ir.. icio:Y oxnt 1 fr1Lic. the roOr:.z iür cl Qertec ii hii t::XL- th.i 1'r , etc t1u:.. 3j t: cc::t; office by the the fai plan. Jch rori ii that 18 WOIO U when ii Irri tion p1n is liv surrey .p, incli.ith- use very eot le;.-r.. iSfl iS written out in thti r1rner ivin Ii of the ste f.iiier. A euo stod croo vie of the rocouenthtiox et1isb'efl;of Dractic:? tion snarj, a livestock sheet to cover the 1..i ieveliu O e.no .n. ihich is an estimate o.i iLaa into o eret ion. (::: As tentioned before the re:v nel is no loner in edond. etebi I thea, .ersonnel will .0 . am :iTiC 'v t C &LL i..:.c:ni district. The proposed soil ne'v: 1..: 1 rirl County hec had very f.:vora::le rc::::tl'; .:;i. apneers to he a rood .osibli±ty the benefits ti-at is e ctec1 to tft.:JV.-. . . ... improvent of irriticn r services offered. The neins re elso One of .i :. . the 1(: --ir. :r 1. :;. -1. LT t OtT S ) JTT rL .;itotioj øtjj tOZ 2A'LJ JO O(t fl& c1[q Jt 3UO tt3 .Ctt tTçq1 uIo T'1i9) UT ou pu': 'p t.zQEt OAt,tT oxes qaoqn T-; TtUO iIf. eq. TIOO ACtIVItIOS in Soil Fertility of Coopetin Objectives cnd Prohleris to be Con1dered Dstexine the boot cro rotatjons aintaii ot1 or::an:ic r&er. Soil Conerv:tion Service i. ;Tcrked out in ercies .rcu1tui1 .Lc3.j:tient Tenueoi VIl3: Airistr .tion iuthority 1, Pay for uo of otr -ot.;to lund be .)1Qd irnder. Qi ul1 nuioer. 2. Pr fo-' u of wint'r o unur :rocrj crop. tI 4. rc;t of iI:-:Cf i:r ' rl tr O : :1 su;, 1. Does ec,erintJ. i;r- or. for-till- Deternine wit&t zid bow niuch cor'ierci1 fertilizer to use ou -1' potctoes. (T.;:-;0:, 1. Piy Lor i1owi unCcr tr; on. otnto 1.:rLd. 2. P for :lo-i unier üen - iaanure o::D. Coniputin; the cost of p1nt food in fer- tilizers. iducto the fex ;it;- rou ri1u.r1 n ;r,i lai:i:. traininp. on soil :tility probi. 2. x1in 1rcjlos eter:n& i nd 1* of f i roor 01 1:- izcticn. 1. ClvJ o1ysis Of tko.lr :-:orlmontLl 1, Pevi.so rtorori to ].,1C1OO ioOrDVd proc.-. 4- ,n i.Dn; rr. otice:: -. - 1 C: oU. Pertllity of Crr:. tin. !.eies At Objectives ond Priis jstermine What iO the boat crot rotetions to iisintain soil nc matter. .r5ci1mre ov1.c to he Considered 1, Conference indivi..nall:,r oit f:ermm li 1oc.1 office nd on i.ri: to 1. study 'iora crc cotations. the bo .1. s clover V j.. .4.4 .._..-. .'. 1.. . . 3 f:r t.. A .5 , .L -. .......,4-1!.5..... ..) .aJi.::.: CO L:COCL:....j. U"3 c, t .i... Conforcce nith bcsy, Vt, f;r..ors i. teir -0 to the hçt crop t;c 1. ,:--:-r I f-:t1tliL. O. :.. .. r . ... .:::ri :r)t(j1 ith veterans' elass en crop rot..t ion. 5. FertIlizing aii L.. olset.s in clse. ssnd to t; :.1t .... r;eoz I..* IV cm' tC) r oo :5:j......... L t:. I -. -... .... - .. .-......... . sti l:i :'.ct .:Y.VL - . -f1V:r0 i'. . .................. .. ... ..----.-.- .... ....: f: o c rrj N .+e..;e; I re; :1i - t;;q; 110 .I4t Ul J taci 14tfltL. L . 0TT0J Li1'arL. TJ U(0 op Ioq: io 3-.O ZTtTIj JO ':; Ur 0O EI14 113 °T° -eJLç.j ):1XL c zoo W i 3t.iJ t p00; JO. trt'r( JO 1.00 çId U; 'ozm O. 13.1OZtTI.VJ litta Jot&t3cr; OT1tJ O DL; L4 PTO-t9 T° iw;tqder 'P'i u-r oir 3q Tt(d oppp 8OU JUOO 1.47 c. xej Jc.; -.xd ppUa .00.I Voq e ireceed1n a;-e; ho; tiu fertilIty tit the viou: r.7eIc is so;io Uuplieti)n, ru viii ha ni This is nut as serioust a certain ect cut closely vdth it. it should &ao t.e duuliction on fertilizer txid. run the ore crroe .ill be the fertilizor rOQu1rceI.. t o:d on diforent frhe cl-or tr. to use th rit rot UOT:UoJ UI OT Jo OJi. L0 OJ13 hP J3:oU. iTIO 3 04Oi itOt 'i.A3 ttO OLT1.oi 'J'TJi Oil. Ji4uLj -4 ZPI-Jd (i:f UtIOUT J.o: E TAO JU11]O tWO ,ITOLT. LtJ :OO.J1 .1P)1. - t::ic UT O TAO UOOX 1-P T0ITP .2TO Jo: ç .Zt1 JO tOUI UIf u. :::T. UJ.0 . iUpl oq .ioiad oo.zoa JO ços 31Ji. LrJAodcLd. L O) on ind tt P11t E COV'?r th' Uc i . eCorid crop. Ot:tC. PIo; 'nJr onic ettcr. .ipn1 100 ouru5.s of ren iiix under stuhile tc Use .Ir ".J: Lporovcd P APT)1y Ti citbr r fi.,r iL3r 50 r,oundg 2. cr c: E1O;0flt:1 iieh ever forr. be obtJ. ietween 45 end 6 )Cr Try an ap1ication of horo!. Feed elfalfe t hoie rthor fleedect to 8. P10 1rr the CIOEC aint'in the 1eiy: top Towth ')f tbt of the roved I. Ap1y at 3 c' 40 I CE.. ounThi 2. LpD1; at least 30 pou f irIi :b1 f v 3.Hi* :i :YJ;: 83 pot:n(5 of '(t 1:! ike .boiit 15 pounds c.fb Lpy.iy a3 natter as vi1]'1e. 6.. UE 100 pimds p1wod under. I proved Pract Ic o Plant Foa l U1 rtI1i:2r b.:t i other tii h-in eu1. Use the :er- Check all prices nnd &-n1j is t tilizer can be oi.irod. Order tort1i1. enrlT o t. t I it nod. 'n ;he Th5s Et'dy 1 ifl aclI fertility ror the broad, crcLcr:.. eci 5 11500 11V reial fert.ilizer: :m mmthin The need for concrete had been develop I iih school cicEs, ot-o1-.c * rnnaity. Joh of the :alor ;ri in a ye tii:.l :.ci1ire uL. i:i., pin crhed ou fer it 15 faciim1 in.oratio:1. ciuded. 1,aly.1F md tIe sup:ortJ: s war. The students' s'rerv e the souices of moat ci, re:1 tie u t'eo:i come in ac.int e c1.. ce. suerv'.cd fmmin is eai. Le:.ri. sj The hirh sehzoJ. voeetioini is brohon dorL nto e cro-s-secti.. probleiia s the tuc ants TH. 11 Soil fert:ility project ni il ht in & bioc fori cros-ect1on p1n, tie the oeslrr ror t.hon tc re:c bor frier C)ut-ot-sc}iool you orosit tie, th ye rorLs in ei. lfl e.; )rC)Jto? W in rtility ior soil til:e. r t;o or t. 1tio-. t±!1, the will fill u: cil iity. :e t:e c1oe of Ei1 ferti)Jt.T eh foilor. vi i; 36 ; :d. - Yor P' 10L5, PItL:1fl P. P.at 1on Eflf1 .r. March 16 3ter'henoen, p:. 1 UFtLit U 5-10 1 - c1 ,:iv. L. GIr. 3..O., Nc;. 1 $ iX1tL:o - -, 1-t; L. ' 21. A POTATO FraTTIZ: .1 CT.AA r:T C'L , 146 L. K. Soils eon ri cuJ i;in 1 r1 L SO1i Dep&Z't!tCflt . OIOn I'I stLL. Uf: Investi otion oI th etfcctiv. incree.sin{: potato y1o1;.c i.ni Department prior to 12C I Aftur with potatoee on these sandy probios ir I r j in aoiv1n-: rowers hns boon slow. The iurn;a' c:! resono of ott In vs to atu.'3y ;ith the ho,e of etebflsbjn' a .00rI i:-tii Oreon potato on o;ero. Letab1I.d:.: ucb ::oui'1 be of eeononic ir-portnce to the f Ex.ri. ::n.i During the ijast yer the t1rt rU.a: atoes vero carried o by the a ;ion lIcatc tri3.is ere locted on £. Ore-:on - tai i'i Dcht :n one in Croc': nooai County. The plot wore set up In a r p11catIons of each t ri.tiont. low, edIum rëj hi rr - . in.. uit tre Li:a :o1 tath rete tinted to borax (15ff/A). The low by the farmcxre I :rMa usa nd apro:ited per acre. The :ed1nr hi'h dou1i ie io. quadrup]. in the 1otc received a bianet ].ic:.i;:'n sulfote levin poths the only varieL:., and phosphate anpilcation rate V1ed .:a aea the ncesity of using te oc fr t 11 otph was added. to tiioce ihor ratio rnLterial,. Thus, r;n Orcon, the Ma'. :.a 6-10-/+ at:'i 1 ,. . , Or.. ec.Dr.; were rilxed to 4ve a 9-22-0 ratie, iix ua<1 at 500 Dounc.L, rer acre. 1 th .. Ma. a:i.r tsrial 11 .dltt. us:c In or.cr 3-10-1O mix. Dfl ar. ..e at only the ootaiJi 300 ... pound rate er acre. Siortconir.- i.:or. been Justil'led. There allibe * -. * 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 0 4 4 * 4 t On. ir. A. V. Stevens the same ec-ra1 cuitiv.t ice ad :.. :r I tilizer ap.iieat1ons on j1j; 0reon and included the alzo included ediuji uotcih ai. t).e raerst 0 * * * 4 * 4 4- * * 4 S S * S S borci per ton p)?i.d &t 1ot 1fl the center of the fieII 'h.ch reciv. r Sevr1 oi1 car'.iecoid' lle o1i were eoiiOetc.d, vthi].. secured froi fErm irior a t r3aCh ndy Loi1 fro be1n: deeper ti cc aoason :t 1i tiO1Ll )jZ stic To Dcchu';c; ft''a rep :. T)Ot-harVt in o hf stnplin., leve fro:i the n1:nt used in eli cano;, flortative samr1ir ....e dyed such leaves fr plot bein te.h:en. ireL ne :.r;to: eh riot, Theeo V'2T' not fufl kno'r t ti;i tl:'c bu t on tte potash nutriicm anDroched. Poth nutrition tian vrork to be doe !ec of c cfc ossibIe to t the most opnortuio tio. Cr re cert crown et Gresh:c ThTL ctod to qir1ity teto. In rost eow thre k] by the pic cr :cr 25 pn were weirthe:i f:r 0, 1i;, No ccokirr tostz Irer' tece then boiled til -- rhysical condition cnd H.. I Ththy 81: oer, The rel tr are tounc in t&los 1 to4, teLit I s far, Plots were Iocte. in cultivation less thtrL ten crov1s.y. Deptrt to n cxi tii; soil ine1ic. S ou in t:ble 1, yl ci lnt1e1y hith. The Licct vi'1i As iC;L; nre ai1ication, and oountod to 491 bc? tho r.verae of the check p1ot. greater thLn he check It io 1n veru.Vc. .ot e:c notash ilots d5. o reoivin 1es otnsh. it pheto suppi1e 11ze1: cation. Stati.ticllr the dote ore reprent i. ni. fi cent c:iff)r.V.,r for is ;C' tJUt hc of uti'icient otc;. iot receivin field. It livo biuthsi 1-cr :v therefore 1:tijca1l not tion inicctod in t nch h nd :robb1r ustifios urtbc-r heated OtE; perp , ediui j... 0 ).thIity, as flSUI{4d by rrod J iith about t'o o'ri; cu1l, 1, bet en .5 .1 tb r'- ercent No. ls eo.ic.ition and ±in.vor ceei. C:J.: j, boili. .. f1u tre.ent. V. .Lon ±tb Bo,rd one he&. been in .Uji cro end th 'j.;' r-i is of i V !T tr1 r i1t. of 4tas The :1 ot.cil )]0t usbcis 1cr th.::: t 'rettt need £cr ot vi':t 'atr ov y1o1I of J0T. m.ii Jo Thu wtt. are ctz.::1. J,jC: lovul, ni aprooeI poto:L 5 was fouiid O .0. 1. 0. .1 . . ._ . art.i cou. - Oz3 use 1c;..nc:; tioo 40 uthels per interest en this iaia An lucre. oc of 3J buisie1e 'p Ls eopared oith oediuri not:.sh os obtoinco froot ho OTC3 te o.Ji -.. . .o':: '..L. . 15 poinde of bori per acre at tb1 ineres1nJ tio yield. . Q The jua1aL cuJ lo, 14 )erce!1t ]e. :nd no corro tin A. V. Stevens: SIr!IfICCn o Eosu1tE- sver to overee Increase o1 he 14,- bush:1;.; Seera1 resons ar ap:roo place, the ield prov.ud C tu io 0 tar '3.. i- t2i 113 'iso vYerLt, rid1nt. Y' I 1Li PhL b I i?t t:an On the third. In th.d. to use the frer'.: Station pctesn i to other Centr.1 0reon urei. Td this iLat9rii cetted, of ibLiou,L t i::; T1o' fl 236. r ii1r1y t:L tet .:ie':tec. 1'e 2s, 10 Ierc1t loss 17o. It i 1OU22d. rCiltOd 3Ut ti1.. pplioct, he were de cw:1i Li secured in this ares. correltim Zo: and cookin- ts. . * . S * * * S S 5 4 S 5 P.eco' rer Perti1izer: Irro dst it i d. 1oss ird.blci to ondstior thct csn be u'ou1 in in mind thc' while. 3ubcct to fUt:.rü s.sted. In Centr:1 Oroo the uso from Dounds poth (K.20) n e nourO; nitrc ni to 800 pounds per acre o 5-10-10 borax er ton. POUnCt * c 120 * i1t;u: tar valuL hi eter:'i: and a1tiou h re1)1ic. tb-a t'.ar: 0 Siii years is hij thsie.b1e ina in c'crIr3flf' OU a S.ii.r P njrct. ii 1:47 he desirou eva: uc . Six-'. in ordr to olth1i:h r r'n- f:- ;;lcnI.on ior Orof;7n ?Om carried out in tha Pad o:. PlOts wiaIc1 were .2. :-C:& time were trcao0 v;ith 30 (iow, pe usi.a acre borax at ;ni-ete0 vItm. 2.5 ounda 6.: L .L.. . .. .. .. ai c low 0L t1! :1 aI3O otab1ii:Lod minUs 5uifur check p1ot3 nd :..:.1 ediur ineludeu. Lo&f th@ in ro:in ::i :UC1 nd soil cook Yie13. r1t secured crc rt.ificnt on ono IbId aro iia:l It :if' icr. of 5-:v)-I 1.)OUI1c ton luruIa tLo coi:ira Ean or nnt kt c:n bc . * It i 0.. be continued and pooai.bI'r xpande t fl additional erea. cct 97 I Cooperator: ;oid. }T. Yield 1 T)-4-' 2 Itr. 2.......... 3 L' . LiUI! f... - Chec: 300 319 34 3., :1 Lo.: Pot :h 400 337 400 3'2 436 i43 I-p 53 3 1t 33) 2 1.1 5 ir TIc Pot.1h. 491 ijr: Potash 363 Lc-; Pot p1u Eorc / . 326 1 Yc-.;-;i.ice.11: .i di.ff31Lce i3ic' 53.0 B/f. 2 Ratet toor fair, 'ooi or c. ,eC'i'n ,. 1cni C.iiOfl ... 3. arid flavor after cooking. 3 fiurei in tatis-tica1 cn.;)/i$, Treati-iant;: t/f Blar5ct Ntrrto Low Potcth 7ediui Potth f. ---- '- -r- ./ .1 Hinh Potash Low Potcah -- 1.3 r$/3 47 P3 :v; ' 1i . - rccit / p1 ci Check - - 309 Low Poti 352 3:?? 3 303 352 352 400 4?5 400 Potsh ii1 ?oth :27 2 9 4 353 I Yie3ds stt1±.tice1Iy aiT?f:cr't difference 40II Bu/A. 2 Peted "oar, fair, ood, or exe1.?trr and flavor after caokin, Trtt.nts: Blanket Nitr. end P,sn Low Po.! Mediura Potash Mediw1 ?otch eord tetre, condition 09 ?00.I:, A. V. 2tr Coopo.rtr Plot -i Th, Check 195 174 200 -- 4 00 Low ?Cti 210 115 203 -6 2 03 114 20 -6 17 149 000 25 17 156 227 -2 If iiihh Pet: Eu 1U 2 234 I Y.L ' 1tieaiiy folr) ft'r '1 :1:.t: uO. Prer.tLe1lt 1.11 ijo. reeeLvf2i Ai11.:.tt Low Pot Idiun. Potrnth !ii Pot;F11 Licdiur Potib I : 0 ::0.2icnt 0i.ff::: coo cOOk111.... 75 it. i .' 101 :TtT.{ :L:1:?TTL. ITO ierE3d froi ournai - 3'C1 u2ist, i:i Copied nw. Issue I Cf This Is a revIo of woiid hon Ttcr", !i. nc. nu: !'LntC - o Dot.toe3 :crE.5:. a ana1yod the ntire imt mature, nd thr ct When do the potto Lot o acu ore Lnt Oni siuntiaç:. It 1't 41 t I9e iL:it. T:o nc;u-tu tt th -"j+. rT. 4-- oic 11 .1. IJ S 1c2 H L4O0 [1 plants 1200 tubers i000 oO 400 200 0-50 Thie ci I,. 51-60 't 5.hOc 70U WLIEmn tUb. On the 63rd dey tubers per ouus ol c'r LOU .thih oui'! be Ui7 6 J). On the 67u de; r 400 per d&v this, ?. . 70um1E 2 t 1;OuIcl ?c: re ii' tU},r tLiber 11C'f t;brs : : ttin 1Y 'ut vouLi h i..tLon in Crcr, tither ir,.creae I oit August 10. or Jt)3 otato 1t .hen does the nutrients? h:v:.: S iL 1. The rate of &.crption of utrieut; dust Drier to tuber initLt1on. It is hiest thring the toiiowin 10-i' ii_ir.i-1 J0-.;r It continues Ii h Thr 2 . of "ir poin.t 20 to 50 th-f there s ouJLc. b Ti .. .. fo.. onor :pc:: L hrt: n Lbsortion of variur po;os .: o. Yr oni-i 230 01 I4 It 11. t0U'.S pounds 1L 16 Dounds or 11 32 1)Ou3.4 in ........ crb. or £1 ornd : )0Ti:': itro:cr .; 1 pounu :)(r U. tt c), At first (up to 5 into the flcntuber nn.rt. .itcr iirn., L L' :1r i. ter 14 nitroeu O1Ug Into the 'c:'Un n-tib dUr1rL: the 2erI :5 t the tubers. T]w entiro r until intu' ty. ceid: The Ieture 'cL i1e. totel of 26 oim9) 3 nun(u or 15.6 urd. rnt A Ve tho tir. f of abscrbod rc ; Potash: !ore ot:h The icture i vor: si::i r to n Duriiig the C1CI.1ii r 3ek (tbc; iun fli SiiL r to t;he tO t11E fl'),tr 71)tb U.fir: cIt , fltr ::;r' Fid: To Lbsorb od los. Tutri ert : :er nero P2 £re 143 26 95 66 232 117 / 0 56 30 CaO iO 12 6 3;7 Y1:1 F per ero. r'1 roots, yield coi. i r:tiDfl be flIiV10dj, ttr' the cr10.. er c:to1v fo11oii. rii;oeon a riftro E0iUC0 or it;ro:c: iuI sincr 3 0' r Ts 2. I IT 40 ** 1 ot1 o I th: tr1.J. Srt11i2: 0. ILl pouncu3 or nitrocx acr (100 oourui. w rti1l 4-0-0 use0 to 7 crL bile r.ir c i.i.ion it:,. DIlly 20 t.J teIe i a'e wich cot c fly in CDili.d 1'o to si:i.irr to Los.t 107 CJ.ciia LçjIc31uLa 'i.'c u:ed 11 u.nt. uud?r Maine coni3.itioxw, fur Thcro 12 orc tht.fl c'th hi N. ::Y1.U:...: CICT - '.'4r c. 7. L14/ Hnb)k This is the Hdhook of C. ie:i Pr:..L..:: .ffr Dechnte Cointy under the 19 iet tu:. a These praeties are taken froi the 191 s1ectoe Ce: I r. jç p ijiec. The approvcd .e be. rac ices t:; resources so that noid tod> nd in the future. Under the ccnservction gracticea .reeuta the tjofl 7 intert In It is neeo: catinj; the Dru:ctjces U be froL 15t to .nri1 'n' t Jt1 require Prior Aonrov1 Dochute Cc P A-2 Phc.stat eciTrie. 1iceti'i :i flLflt 110 .A-4 8u1fni and On ally Laudpiter 1OO co1 uiur ci' taw St .k-6 (xc1udin ij:rtJ ' 1 1fl.nt;r '1ui. l.-C::(.. £.L.. ir'-' i ar fli)d r. 1 11 Groins oover 13-4 !sike, Rec1 Good ;-t + Clover r: Crripc J)9 C'c c. undor ftr Cr,n mirc J2. Contour P.'.in C: Int.rti11J f the c.:n our oiue incororr I .11 0irictii ñrY o't 'cr r LrE.1TiC. Diteo :1:1 .i.: r' ,,,n_1 - ter tci vtco, txio: Grown fcr rient D-13 Int&U Drain- Dr.1n:., pipe e tile fibro lo tlion 4' 1)t1 jLL L4d. iXiQe box dr:in. Drizeion DL fT irr ot Ion _). -p 4 r4 1st i: uieei 0. of c-rnet it&. :!j uction servo Ii' F:1 3t eTa. itc. rIurie., droi i D-1 Prt irriç'.. D-Ii ?rPve!.t 1e :i er1 itabiih 1E iue. for e( eli Y'rf:( or to te to tH1i;h e:.ji - 4 lems en s i'Ve !i.Ofl of tc-eroeion. l:nd ILIC: eo&.ntr E-2 O'itruetien re;rve1r. oJ i . c yd l.:;dftr by us1n. :: , orit' b1e i-1 Gra;.;L.. out Coisbruct ion 5f; j ECIfS n':. c:i1iy tJie- Jun 'e of 112 -3 1e11 !'' for ; I toek E-6 ed1r r'cdin c t:-z .;.Ld. rj: 1.rd0 L7 C\ ice Ci ii: o I-1O Fi -12 P:i.1imes Con -uct ion :r: ecin- -. i H-3 Clein L?nd Pxctuo. fltl'Ci Dti 1 viliL: Control orrtin Detail :u± CO: it-.