Student Equity Coordinating Council Meeting Agenda

Student Equity Coordinating Council
Meeting Agenda
October 30, 2014
3:00 – 4:30 PM
Room 758
• MESA – Donna
o Third Year of MESA, funded by CCCCO and UCOP $50,500 plus college $50k
o Full-time Director required (from match) – requesting from Student Equity funds
o Gradually matching up with other grants (BSI & Title III + TAACCCT)
o Needs to be institutionalized
o Fund for Student Success (MESA, Puente, _____)
o Economically and educationally disadvantaged students (1st gen., low performing
school (lowest 25th percentile) and/or basic skills (Eng/math)
o $50k funds counseling, study groups (math, chem., bio, physics, eng.)
o Under-represented groups in STEM represented (women, Latino, African
• STEM – Cindy – reviewed STEM Org. Chart
• Foster Youth – Vanessa
o Create a program supports local foster youth
o Education college personnel
o Meet reporting mandates of Equity Plan w/o duplication
o Can be institutionalized
• Proposal Budgets Reviewed
o Learning Connection
o 3 pieces to proposal (3 CAH Fac. Coor. $13,000 + FT IA, PT IA = 1.5 FTE)
• Framework of Time/$ - Patricia
o Student Equity funding began 7/1/14 until 9/30/14 for year 1
o Takes months to hire permanent personnel
o What can we do to spend this funding right away with in-house people?
o What can we do to start and then plan for next year and longer term?
o Planning now and for next year + 18-36 months
Student Equity Coordinating Council
Meeting Agenda
October 30, 2014
3:00 – 4:30 PM
Room 758
o Need to think of backside/admin. work involved and support needed (PAF’s,
requisitions, budget transfers, disbursements, invoices, quotes, etc.)
o Central coordination functions, monitoring budgets, timesheets, policies, plans,
o Proposals are both targeted and some more systemic
o Commonalities: tutors, marketing, outreach, support
o In non-profit world, ex. 10% admin. indirect costs
o Still think campus needs to better understand equity; not just funding
o Equity conversation needs to be continuous, reading, studying, etc.
o Equity Coor./Director For example off the top + admin. Assist.
o Pathways about alignment of programs
o MESA not institutionalized; a lot of equity things need to be institutionalized
o Admin. Is more like 20-30% - Administrator and Administrative Assistant
o Could/need to aggregate coor./admin. Functions
o Need to align expectations and appropriate level of admin./director
o Equity person and staff to support, including office space, supplies, services
o Other CCC’s have these structures that we can examine
o Need common and clear definition of equity
o NAPE and CUE? Que? Works with CCC’s To help us have quality discussions
on equity. National Equity Project in Bay Area
o Could start here in budget and program planning
o Motion to recommend equity Director/Coordinator and support staff/2nded
§ Supported by consensus to be defined exactly
§ Tim, Carla, Matt to draft position description
o Motion to bring in equity experts to lead campus dialogue on developing
meaningful plans/initiatives
§ Supported by consensus
§ Need quality proposal ASAP – e.g. Feb. 12 Flex +++
§ Carmen and Tim to identify
o Motion to set aside initial funding $12,500 for books, supplies, transportation,
Student Equity Coordinating Council
Meeting Agenda
October 30, 2014
3:00 – 4:30 PM
Room 758
food to be adjusted as needed by consensus/2nded and approved
§ Jeanne and ValJean, Matt and Vanessa
o Motion for professional development conferences equity oriented, including some
students for $25,000; 2nd and approved
§ Kristin nominated and Christine Warda and Arnold
o Recognizing our identities and relationship with social justice (equal, equitable
Start now how?
• Proposals Review Discussion
• Proposal Recommendations
• Next Steps/Meeting