Student EquityCoordinating Council Meeting Agenda October 30, 2014

Student EquityCoordinating Council
Meeting Agenda
October 30, 2014
3:00 – 4:30 PM
Room 758
MESA – Donna
o Third Year of MESA, funded by CCCCO and UCOP $50,500 plus college $50k match
o Full-time Director required (from match) – requesting from Student Equity funds
o Gradually matching up with other grants (BSI & Title III + TAACCCT)
o Needs to be institutionalized
o Fund for Student Success (MESA, Puente, _____)
o Economically and educationally disadvantaged students (1st gen., low performing school (lowest 25th percentile)
and/or basic skills (Eng/math)
o $50k funds counseling, study groups (math, chem., bio, physics, eng.)
o Under-represented groups in STEM represented (women, Latino, African American)
STEM–Cindy – reviewed STEM Org. Chart
Foster Youth – Vanessa
o Create a program supports local foster youth
o Education college personnel
o Meet reporting mandates of Equity Plan w/o duplication
o Can be institutionalized
Proposal Budgets Reviewed
o Learning Connection
o 3 pieces to proposal (3 CAH Fac. Coor. $13,000 + FT IA, PT IA = 1.5 FTE)
Framework of Time/$ - Patricia
o Student Equity funding began 7/1/14 until 9/30/14 for year 1
o Takes months to hire permanent personnel
o What can we do to spend this funding right away with in-house people?
o What can we do to start and then plan for next year and longer term?
o Planning now and for next year + 18-36 months
o Need to think of backside/admin. work involved and support needed (PAF’s, requisitions, budget transfers,
disbursements, invoices, quotes, etc.)
o Central coordination functions, monitoring budgets, timesheets, policies, plans, outcomes
o Proposals are both targeted and some more systemic
o Commonalities: tutors, marketing, outreach, support
o In non-profit world, ex. 10% admin. indirect costs
o Still think campus needs to better understand equity; not just funding
o Equity conversation needs to be continuous, reading, studying, etc.
o Equity Coor./Director For example off the top + admin. Assist.
o Pathways about alignment of programs
o MESA not institutionalized; a lot of equity things need to be institutionalized
o Admin. Is more like 20-30% - Administrator and Administrative Assistant
o Could/need to aggregate coor./admin. Functions
Student EquityCoordinating Council
Meeting Agenda
October 30, 2014
3:00 – 4:30 PM
Room 758
Need to align expectations and appropriate level of admin./director
Equity person and staff to support, including office space, supplies, services
Other CCC’s have these structures that we can examine
Need common and clear definition of equity
NAPE and CUE? Que? Works with CCC’s To help us have quality discussions on equity. National Equity Project in
Bay Area
Could start here in budget and program planning
Motion to recommend equity Director/Coordinator and support staff/2nded
§ Supported by consensus to be defined exactly $150K + $75K ongoing
§ Tim, Carla, Matt to draft position description with performance measures/outcomes
Motion to bring in equity experts to lead campus dialogue on developing meaningful plans/initiatives- $50kone time
§ Supported by consensus
§ Need quality proposal ASAP – e.g. Feb. 12 Flex +++
§ Carmen and Tim to identify
Motion to set aside initial funding$12,500 for books, supplies, transportation, food to be adjusted as needed by
consensus/2nded and approved
§ Jeanne and ValJean, Matt and Vanessa
Motion for professional development conferences equity oriented, including some students for $25,000; 2 nd and
approved – one time costs so far
§ Kristin nominated and Christine Warda and Arnold
Motion for Daraja Counselor/Coordinator 25% Equity/75% SSSP/2nd and approved $40k at about $350k - ongoing
Motion for Foster Youth for $75k/2nded and approved – may be institutionalized
Math gap stands out in equity by ethnicity
How are we going to measure each initiative? Required evaluation plans
Recognizing our identities and relationship with social justice (equal, equitable pay)
Start now how?
Proposals Review Discussion
Proposal Recommendations
Next Steps/Meeting