Student Services and Support Program (SSSP) meeting MINUTES


Student Services and Support Program (SSSP) meeting

September 30, 2014

2:00 – 3:30pm


Present : Paulette Lino, ValJean Dale, Jeanne Wilson, Noell Adams, Micheal Booker, Shawna Crawford,

Katrin Field, Michelle Iriarte, Patricia Molina, Stacey Moore, Shirley Pejman, Leticia Reyes,

Rachel Ugale

Guest : VP Matthew Kritscher

Meeting was called to order at 2:06pm

VP Kritscher was invited to the SSSP meeting – so he can address some of the questions the group has regarding the SSSP Plan to be submitted to the State.

Q & A:

SSSP = What is the SSSP Plan? Is there a draft? Can we provide feedback and input? o Per VP Kritscher, there is no draft yet. He sees this group’s primary purpose is to work on the SSSP Draft in addition to working on registration priority, MIS data, communication to students, etc.

What is the difference between this group and the Student Equity/SSSP Council? o Per VP Kritscher, the other group is primarily focused on Student Equity plan. That it is important for the Student Equity Group to coordinate with the SSSP group. o The Student Equity/SSSP Council is a broader group that is more focused on Student

Equity than SSSP. o There needs to be coordination of Student Equity and SSSP.

Who are the Plan Participants – Attachment A? Does this group represent all the required

“stakeholders”? o Per VP Kritscher, this group makes up the Plan Participants – Attachment A. o This group needs to invite an Academic Senate and a student representative.

 Shirley Pejman will talk to Kathy Kelley (Academic Senate) and inform her that she’d be the Academic Senate representative.

 Patricia Molina will recruit a student from one of the Special Programs to join the

SSSP group.

SSSP Budget? o VP Kritscher developed a preliminary budget (spreadsheet was shared with the group). o Dean ValJean Dale is the SSSP (Budget) Coordinator. o Anticipated budget is $1.6M o As a reminder, the fiscal year started on 7/1/2014. The first quarter of the fiscal year is almost over – and we have SSSP money that needs to be spent.

 In addition, there’s approximately $50,000 that rolled over from the previous fiscal year.

Who are the SSSP Advisory Committee members – Attachment C? What has their contribution to

SSSP so far? What would their continued contribution be? o Per VP Kritscher, he sees this group as the Advisory Committee.

o The following individuals will be invited to the Advisory Committee:

 Institutional Research

 Math, English, ESL, Chemistry Faculty

 Shirley Pejman will talk to Kathy Kelley (Academic Senate) and inform her that she’d be the Academic Senate representative.

 Patricia Molina will recruit a student from one of the Special Programs to join the

SSSP group.

Possible Positions that SSSP Advisory Committee has suggested for the SSSP Plan:

Degree Audit position (1.0) o There was a meeting between Chabot & LPC regarding the job description for the Degree

Audit/Student Education Planning System Coordinator. It is being reviewed.

Upfront Transcript Evaluator (2.0) o Incoming student transcripts o Graduation evaluation

 VP Kritscher pointed out that SSSP can only fund an evaluator position if this person is doing evaluations for course placement.

 However, it was pointed out that according to the SSSP Funding Guidelines – under Allowable Expenses – “Colleges may use program fund to pay for research, admissions and records and transfer related staff time dedicated to evaluating the effectiveness of SSSP core services, or directly contributing to or providing SSSP core services.”

Counselor Asst. II – Assessment (0.75)

Counselor Asst. II – SOS (0.75)

Counselor Asst. II – Counseling / Transfer (0.75)

Veterans Counselor (0.5)

Counselor Asst. I – Daraja (0.5)

Counselor Asst. I – Puente (0.5)

International Students Counselor (0.5)

Daraja Counselor/Coordinator (1.0)

General Counselor (2.0)

Counselor Asst. II – Retention Follow-up (0.75)

Research Analyst (0.25)

Research Student Asst (0.25)

Peer Advisors

A & R Student Assts

Counselor Asst II – DSPS (0.75) = ok to include in plan

Counselor Asst I – DSPS (1.0)

ITS – SSSP (0.5)

Other comments on positions: o Question was asked = why not full time positions? Why are there a lot of 0.5 and 0.75

Classified positions? o It was pointed out that it needs to be taken into consideration that Classified professionals could benefit the college by participating in shared governance. The question is, if these

Classified professionals are only hired as part-time, then will they have the opportunity to participate in any shared governance activities?


The group will be working on the SSSP Plan. The group will be divided into subcommittees/groups to work on each section of the draft. Here are the following deadlines: o 10/7 = the different sub-groups will present their drafts. o 10/13 = There will be an SSSP Advisory Retreat to work and finalize the SSSP Plan. o 10/14 = Finalize SSSP Plan

SSSP Sub-groups/committees:

IIai = Orientation o Katrin Field o Stacey Moore o Rozen Bondoc o Dolly Balangitao

IIaii = Assessment and Placement o Katrin Field o Paulette Lino

IIaiii = Counseling, Advising and Other Education Planning Services o Stacey Moore o Michelle Iriarte

IIaiv = Follow up for at risk students o Patricia Molina o Jeanne Wilson o Shirley Pejman o Leticia Reyes

IIbi = Institutional Research o Carolyn Arnold

IIbii = Technology o Rachel Ugale

IIc = Transitional Services Allowed for District Match o Matthew Kritscher

III = Policies and Professional Development o Matthew Kritscher o Noell Adams (Appeals)
