Student Services and Support Program (SSSP) Advisory Committee meeting April 14, 2015 2:00 – 3:30pm MINUTES Attendees: Shawna Crawford, Katrin Field, Rachel Ugale, Emmanuel Lopez, Stacey Moore, Rozen Bondoc, ValJean Dale, Paulette Lino, Noell Adams, Stacey Followill, Jeanne Wilson, Mike Lai Shared Governance SSSP Workgroup evolve into Advisory Committee because we worked on SSSP plan Chancellor’s office called group working on SSSP as SSSP Advisory Committee. Paulette attended a PRBC meeting a month ago there was a proposal to merge SSSP, Student Equity and Basic Skills into one group. SSSP group agreed that they are a workgroup and not a shared governance committee. Shared governance needs an assigned representative from each Senate (Academic, Classified, Student) Quarterly workgroup meeting with Student Equity, Basic Skills, and SSSP o Pro: Knowledge of each group expenditures, report for each group for familiarize of each group’s tasks o Con: More people less productivity. o SSSP group proposed for a quarterly informational meeting with Student Equity and Basic Skills Committee. o Val Jean will represent SSSP tomorrow, April 15 to PRBC would like a recommendation for tomorrow Feedback: keep the integrity of the group we should develop a process for accepting proposals from noncore representatives. Example of a non-student service department using SSSP funds Expansion of peer advisors - Sean McFarland, Tom DeWitt: peer advisors ere recruited to assist high school student to pathways to Chabot. English faculty and match requirement of SSSP. Merging with Peer Advisor Program. Funding given up from SSSP than Student Equity. Student serving students, outreach SSSP plan needs to be published on our website. Noell - people can send out their recommendations to PRBC. o showed Classified Senate recommendation of SSSP work group, classified perspective - more a categorical fund and didn’t need more venting from different parts of campus. o Student Equity should be more a shared governance because of funds for various groups and less restricted and include Basic Skills o Noell showed allowable use of funds PowerPoint slide from Chancellor Office’s SSSP training 2014. o Noell suggested that people interested in specific areas Rozen will post SSSP plan on website. Mike suggested to include that we are looking to a new online orientation system to present to PRBC. SSSP coordinator as defined by the state is the Dean of Counseling. Recommendation for Shared Governance SSSP is a workgroup, not a committee. Classified Senate and Staff Development Committee also support this recommendation. SSSP, Basic Skills, and Student Equity should have a quarterly meeting. o First meeting, May 5 - 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm SSSP funds are categorical (link to PTT + non-public SSSP plan). SSSP workgroup is already composed of key players responsible for achieving main objectives of SSSP (orientation, assessment, SEP, and follow up services) 2014-2015 Review status of proposed expenditures 2015-2016 SSSP Funds We should develop a process for accepting proposals from non-core representatives. Core representatives should review current SSSP plan and identify services they’d like to enhance. Does this require more SSSP funds for 2015-16? Consider Assessment Center. Registration Special circumstance for DSRC students. loss of priority registration Shirley needs to meet with Paulette about DSRC registration issues Items for next meeting SSSP goals and timeline