Invitation to ISPE Nordic Conference in Copenhagen – Denmark

Invitation to ISPE Nordic Conference
in Copenhagen – Denmark
Biotech CoP – New Updates in Fermentation and Cell Culture
Upstream processes are essential for the Pharmaceutical industry. The development of new
strains with higher yield is essential for mammalian cell culture cultivations. Yeast strains with
improved capability are developed which pushes the limits for the choice of cell factory.
A lot of focus has been on Single Use Bioreactors, which is expected to be the way to cultivate
mammalian cells in the future.
Perfusion processes has been known for years, but are now being used as a tool to increase the
cultivation length and the yield.
Perfusion can be used for glass, steel and Single Use vessels, and comes with hollow fibres and
acoustic versions and with manual or automatic perfusion control.
This seminar is combining the inputs on fermentation and cell culture from academia, and
pharmaceutical industry with vendor case studies from around Europe.
Who should attend?
Fermentation and Cell Culture chemists and operators, Process Engineers and Project Managers
Thursday June 20th 2013
CMC Biologics A/S
Vandtårnsvej 83B
2860 Søborg
Copenhagen - Denmark
ISPE Nordic June 20th 2013
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ISPE Nordic Biotech CoP Seminar
New Updates in Fermentation and Cell Culture
Thursday June 20th 2013
12:00 – 12:10
Bent Svanholm, Chairman ISPE Nordic Biotech CoP, ISPE Nordic board
12:10 – 12:40
Rebuild and fast start-up of a biopharma manufacturing facility based
on SUBs
Simon Adams, Vice President, Manufacturing, CMC Biologics, Denmark
12:40 – 13:00
Labfors 5 in the field - the first self-cleaning and self-sterilizing
benchtop bioreactor
Simon Egli, Area Sales Manager, Infors HT, Switzerland
13:00 – 13:30
Upstream Single Use Technologies in biopharma
Arvid Fuentes Martin, CMC Biologics, Denmark
13:30 – 14:00
Networking and exhibition break, sandwiches
14:00 – 14:20
Automated perfusion case study + parallel mini bioreactors
Bent Svanholm,, Denmark
14:20 – 14:50
Scale-down tools for the evaluation of perfusion cultivations
Martin Heitmann, Novo Nordisk
14:50 – 15:30
Networking and exhibition break, coffee
15:30 – 16:00
Cell Culture related services at Bioneer A/S
Peter Ravn, Bioneer A/S
16:00 – 16:30
Future challenges related to new PAT tools: data handling
Professor Krist Gernaey, Technical University of Denmark
16:30 – 16:45
Round-up and questionnaire
Bent Svanholm, Chairman ISPE Nordic Biotech CoP
16:45 –
End of Conference
ISPE Nordic June 20th 2013
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Table top exhibition
The conference will include a table top exhibition. Tables are available for rent.
Please use the registration form to book a table.
CMC Biologics A/S
Vandtårnsvej 83B
2860 Søborg
Copenhagen - Denmark
ISPE Nordic June 20th 2013
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New Updates in Fermentation and Cell Culture
Thursday, June 20th, 2013 from 12:00 – 17:00
at CMC Biologics A/S, Vandtårnsvej 83B, 2860 Søborg, Copenhagen - Denmark
Please register before June 19th 2013
Registration opens week
commencing May 27th
Registration fee can be paid by credit card or by bank transfer. An invoice will be generated for your records
and/or action. All tabs in the registration form require your attention to fully complete the registration.
Fees (payable in DKK):
Member of ISPE:
Table Top
Academia/Regulatory Member:
Academia/Regulatory Non-Member*):
Student Member:
Students Non-Member*):
Includes 1-year membership of ISPE with all
Additional to conference fee
membership benefits – please visit
------------------------------------Code of conduct
Your form submission WILL be encrypted using SSL to ensure your privacy. B.O. Conference Service will never
give your email name or address to any entity outside of the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineers.
We will never sell or trade your email name or address with any third party affiliations. B.O. Conference Service
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Your private information is kept safe and secure. We do not suggest you give your private information or email to
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pleasant one.
ISPE Nordic is using B.O. Conference Service to provide online event registration.
For questions on registration contact :
B.O. Conference Service, Bengt Österlund, PhD before June 19th 2013, by e-mail
For questions on conference content:
Bent Svanholm by email
ISPE Nordic June 20th 2013
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