English version UNIVERSITETET I OSLO Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet Eksamen i: FYS 203 Statistisk mekanikk Eksamensdag: Fredag 25.mai 2001 Tid for eksamen: 0900 - 1500 Oppgavesettet er på ?? sider Tillatte hjelpemidler: Clark: Physical and Mathematical Tables Øgrim: Størrelser og enheter i fysikken Olivber and Boyd: Science Data Book Tabeller i fysikk for den videregående skole Rottmann: Matematisk formelsamling Godkjent numerisk electronisk kalkulator Kontrollér at oppgavesettet er komplett før du begynner å besvare spørsmålene Problem 1: Classically Confined Fermi Gas A Fermi gas containing N noninteractiong particles with spin S is confined in z-direction by the harmonic-oscillator potential 1 U (z) = mω02 z 2 2 (1) where m is the mass of the particle, while ω0 is the oscillation frequency. In this problem, we assume that motion along z-axis obeys classical mechanics. a: Show that the density of states as a function of the particle energy ε, D(ε), has the form D(ε) = Ag0 ε/~ω0 , (2) g0 = (2S + 1)m/2π~2 (3) where and A is the area of the system. Hints: Rβ (i) By definition, for any γ belonging to the interval β > γ > α, α dx δ(x − γ) = 1. If γ is outside this interval, then the integral is 0. This definition is often expressed in terms of the Heaviside step function Θ(ξ) as ½ Z β 1, ξ > 0 dx δ(x − γ) = Θ(β − γ)Θ(γ − α) where Θ(ξ) = . (4) 0, ξ < 0 α 1 (ii) An auxiliary intergral: Z ∞ Z ∞ du 0 0 µ ¶ u2 v2 E dv Θ E − a − b =√ . 2 2 ab (5) b: Show that the chemical potential µ at zero temperature (let us denote it is as µ0 ) as a function of particle sheet concentration, ns ≡ N/A, is given by the expression µ(0) ≡ µ0 = (2ns ~ω0 /g0 )1/2 . Hint: Z ∞ 0 f (x) dx ≈ ex−z + 1 Z z f (x) dx + 0 π2 0 f (z) + . . . 6 (6) at z À 1 . (7) c: Analyze temperature dependence of the chemical potential at high and at low temperatures. Find proper criterion for crossover between these cases. Hint: At large negative z, z < 0, |z| À 1, Z ∞ Z z f (x) dx z e−x f (x) dx . ≈e x−z e +1 0 0 (8) d: Find internal energy U , Landau free energy Ω, entropy S and specific heat CV of the gas. Show that Ω = −U/2. Derive equation of state. Hint: In quasi two-dimensional systems the pressure is defined as a derivative with respect to the area A rather than with respect to the volume. Problem 2: Quantum-Mechanical Confinement Now let us assume that the the motion along z-direction in the potential (1) obeys quantum mechanics. The quantum-mechanical state is specified by the quantum numbers n, p⊥ (p⊥ = {px , py }) where n is the discrete quantum number describing quantized motion in zdirection. The state with a given n is called the nth transverse mode. The energy eigenvalues are µ ¶ 1 p2 εn (p) = ~ω0 n + + ⊥. 2 2m a: Find density of states as a function of the particle energy ε. Show that its profile is a set of equidistant steps of the same height, µ ¶ X 1 D(ε) = Ag0 Θ(ε − εn ) , εn ≡ ~ω0 n + . (9) 2 n 2 Hint: The motion in the x − y plane remains classical. b: Derive the equation for the chemical potential µ as a function of particle sheet concentration, ns . Show that at T = 0 this equation reads as µ ¶ 1 nmax (nmax + 1) µ 1 ns = + − , (10) ~ω0 2 nmax + 1 g0 ~ω0 2 where nmax + 1 is the number of occupied transverse modes having εn ≤ µ. Find nmax . Hint: Z ∞ 0 dx = ln (ez + 1) . +1 ex−z (11) c: Consider the case of low concentration for which nmax = 0 at T = 0. - Show that at T = 0 the chemical potential is given by the equation µ − ~ω0 /2 = ns /g0 . (12) - Find the range of applicability for this expression (i.e. the inequilities limiting temperature T and concentration ns ). - Find finite-temperature corrections to the chemical potential at low concentrations. d: Find internal energy U , Landau free energy Ω, entropy S and specific heat CV at low concentration and temperature. e: Using grand canonical ensemble derive the expression for mean square fluctuation in the particle number, µ ¶ ∂N 2 h(∆N ) i = T . (13) ∂µ T,A Apply this expression for calculation of the fluctuation in the particle number for the discussed above case of low concentration and temperature. Hint: Calculate ∂hN i/∂µ and make use of the equality hN i = −∂Ω/∂µ. Problem 3: Stochastic processes Consider an electron (spin S = 1/2) bounded to an impiruty center and assume that the temperature T is much less than the energy difference between the levels of orbital motion. Consequently, only spin degrees of freedom are excited. 3 Let the system be placed in external magnetic field B, the additional energy in magnetic field is ±βB where ± corresponds to the values ±1/2 of the spin component along the field. Here β = |e|~/2mc is the Bohr magneton, c is the velocity of light since the Gaussian system is used. The magnetic moment of the states with Sz = ±1/2 is ∓β. a: Find the stationary probabilities for the states with Sz = ±1/2, P± . - Find average magnetic moment of the system as function of temperature T and magnetic field B. b: Find mean square fluctuation of magnetic moment, h(∆M )2 i and the ratio h(∆M )2 i/hM i2 . - Show that β2 . (14) h(∆M 2 )i = cosh2 (βB/T ) - Discuss limiting cases of large and low temperatures. Explain these results qualitatively. c: Write down the Master Equation for the probability Pi (t) to find the system in the state i = ± at time t. - Using the result for the stationary case find the relation between the transition probabilities W+− and W−+ for the transition from the state “+” to the state “-” and for the reverse transition, respectively. Express the probabilities W+− and W−+ through the quantity W = W+− + W+− . - Derive the Master Equation for the population difference, P(t) ≡ w+ (t) − w+ (t). d: Write down the Master Equation for the conditional probability, P (f, t|i, t0 ), to find the system in the state f at time t under the conditions that at time t0 it was in the state i. - Specify initial conditions to this equation. - Show that solution of this equation with proper initial condition is P (f, t|i, t0 ) = wf + (δif − wf )e−W |t−t0 | (15) where wf is the stationary probability to find the system in the state f . Hint: It is convenient to express the set of Master Equations for the quantities P (f, t|i, t0 ) at different i and f as an equation for the 2 × 2 matrix P̂ with matrix elements Pf i (t|t0 ) ≡ P (f, t|i, t0 ). The solution of the matrix Master Equation ∂ P̂ /∂T = Ŵ P̂ at t ≥ t0 can P then be searched in in the matrix as P̂ ∝ k Ĉ (k) e−λk (t−t0 ) . Here λk are eigenvalues of the matrix W , while Ĉ (k) are time-independent matrices. They are determined from the intial conditions and from the fact that at t − t0 → ∞ the conditional probabilities tend to the stationary ones. 4 e: Using Eq. (15) show that the correlation function h∆M (t)∆M (0)i has the form h∆M (t)∆M (0)i = h(∆M )2 i e−W |t| where h(∆M )2 i is given by Eq. (14) while W = W+− + W−+ . - Find the fluctuation spectrum. 5 (16)