Physica C 299 Ž1998. 215–230 High-resolution magneto-optical imaging of critical currents in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7yd thin films Ch. Jooss ) , R. Warthmann, A. Forkl, H. Kronmuller ¨ Max-Planck-Institut fur ¨ Metallforschung, Heisenbergstr. 1, D-70569, Stuttgart, Germany Received 7 October 1997; revised 1 December 1997; accepted 9 December 1997 Abstract Magneto-optical investigation of flux penetration into type-II superconductors allows the determination of the local critical current density jc by inversion of the Biot–Savart law. Due to the required computational effort, in the past, this method was limited to low spatial resolution of the current density. In this paper, we present a fast inversion scheme using Fast-Fourier-Transformation, which allows high spatial resolution imaging of current distributions. Due to the nonlocal relation between magnetic field and current density, it is necessary to use a method that images field and current distribution of superconductors as a whole, and enables high resolution at the same time. To demonstrate the power of our method, the local current density in a YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7y d square and disk are imaged with high resolution and described in detail for increasing and decreasing external magnetic fields. At low fields, the dependencies of jc Ž B . on the local magnetic field B and of the average jc Žmagnetic moment. on the applied magnetic field show significant differences. Finally, we directly image the local current density near macroscopic defects in a square and a disk. The observed current distributions near defects significantly differ from the predictions of an extended Bean model. q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. PACS: 74.60.Jg; 78.20.Ls Keywords: YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7y d thin films; Biot–Savart law; Magneto-optical imaging 1. Introduction The critical current density in type-II superconductors is a fundamental parameter, which is not only of interest for technical applications. It also offers a wide field of basic physics, related to the collective interaction of the vortex line lattice with structural and thermal disorder. There are several methods to determine jc which often do not agree in their results. In general, one has to distinguish be- ) Corresponding author. tween the global critical current density jc, which is measured by transport current or magnetization measurements, and presents some average over the whole sample, and the local critical current density jc . This can be determined by space-resolved measurements like scanning Hall probes w1,2x or magneto-optics w3–5x. The differences between both critical current densities are caused by inhomogeneities in the superconductor, like macroscopic defects, weak links, scratches and by the local-field dependence of jc Ž B .. At external fields Hex ) Hc1 , quantized magnetic flux penetrates into a type-II superconductor. Due to the pinning forces acting on the flux lines, flux 0921-4534r98r$19.00 q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII S 0 9 2 1 - 4 5 3 4 Ž 9 7 . 0 1 8 8 7 - X Ch. Jooss et al.r Physica C 299 (1998) 215–230 216 cannot fill up the sample homogeneously. Therefore, a flux front builds up, penetrating the sample up to a certain penetration depth determined by the balance of pinning and driving forces f p q f d s 0 on the flux lines. In high-k materials, the driving force density f d is a Lorentz force density w6x of a macroscopic current, acting on the magnetic induction of the vortex lines. This macroscopic current is caused by an inhomogeneous distribution of tiny superconducting eddy currents, and is thus related to gradients in the vortex line density. In equilibrium state Žwhich is truly a metastable state, relaxing due to thermal activated flux creep., this macroscopic current density is the critical current density determined by the pinning forces, hence f d s jc = B s yf p . The macroscopic current distribution causes a magnetic self-field of the sample according to Biot– Savart’s law 1 j Ž rX . = Ž r y rX . 3 X Hself s d r. Ž 1. 4p V < r y rX < 3 The local magnetic flux density B Ž r . is a superposition of the external magnetic field m 0 Hex and the self-field of the currents B Ž r . s m 0 Hself q m 0 Hex . Ž 2. Hence, in principle the local critical current density can be determined by measuring the self-field, when an external field is applied to the superconductor. Due to its high spatial resolution up to 1 m m, the magneto-optical Faraday effect is an excellent tool for investigating the self-field of a superconductor. In this way, the local critical current density w7x, two-dimensional current distributions w8x, and anisotropies in the critical current density w9–11x can be visualized. By using suitable calibration methods of the measured light intensity w7x, the measurement of the z-component of the magnetic induction Ž z denotes the coordinate perpendicular to the film plane. is possible with sufficient accuracy in a plane z s const close to the film surface. In general, there are two different methods to extract jc from the measured field distribution. The first one is to fit current distributions by comparing calculated field distributions Bz Ž r . with measured ones w8,12–14x. The second general method is based on inversion of Biot–Savart’s law and yields directly the current distribution from the measured Bz-distribution. H This inversion is a nontrivial problem, since in thin films the critical current density according to Ampere’s law m 0 j s rot B is determined by the in` plane gradients EB xrE z and EB yrE z w13x, respectively. The in-plane components B x and B y usually cannot be measured by means of magneto-optical methods; therefore, the local relation m 0 j s rot B cannot be used to determine the current density. However, it is possible to derive an integral relation between the measured Bz Ž x, y .-data and the current density j Ž x, y . in the film plane, if the z-dependence of the current density across the film can be neglected. In this case, the Biot–Savart’s relation between the z-component of the magnetic induction Bz and the current density j Ž x, y . in the film plane can be inverted. This paper is organized as follows: First we describe previously used inversion methods of Biot– Savart’s law like matrix inversion w2,15–18x and Fast-Fourier-Transformation ŽFFT. for infinitely thin films w19x. Then, we present our own method, which is an extension of the method of Roth et al. w20x to films with finite thickness. We demonstrate the feasibility of the high-resolution inversion for a detailed study of the local current in a YBaCuO square and disk both containing inhomogeneities. It is already known that there is a screening current in the flux free area of thin films in addition to a critical current due to vortex pinning for flux penetration in the ZFC-case. We show now that this screening current is also present during flux reversal, as theoretically predicted by Brandt and Indenbom w21x and Zhu et al. w22x, although the full sample is in the Shubnikov state. Secondly, the local-field dependence of the local current density jc Ž Bloc . is investigated. For low fields, this significantly differs from the global-field dependence of jcŽ Bex . usually measured by means of a magnetometer. Finally, we directly image the true local currents near macroscopic defects. 2. Inversion of Biot–Savart’s law for thin films In thin superconducting films with film thickness d smaller than the magnetic penetration depth perpendicular to the film Ž x, y .-plane, the current flows in the film plane j Ž x, y, z . s e x j x Ž x, y . q e y j y Ž x, y . and the z-dependence of the current density can be Ch. Jooss et al.r Physica C 299 (1998) 215–230 neglected. Since we regard isolated superconducting samples without circuit lines for a transport current, the current stream lines are closed within the area of the magnetic field measurement. In this case, one has div j s 0 all over the measurement area and thus may derive the current density from a scalar function g Ž x, y . according to j Ž x , y . s = = zg ˆ Ž x, y. . Ž 3. Because of freedom of gauge choice, g in general is defined only apart from a gradient term and an integration constant, since the transformation g ™ g q Ez c q c leaves j Ž x, y . invariant. The Coulomb gauge condition requires Ez g s 0, which is fulfilled by the ansatz Ž3., because g Ž x, y . has no z-dependence. Hence, our local magnetization g is unequivocally defined and g is a potential function for the current density. The magnetic moment of the sample is given by 1 ms r = j Ž r . d 3 r s zˆ g Ž x , y . d 3 r . Ž 4. 2 V V The relation between the scalar function g Ž x, y . and the z-component of the local induction Bz Ž r . measured by means of magneto-optics is H H Bz Ž r . s m 0 Hex q m 0 K g Ž r ,rX . g Ž xX , yX . d 3 r X , Ž 5 . HV where K g Ž r,rX . is an integral kernel, K g Ž r ,rX . 1 s 2 2 2 Ž z y z X . y Ž x y x X . y Ž y y yX . 4p Ž x y x X . 2 q Ž y y y X . 2 q Ž z y z X . 2 2 5r2 . Ž 6. Eq. Ž5. can be formally inverted to give 1 g Ž x, y. s Ky1 Ž r ,rX . m0 V g H = Bz Ž xX , yX . y m 0 Hex d 3 r X . Ž 7. Here Ky1 is the inverted integral kernel, which may g be computed by different numerical methods as described in Sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. 2.1. PreÕiously used methods The measurement of the magnetic flux density distribution yields an array of discrete Bz data points 217 on a grid. Therefore all methods of inversion of Biot–Savart’s law introduce a grid in the Ž x, y .-plane of the superconductor and result in a matrix equation for Eq. Ž7. in r-space or in a discrete Fourier-transformation of a scalar function on a grid in k-space. For the calculation of g Ž x, y . we define an equidistant grid x i s Ž i y 1r2.WxrNx with i s 1 . . . Nx and yj s Ž j y 1r2.WyrNy with j s 1 . . . Ny . Using a grid the sample is divided into N s Nx = Ny square cells, each covering an area p = p in the Ž x, y .-plane with pixel-size p s WxrNx and thickness d. Within each cell, the Bz Ž i, j .- or g Ž i, j .-value is constant. Therefore, g Ž i, j . in Eq. Ž7. can be written as gi j s 1 m0 mn Ý Qy1 i jm n Ž B z y m 0 Hex . Ž 8. m, n where the four-dimensional matrix Q is symmetric and nonsingular, but not positively definite. The calculation of currents by matrix inversion was first achieved by Grant et al. w15x, assuming that the current is flowing in an infinitely thin layer. They obtained the current stream lines and the critical current density in square and rectangular TBCCO and YBaCuO thin films. The field distribution Bz Ž k,l . was measured by a standard Hall probe on a grid of 41 = 41 datapoints. The current distribution of polycrystalline high-Tc materials was investigated by inversion method by Niculescu et al. w2x. They could determine quantitatively the distribution of the critical current density with a resolution of 1 mm2 , using a diagonal approximation of the matrix Q. This results in a local relation between the field and the current density, and is a very rough approximation. Furthermore, Brandt w16,17x developed an inversion scheme for an infinitely thin film by using a Fourier series for QŽ r,rX .. All described inversion methods above have the principal problem that the spatial resolution of the field data Bz Ž k,l ., given on an Nx = Ny grid, is limited to relatively small sizes of Nx s Ny s 50 to 80, since calculation and storage expense should not be too large when using conventional workstations. As a result of the Nx2 Ny2 scaling of the matrix size of Q, the inversion of Bz Ž k,l . data of 100 = 100 datapoints would require 400 Mbyte storage for Q calculated in 4 byte floating numbers. Ch. Jooss et al.r Physica C 299 (1998) 215–230 218 The first progress in developing a more efficient inversion scheme was reported by Wijngaarden et al. w18x. Using the translational invariance of Biot– Savart’s law, they detected that Q is a four-dimensional Toeplitz matrix. The symmetry is useful for efficient storage of Q, which then scales with Nx Ny instead of Nx2 Ny2 , but they did not use this symmetry for the calculation of Qy1 . Wijngaarden et al. observe an increase of CPU time for computation with Na4.5 Ž a s x or y . using a standard conjugate gradient method and a linear speedup with the number of processors. The inversion problem is solved most efficiently by using the translational invariance of Biot–Savart’s law. This allows the application of convolution theorem in k-space. The method was first described by Roth et al. w20x but was not applied to superconductors. Pashitski et al. w19x used the method of Roth for the investigation of the current distribution near a grain boundary in a TlBa 2 Ca 2 Cu 3 O x thin film. Like Brandt w17x and Grant w15x, they used a sheet current J s dj and the integral kernel of Biot–Savart’s law for infinitely thin films. However, our tests of this method show that the finite thickness of the samples has to be considered to get quantitatively correct results. For an infinitely thin film, logarithmic singularities in Bz occur at the sample edges. In contrast, the measured Bz data for films with finite thickness show finite rounded peaks at the sample edges. Thus, to obtain correct current densities at the edges, the inversion method must take into account the finite sample thickness, and one has to use a different integral kernel. 2.2. Fast inÕersion using the conÕolution theorem The translational symmetry of the kernel K g in Eq. Ž5. of Biot–Savart’s law allows to use the convolution theorem for the Fourier transformed kernels. If one writes K g Ž r,rX . s K g Ž r y rX . and extend the integration volume to infinity in Eq. Ž5., one yields in r- and k-space, respectively, Bz Ž r . y m 0 Hex s m 0 HV™` K B˜z Ž k . s m o K˜ g Ž k . g˜ Ž k . . g Ž r y rX . g Ž rX . d 3 r X , therefore the inversion problem is reduced to the calculation of Nx Ny components of the kernels in k-space instead of Nx2 Ny2 for matrix inversion. Since we assume that the current density is not varying in z-direction inside the film, it is possible to use two-dimensional Fourier transformations ` B̃z Ž k x ,k y . s ` Hy`d xHy`d yB Ž x , y . e z ` g˜ Ž k x ,k y . s ` Hy`d xHy`d yg Ž x , y . e iŽ k x xqk y y. iŽ k x xqk y y. , , Ž 10 . while the integration over the film thickness d remains. Then Eq. Ž5. can be transformed into m 0 dr2 X ykŽ hyzX . B̃z Ž k x ,k y ,h . s d z ke 2 ydr2 H =g˜ Ž k x ,k y , zX . , Ž 11 . using the convolution theorem for the Ž x, y .-plane of the thin film and k s Ž k 2x q k 2y .1r2 . The measurement height h of the field distribution has to be taken into account. Assuming a g˜ not depending on zX , one can integrate Eq. Ž11. easily, and the problem of the logarithmic edge singularities of the infinitely thin film is eliminated. We obtain B˜z Ž k x ,k y ,h . s m 0 K˜ g Ž k x ,k y ,h,d . g˜ Ž k x ,k y . , Ž 12 . with Fourier-transformed integral kernel kd K̃ g s eyk h sinh . Ž 13 . 2 The inverse relation between g˜ and B˜z is simply given by ž / g˜ s B̃z m 0 K˜ g . Ž 14 . Alternatively, the inversion can also be performed directly for the two current density components j˜x and j˜y w20x. Since the finite thickness is taken into account, one obtains j˜x s yi B̃z K˜ x , j˜y s yj˜x kx ky . Ž 15 . with Ž 9. In k-space, the integrals over the j or g distributions reduce to a simple product of two functions; K̃ x Ž k x ,k y ,h,d . s m 0 eyk h k sinh kd ky 2 k ž / q k 2x kyk Ž 16 . Ch. Jooss et al.r Physica C 299 (1998) 215–230 and using the continuity equation k x j˜x Ž k x ,k y . qk y j˜y Ž k x ,k y . s 0 in k-space. In this picture, the current density is just a high-pass-filtered version of the magnetic field distribution, and the integral kernels in k-space can be considered as filter functions. The calculation expense of this exact inversion scheme consists of two FFTs and filtering, which results in a Nx Ny Ž1 q 2logŽ Nx Ny .. scaling, using fast Fourier transform algorithms instead of Ž Nx Ny . 3 for matrix inversion or Ž Nx Ny . 2.25 using the Toeplitz symmetry. The application of Fourier-transformation and convolution theorem requires a periodic continuation of the obtained current distributions, since one is not able to measure the field distribution in the infinite plane. Therefore, the restriction of the calculation of the Fourier transformed quantities to a finite area with Nx Ny data points instead of using the exact Eq. Ž10. introduces a superlattice that consists of a periodic array of identical current distributions. To avoid a significant interaction between the supercells, the current-carrying sample must be smaller than the measured field image. Therefore, the magneto-optical field measurement should cover an area larger than the sample. The artefacts introduced by the 219 supercell are very small if the ratio of the sample size to the area of the measured field data is f 0.5 or smaller. The presence of noise in the measured data gives rise to additional complications during the inversion. The frequency spectrum of the measured magnetic field is dominated by noise at high wave numbers, and is strongly amplified by the high-pass filter K˜y1 g . Without low-pass-filtering, the measured magnetic field data, the current distribution would be dominated by noise. In Ref. w20x, the magnetic field in k-space was multiplied by a Hanning window to reduce the high-frequency noise of the input data, WŽ k. ° ¢ 0.5 1 q cos s~ 0 pk ž / k max for k - k max , for k ) k max . Ž 17 . The cutoff wave number k max has to be determined empirically and reduces the resolution of the calculated current distribution. An increased measurement height above the specimen amplifies the high-pass Fig. 1. Greyscale image of the B z distribution inside and outside a square thin film of width 2 mm, d s 200 nm and h s 500 nm on a grid of 1400 = 1400 points. The current stream lines, obtained by inversion with the convolution theorem, are shown as black lines. Profiles of the two obtained current components along the two crossed lines are plotted below Ž j y . and right Ž j x .. 220 Ch. Jooss et al.r Physica C 299 (1998) 215–230 function of K˜y1 and thus requires a stronger lowpass-filtering of the field data. Thus, noise and measurement height limit the spatial resolution, which can be achieved by the inversion. 2.3. Test of the inÕersion scheme To check the accuracy of our inversion method, the field distribution of a known current distribution in a square film was calculated using the method of basic current-bricks published by Forkl w8x. In Fig. 1, the flux density distribution for the fully penetrated state of a square with jc s const.s 3.5 = 10 11 Arm2 is shown for a spatial resolution of 1400 = 1400 datapoints. The plane above the square, where the flux density is calculated is given by z s h s 500 nm. In our simulation, the sample has a width of Wx s Wy s 2 mm and a thickness of 200 nm. The current stream lines and the current density, which is plotted along two lines, is obtained by Fourier-transformation on a Nx s Ny s 1400 grid. Each pixel has a size p s 2.86 m m. After application of the Hanning window, the spatial resolution is 2p ky1 max s 4 m m. The obtained current distribution is in excellent agreement with the input current. The current density at the current plateau is 3.5 " 0.03 P 10 11 Arm2 all over the sample. There are some small distortions in the magnitude of the current of 2–3 P 10 9 due to noise. These distortions are two orders of magnitude smaller than the input current density and could be reduced much more by means of a hanning window. The square covers only a part of 700 = 700 pixels of the grid and is located at the center of the image. In this case, the influence of the supercell interaction on the obtained current density is negligibly small. For the inversion of experimental data, the ratio of sample size to measurement area can be improved by an artificial enlargement of the image size outside the sample by linear extrapolation of the self-field of the sample to zero. 3. Field detection and current imaging 3.1. Magneto-optical field detection As field detecting elements, we use two different magneto-optical layers ŽMOLs.: A ferrimagnetic iron–garnet film with in-plane anisotropy w23x or EuSe w4x, which is evaporated onto the superconductor and allows a high spatial resolution of about 1 m m. Before evaporating EuSe on YBaCuO, a gold layer of 200 nm has to be sputtered on the superconductor, because YBaCuO is strongly absorbing at the visible light wavelengths. Therefore, using EuSe, the measurement height h is between 200 nm and 450 nm above the surface of the superconductor. The iron–garnet film exhibits a higher sensitivity for field detection, but has the disadvantage of a lower spatial resolution than EuSe. Furthermore, the measurement height is not exactly known. A quantitative analysis based on the comparison of field measurements using EuSe with field measurements by the garnet indicator, allows an estimate of the measurement height of h s 5–10 m m. Due to this uncertainty, the critical current density can be determined with an accuracy of only 5%. Before calibrating the light intensities, a background image of the ZFC-state is subtracted from the magneto-optical image, to eliminate all non-field-depending distortions. The calibration functions for MOLs, EuSe and garnet indicator are described in Ref. w7x. The remaining uncertainties of the field-calibration have a magnitude of 5% to 10%, and are caused by the field-dependent Faraday rotation in the objective lenses, polarizers in the microscope, and in the glass, covering the cryostat. 3.2. Current-imaging in YBaCuO thin films We present in this section current distributions in a YBaCuO thin disk with a diameter of 2 mm and a film thickness of 290 nm. The measurements of the Bz-distribution are performed with EuSe as MOL at He-temperature Ž4.2 K.. The external field is applied perpendicular to the film plane and is increased from the ZFC-state Ž Bex s 0. to a maximum field Bex,max . Afterwards it is successively decreased until approaching the remanent state Ž Bex s 0.. Fig. 2 shows a superposition of the measured magnetic flux density distribution as a greyscale image and the current stream lines of the superconducting current flowing in the sample for different external fields. Additionally, profiles of the angular component of the current density jf along the dashed–dotted line are plotted below each image. In Ch. Jooss et al.r Physica C 299 (1998) 215–230 order to reduce noise, which dominates the highfrequency spectrum of the measured magnetic flux density in k-space, the B˜z data is filtered by means of the Hanning window, resulting in the smallest resolved wavelength of the obtained current distribution of l min s 6.1 m m. Outside the disk, the inver- 221 sion yields also an apparent non-zero current density of less than 1 = 10 10 Arm2 , which is at least one order of magnitude smaller than the current density inside the specimen. This artefact is mainly caused by a different light reflection at the Au layer covering the YBaCuO film, and the SrTiO 3 substrate Fig. 2. Greyscale representation of the measured B z distributions of a YBaCuO disk for Ža. Be x s 16.0 mT, Žb. 48.8 mT, Žc. 176 mT and Žd. 47.2 mT. The superimposed computed current stream lines are visible as white or black lines. The dark spot f 400 m m right from the disk center in Žc. and Žd. mark a distortion in the magneto-optical layer, which influences the obtained current density locally. Also shown are plots of the jf- profiles along the dot–dashed dark line. 222 Ch. Jooss et al.r Physica C 299 (1998) 215–230 outside the sample. However, the consequences for the computed current distribution near the disk borders are negligible, because of the smallness of this effect. Usually, in ideal superconducting disks, the current is described by means of a one-dimensional current density jf Ž r . w12,22,24–27x. The application of the inversion of Biot–Savart’s law enables us now to derive the two-dimensional current density Ž jr , jf . in the disk. Therefore, deviations from the one-dimensional model and the occurrence of a radial current component can be determined. These deviations are clearly visible in the current stream lines plotted in Figs. 2 and 3. In the latter, the jf- and jr-components are visualized as greyscale images for a state, where flux has partly penetrated the disk. Fig. 4. Profiles of the B z Ž r . and jf Ž r .-distributions averaged over an angle of 708. The external field Bex is successively enhanced from ZFC state to 16 mT, 48.8 mT, 112 mT and finally to 176 mT, which is the maximum applied external field. The radial profiles are plotted mirror-inverted for r - 0. Fig. 3. Greyscale images of Ža. jf and Žb. jr of the disk at Bex s 48.8 mT for partly penetrated state. In image Ža., jf ranges from 0 Žblack. up to 2.6=10 11 Arm2 Žwhite.. The different signs of jr in images Žb. are visualized as dark Žy. and bright Žq. areas ranging from y1.0=10 11 up to q1.0=10 11 Arm2 . The jr component is related to inhomogeneties like macroscopic defects in the superconducting disk. In Section 5, the influence of such macroscopic defects on the current distribution in disks and squares is described in detail. With increasing external field, the flux penetrates radially, starting at the disk border. In Fig. 4, the profiles of magnetic induction Bz Ž r . and of the angular current density jf Ž r . are plotted for different applied external fields, increasing from the ZFC-state. The radial profiles are averaged over an angle of 708 to suppress the noise and statistical deviations. Following the Bean model w28x, one expects a constant critical current jc in the flux-filled part of the disk, forming a plateau. However, as shown in Fig. 4, the jc plateau is not spatially constant. The critical current is strongly decreased in areas of larger local flux density, which are located mainly at the disk borders for increasing external fields. This finding corresponds to the dependence of the critical current density on the local magnetic flux density, which is described in Section 4. In addition to the jc-plateau in the penetrated part of the disk, in a partly penetrated state we observe a Ch. Jooss et al.r Physica C 299 (1998) 215–230 Fig. 5. Averaged profiles of B z Ž r . and jf Ž r . for decreasing external fields demonstrating the flux reversal. The external field Bex is successively reduced from Bex,max s176 mT to 112 mT and 47.2 mT. screening current js F jc in the flux-free part of the disk. This current w25,29,30x is screening the flux-free part of the sample inside the flux front and appears not only for thin films but also for superconductors with finite thickness where js flows near the surface w31x. The screening current is zero at the disk center, and increases monotonically until it reaches the magnitude of jc at the flux front. Fig. 5 shows the same flux- and current density profiles as in Fig. 4 for decreasing external fields. When the external field is reduced from its maximum Bex,max s 176 mT, the magnetic flux density exits through disk borders. The magnetic flux density is dragged off, and due to the created inverse gradient in the flux-density, a zone with oppositely directed current density yjf is then penetrating. This inverse current generates a self-field that superimposes to the self-field of the existing positive current and the external field. The self-field of the inverse current is visible in the negative peaks in Bz at the disk border. The drag-off of the flux density starting from the disk border is equivalent to the penetration of flux-lines of opposite direction into the sample, which annihilate with the existing flux-lines. The annihilation takes place up to a finite penetration 223 depth, which is equivalent to the penetration depth of the plateau of the inverse current density yjf . The flux reversal and the penetration of an inverse current was treated by Brandt and Indenbom w21x and Zhu et al. w22x. They describe the current distribution for decreasing external fields as a superposition of two critical currents. The current distribution corresponding to the maximum external field is frozen. Then, with decreasing external field, a new critical state with y2 jc penetrates from the sample border, related to an additional screening current y2 js , both superimposing to the existing current density qjc . This was an improvement to a previous model of Mikheenko and Kuzovlev w25x, who neglected this screening current. The superposition of the negative shielding current y2 js to the existing qjc results in a smooth crossover from yjc to qjc . This effect is clearly visible in Figs. 5 and 2. 4. Field dependence of critical currents Usually, the magnetic field dependence of the critical current density of a superconductor is measured by means of a magnetometer or a transport current as a function of the applied external field. If the external field is much higher than the self-field generated by the currents in the sample, one may neglect the field screening of the sample, and the magnetic field dependence of jc is in very good approximation given by the dependence of the global average current density jc on the external field. This holds not for small magnetic fields, which will be demonstrated in this section. Figs. 4 and 5 show clearly that the critical current density of the disk is not spacially constant. The current density is decreased in regions with higher local magnetic flux density compared to regions with lower values of the local magnetic field. For increasing external fields, the flux density has a sharp peak at the sample border. Therefore, the current density is lowered towards the sample border. However, for decreasing external fields, the situation is just the opposite. The local magnetic field shows a negative peak at the disk border, and the current density is enhanced. This behaviour was qualitatively predicted by computer simulations of the flux and current distribution in thin films with a field-dependent criti- Ch. Jooss et al.r Physica C 299 (1998) 215–230 224 Fig. 6. Dependence of the local critical current density on the local flux density B z,loc for different increasing ≠ and decreasing x external fields. The smooth solid line represents a fit of the Kim model to the jc Ž B z,loc . data Žsee Table 1. and the dashed line corresponds to jŽ Bex . obtained from SQUID data. cal current density w32x, but was not measured quantitatively up to now. An often-used model to describe field-dependencies of the critical current is the Kim model w33x. It assumes the following field dependence of the critical current density jc Ž B . s jc ,0 1 1 q BrB0 , Ž 18 . where B0 is a constant field that characterizes the degree of field dependence and jc,0 is the current density at zero field. In Fig. 6, the dependence of the local critical current density on the local perpendicular component of the flux density for different increasing and decreasing external fields is plotted. All four lines are matching approximately to a definite and monotonous jc suppression with higher local flux densities. Fitting the Kim model to these four lines, one obtains B0 s 0.158 T and jc,0 s 2.98 = 10 11 Arm2 . Let us now compare this jc Ž B . to the field dependence of the global average current density jc as determined by SQUID measurement. Fig. 7 shows a magnetic hysteresis loop for the disk measured at low fields up to 200 mT Žtriangles.. The global jc Ž Bex . can be calculated from the magnetization hysteresis D M by w28,34x jc Ž Bex . s D M Ž Bex . kR Ž 19 . with disk radius R and a geometry factor k s 2r3 for a disk. In Fig. 6, jc Ž Bex . is plotted as a dashed line. It is clearly visible that the global current density is significantly smaller than the local current density obtained by magneto-optics. Notice, that despite this, the magnetization curve obtained by the SQUID is quantitatively in good agreement with the magnetization calculated from the inhomogeneous local current density and Eq. Ž4. Ždark squares in Fig. 7.. The reason for underestimating the jc obtained by SQUID is the presence of macroscopic defects, which give rise to a spatial variation of the current density. The global current density jc derived from SQUID measurements is an average over the local current density. Furthermore, in the case of the SQUID measurement one assumes that the magnetic field at the location of the current is equal to the value of the external field, which is strongly violated for low external fields as demonstrated by the magnetic field profiles visible in Fig. 4. This results in significantly different values for B0 and jc,0 as obtained by fitting the Kim model. In Table 1, these values are listed for the local field dependence, the SQUID-hysteresis shown in Fig. 7 and additionally for another SQUID-hysteresis at the same disk measured to a maximum external field of 5 T. The jc,0 obtained from both SQUID measurements is smaller compared with the jc,0 of Fig. 7. Hysteresis of the magnetic moment m 0 M, measured by a SQUID magnetometer for the disk. Also plotted is the magnetooptically determined m 0 M calculated from the current distribution using Eq. Ž4.. The maximum applied fields are "200 mT for the SQUID and 176 mT for the MOL EuSe. Ch. Jooss et al.r Physica C 299 (1998) 215–230 Table 1 Summary of the fit-parameters jc,0 and B0 of the Kim model for the magneto-optically determined jc Ž B z,loc . and the global jc Ž Bex . obtained by a low-field Ž Bex,max s 0.2 T. and a high-field Ž Bex,max s 5 T. SQUID-magnetization curve Measurement jc Ž Bz,loc . D M low field D M high field jc,0 ŽArm2 . 11 2.98=10 1.73=10 11 1.43=10 11 B0 ŽT. 0.158 1.07 5.7 the local current density. This is due to the averaging of jc over the macroscopic defects. The existence of different B0 in the low and high field regimes was also seen and discussed by other authors w35,36x, and signals the existence of different pinning sites with different density in the films. In conclusion, at low external fields, i.e., if the self-field of the sample is comparable to the external field, it is not possible to derive the field dependence of the critical current density from global measurements such as SQUIDmagnetization or transport current. 225 long cavity oriented parallel to the cylinder-axis, Schuster et al. w38x pointed out that thin films offer an enhanced sensitivity to observe such discontinuity lines, because the magnetic flux density shows sharp peaks at these lines. They demonstrated that the discontinuity lines generated by a defect near a strip or a square edge have parabolic shape. This is also visible in simulations w8x in the framework of the Bean model applied for a thin film with a circular indentation. In this paper, we extend the consideration also to the discontinuity lines of a macroscopic defect in a disk and to field dependent jc . By means of current imaging, it is possible to image quantitatively the effect of macroscopic defects on the current, and to give a detailed description. 5.1. Square 5. Macroscopic defects in disks and squares The effect of a macroscopic defect on the flux density and current distribution strongly depends on the macroscopic geometry of a superconductor. Without any defect, the current stream lines are defined by the condition that the distance to the sample border has to be constant. Thus, the change of the current flow due to a defect depends on the Inhomogeneities or structural defects in a type-II superconductor can have different effects on the critical current depending on their superconducting properties and their size. Roughly speaking, inhomogeneities on a length scale of the size of a single vortex mainly affect the self-energy of vortices, and therefore act as pinning sites and determine the absolute value of the critical current density. On the other hand, inhomogeneities on a length scale of some vortices Žsome m m. change the current flow also macroscopically. Campbell and Evetts w37x modeled a macroscopic defect as a cylindrical cavity with jc s 0, which is present near the edge of a superconductor. Since div j s 0 must be fulfilled, macroscopic changes in the current distribution and therefore in the flux penetration have to occur around the cavity. They showed the appearance of discontinuity lines, where the current is sharply bending, and which are visible as dark or bright lines in the flux density distribution. Whereas Campbell and Evetts regarded a long superconducting cylinder with external field and the Fig. 8. Flux penetration, current stream lines and current density for a square of thickness of 300 nm and width of 2 mm in an external field of 48 mT. 226 Ch. Jooss et al.r Physica C 299 (1998) 215–230 shape of the current stream lines in the entire superconductor. Let us first consider defects in square-shaped thin films. Fig. 8 shows the magnetic flux distribution of a square as a greyscale plot. The square has a size of 2 mm = 2 mm and a thickness of 300 nm. The applied external field is 48 mT after ZFC. In the same figure, the calculated current stream lines are superimposed. Several macroscopic defects at the top and left border and the corresponding discontinuity lines are clearly visible. For a quantitative analysis, we confine the following discussion to the defect placed at the left border of the sample. Fig. 9a shows the superposition of the flux density distribution and the current stream lines at this defect in more detail. Both components of the current density j x Žparallel to the edge. and j y Žperpendicular to the edge. are plotted as a greyscale image in Fig. 9b,c, respectively. The image section represents an area of 324 = 324 m m2 . An external field of Bex s 48 mT is applied starting from the ZFC-state. The flux density distribution displays strong deviations in comparison with the flux penetration into a homogeneous square. Two dark lines in the flux density in Fig. 9a mark the positions of the bending of the current. Whereas the penetration depth of the flux-front is significantly enhanced in the area between the two parabolic branches of the discontinuity lines, the magnetic flux density exhibits a strong peak at the location of the defect at the lower image border in Fig. 9a. The current stream lines in the flux free region in the top of this images change from a shielding current outside to a critical current inside the area of larger flux penetration. In the greyscale image of j x flowing parallel to the square border ŽFig. 9b., the defect size and the shape of the j x-suppression is clearly visible in the current density profile. The macroscopic defect has a size between 30 m m Žhalf depth of the j x-minimum. and 50 m m Žonset of j x-suppression., and the j x is decreased from 1.4 = 10 11Arm2 to 3 = 10 10Arm2 . The dark Fig. 9. Ža. Small section of the square of Fig. 8 with a width of 324 m m. Shown are the B z distribution and the current stream lines near a macroscopic defect. Moreover, the j x component parallel to the film edge Žb. and the perpendicular component j y Žc. are visible as greyscale images. Ch. Jooss et al.r Physica C 299 (1998) 215–230 Fig. 10. Sketch of the current stream lines near a cylindrical shaped cavity Žblack circle. in a superconducting strip or square for jc s const. The lowest thick line represents the sample-border and the parabola is the discontinuity line. discontinuity lines in Bz are characterized by a local minimum in j x and are related to the positive and negative maxima in the j y component of the current density, visible in Fig. 9c. These maxima mark the positions of sharpest change in the direction of current flow. On the central line x s 0 crossing trough the defect, j y is zero. Fig. 10 presents a schematic drawing of the current stream lines of a cylindrical defect near an edge of a superconducting stripe or in a square far away from the diagonal discontinuity lines. Here, we assume a spatially constant critical current density; hence, we regard an area of the sample where the flux has fully penetrated and the field dependence of jc is neglected. The parabola of the discontinuity lines is described by r s R defrŽ1 y sin Ž f .. w38x, where r and f are the polar coordinates and R def denotes the radius of the cavity located at the origin. In Cartesian coordinates one has ys 1 2 R def x2y R def 2 . Ž 20 . Thus, it is possible to determine the defect size from the shape of the parabola assuming a cylindrical defect shape, jc s 0 inside the defect, and jc Ž B . s const all over the sample. Since one uses the parabola near the defect for determining the defect-radius, one obtains R def s 17.7 m m; therefore, a defect size 2 R def s 35 m m. Applying Eq. Ž20. for the parabola far away from the defect, one gets 2 R def s 50 m m. Both values are in good agreement with the size determined via the j x profile. The additional widening of the parabola with increasing distance from the defect is due to the local field dependence of jc , which is not taken into account in Eq. Ž20.. 227 However, we would like to point out that this geometrical derivation of the defect size is only valid if the above-mentioned assumptions are fulfilled. On the contrary, the determination of the defect size via current profiles is a general method that makes no assumptions. Additionally, it allows us to determine quantitatively the current distribution inside the defect. The local jc and the defect size can be determined for any defect geometry, and no assumption for jc Ž B loc . is necessary. 5.2. Disk In order to study the effect of the macroscopic geometry of the superconductor on the current modification by a macroscopic defect, we consider now the disk geometry. Fig. 11a shows the flux density distribution of a section of the disk visible in Fig. 2. The section containing a macroscopic defect has a size of 453 = 453 m m2 . The external field is Bex s 176 mT applied to the ZFC-state. The current stream lines are superimposed to the greyscale plot of Bz . The shape of the dark discontinuity lines in Bz extending from the defect towards the disk center is strongly different from the shape in a square. Even the lines start to run at the defect location as an approximate parabola, towards the disk center, they change their shape into almost straight lines; afterwards, the two branches approach and meet each other near the disk center. In addition there are further discontinuity lines, which are related to other macroscopic defects and force a strongly inhomogeneous flux front near the disk center. The macroscopic defect suppresses jf from about 1.9 = 10 11 to 0.3 =10 11 Arm2 . The size can be determined from the jf-profile in Fig. 12b and is between 49 m m Žhalf-depth of the jf-minimum. and 88 m m Žonset of the jf-suppression.. The jf -component exhibits a local minimum along the discontinuity lines, while the jr component of the critical current, which is visible as a greyscale image in Fig. 11c, exhibits local positive maxima and negative minima. In Fig. 12, the current stream lines are sketched for a disk containing a cylindrical cavity with jc Ž B . s const ŽBean model. all over the sample. From the 228 Ch. Jooss et al.r Physica C 299 (1998) 215–230 conditions of equidistance of the stream lines Ž jc s const. and div j s 0, one can construct geometrically the shape of the discontinuity line. In polar coordinates, the discontinuity line is given by 2 2 RR 0 cos Ž f y f 0 . y R 2 y R 02 q R def r Ž f . sRy . 2 R 0 cos Ž f y f 0 . y 2 R y 2 R def Ž 21 . The position of the center of the cylindrical cavity with radius R def is characterized by the radius R 0 to the disk center and the angle f 0 . The radius of the disk is R. Note that the shape of the closed discontinuity line, given by Eq. Ž21., depends also strongly on the radial position of the macroscopic defect R 0 and not only on the defect radius R def , and the geometrical relation between the defect size and the shape of the discontinuity line is much more complex than in a square. Let us now compare the result of this Bean-like model with the experimental observation. In contrast to the model depicted in Fig. 12, the current stream lines near the defect in Fig. 11a are bending as well towards the disk center as towards the disk border. This is visible in the positive curvature of the current stream line below the macroscopic defect. This is also visible in the additional .jr-structure in the area Aqs R 0 q R def - r - R, f f f 0 4 between the defect and the disk border. Inside Aq the radial component of the current density has an inverse sign in comparison to the "jr structure in the area Ays 0 - r - R 0 y R def , f f f 0 4 between the macroscopic defect and the disk center, which is related to the discontinuity lines. Within the Bean model Ž jc Ž B . s const., the current stream lines cannot bend towards the disk border inside Aq and one has only a "jr-structure inside Ay. According to Ampere’s law Bz s Hrjr d f ` this " jr-structure is related to the positive peak in the flux density distribution at the macroscopic defect. However, there is an additional dark spot in the flux density in Fig. 11a at the defect location corresponding to a local minimum in Bz . Fig. 11. Ža. Greyscale image of the flux density distribution together with the current stream lines near a macroscopic defect in the disk. Shown is a section of the disk of 453=453 m m2 at Bex s176 mT. Also plotted are the two current density components Žb. jf and Žc. jr for the same section of the sample. Ch. Jooss et al.r Physica C 299 (1998) 215–230 229 A basic requirement for this effect is that the macroscopic defect is located sufficiently far away from the sample border. This ensures a large field gradient between the defect and the border, and a significant jc Ž Bz . can turn up in this area. 6. Conclusions Fig. 12. Sketch of the current stream lines in a superconducting disk with jc s const, containing a cylindrical shaped cavity Žblack circle.. The thicker line of approximately elliptical shape represents the discontinuity line of the currents. We suggest that this characteristic difference to the Bean-like model is a result of the strong localfield dependence of jc . Note that the local minimum in Bz is related to a maximum in the angular current density jf , visible as a bright spot near the defect in Fig. 11b. This maximum of jf has the same magnitude as the current density at the flux front Ž Bz s 0. near the disk center. Further, we consider now the modifications to the Bean-like model due to a local-field dependent jc : Within the Bean-model Ž jc s const., the flux density at a position r 1 s Ž R 0 q R def q e , f 0 . directly near the macroscopic defect is lower than the flux density at a position r 2 s Ž R 0 q R def q e , f 4 f 0 . at the same radius but far away from the defect. The parameter e is small comparing to the defect radius R def . If we start our discussion with this initial stage, which is approximately realized for small external fields and now allow a local field-dependence of jc , the current density is inevitably larger near the defect at r 1 than far away at r 2 . Consequently, the current is slightly bending towards the disk border. The related inverse .jr-structure is then generating a local minimum in Bz . This effect is self-amplifying during the flux penetration with increasing Hex , since the local-field dependence of jc is increasing with larger flux density gradients and jf Ž Bz . in the area Aq should be maximized. The presented exact and very fast inversion scheme gives new insight into the details of flux penetration and related local critical current density in type-II superconductors with strong pinning. The local current density in the film plane are directly imaged with high resolution of 6 m m and an accuracy of 20% up to 5% depending on the case. The local critical current density varies inside the specimen due to geometry-, defect- and field-dependence of jc . Therefore, the average jc determined from magnetization measurements usually underestimates the true local jc flowing in the sample. We proved that at low external fields F 200 mT, the critical current density depends on the local field. This local field dependence for small fields is much stronger than the usually determined external field dependence of the average jc determined by magnetometer. This deviation is due to the large field gradients in the superconductor with partly penetrated flux. We quantitatively imaged the local currents near macroscopic defects. Due to the nonlocal field–current relationship, this requires a method that images the current of the sample as a whole, and enables a high resolution at the same time. The influence of macroscopic defects on the current density in the YBaCuO thin films is shown in detail, depending on sample geometry and jc Ž Bloc .. For the disk, we found significant deviations from the predictions of a Bean-like critical state model. The fast inversion of measured magnetic field-data allows a detailed quality analysis of the homogeneity of a superconducting film and a characterization of the size and the jc-suppressions of the macroscopic defects. The results show that critical current densities determined by global measurement methods like magnetization or transport current measurements must be interpreted very carefully if little is known about the defects in the superconducting material. 230 Ch. Jooss et al.r Physica C 299 (1998) 215–230 Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank T. Dragon for the evaporation of the magneto-optical layers, H.-U. Habermeier and B. Leibold from Technology-Group of the Max-Planck-Institut fur ¨ Festkorperforschung ¨ for the fabrication and chemical etching of several YBaCuO thin films, and E.H. Brandt for intensive discussion and helpful advice on the problems of inversion of Biot–Savart’s law. References w1x H. Darhmaoui, J. Jung, J. Talvacchio, M.A.-K. Mohamed, L. Friedrich, Phys. Rev. B 53 Ž1996. 12330. w2x H. Niculescu, A. Saenz, M. Khankhasayev, P.J. Gielisse, Physica C 261 Ž1996. 12. w3x H.-U. Habermeier, H. Kronmuller, Appl. Phys. 12 Ž1977. ¨ 297. w4x A. Forkl, T. Dragon, H. 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