Notur Application Form Username: Application id:

Notur Application Form
Application id:
Project title:
Advanced Modelling of Atmospheric Chemistry, Radiation and Circulation
Application last saved: 2011-02-20 19:25:55
Summary page
Please go back and complete the form by filling out the fields marked with red text, on their
corresponding pages, using the left-hand menu.
Page 1: Personalia, project leader
1. Account responsible*:
Bjørn H. Samset
2. Job title/position:
Senior Research Fellow
3. E-mail address*:
4. Phone no*:
5. Cell-phone number
6. Institution*:
7. Faculty (if any):
8. Department (if any):
9. Street address*:
P.b. 1129 Blindern
10. Post code*:
11. Post office/City*:
12. Country*:
13. You have indicated that you hold a permanent position at your institution.
Page 2: Project details and funding
1. Title for this application*:
Advanced Modelling of
Atmospheric Chemistry,
Radiation and Circulation
1a. Notur Account number:
1b. Project acronym:
1c. Project summary (This summary can be used for dissemination purposes. No more than 250
words. The summary should be understandable to a wide audience, including researchers and
engineers, users of the national infrastructure, university management, funding angencies - e.g.,
research council, etc. The summary should include objectives, a description of the problem and its
scientific and/or socio-economic relevance, the main scientific methods and algorithms used, the
challenges in particular with respect to computation and data management, and expected
How does the atmosphere react to changes in composition, e.g. emissions of climate gases and
aerosols? Studying this requires uniting geophysics, physics and chemistry through heavy
computer models, which must have both high resolution and level of detail. This project performs
state-of-the-art modelling of the atmosphere, from emissions through chemical interactions, to
radiation balance and global atmospheric circulation.
2. Field(s) of science*:
3. If other field of science, please specify:
4. For projects funded by the Research Council of Norway,
specify the name of the programme(s):
5. If the Research Council of Norway programme is not listed
SLAC (newly fundes SIS)
here, please specify:
6. If the project is financed by the Research Council of Norway
or by the Ministry of Education and Research (KD), specify the
title and contract number of the project:
7. The project is (fully or in part) funded by your institution:
No / Not entered
8. In case the project is supported from other sources (e.g., EU, industry, ...), please provide
Additional funding through EU and NORFORSK programmes.
9. Select the allocation periods for which you wish to apply*:
2011.1 (2011-04-01 - 2011-09-30)
Page 3: Software details
1. User developed software*:
OsloCTM2, disort
2. Public domain software*:
3. Software obtained from collaborative partners*:
4. Library software*:
5. Commercial software*:
ifort, pgf
6. Other software on which your application software depends and that must be
available/preinstalled on the system(s), e.g. system libraries, numerical libraries, performance
libraries and so on. Examples are BLAS, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, FFTW, PetSC, Perl, Python,
Java, ...*:
python, netcdf
Page 4: Project hardware properties
1. Largest number of cores for a single job*
2. Memory per processor core*
3. I/O intensive*
4. Expected total need for storage of home directories
5. Expected total need for tape storage
6. Processor core hours requested on resource (click resource name for details)*:
Resource / Period 2010.2 2011.1 2011.2 2012.1 2012.2
7. Please motivate the amount of hours requested for each system under question 6. Applications
for a large amount of hours are strongly encouraged to provide a justification. Here, one can for
example consider the expected number of jobs and individual job sizes, project history, etc.
Applications that do not provide a justification are more likely to be rejected or reduced in size.
List the resources that can also be used, but for which no hours are requested. (This question can
be left empty if the project is in a start-up phase or intended for testing purposes only.):
The project has three subcategories with varying needs: - Chemical modelling with OsloCTM2.
Each full yearly simulation requires ~1k CPUh on titan, and each modeller will need to run up to
50 simulations through the period. Hence, for five modellers, we need OsloCTM2: 250k CPUh Radiative transfer calculations with disort. Again a full year requires approx 1kCPUh per study,
and we estimate the need for ten individual studies. Hence: Disort: 100k CPUh - CESM1.0
running: The CESM is a global circulation model, running with high spatial and temporal
resolution. It requires 500 CPUh per simulated year, and we need to run 10 cases for 50 years, and
three cases for 100 years. The total becomes CESM1.0: 400k CPUh Total need: 750k CPUh (All
numbers are from test runs on titan, amd processors only.)
8. Describe the need for your project to apply for allocations on the Notur compute resources*:
The computing resources available at CICERO and MetOS are sufficient for the analysis of the
output of major simulations, but not for the simulations themselves. To be able to fulfull our
obligations to NFR, EU and other financers, we are dependent on time allocations on Notur
9. Each new user obtains a home directory of default size on the
HPC systems. In case the default size is insufficient, the user
must submit a request for increased area to the system
administration of the HPC system in question with sufficient
4 TB
justification. The project can apply for project area on one or
more HPC systems. This area is shared by all users connected to
the project.
Please provide sufficient explanation for the requested project area and its size. Also specify on
which system(s) you need this project area. Note that storage capacity on the NorStore resources
must be requested separately*:
CICERO and MetOS(UiO) have private disks for long term storage, but for project running some
disk space beyond the user accounts will be necesseary.
Page 5: Additional project properties
1. Describe the feasibility of using the requested resource(s). Include a description of the
characteristics of the software and simulations that may limit the choice of the systems that can be
used (e.g., memory, disk, I/O requirements, and 3rd party software). E.g., why is a shared-memory
platform needed and not a distributed-memory cluster? Please state the risk of not being able to
use an allocation. Also state the reasons for not having used previous allocations, if any:
The project members have previously been running the same software under project nr. nn4701k,
which has been over-used. We fully expect to be able to use the total allocation. The applications
are only moderately demanding in terms of I/O and memory, and most commonly run on either 8
or 64 cores via OpenMPI.
2. In case the applicant also has local quota on the facility at his/her home institution for this
project, the corresponding project account number and project title must be provided:
3. Detail the expected measurable output in number of publications and students (master and
PhD) in the requested period. For new applications, less emphasis will be put on this question.*:
Based on previous experience, the AMACRaC collaborators publish approx. five papers in peerreviewed journals per six months, based on simulations like the ones planned here. In addition
there is an active science outreach activity based on the results. Several PhD students are currently
involved in the project.
Page 6: Files
1. Project description*:
2. CV:
3. Other file:
Must be submitted for large
Page 7: Extra information required for large applications
1. Describe the experience of using the HPC resources by the applicant and the users connected
to the application
The main applicant and several project members are highly experienced HPC users, both on titan
and other computing facilites (e.g. CERN). All software is already running on titan, set up for
parallell running either by the project members, by the original developers, or previously by Hans
2. Describe the efficiency of the software in terms of sustained single-processor single-core
performance, or scalability in case the project envisages to run parallel simulations with many
cores. A detailed description can be uploaded on "Page 6", but please provide a summary here:
All software runs in parallel via OpenMPI. Two of the three activities usually run on 8 cores on a
single node, while the GCM part normally runs on 64 cores over several nodes.
3. Suggest 3-4 referees to review this application. The referees must have competence with HPC
within this application area. Referees should not have recent or ongoing collaborations with any
members of the research group or any other possible conflicts of interest (Name, title, affiliation,
and email address are required):
4. The duration of a LARGE project can span 1, 2, or 4 allocation periods (6, 12 or 24 months).
In case processor core hours are requested for several allocation periods, specify below how the
requested processor core hours are divided over these allocation periods:
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corresponding pages, using the left-hand menu.