Chabot College Student Characteristics Learning Connection Students vs. Non-Learning Connection Students Fall 2013 Total Students Learning Non-Learning Connection Connection Number Pct Number Pct 1,519 100% 11,993 100% Gender Female Male Other/Unknown Number 871 626 22 Pct Number 57% 6,246 41% 5,619 1% 128 Pct 52% 47% 1% Race-ethnicity African-American Asian Filipino Latino Native American Pacific Islander White Other/Unknown Number 276 308 116 474 4 41 204 96 Pct Number 18% 1,597 20% 1,803 8% 997 31% 4,073 <1% 53 3% 271 13% 2,389 6% 810 Pct 13% 15% 8% 34% <1% 2% 20% 7% Age 19 or younger 20-21 22-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 50 or older Number 420 369 247 201 151 71 60 Pct Number 28% 3,042 24% 2,139 16% 2,052 13% 1,721 10% 1,657 5% 735 4% 647 Pct 25% 18% 17% 14% 14% 6% 5% Student Type Full-time 12 or more units Part-time 6 to 11.5 units .5 to 5.5 units Non-Credit units Number Pct Number Pct 900 59% 3,505 29% 502 117 - 33% 8% 0% 4,434 4,054 - 37% 34% <1% Pct Number 77% 10,355 16% 1,082 1% 54 6% 502 Pct 86% 9% <1% 4% Number Citizenship U.S. Citizen 1,171 Permanent Resident 242 Student Visa 15 Other 91 Enrollment Status First time any college First time transfer Returning transfer Returning Continuing In High School Learning Non-Learning Connection Connection Number Pct Number Pct 229 15% 2,030 17% 105 7% 1,045 9% 111 7% 1,433 12% 2 <1% 33 <1% 1,064 70% 7,363 61% 8 1% 89 1% Student Ed Level In High School Freshman (< 30 units) Sophomore (30-59 u.) Other undergraduate AA/AS degree BA/BS or higher deg. Number 31 742 366 277 48 55 Pct Number 2% 273 49% 6,667 24% 2,170 18% 1,540 3% 519 4% 824 Pct 2% 56% 18% 13% 4% 7% Number Enrollment Pattern Day only 858 Both Day and Eve/Sat 602 Evening or Eve/Sat 56 Saturday only Unknown Independently Scheduled 3 Pct Number 56% 5,379 40% 2,782 4% 2,454 0% 139 3 <1% 1,236 Pct 45% 23% 20% 1% <1% 10% Pct Pct Educational Goal Transfer (with/without AA/AS) AA/AS only (not transfer) Occupational certificate or job training Personal development (intellectual/cultural, (basic skills, GED) Other or Undecided Unknown Number Number 977 64% 6,493 54% 122 8% 1,231 10% 107 7% 1,520 13% 62 241 10 4% 16% 1% 647 2,058 44 5% 17% <1% Note: Learning Connection students were those who visited the Communication Studies Labr, Math Lab, PATH Center, WRAC Center, and/or World Language Lab. Source: Institutional Research Dataset, Fall Census: final count Chabot College Office of Institutional Research Updated: 6/18/2014