Chabot College Fall 2015 Student Satisfaction Survey: All Students Chabot College Student Satisfaction Survey: Student Sample October 2015 Percentage Distribution of All Survey Items Based on a sample of 1,667 student course enrollments Percentage who were Satisfaction with Overall Experiences at Chabot Overall experience at Chabot College Overall experience with instructors Overall experience with other college staff Progress towards my educational goal Preparation for transfer to four-year college or university Preparation for obtaining employment in my field of study 83% 81% 65% 70% 55% 43% Satisfaction with College Facilities Classroom (lecture or group work) Science Labs: Bldg. 2100 (Biology, Anatomy, Physio, Micro) Science Labs: Bldgs. 3900/1800 (Chemistry, Physics, Computer Sci) Technology labs (Auto, Electronics, Machine Tool, Welding) Computer labs in library and departments Availability/working order of equipment in all labs Art/music/theatre/drama studios and performance areas Physical Education and Athletes Facilities Bldg. 100 downstairs (lobby, tutoring, study rooms, etc.) Bldg. 700 downstairs (A&R, Fin Aid, Online Servs, Assesment) Bldg. 700 upstairs (Counseling, Career/Trnsfr Ctr, Special Progs) Library Cafeteria Parking Facilities Maintenance/cleanliness of building and grounds 2/1/16 Satisfied or Very Satisfied Satisfied or Very Satisfied 77% 59% 62% Not available this year 74% 69% 73% 73% 74% 70% 80% 54% 46% 69% Responses to each question Percentage of those responding Margin of Error Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Dissatisfied Nor Satisfied 1% 1% 1% 1% 3% 5% 3% 3% 5% 7% 11% 10% 14% 16% 29% 22% 32% 42% Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Dissatisfied Nor Satisfied 1% 2% 1% 4% 7% 4% 18% 32% 32% 58% 43% 44% 19% 16% 19% 1,559 825 820 94% 49% 49% 3% 4% 4% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 1% 6% 11% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 4% 5% 3% 14% 18% 8% 22% 27% 23% 24% 20% 22% 16% 26% 25% 19% 52% 48% 46% 48% 49% 47% 50% 40% 35% 50% 23% 21% 27% 25% 25% 23% 30% 15% 11% 19% 1,271 940 1,002 1,175 1,401 1,410 1,519 1,461 1,496 1,615 76% 56% 60% 70% 84% 85% 91% 88% 90% 97% 3% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% Chabot College Office of Institutional Research Satisfied 61% 55% 49% 50% 41% 31% Satisfied Pct. of Very Number 1,667 Satisfied 22% 26% 16% 20% 14% 12% 1,661 100% 1,657 99% 1,554 93% 1,629 98% 1,420 85% 1,421 85% Pct. of Very Number 1,667 Satisfied Page 1 2% 2% 3% 3% 3% 3% Margin of Error Chabot College Fall 2015 Student Satisfaction Survey: All Students Percentage who Campus climate Agree or Strongly Agree I feel welcome at Chabot. I am treated with respect by instructors, administrators, and other staff. At Chabot, there is general respect for differences in: race-ethnicity gender physical disability transgender/queer identities age sexual orientation native language religion Overall, I feel safe at Chabot. At Chabot, there is a college-wide commitment to student learning. I would encourage others to attend this college. 76% 87% 87% 87% 86% 76% 85% 80% 81% 78% 78% 72% 75% Strongly Disagree 1% 1% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% 1% 2% Percentage who Diversity Agree or Strongly Agree Chabot College promotes positive interactions among different ethnic/cultural groups. My classes teach me to work w/ people from diverse groups (cultures, sexualities, ages). Campus activities increase my understanding of people of diverse groups. The cultural background and ethnicity of instructors makes a difference for my success. I value making friends with students of other cultural or ethnic groups. 2/1/16 72% 74% 57% 52% 77% Responses to each question Percentage of those responding Disagree 3% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 2% 1% 2% 3% 3% 4% 3% Neither Disagree Nor Agree Agree 20% 10% 11% 11% 12% 22% 13% 18% 17% 18% 17% 23% 20% 56% 61% 59% 60% 57% 53% 58% 55% 55% 54% 57% 54% 51% Pct. of Strongly Agree Number 1,667 19% 26% 28% 27% 29% 24% 27% 25% 25% 24% 22% 18% 24% 1% 1% 1% 3% 1% Chabot College Office of Institutional Research Disagree 2% 3% 5% 9% 1% Neither Disagree Nor Agree 25% 22% 37% 36% 21% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 98% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 3% 2% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% Responses to each question Percentage of those responding Strongly Disagree 1,661 1,644 1,642 1,644 1,642 1,637 1,647 1,645 1,650 1,645 1,658 1,652 1,657 Margin of Error Agree 53% 52% 43% 38% 50% Pct. of Strongly Agree Number 1,667 19% 21% 14% 14% 27% 1,647 1,641 1,634 1,642 1,642 99% 98% 98% 99% 99% Page 2 Margin of Error 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% Chabot College Fall 2015 Student Satisfaction Survey: All Students Experience and Satisfaction with Student Services* Percent who USED service Of those who USED it: Responses to each question Percentage of those responding who: Heard of, but Satisfied or Never Heard Never Used Very Satisfied of Service Used Of those who USED service: Not Satisfied Satisfied Pct. of Very Satisfied Number 1,667 Margin of Error Admissions and Records Office 80% 88% 3% 18% 12% 72% 16% 1,641 98% 2% Online Orientation 74% 86% 6% 20% 14% 72% 14% 1,637 98% 3% Assessment Testing Center 76% 89% 5% 19% 11% 73% 16% 1,630 98% 2% Counseling Appointments 73% 69% 2% 24% 31% 52% 17% 1,638 98% 3% Front Desk Counseling (quick question) 69% 82% 5% 26% 18% 63% 19% 1,629 98% 3% Financial Aid Office 68% 79% 2% 30% 21% 60% 19% 1,628 98% 3% Student Online Services in Bldg. 700 54% 92% 11% 35% 8% 71% 22% 1,627 98% 2% Career and Transfer Center 33% 83% 12% 55% 17% 64% 19% 1,632 98% 4% Office of Student Life (Clubs, Activities, Events) 28% 85% 20% 52% 15% 67% 19% 1,640 98% 4% Student Government (Student Senate of Chabot College) 21% 79% 23% 55% 21% 60% 18% 1,638 98% 6% Student Health Center 29% 87% 14% 57% 13% 63% 25% 1,636 98% 4% Library 86% 93% 1% 13% 7% 63% 30% 1,635 98% 2% Tutoring in Bldg 100 (Learning Connection, WRAC, ESL) 34% 90% 12% 54% 10% 64% 26% 1,632 98% 3% Tutoring in Room 3906 (Math, STEM) 33% 87% 16% 52% 13% 60% 27% 1,636 98% 4% Communication Lab in Rm 803 24% 87% 31% 45% 13% 63% 25% 1,633 98% 4% Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) 18% 89% 27% 54% 11% 58% 31% 1,638 98% 5% Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) 18% 85% 31% 51% 15% 54% 31% 1,639 98% 5% PACE Degree amd Transfer Program for Working Adults 13% 84% 37% 49% 16% 63% 21% 1,635 98% 6% Veteran's Office 13% 86% 40% 47% 14% 57% 29% 1,640 98% 6% Children's Center 14% 84% 29% 58% 16% 60% 24% 1,638 98% 6% Intercollegiate Athletics 20% 89% 33% 46% 11% 62% 26% 1,626 98% 5% College Bookstore 89% 84% 2% 9% 16% 62% 22% 1,629 98% 2% Food Services 72% 70% 6% 22% 30% 58% 12% 1,637 98% 3% Campus Safety and Security 74% 85% 4% 22% 15% 68% 17% 1,637 98% 3% Wireless access on campus 85% 55% 5% 10% 45% 42% 13% 1,643 99% 3% * Satisfaction with student services may not necessarily reflect satisfaction with the staff or the service, but with the overall process. For instance, in the case of Counseling, this includes contacting the front desk, making an appointment, trying to get in for drop-in counseling, and attending the actual counseling appointment under conditions of counselor shortages. 2/1/16 Chabot College Office of Institutional Research Page 3 Chabot College Fall 2015 Student Satisfaction Survey: All Students Percentage who responded Engagement in Learning Averaging all your classes over all your semesters at Chabot, how often have you done the following activities? Percentage of those responding Responses to each question Pct. of Margin of Very Often Number 1,667 Error Often or Very Often Never Sometimes Often 83% 83% 80% 73% 68% 57% 1% 1% 2% 8% 11% 22% 16% 16% 17% 19% 21% 21% 45% 47% 44% 40% 37% 32% 38% 36% 37% 33% 31% 26% Never Sometimes Often Very Often 61% 5% 34% 35% 62% 74% 54% 7% 2% 17% 32% 23% 29% 35% 44% 31% Never Sometimes Often Very Often 46% 29% 54% 64% 35% 16% 15% 38% 12% 9% 25% 67% 39% 33% 34% 27% 40% 16% 29% 19% 33% 35% 23% 10% 17% 10% 21% 29% 12% 6% On campus I have: • tutored or taught other students (paid or voluntary)... 11% • participated in campus clubs, student government, or intercollegiate sports... 17% • had serious conversations with students of different religious beliefs or political opinions... 14% Never Sometimes Often Very Often 77% 73% 66% 12% 11% 20% 6% 9% 8% 5% 8% 6% In my classes my instructors have: • made me feel respected... • made me feel included in the class... • encouraged me to participate in class… • communicated to me that I have the ability to do the work… • communicated to me that I can succeed in college... • communicated to me that I belong at this college... In my classes I have: • asked questions... • participated in large class discussions... • participated in small in-class discussions or projects... • made a presentation to the class... Outside of class time I have: • discussed class topics or assignments with other students from my classes... • met as a study group with other students from my classes... • talked about class topics with family, friends, and others... • used Email, Blackboard or other electronic means to communicate w/ an instructor • met with my instructor to discuss assignments or my progress... • volunteered in a community organization as part of a regular course... 2/1/16 Chabot College Office of Institutional Research 1,632 1,632 1,632 1,629 1,619 1,624 98% 98% 98% 98% 97% 97% 2% 2% 3% 3% 3% 3% 26% 1,632 98% 3% 26% 30% 23% 1,626 1,628 1,622 98% 98% 97% 3% 3% 3% 1,624 1,621 1,622 1,617 1,620 1,617 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 1,606 1,606 1,607 96% 96% 96% 2% 2% 2% Page 4 Chabot College Fall 2015 Student Satisfaction Survey: All Students College-wide Learning Goals As a result of being at Chabot, how much progress have you made in the following areas? Percentage who responded Responses to each question Percentage of those responding Pct. of Margin of Error Some or A lot None A little Some A lot Number 1,667 Communication: • Reading effectively.. • Writing effectively.. • Speaking effectively.. • Communicating with respect for the views of others.. • Using computer technology to communicate.. 79% 81% 79% 84% 73% 6% 4% 6% 4% 10% 15% 14% 15% 12% 17% 47% 44% 44% 38% 37% 32% 37% 35% 45% 36% Critical Thinking: • Recognizing valid research information on the Internet • Critical thinking (evaluating, analyzing, questioning).. • Problem-solving (applying knowledge to new situations).. • Mathematical skills.. • Thinking for myself.. None A little Some A lot 78% 82% 81% 71% 84% 6% 4% 4% 12% 4% 16% 15% 15% 18% 12% 39% 40% 41% 39% 34% 39% 42% 40% 32% 50% Global and Cultural Involvement & Responsibility: • Understanding diverse philosophies, cultures, and ways of life.. • Becoming informed about current issues affecting the US and the world.. • Ability to make a positive contribution to my community.. • Developing a personal code of values and ethics.. None A little Some A lot 72% 69% 64% 70% 9% 10% 13% 11% 19% 21% 23% 19% 41% 38% 38% 38% 32% 32% 26% 32% Development of the whole person: • Balancing the health of my mind, body, and spirit.. • Discovering my own potential.. • Developing my creative abilities.. • Developing clear educational or career goals.. • Developing a love of learning.. None A little Some A lot 68% 75% 72% 74% 72% 12% 8% 10% 8% 10% 20% 17% 19% 17% 18% 37% 38% 36% 36% 35% 32% 38% 36% 38% 37% 2/1/16 Chabot College Office of Institutional Research 1,453 1,483 1,468 1,468 1,445 87% 89% 88% 88% 87% 3% 3% 3% 2% 3% 1,474 1,507 1,506 1,427 1,492 88% 90% 90% 86% 90% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 1,420 1,431 1,409 1,390 85% 86% 85% 83% 3% 3% 3% 3% 1,482 1,523 1,500 1,523 1,512 89% 91% 90% 91% 91% 0% 3% 3% 3% 3% Page 5 Chabot College Fall 2015 Student Satisfaction Survey: All Students Use of Library Resources I have used the library to: Percentage of all students Use & Satisfaction with Library Resources: Percent Satisfied or Very Satis Percentage of those responding Not Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Percentage of all students reporting on satisfaction: Study Do research Use Chabot Library Website Check out a laptop 73% 52% 32% 5% Library hours Chabot Library website Hard copy books & DVDs Study space Research help by librarians Library computer lab 78% 61% 43% 73% 51% 66% 89% 92% 86% 91% 88% 94% 11% 8% 14% 9% 12% 6% 66% 72% 71% 64% 65% 64% 24% 20% 16% 27% 23% 30% Computers To complete Chabot class assignments, I use: Percent Sometimes or Always My own computer/phone Friend/relative's computer/phone Chabot College's computers 97% 33% 74% Percentage of those responding Never 3% 67% 26% Sometimes 27% 29% 62% Always 70% 4% 12% Waitlists Pct on one or more waitlist/ got into class Waitlist Status Waitlists I was on this semester Classes I got into from a waitlist Financial Hardships This semester, I'm having a hard time paying for: Transportation Housing Books Food Students with these numbers of financial hardships: One Two Three Four At least one financial hardship 2/1/16 52% 51% Percentage of those responding Number of waitlists/classes 0 1 2 3+ 48% 24% 17% 11% 49% 28% 15% 8% Effects of Financial Hardships on Success Percentage of all students 26% 19% 58% 18% Pct success affected some or a lot Financial Hardships Of students with at least one hardship: 84% How much success is affected Not at all Some A lot 16% 58% 26% 24% 10% 4% 3% 58% 68% 47% 38% 18% 22% 49% 60% Of students with each number of financial hardships: 41% 19% 9% 6% 74% Chabot College Office of Institutional Research One Two Three Four 76% 90% 96% 97% Page 6