Unix/Linux Networking File transfer commands: ftp rcp nfs mail uucp Remote Login commands: (not secure!) telnet rlogin rexec Remote access commands: rsh remsh nfs web ping ftp commands: ftp hostname -orftp open ? help ? command open user dir ls cd lcd mkdir pwd prompt get mget put mput (send) del quit close Considerations: anonymous ftp, localroot restrictions /etc/chroot /etc/ftpusers ( root / tty's ) /etc/securettys The standard networking protocol used by Unix/Linux is TCP/IP Two methods for resolving hostnames; /etc/hosts : DNS : See: each machine has its own list of hosts and addresses Host database kept on centralized servers /etc/resolv.conf Some useful commands: ping nslookup (works with DNS) traceroute ifconfig hostname Some important network configuration files: /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs /etc/sysconfig/network /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (Linux) (Linux) (Linux) Network file systems. (NFS) Similar to directory shares Windows Basic difference with Windows is; Windows uses drive letters, Unix/Linux use mount point To implement NFS requires a NFS Server and an NFS Client. Unix/Linux computers (like Windows computers) can act as both Simultaneously. Configure the server side: 1. Login to the host machine as root 2. Edit /etc/exports e.g. /home/mike -anon=65534,root=term1:term2:linux1 In the above example of the file /etc/exports, unknown users are assigned the user id 65534. The computers term1, term2 and linux1 are granted root user privileges. 3. Activate the exported file by executing the exportfs command. exportfs /home/mike The directory /home/mike on the host computer is now "shared" so that any computer on the network with the proper NFS client software running can mount /home/mike on their local file system. Configure the client side 1. Login the computer mpharris as root 2. Create the appropriate directory if it doesn't already exist. e.g. mkdir /mnt/nfs-home 3. Check that your computer can resolve the IP-Address for the host. e.g. ping mpharrris.DynDns.org You can mount the file system interactively so that when you reboot, the mount no longer exists, or you can configure so that the NSF file system is always available whenever the system is booted. 4. To mount interactively: mount mpharris:/home/mike /mnt/nfs-home 5. To setup for automatic mount: vi /etc/fstab Add the line; mpharris:/home/mike /mnt/nfs-home nfs 6. Execute the mount command. mount /mnt/hp-home defaults,nolock,rsize=4096,wsize=4096 0 2 To unmount the file system: umount /mnt/nfs-home Exporting a Linux file system: 1. Login as root 2. Edit the exports file vi /etc/exports e.g. /usr/local mpharris(rw,no_root_squash) 3. Stop the NFS server. /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs stop 4. Restart the NFS server. /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs start For more information: man exports man exportfs man mount man nfs man fstab man fuser Example file: /etc/exports / /projects /usr /home/joe /pub (Linux) master(rw) trusty(rw,no_root_squash) proj*.local.domain(rw) *.local.domain(ro) @trusted(rw) pc001(rw,all_squash,anonuid=150,anongid=100) (ro,insecure,all_squash