Tech Comm minutes of 3/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE MINUTES DATE OF MEETING: 3/10/2015

Tech Comm minutes of 3/10/2015
DATE OF MEETING: 3/10/2015
ROOM: 1801
Desmund Chun, Scott Hildreth, Norm Buchwald, Caren Parrish, Cristina Moon, Tim
Dave (BC co-chair), Lisa Ulibarri, Minta Winsor, Mike Seaton, Sherri Yeager, Andy
Wells, Kathleen Allen, Derek Hull-Jenkins (ASCC rep), Katherine Tollefsen, Deonne
Kunkel (chair, PRBC), and Zarir Marawala, (Chair, Tech Comm)
Meeting started with Jeannine Methe’s clarification re: the current understanding of
how technology requests are being handled. Currently, program review has been
one way of requesting new technology and Tech Comm has been another way (by
way of the New Technology Request Form). Both IT and the BC would confer with
Tech Comm on matters of purchasing new technology, software or hardware, esp.
where it is not clear whether such technology exists or a suitable alternative can be
found or if there is already such technology being used that perhaps Tech Comm can
provide some insight before another purchase is made.
A discussion of setting the right priorities for what technologies are needed within
the campus and whether we are still keeping old technology around followed.
A discussion followed on making a strategic determination of how to capture
lectures—what software is available and how/where can it be implemented.
The New Technology Request Form was meant to cover that aspect of discussion—
not just in the Program Review cycle but as the need arises. Program Review has
the overall concept but does not take into account specific details/logistics of how a
need that arises can be reasonably met when an instructor, staff or department sees
the need.
An issue of security as it pertains to purchase/use of software was brought up in the
discussion. IT representatives made it clear that IT has a complete inventory of the
security protocol to keep our online systems safe.
DSRC representative brings up a point of need for Technology at a time when
program review cycle is not ongoing. Laptops are needed to use a software already
present to assist the hearing challenged but laptops were not available and so
another cycle was to go by before the issue would be discussed. A Technology
request brought to Tech Comm would have made a laptop or two available on loan
from another department if the communication channel was available—i.e. a
request made to Tech Comm. The issue of whether the new form should be for
“New” Technology or any new technological request is now the issue. One member
suggested removing the word “NEW” from the form to make it more versatile. The
Tech Comm minutes of 3/10/2015
counter to that was that we want NEW technology to be vetted in Tech Comm—not
cause any unnecessary delays for filling needs using technology that already exists
on campus.
Deone Kunkel joined us and shared in our discussions. She pointed out that while
PRBC is trying to streamline their process she understands Tech Comm’s concerns
and that she proposed one of two possibilities: have a link in the PRBC online form
that would take the person filling the form directly to the New Technology Request
Form or have the form itself embedded entirely or in part into the PRBC packet. She
asked for an answer from Tech Comm by 4/15. A suggestion was made that we
have a discussion on this very issue by 4/9 for Deone’s feedback.
Meeting was adjourned at 1 pm.
Next meeting 3/24.
Minutes by: zm