2015-2016 Classified Senate Governing Council EXECUTIVE BOARD Noell Adams President To: From: Date: Subject: Chabot All The Chabot College Classified Senate May 16, 2016 The Linda and Robert Carlson Classified Professional of the Year Award Admissions & Records Katrin Field Vice President Assessment Craig Shira Secretary Reprographics Debra Kling Treasurer The Linda and Robert Carlson Classified Professional of the Year Award will be given out this Fall semester to honor one classified/confidential employee for outstanding job performance and service to Chabot College and its community. Language Arts Gordon Watt Past President/Advisor Computer Support ADVISOR - SEIU The award is given to an employee who has made an ongoing significant contribution to and has dedicated time and energy to the needs of the college. Susan Sperling Chabot College President Karen Metcalf Counseling SENATORS ACADEMIC SERVICES Catherine Powell School of the Arts Cheryl Sannebeck Social Sciences Rachael Tupper-Eoff Learning Connection Angela Villasana The employee must meet the following criteria in order to be eligible: The awardee is a permanent employee (full or part-time) with at least five years of experience in the District. (District classified staff who are assigned to Chabot are eligible). Once awarded the recognition, that awardee will not be eligible for a second award for a minimum of ten years. You may not nominate yourself for this award. Academic Services ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Gregory Correa Maintenance & Operations A subcommittee of the Chabot College Classified Senate will make the selection after the nomination deadline which is Thursday, June 16, 2016. Steve Lowery Campus Safety Nate Moore Campus Safety Gordon Watt The recipient will receive a $500 monetary award and a certificate of appreciation that will be presented at Fall 2016 College Day. Computer Support STUDENT SERVICES Trisha Avila Financial Aid Rozen Bondoc Veterans Services Refugio Franco If you have submitted a nomination form during these last two years (from the 2013-14 school year forward), you do not have to submit another nomination form. The selection committee will include those forms in the pool. If you would like to update your submission, it is acceptable to do that. Financial Aid Karen Metcalf Counseling REPRESENTATIVES Lisa Carlsen Learning Skills JoAnn Cerefice Applied Technology Catherine Gentiluomo Nursing Heather Hernandez Library Christine Hererra President’s Office Steve Stevenson Bookstore Yvonne Vanni Dental Hygiene Christie Verarde ECD Mentor Program Chasity Whiteside Administrative Services Thank you for your participation and support of Classified Professionals! CLASSIFIED SENATE THE 2015-2016 LINDA & ROBERT CARLSON CLASSIFIED PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR AWARD NOMINATION FORM Completed nomination forms may be placed in the Classified Senate ballot box (located at the Switchboard in Building 200) or emailed to Katrin Field (kfield@chabotcollege.edu) by Thursday, June 16, 2016. NOTE: If you have submitted a nomination form during the past two years (2013-14, 2014-2015), you do not have to submit another nomination form. The selection committee will include those nominations in the pool. If you would like to update your submission, it is acceptable to do that. Name of Nominee: Department: Nominated by: Department: Please provide responses to the following questions about the person you have nominated. You may use additional sheets if you need more space. Chabot College is an exceptional organization to work at which includes a very dedicated classified staff. Please describe this extraordinary classified member that you have nominated. Cite an example(s) of how this employee has gone “above and beyond” at Chabot and/or within the community in the last few years. Please provide an example of how the employee has contributed to the institutional development of Chabot College. Please include how has the nominee affected change at Chabot College? Provide additional information you would like the committee to know about your nominee. Thank you for taking the time to nominate a member of the Classified Staff.