An introduction to statistical methods with language data, in R Diana Santos ILOS November 2013 Overview Motivation, warning, disclaimer, terminology Some methods that can be used with corpora Some methods that can be used with questionnaires Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 2 / 48 Some quotes about use of measures, or figures Stefan Evert, 2006: Statistical methods give only numbers - it is linguistic interpretation that gives them meaning. Eugenie C. Scott, 2013 (free rendering): From hypothesis to textbook... the iterative scientific method, get data, test, find alternative explanations (critical thinking), test again, publish, have others testing, have others come with alternative explanations, get some scientific consensus, translate into textbook science to teach to students as scientific discoveries. Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 3 / 48 Some methods that can be used with corpora Using statistical artillery 1 Comparison of two proportions 2 Correlation of two properties 3 Classifying instances using a set of properties 4 Grouping several elements in sets or clusters based on a set of measures All this use measures over features, that is, some quantification (counting) and in some cases the notion of geometrical space. No magic, and one needs a solid linguistic analysis of the features used, in addition to a solid mathematical analysis of the mathemeatical presuppositions. Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 4 / 48 Statistics in linguistics and social sciences at a glance the things one counts are discrete: either yes or no, or categorical so, what we can check is the influence and interaction of factors detective work: are things related? are there other causes or things we should control? interaction (and correlation) is not causality To test these things, one computes particular numbers based on our observations. So it is important that we know what we are observing, that we can interpret what we see. Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 5 / 48 Going backwards We have a file with observations, with each feature in one column. We ask for a statistical model (and depending on the kind of observations, there are different ones), and the numbers associated to that model tell us things like some features are good to explain the variation some features have to be seen together with others how well this model allows us to foresee other cases Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 6 / 48 Operationalization: how do you really do this? First you create a “table”, or better a dataframe in R, which is a computational object that includes, for each observation/unit, a set of values, organized in columns, and obtained from your corpus (or from your field observations). R provides a lot of machinery to deal with such “tables” (of numbers or values). Both for counting (arithmetics), for visualization, and for statistical processing. The tables people usually see in papers are already the result of processing these dataframes, for example contingency tables. Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 7 / 48 What is a statistical test? (in frequentist statistics) A test has always two elements: 1 a test statistic – a function of the sample that we will compute based on our sample); 2 and a rejection region – we will reject the hypothesis if the test statistic lies in that region The p-value is the probability that the test statistic has this value if the nulll hypothesis, H0 , is true. The lower the p-value (also called the observed significance level), the more comfortable we are in rejecting the null hypothesis. Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 8 / 48 What is a statistical test? En test består alltid av to deler: 1 en teststatistikk (en funksjon av utvalget som ligger til grunn for å forkaste eller ikke forkaste en hypotese); 2 en forkastningsregion: alle verdier som forkaster hypotesen chisq.test(TABELL) Pearson’s Chi-squared test with Yates’ continuity correction data: tabell X-squared = 33.112, df = 1, p-value = 8.7e-09 P-verdien er sannsynligheten, når H0 er sann, for at teststatistikken har denne verdien eller strider enda mer mot H0 Jo mindre P-verdien er, desto mer strider dataene mot H0 Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 10 / 48 More on p-values P-values are also called observed significance levels (“observert signifikansnivå”), because they can represent the smallest value from which we reject the null hypothesis (H0 ) One can thus also define beforehand P-verdi <= α - reject H0 at the alpha level P-verdi > α - do not reject H0 at the alpha level Very important: Something can be statistically significant but not practically significant! Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 11 / 48 Exploratory data analysis (fra Cohen, 1995:46) Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 12 / 48 Men vi har bare noen tall... I Det finnes begrep for å beskrive en populasjon, og et utvalg. Sentralitet Gjennomsnitt, median, mode: når man bare kan bruke ett tall for å beskrive mange Dispersjon Varians, standardavvikk, variasjonsbredde (“range”), interkvartil-intervall, variasjonskoeffisient Forventningsretthet (bias) Måler asymetri (positiv eller negativ): kurven går mer til høyre eller til venstre? Kurtosis Måler spissing sammenliknet med normalfordelingen I statistikk prøver vi å finne de virkelige verdiene ved å måle noen observasjoner som gir oss “estimatorverdier”. Estimatorene er det vi bruker for å nå de underliggende parametrene: de virkelige tallene vi er ut etter. For å finne gode estimatorer, finnes det to metoder: momentmetoden, og MLE (maximum likelihood estimation). Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 13 / 48 Parametric statistics Parametric methods use known probability distributions, that only require that we know the values of the parameters. Families of distributions (one element for each parameter value). Distribution Binomial Poisson Gaussian t F χ2 Parameters p λ µ, σ ν - degrees of freedom ν1 , ν2 ν - degrees of freedom If we don’t know the distribution function, there are non-parametric methods. Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 14 / 48 One and two-tailed tests Pairing with a null hypothesis (where there is no effect or interaction or difference), there is always an alternative hypothesis, Ha . two-tailed, either way rejects the hypothesis one tailed: there is one direction we expect The null hypothesis has to be precise (so that we can mathematically study its distribution). Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 15 / 48 A statistician can never be sure There is a compromise between two kinds of errors, type I or type II: Tabela: Reality Decision Accept H0 Reject H0 H0 is true correct Type I error, α H0 is not true Type II error, β correct One therefore defines also the power of a statistical test, 1 − β, in addition to the α level (for the P-values, or significance values), also called significance level. Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 16 / 48 Study of passive What could one do about studying the passive in Portuguese (or another language) using corpora? Absolute frequencies? Relative? (what is the unit? Is this a meaningful proportion? Distribution – by which feature? Let us study the proportion of passives in different genres Let us study the distribution of passives for different verbs Let us study the distribution of passive for different tenses prop.test(PROPORTION1,PROPORTION2) prop.test(c(120,81), c(140,100)) Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 18 / 48 The simplest example Two books (one genuine, the other tentatively assigned to Aristotle) have the following distribution of the part of speech of the last word in the sentence, in the first 100 sentences. Assuming that this statistic (POS of the last word) is sound, what can we conclude from the table? (A: others, S: nouns, V: verbs) PoS Rhetorics R. to Aleksander S 28 27 V 32 52 A 40 21 We want to know whether the two samples come from the same population (=the books written by Aristotle). We use χ2 Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 19 / 48 The simplest example: manually, and with R Computing expected if the null hypothesis were true: PoS Rhetorics R. to Aleksander S 27.2 27.5 Computing the χ2 statistic, which is χ2 = V 42 42 A 30.5 30.5 (Oi −Ei )2 i=1 Ei PN arist<-matrix(c(28,27,32,52,40,21),ncol=3) colnames(arist)<-c("noun", "verb", "other") row.names(arist)<-c("Ret","R. to Alex") chisq.test(arist) Pearson’s Chi-squared test with Yates’ continuity correction data: arist X-squared = 10.6981, df = 2, p-value = 0.004753 Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 21 / 48 Examples of use of a t-test Differences between means: is the mean in our sample just like the known mean (12)? t.test(HEDGES, mu=12) Are F1 frequencies of men and women different? t.test(F1S~gender, paired=FALSE) t.test(F1S[gender=="M"], F1S[gender=="F"], paired=FALSE) Are the length differences in translation consistently higher? t.test(Length~OrigOrTrans, paired=TRUE) Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 23 / 48 Contingency tables (krysstabeller) This is probably the most common way to present (linguistic) data. But it is important to note that one can ask R to create the contingency tables for us, provided one has one observation per line in a dataframe. In statistics contingencies are all possible things that can happen. See R commands table, xtabs, prop.table. Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 24 / 48 Type informasjon Akkurat som vi har adjektiv, navn og verb i språk (med forskjellige egenskaper og bruksmåter), finnes det også forskjellige typer (med forskjellige operasjoner tilknyttet) i programmeringsspråk, og i statistikk finnes det forskjellige metoder for ulike typer informasjon (forskjellige skalanivåer): kategori (trenavn, kortstokk, kjønn, nasjonalitet, ...) – kategoriske variabler, også kalt nominale variabler (nominalskala) kategori som kan rangeres (mye, lite, ingenting; barn, ungdom, voksne) – ordinale variabler (rangskala eller ordinalskala) kontinuerlige (vekt, temperatur, alder, ...) – det er mulig å regne med dem aritmetisk “meningsfattige” tall (vilkårlige tall, slik temperatur er, eller noen skolekaraktere), også kalt intervallvariabler (intervallskala) meningsfulle tall, hvor null betyr noe: bare i slike tilfelle kan man dele tallene seg imellom, og snakke om dobbelt så stor (forholdskala) Det er viktig å skjønne disse forskjellene, selv om man stort sett kan representere alt med tall. Men man må tolke det med skjønn. Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 25 / 48 ANOVA and logistic regression If your explanations are discrete/categorical: ANOVA, and you get an analysis of variance table more than one level of one factor: one way ANOVA more than one factor: two/multi-way ANOVA more than one factor measured on the same subjects: repeated measures ANOVA If also what you measure is discrete/categorical, and you get an analysis of deviation table: logistic regression (or generalized linear models) there is no difference between one predictor or more than one predictor more than one factor measured on the same subjects: repeated measures ANOVA Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 26 / 48 Mixed effects models Life is never simple... often you can interpret your data in different ways. fixed effects: there are true values which are known, and influence just the mean random effects: the numbers are themselves a sample of a larger population, and influence only the variation One estimates fixed effects, but predicts random effects. Crawley (1995: 179): It is difficult without lots of experience to know when to use categorical explanatory variables as fixed effects and when as random effects. Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 27 / 48 8 8 ANOVA eksempel (1) ● ● ● ● ● 6 ● ● ● ● 2 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 4 ● ● concentração ● ● 4 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2 6 ● ● ● ● 0 ● 0 concentração ● 5 10 15 20 ordem Diana Santos (UiO) 5 10 15 20 ordem Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 28 / 48 ANOVA eksempel (1): resultat > summary(aov(ozono~jardim)) Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) jardim 1 20 20.0000 15 0.001115 ** Residuals 18 24 1.3333 Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 30 / 48 ANOVA eksempel (2) ● ● ●● ● ● 5 5 ● ● ● 10 ●●● ● ●●● ● 15 ● 4 20 ordem Diana Santos (UiO) ● ● 3 ● 1 ● 2 ● crescimento 4 ● 3 2 1 crescimento 5 ● ● ● 6 6 ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● 5 ● ● ● ● 10 ●●● ● ●●● ● 15 20 ordem Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 31 / 48 ANOVA eksempel (2): resultat > summary(aov(Growth~Photoperiod) Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) Photoperiod 3 7.12 2.375 1.462 0.255 Residuals 20 32.50 1.625 Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 33 / 48 Litt bedre forklart om Anova Repetisjon: Anova er variansanalyse når uavhengige variabler er kategoriske (med faktorer som har forskjellige nivåer). ANOVA kan forklares som å teste forskjellen mellom xij = µ + τ i + ij og xij = µ + ij som kalles modell for behandling og model for ikke-behandling (“treatments” and “no treatments” models), som er nullhypotesen. Følgende begrep er essensielle i regresjonsanalyse: de tre korrigerte summene SSX, SSY, SSXY, og SSE og SSR P 2 (P y )2 SSY: y − n , corrected sum of squares P P P SSXY: xy − xn y , corrected sum of products SSR: SSXY 2 SSX , regression sum of squares SSE: (y − a − bx)2 , sum of the squares of the residuals (SSE = SSY − SSR) P Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 34 / 48 ANOVA: avhengighet av mange faktorer Teknisk beskrevet: ANOVA tester om de forskjellige gjennomsnittene som finnes i ulike kontekster, er avhengig av kontekstene, eller bare er fri variasjon fra utvalg til utvalg. ANOVA utfører analysen ved å sammenlikne varianser for de forskjellige gjennomsnittene og for globale gjennomsnitt For at man kan anvende metoden og stole på resultatene, må variansene til de to delpopulasjonene være tilstrekkelig like ANOVA-tabellen viser prosentandelen av varians som er “forklart” av de forskjellige faktorene. Ideelt sett, er variabelen normalt fordelt i hver delpopulasjon ANOVA generaliserer t-testen, og bruker F-fordelingen (F = t 2 ) Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 35 / 48 Metodologiske kommentarer I Nå har vi sett mange måter å tilpasse en modell til dataene på. Men, det som er enda viktigere, er å finne ut hva slags data vi har, hva slags eksperimenter ble gjort, og hva er antakelser. En viktig ting er måten vi skaffet oss dataene på: factorial experiments for hvert faktor har man fått uavhengige data for dem split-plot experiments forskjellige behandlinger er brukt til forskjellige størrelser, med en hierarkiske design (“fixed effects”, som har konsekvenser for gjennomsnittet) nested designs forskjellige mål tas fra det samme individet (“random effects”, som har konsekvenser for varians) Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 36 / 48 Metodologiske kommentarer II For å unngå statistiske feil må man spesifisere hva som er knyttet til hva, i modellbygging med en Error term. For ellers antar modellene feiluavhengighet. De meste kompliserte modellene kalles “mixed effects” modeller, fordi de har både fixed effects og random effects. Man estimerer “fixed effects” og forutsier “random effects”. For mixed effects bruker man da i R lme eller glme. Her kan det nevnes Clarks “Language as fixed-effect fallacy” (1973). Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 37 / 48 18 november 2013 38 / 48 Liars, and statisticians Beware of: scale-dependent correlations (Crawley 2005 page 99) Simpson’s paradox Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics On the mismatch of statistical terminology Error structure: because the fisrt incertainties were about a “fixed” measurement Regression: because of the regression to the middle in height (genetics) Treatments: because the first ANOVA were used in medicine Sample: stichprøve, amostra, come from different metaphors Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 39 / 48 Practical part 1 Obtain several contingency tables from dataframes. 2 Compute descriptive statistics of datasets. 3 Use χ2 4 Use t-test, and proportion test 5 Check the Simpson paradox 6 Try one one-way ANOVA and one repeated measures ANOVA 7 Try a multifactorial analysis Diana Santos (UiO) Oslo, minicourse on statistics 18 november 2013 40 / 48